"Eighty years from now, will this unparalleled and ferocious Buddha appear again?"

He Ping frowned, and a black flame drifted across the corner of his vision. The flame quickly turned into a lotus lantern, hung in the air, and slowly fell into his palm.

This strange ink-colored lotus lantern comes from the Uluo Hell in "Hell in Disguise". The lotus lantern and the flame itself are condensed from a ball of ink. In addition, this lotus lantern is also quite strange.

When "Sikong Tui" self-destructed, he almost abandoned most of the things on his body, including seventy-one formless underworld snakes, and seven "Hundred Charm Pictures". In the end, only one formless underworld snake and a In addition to the soul, puppet and golden page, the lotus lamp also turned into a ball of fire and wrapped around it, and flew away from the Uluo Hell together.

"I don't know whether what Ajanita Buddha said is true or not, but if this evil man can escape from trouble in eighty years, then I really have no way to deal with him."

He frowned.

Indeed, Ajanita is indeed using his power of Taoism to pollute this "Transformation Map of Hell". If this unparalleled evil Buddha is given a chance, he might really be able to get out of trouble.

"The one who can deal with this person is naturally a Buddhist master who has a deep hatred for him. If I take the initiative to contact people in Buddhism, can I find a way to deal with this person?"

He Ping's heart skipped a beat. Aghanita Buddha is the great enemy of Buddhism. If they knew that this person was born, Buddhism would not sit idly by and ignore him. What's more, the "Transformation Map of Hell" is also the most precious treasure of Buddhism.

"It's a pity that the power of Buddhism was wiped out by the power of the imperial court. There are no Buddhists in Dayou territory. Besides, Aganyizha Buddha is a master of spiritual manifestation. Even if he is sealed, he cannot take it lightly. Even if he enters Taoism Even a master cannot escape the benefits in front of him..."

He Ping recalled the strength shown by Aganyizha Buddha in the Uluo Hell. This unparalleled evil Buddha could not display his earth-shattering cultivation because it was sealed and suppressed. He speculated that Aganyizha Buddha's cultivation was At least 80% to 90% were sealed.

Even so, Aganyizha Buddha almost caught one of his own clones with just two levels of cultivation. This ability should not be underestimated, not to mention that this powerful Buddhist man was also possessed by a demon.

Before he became a demon, as his mind went crazy and became evil, his cultivation did not decrease but increased, increasing his demonic power to the sky. Such a strong person would be impossible to suppress without another master of manifesting his power.

"Besides, Buddhism has no place in Dayou. It's obviously a bit of a stretch to expect Buddhist masters to deal with this Agani Buddha."

He Ping touched his chin and thought carefully, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

"By the way, maybe Buddhism can't deal with this person, but if it's the Great You Dynasty, the situation will be different..."

In the Yujing City of Dayou Zhonghuan, there is an Earth Immortal Power sitting in charge. Even if Ajanizha has a heavenly cultivation level, he cannot resist the Earth Immortal Power's methods.

"Should we use Dongmi's power to spread the news about the "Disguised Map of Hell"?"

He thought about it and had another idea.

In fact, once this news gets out, all the forces that know about the existence of Aghaniza Buddha and the "Transformation Map of Hell" will not leave it alone. This thing is the most precious treasure in Buddhism. As long as this information is spread, all parties will No other force will abandon it...

"It's just that the entrance to the "Hell in Disguise Map", which is the 'Gaotang Meng Pavilion', is in my hands. If I rashly pass this information out, maybe even I will be involved!"

He Ping played with the lotus lantern in his palm, and had another layer of worry in his heart. Secondly, he is also worried about another thing, that is, the information about "Gaotang Meng Pavilion" may be leaked.

After all, there is Wu Qingzu hidden behind "Sikong Tui". This person is extremely mysterious, hiding his head and tail, and his true identity is not visible. If you ignore this person, you may suffer a big loss in the future.

"Although Wu Qingzu is very mysterious, he is not traceable. To catch this person's flaws, I think the key lies in the 'Hell Painter' Sa Shili..."

In Jinhe Prefecture, northeast of Taoran Town, a large area of ​​continuous mountain forest is like a thick blanket, wrapping the vast area under the dense and dark shade of trees.

At this time, there was a steep slope away from a valley in the middle of the mountain forest. There were two figures on the slope, both wearing smart clothes. One of them was Qi Baiyi and the other was He Zhongheng.

"Judging from the letter left by Miss Yanhong, the rumored haunted villa should be right ahead."

Qi Baiyi held a sheathed sword in his hand and walked briskly through a dense patch of weeds. He looked up and saw a vaguely old manor.

He Zhongheng, who was walking behind, looked over. He first saw a cornice hanging in the air at the end of the forest. He continued walking forward and saw a manor house. His emotions were quite complicated.

"That Miss Yanhong is really a little aggressive. Sa Shili is not weak. She went up the mountain one step ahead. If something happens, I will suffer too..."

He Zhongheng was just a small detective, and he couldn't resist the nobles of the Zhanxie Division. In the case of arresting Sa Shili, the people of the Zhanxie Division naturally had greater authority than him.

This time, after he and Qi Baiyi received the flying pigeon letter from Miss Yan Hong, they led a large group of people, dressed in casual clothes, and rushed to the haunted mansion called "Xiaojing Villa" in order to track down the "Hell Painter" The whereabouts of Sa Shili.

According to the instructions of Miss Yan Hong, who was born in the Evil Slayer Division, in order to avoid disturbing the situation, the two of them placed the troops they brought at the foot of the mountain and guarded the main road while going up the mountain to meet up with their master and servant Yan Hong.

They came to the mountains and found a manor house in the mountains and forests. The original owner of Xiaojing Villa was Shi, a well-known wealthy businessman. He was engaged in silk and satin business, and his family was well off, but he never had any children. Later, in order to inherit the incense. He married a concubine, and finally the concubine gave birth to a child. However, because the eldest wife was jealous by nature, she tortured the young concubine a hundred times, and the latter could not bear the humiliation and committed suicide in a well.

After the concubine fell into the well, the Xiaojing Villa began to be haunted. The village was filled with chickens and dogs, and everyone said they had seen ghosts.

Another month later, the villa suddenly suffered a catastrophe overnight. No one in the village was spared. According to the autopsy conducted there, the people who died in the villa were all staring and baring their teeth. They died in extremely miserable conditions and were bleeding. It was sucked dry and the corpse was mutilated.

People nearby said that the concubine turned into a fierce ghost after her death and harmed all men, women and children in the village.

As for the local government, they sent people to investigate but found no clues. They could only conclude the case with banditry and murder.

What's even more bizarre is that the neighbors who once entered Xiaojing Villa to carry the corpse also died inexplicably in their sleep within a month. Everyone knows that they are implicated because they have violated the taboos of the evil spirits.

As a result, Xiaojing Villa has become a ghost land, and the locals no longer call it Xiaojing Villa, but instead call it "Death Mirror Villa". In the past two years, the news that the villa is haunted has spread. There are no homes within thirty or forty miles of Xiaojing Villa, and those who have have moved away long ago.

"Is this a case from two years ago? The government's approach was too inappropriate. This Xiaojing Villa case is obviously a bit fishy," Qi Baiyi couldn't help but sneer after hearing this.

"Is it because you are afraid of causing trouble, so you just ignore it?"

"That's not the case."

He Zhongheng knew how the government acted, and said calmly: "The Yamen also knew that there were some cases with hidden mysteries, but the Yamen also knew that these matters were not something ordinary people could handle, so they sealed the cases and reported them to the superiors. The Evil Slayer Department sent strange people to deal with it..."

This is also the main means for the government of Dayou to deal with such abnormal problems. The Dayou Dynasty has strict management on the private sector. Government offices at all levels will hand over the evil-killing department to handle any abnormal incidents, or mobilize inspection camps. A large army came to suppress it. Occasionally, in serious situations, the Blood Law Department directly under the royal family would directly intervene...

In the Great Netherland, there are mostly three sources of such evil and strange things. The first one is caused by demons or ghosts;

The second type is that monks practice evil and foreign magic, rob living people, take their blood and essence, harvest and cut their bodies, take their living souls and sacrifice them to practice magic, thus causing all kinds of strange events;

In addition to this, there is a third type, that is, monks who practice heretic magic, become possessed by evil spirits, are contaminated by the way of heaven, and turn into deformed beasts and monsters. This is also the most dangerous situation.

No matter which of the three types of situations mentioned above, officials and servants of the government cannot take action.


When Qi Baiyi heard this, he didn't continue to answer. He pushed through the weeds along the animal path and walked towards the main entrance of the mansion.

This manor is built in a dense forest. It is heavy and generous. The main entrance is a dark door with a stone staircase and two stone lions standing in front of the door. If you want to come and go, the manor is very popular with people coming and going in front of it. It has not been repaired for a long time and has become ghostly.

"It's strange. Miss Yanhong and her maid's horses are indeed at the bottom of the mountain, but we followed them all the way and didn't notice their footprints..."

He Zhongheng glanced at the stone steps in front of the door and frowned.

"Look there..."

Qi Baiyi tugged at the corner of his clothes and pointed to a wall next to the main entrance of the villa. There was a flying iron claw hooked on the wall. The iron claw was a length of chain, with blood still dripping on it, dripping on the ground.

"There's writing on the wall."

He pointed.

He Zhongheng was also stunned. He looked up and saw someone writing several shocking large characters in blood on the wall.

"Once you enter Death Mirror Village, you will never return home in this life."

When the two saw this line of writing, they couldn't help but look at each other.

"Is it possible that Miss Yanhong was discovered by Nasa Shili and has been killed?"

He Zhongheng's voice was a little deep.

"If this is really the case, and even the masters sent by the Evil Slayer Division cannot cope with the situation, then given our strength, we should not continue the investigation."

Qi Baiyi also thought of quitting.

"For the sake of safety, let's send out a signal first and ask the people at the bottom of the mountain to pick us up immediately. If there are more people, we don't have to worry about what Sa Shili is up to, and we can retreat calmly."

He Zhongheng nodded quickly. Both of them were veterans and would not underestimate the enemy. Qi Baiyi immediately took a few steps back, took out a cannon signal tube and lit it. With a "whoosh", a firework exploded in the air, and saltpeter burst. The sound is endless.

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