He Ping waved his sleeves, and "Sikong Tui" felt a strong force coming in, pushing him into the dark door.

"Sikong Tui" only felt that his vision was dim, as if he had fallen into darkness. Time and space were distorted and intertwined at this moment, and soon the surrounding darkness was also distorted. He could only suffer, and he did not know how long it had passed. The spirit also fell silent, and the consciousness was solidified and frozen.


A strange sound came, shaking the eardrums.

In an instant, the silent thoughts gradually thawed like a glacier breaking.

"What is this place?"

He uttered a word, and his limbs responded, but his head was dizzy and his thoughts were a little confused.

The monks rely more on their spiritual power than their five senses. "Sikong Tui" was turned into a flesh puppet. His soul was indeed taken away, but He Ping injected his own cultivation and a ray of essence.

Therefore, "Sikong Tui" can also use the power of the soul. Furthermore, with the help of He Ping, a Taoist master, his flesh puppet has integrated the seven "Hundred Charm Pictures" into his body, and his cultivation level has not decreased but increased. The seventy-two formless underworld snakes of the "Netherworld Snake King Curse" reunited and turned into seventy-two invisible and colorless smoke, coiling around him.

"Sikong Tui" felt as if he was floating in the air, and was protected by a powerful divine soul force that prevented him from falling. When he withdrew this force, he immediately felt a suction force and fell towards the ground.

Before it landed on the ground, I heard various noises in my ears. There were endless clanging sounds, clanking sounds, and the noises became louder and louder, but the surrounding environment was still dark.

He stepped on the ground and flew forward for a while, finding himself high up in the middle of the mountain.

Looking down, it was also dim, as if the world had no sun and had been shrouded in darkness for a long time.

"Sikong Tui" had an indescribably complicated feeling. Fortunately, his eyes gradually adapted to the dim environment.

He looked far and wide, and found that below was a vast wilderness, where thousands of sparks were shining like wisps of fire, and smoke was rising all around, and the sound of gold and iron and the light of fire were constantly heard.

"Is this... a war? A battlefield?"

The confusion in "Sikong Tui"'s heart can be imagined. He controlled seventy-two formless snakes and jumped up directly, as if riding the wind.

He flew in the air for a while and fell down from the mountain. Not long after he traveled, the dim sky remained unchanged, but the surroundings were covered with withered yellow weeds, and a cold wind blew past his ears.

"What exactly is this place? Could it be that this 'Gaotang Meng Pavilion' is a secret realm? Is it possible that a master of painting the immortal way really has this kind of magic power to open up such a secret realm space?"

"Sikong Tui" couldn't help but become confused.

Suddenly, someone yelled on the slope in front. Suddenly, there was a sound of piercing the air, and dense arrows shot through the air.

"Sikong Tui" raised his head, and seventy-two phaseless snakes circled up. They were agile and agile, but they were just circling unsteadily, and they shook the rain of arrows shot into powder.

According to common sense, the people on the other side of Tupo saw this scene and knew that their opponent was a cultivator. At this time, they knew that they were unable to defeat him, so they naturally had to retreat.

Unexpectedly, except for the soil slope, shouts came from all directions. It seemed that there were many enemies hiding nearby, and more arrows were shot in the air. The "swish" sound of arrow feathers breaking through the air made him even more excited. Ringing in the ears.

"It's really endless!"

"Sikong Tui" was furious, and thirty-two formless snakes scrambled around, transformed from invisible to tangible, and immediately flew away through the air, circling and flying towards those who besieged him.

These people were all soldiers wearing armor and holding bright sharp weapons. Except for the archers who shot arrows, they all rushed towards his position from the direction of the slope.

At the same time, as soon as the Formless Dark Snake landed in the crowd, it immediately became excited, flew its head and tail around, and opened its teeth to bite.

In just a moment, several people were killed. However, these people were not afraid of life and death. They drew their swords and fought against the Formless Dark Snake.

Seeing this, "Sikong Tui" sneered and recited the word "Explosion". In an instant, thirty-two formless snakes shrank at the same time, and then exploded with a bang. In the shocking explosion, most of the surrounding sergeants were killed.

At this moment, "Sikong Tui" discovered a rather strange scene. The corpses of the dead black-armored sergeants quickly turned into a mass of ink stains and were sucked into the earth. In the blink of an eye, all traces were lost.

"These people also have arrows."

His right hand caught an arrow that was shot, and he stretched out his hand to hold it tightly. The white-feathered arrow immediately shattered and turned into a pool of ink in his palm.

"They are all ink marks. Is it possible that this world was painted with a brush by a master of immortal painting? Is this wilderness, grassland, mountains, rivers, and these soldiers not real objects, but entities made of ink? "

"Sikong Tui" was very confused about this. He took another look at the many soldiers on the ground and found that these soldiers all exuded a sinister aura, which was not the aura of a living person.

"Is it a ghost or something?"

He stretched out his hand to grab it from the air, and a black-armored soldier was grabbed by the power of his soul, struggling non-stop.

With a click, the helmet worn by the soldier covered with armor was crushed, revealing a rotten face.

"What is this? Is it a person in the painting, or is it a ghost in the painting?"

"Sikong Tui" was also puzzled. He exerted a slight force on his palms, and the black-armored soldier was crushed by a strong force. The remaining body and limbs gradually turned into ink, splashing in all directions.

Suddenly, something moved in his mind, and he captured a few more black-armored soldiers, and found that these soldiers were half-man, half-ghost, with ferocious faces, and a few green faces with fangs, which were closer to ghosts than living people.

"Ghosts... Could it be that the armies fighting here are not human beings, but are 'ghosts' fighting?"

He knew that the surrounding wilderness had turned into a battlefield, and several armies were fighting. As he doubted in his heart, his brows furrowed tightly. Suddenly, an idea flashed through Sikong Tui's mind, and something suddenly occurred to him.

That is the "Six Paths Wheel Diagram". Jin Yao Peacock once said that in the past, he painted a scroll of "Six Paths Wheel Diagram" for the small stone Buddha of the Buddhist Shizen Temple. People from the Zunxing Sect of the Kamikaze Kingdom , have been looking for this volume of "Six Paths Wheel Diagram".

"The Zunxing Sect is a major sect in the Buddhist lineage that has inherited the righteous Dharma of the Dharani Mantra of Zunxing Yaomu. The "Six Paths Wheel Diagram" that has attracted major sects such as the Zunxing Sect should be It’s not a mortal thing...could it be that I am now in the Six Paths of Hell in the "Six Paths Wheel Diagram"?"

If a master of painting the Immortal Realm can turn the virtual reality in the painting into a world, then it is not impossible to reproduce the six realms of hell, hungry ghosts, animals, asuras, human world and heaven.

"Hell is a vast and miserable place with no sunlight. Hundreds and thousands of eons in this world are not even half the night long."

He murmured to himself, and while he was having doubts, he heard the sound of "dong dong" from the distance, from slow to fast, and then from light to heavy, as if the earth was shaking, and then there was a "woo woo" sound. "The trumpet sound and the tide of shouts of killing burst out in an instant.


The roars, shouts and roars of landslides and tsunamis, from south to north, and then from north to south, the sound of horses' hooves and the sound of gold and iron seem to be swallowing up everything.

"Sikong Tui" was also shocked. When he looked far into the distance, he saw an astonishing army on the battlefield in the distance. It swept over them in a dense mass. The troops that came into contact with it were like powder. In an instant, they were like wind and clouds. Sweeping across this battlefield.

Seeing this scene, "Sikong Tui" secretly smacked his tongue. With a slight thought in his mind, the thirty-two invisible snakes that had just been exploded gathered together again. The root of the King's curse was the seventy-two snakes on his body. As long as the body of the tattoo is not broken, the snake on the outside will be able to regroup no matter how many times it is broken.

With a movement of his body, he flew more than ten miles away in the blink of an eye. When he looked down, he found that this battlefield was filled with thousands of grotesque evil spirits fighting to the death. You punch, I slash, To the right of the front and back archives, a dense battle between trapped beasts was unfolding.

Most of these evil ghosts are covered in armor. Some have double horns on their heads, some have green faces and fangs, and some have green skin all over their bodies.

They formed different military formations and attacked each other. You killed me, I killed you, one by one, and they kept killing each other.

One evil ghost swung an ax and cut off the left hand of another evil ghost. The ghost with the severed hand bit off the other's nose, and the killing was extremely brutal.

Even "Sikong Tui" has seen many large battles, and he was speechless when he saw this scene.

These armies were fighting non-stop. This kind of forceful, back-to-back battle was extremely bloody.

There is no one else in the eyes of the evil ghosts. Their eyes are filled with killing and hatred. They kill and kill, chop and chop. The battle will not end until the head of the opponent is taken off and turned into a puddle of ink.

At the same time, "Sikong Tui" also noticed that after a period of time, a few new evil ghosts would emerge from the land where the ink stains were the thickest and where corpses were everywhere. These new ghosts would pick up the swords on the ground. Take the initiative to join this fight.

Pain, screams, and crazy howls filled the surroundings. It would be fair to say that this was hell, but it was different from the hell that "Sikong Tui" knew.

"Sikong Tui" looked carefully, and he also discovered something, that is, as long as each evil ghost kills one of its companions, the sinister aura around it will become heavier, and the more lethal it is, the more tyrannical its power will be.

"Will killing other evil spirits also make me stronger?"

While he was thinking, a voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Sikong Tui, who is seventy years old, used to be a herbal collector. He fell off a cliff and was rescued by an elder of the Wunuo Sect. Later, he stole scriptures and apostatized. He practiced evil arts and caused misfortune everywhere. He committed many crimes and killed people. No calculation..."

"Bull head?"

"Sikong Tui" turned around and saw that the murmuring thing that appeared behind him turned out to be the bull's head from folklore. There was also a horse face standing next to it, which looked exactly like a human, but the head was different, and it looked weird and a little funny.

The bullhead was wearing armor and holding a thick book in his hand. He read it for a while and then looked up at him.

"When you enter hell, you will be punished. If Sikong retreats, will you know your sin?"

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