He Ping started very ruthlessly. He wanted to refine the Xuan Bing Ancestor. Next, he used the secret method of the Demon Palace. Suddenly, the sixteen-sided demon flags burst into black light and demon flames, spraying out an infinite amount of black threads, hanging in the air, layer by layer. Under layer upon layer of coverage, the ice crystal ball protected by Xuan Bing Ancestor was wrapped into a huge black cocoon.

On the ink-black throne, he made a secret with his hands, with three fingers gathered into a sharp point, the middle finger upright, and the ring finger flexed. At the same time, he recited the secret mantra in his heart: "Om Hum Hum Hum Da Ho Suo He Lu Ling Lu!"

The secret mantra was recited very fast, almost a line of sound. In an instant, He Ping's inner fire was born, and his eyes, ears, mouth and nose could be seen spitting out fire.

With a bang, the blazing flames fell like a straight line on the big black cocoon. He Ping released a ball of fire that was bred from his body's natal energy. This ball of flame turned pale gold and fell on the big cocoon.

The fire light flowed from the black cocoon, fell below the big cocoon, and gradually turned into a ball of golden flame lotus. The black cocoon floated on the golden flame lotus.

In the next few days, he chanted the divine mantra at Mao and You every day, and used the secret method of the Three Yuan Demon Palace to refine and calcine the old demon Xuan Bing. The old demon Xuan Bing was trapped in the black cocoon. Screams continued, but in just two days, the body was refined, leaving only a ball of soul, still struggling.

Master Zangling, Xie Shidi, and Old Man Sangling were also complaining secretly. He Ping did not rush to refine the three of them, but just formed a black cloud fire evil and used the five Yin Xuansha earthly demonic flames to kill these three people day and night.

These three people relied on the few remaining magic weapons to protect their bodies, or relied on the spiritual light emitted by their magic power to save their lives. However, they suffered from the increasingly intense black clouds and fire evil day and night, and they were miserable. It's just a matter of time.

"It's so hard! This thief doesn't know what kind of strange method he is practicing. The 7749th day is coming soon, and he doesn't see any loss. On the contrary, his cultivation is getting deeper and deeper. If he continues like this, until the end, 774 After nineteen days, regardless of whether he has cultivated Dafa or not, I will definitely be tortured to death!"

Grandma Sang Ling's cultivation is the deepest among the four. Her "Qing Ancestor Xuan Qi" does not enter the Taoist dharma, but it is also the master's secret skill. She has some connections with the Wanqing Sect among the three great sects, but it is only far away. It is not as good as Wanqing Sect's righteous method of entering the Tao, "The Root of Heaven and Earth" which is known as "The God of Grain is Immortal, and the Mysterious Female is Immortal".

"The Root of Heaven and Earth" is the seventh-ranked Dharma for entering the Tao. Even the disciples in the Wanqing Sect have to go through many tests before they can teach this Dharma. The average disciple in the teaching can only learn some heretical methods.

There are also several techniques in these heretical methods, which are derived from the "Heaven and Earth Root". Even though they are not as good as the "Heaven and Earth Root" that transcends physical principles and enter the realm of unpredictable gods and ghosts, and wonderful transformations into the mystical realm, There are also some miraculous things.

"Qingzu Xuanqi" has no other benefits. It can only be said that it is superior to the profound skills, which are far beyond the ordinary heretical methods. Thanks to this, she can survive here, but how to escape from it later, Grandma Sang Ling has no idea. Dare to think more.

"Is it possible that we can only enter the Tao by force and transform into a fallen beast to fight for our lives, but the outside is full of black clouds and fire evil, and there is nowhere to fight even if we try our best. Even a fallen beast, covered by such a strong black cloud fire evil, cannot fly. If you don't go far, you will be refined to death..."

Just when Grandma Sang Ling was hesitating, a voice as thin as a gnat suddenly sounded in her ears.

"Grandma Sang Ling, Grandma Sang Ling, how are you doing now?"

This voice seemed to come from the hidden spiritual master.

"I'm not dead yet?"

Grandma Sang Ling was also surprised. She never thought that Hidden Spirit Master could transmit a ray of spiritual thoughts to contact her. You must know that the three of them were sealed in a large black cloud and fire evil, and her own voice was also The transmission could not be transmitted, and the power of the soul could not be moved. The three of them were trapped separately and could be said to be isolated.

"Master Zangling, what method did you use to escape the power of the soul? Consuming the soul in such a ghost place is undoubtedly a strategy to seek death..."

"To be honest, I am actually a member of the Mud Sect. I have mastered a secret method in the sect and can barely operate the method. That's why I got in touch with you and Island Master Xie."

Master Zangling vibrates the air with his soul thoughts, simulating sounds.

"Shh, keep your voice down... Don't speak next. Use your soul-divided mind to connect with this thought of mine. If you speak too loudly, the person might hear it. Only by communicating with your soul can you not Being noticed..."


Grandma Sang Ling hesitated slightly and released a stream of mental power, which was intertwined with an erratic thought of Master Zang Ling.

Unless the relationship between monks is particularly close or the skills are special, monks generally do not communicate with others through thoughts. This method can transmit information faster, but there is also a danger. This kind of behavior can easily make hostile people, Find an opportunity and take advantage of the communication of divided thoughts to do something evil.

A more alert monk would never agree to such a request, but when Grandma Sang Ling heard what Master Zangling said, she couldn't help but want to hear how Master Zangling, who was born in the Mud Cult, could escape. means.

The Mud Cult is the leader of the Nine Evils of Immortality, and has many secretive and dark methods. Grandma Sang Ling doesn't have much choice, she can only hope that the Hidden Spirit Master has some good ideas.

"Grandma Sang Ling, the situation we are in now is extremely dangerous. On the other hand, our disciples outside may not be able to count on us," Master Zang Ling sighed slightly: "The useless cultivators under me, I have placed a ban on them and killed them all who stayed in the nearby waters. This person is extremely ruthless and will not leave anyone alive. Naturally, no one will be able to go back and report the news."

"I can guess this too."

Grandma Sang Ling is not as cruel as Master Zang Ling, but after such a long time, her brother Taoist Yuan Mu has not received the news and rushed over. This also proves that Sang Mu Island has not received the information.

"Fortunately, our Mud Cult also has a special method of transmitting messages."

Master Zangling smiled sinisterly.

"Those cultivators are all drunken wastes with no ambition at all. Fortunately, their souls and bodies are still of some use... I have placed a powerful restriction on them, which can consume these three hundred cultivators. To save our lives, we need to communicate with a Lotus Seat Master from our Mud Sect. This secret method can be activated no matter how far away we are. Even in just a moment, it can summon the power of the Lotus Seat Master to save us. Three people get out of trouble!"

"Three people?"

"That's right, Island Master Xie also agreed. He is willing to help me. With my own strength, I still have some limitations. With the combined efforts of the three of us, we will be able to obtain one of the three great lotus seat masters of our sect. With the help of a hundred-armed boy, this master is also the most capable among the many lotus masters in the Mud Sect..."

"You're talking about the Hundred-Armed Demon Boy?"

Grandma Sang Ling was stunned. She had heard of this powerful person. The lotus masters of the Mud Sect were all masters of Taoism, but there were also three, five, and nine levels of Taoism. One of the three most powerful masters was... Known as the "Hundred-Armed Demon Boy" Xiao Wupi, his reputation is extremely evil. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is full of fierce flames!

"It is this elder. If we can ask him to take action and break this person's restriction, it will not be difficult to rescue me!"

Master Zangling sneered a few times.

"We, the Mud Sect, have been secretly tracing the whereabouts of the Demon Palace inheritance. Master Xiao will let this person go if he knows this news. When the time comes, this little thief will not live long and will not be able to escape the master's unparalleled magical power!"

"But how can I trust you?"

Grandma Sang Ling smiled coldly: "You asked me to help you summon the Hundred-Armed Demon Boy, but I don't know what evil method to use. If I accidentally fall into your trap, wouldn't it be the same as committing suicide? If this method can only be cheaper for you, then I am willing to die here with you and Island Master Xie."

"If Grandma Sang Ling is worried about this, I can swear a poisonous oath to ensure that the methods I use will not harm your life. As for Elder Xiao, you don't have to worry. The Wanqing Sect has a good relationship with my Mud Sect. , the relationship between your Sangmu Palace and a senior from the Wanqing Sect is not simple, and Elder Xiao will not fall for this favor."

Master Zangling first swore a poisonous oath, and then continued: "My method is also very simple. Grandma Sangling, you will know once you try it. There is no poisonous plan hidden in it. Next, you only need to work with me." Just recite a mantra."


"That's right."

Master Zangling laughed twice.

"This secret method emphasizes the sincerity of the heart and the spirit. It can sense the four directions. Grandma Sangling can give birth to all kinds of extraordinary things as long as she recites the mantra of 'Fire Buddha Xiu Yi, Heart Sa Moo' together with me. Hold the mantra and recite it a thousand times. Wonderful!”

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