Taking advantage of the darkness, He Ping tried to fly in the direction of Flying Ray Island.

For monks, after the soul is completed, they can use the power of the soul to drive the physical body to fly, but it consumes more of their own energy. Compared with using the soul, it is better to use the convenience of magic weapons.

He Ping had previously obtained the "Golden clam smoke bead". This orb can release gold and water, so it is very suitable for lifting the body to fly.

In addition, the string of "Dakini Karma Great Mother Goddess Beads" is also very suitable for flying, but this string of bone beads will release twenty-three skulls as big as castellan at every turn, flying around in the air. , it is more conspicuous.

The magic weapon "Golden Clams Raw Smoke Beads" is made from the spiritual beads contained in sea clams in the sea. It is naturally capable of controlling water vapor. In the sea, it is like a fish in water, and only a ball is filled with water vapor. Wrapped in the yellow smoke, He Ping soared into the air, and the waves of the sea tumbling under his feet quickly swept back.

"Flying like this is fast, but it consumes too much soul power. I have two souls, and the power of the soul is twice as much as that of an ordinary monk. But flying on the endless sea cannot last for too long.

Besides, except for a few Taoist masters, they can fly physically and travel around the world. It is impossible for ordinary monks to use magic weapons to fly. Flying escape is usually used to escape and track enemies. It is easier to use other means to save energy when traveling long distances. "

The sea was no better than land, and there was no place to rest. In order to save energy, he flew very slowly.

After flying like this for a while, he saw the flying ray island. The image of this island was like a big fish leaping out of the sea. Its eastern foot stretched deep and long, and curved towards the middle, forming the appearance of embracing the bay. , the entire island is very large, and the island is lush and lush. The natural harbor was also built into a port and wharf by the family of casual cultivators surnamed Sun who occupied the island.

There were two large five-toothed ships parked at the port, with several flags erected on them, fluttering slightly in the night wind.

There are many soldiers on the decks of these two five-toothed ships, and they are also guarded at night. These people are dressed differently from those in Middle-earth.

Through the Flying Green Bat, He Ping saw it from a very far away. He carefully identified it, but he couldn't figure out the origin of the five-toothed ship, so he contacted Chixinzi to ask.

"... Those flags are all painted with a sea beast that looks like a tiger but not a tiger, and looks like a bear but not a bear. There are flying flames wrapped around it. Senior brother, can you tell, what is the origin of this five-toothed ship?"

"Junior brother, I heard that the emblems on this flag should belong to the Sudra tribe, one of the seven remaining tribes overseas. The two five-toothed ships parked outside the harbor should belong to the Sudra tribe. .”

Chi Xinzi explained.

According to rumors, there used to be a huge landmass in the outer sea. There used to be an ancient civilization on that land, which was the origin of the seven overseas survivors. I don’t know how many years ago, that land suddenly sank one day. The entire country and civilization were buried and swallowed by the sea. Only seven ancient survivors survived, but they had to leave their homes and survive in the sea.

"The Sudra tribe is one of them. They have the largest number among the seven major remnant tribes and are spread all over the sea...these seven major remnant tribes all have the same beliefs, culture, and race, but they are not unified. Among the three major overseas chambers of commerce, The Cathay Chamber of Commerce belongs to the three major remnants of the Sutuo tribe, Jiavashitimatra and Mahadhara."

The Aurora Chamber of Commerce is one of the three major overseas chambers of commerce. All of them are powerful, and their power overseas is not inferior to that of the royal family of the Dayou Dynasty. The Aurora Chamber of Commerce was founded by three of the seven remaining families. In terms of strength, it far surpassed the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce.

"Among the three surviving families who founded the Sinian Chamber of Commerce, the Sutuo family are brave and good at fighting, and there are many brave warriors in the family; the Jiavashitimatuo family has many wise men, who are good at drawing sea charts and are also extremely proficient in navigation. If we hope Opening up waterways requires the participation of this clan; there are many skilled craftsmen in Mahadhara, whether it is building ships or forging weapons, there is no one like this clan in the world..."

Chixinzi said calmly: "The Sutuo tribe is very powerful overseas. You saw the sea beast on the flags erected on the two five-toothed ships. It is called the 'horse-toothed sea beast'. This symbol should be from the Sutuo tribe. Military flag, I guess there is a group of elite warriors from the Sutuo tribe, guarding a big shot in the tribe, and they came to Feiyu Island, but I don’t know what happened?”

"Flying Ray Island is the hub of internal and external sea routes. Ships entering and exiting along the way must use the port for supplies. Is it not surprising that the Sutuo people appear here?"

"The 'horse-tooth sea beast' is the sacred animal of the Sutuo people. Not just any cat or dog can bear this banner. You must know that the Sutuo people have always had a clear hierarchy and pay attention to the superiority and inferiority of the superior and the inferior. The 'horse-tooth sea beast' belongs to the Sutuo tribe. The most noble group of warriors in the world, their duty is to guard the clan's holy island. They will never leave the holy land easily on weekdays. These two large ships with the flag of the 'Sea Beast' will come to the Flying Ray Island. Origin It’s not that simple!”

Hearing this, he frowned slightly.

"Whether it's simple or not, it has nothing to do with us. Let's go and get the treasures you hid first. The three corpses of the secret demon puppets, even if you only make one of them, there are unpredictable opportunities for the three corpses. When united, the power is even more unparalleled!"

In fact, He Ping is not too rare about Chi Xinzi's treasured cultivation supplies and concentrated mineral materials. As for the gold and silver property, they are not worth mentioning. After all, there are too many precious heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the cultivation world. It is impossible to buy it with gold and silver. After entering the Tao, the resources needed for practice, such as various elixirs, concentrates, heavenly materials and earthly treasures, must be explored in the depths of the earth alone, or travel through the six realms to reach the Linghuan world. Search...

It’s just that among the many materials collected by Chi Xinzi on Feiyu Island, there is a secret weapon for refining the three corpses.

One of the main materials of the puppet is "Blood Eyed Canaan".

Blood-eyed Canaan, also known as Blood-eyed Honey Jiejia, is a rare treasure born from the Qinnan fragrant wood. The Qinan fragrant tree is mostly produced in the hot mountain forests of southern Xinjiang. After the wood is grown, it will form knots near the roots of the tree. There is a tree hole, which is dug by giant ants. The stone honey eaten by the giant ants is stained in it. Over time, it is gradually soaked. The wood receives a lot of stone honey air, condenses and becomes firm and moist, so it is also called dense knot Canaan.

Mijie Canaan is a kind of agarwood, which is a treasure among incense and has a price but no market. As for Blood-Eyed Canaan, it is even more holy among them.

To refine the three-corpse secret demon puppet, you must find "Blood Eyed Canaan". For He Ping, he could throw away everything else in the treasure, but he was determined to get the Blood-Eyed Canaan and would not allow any loss.

While thinking, he made a circle, avoiding the direction of the harbor, and flew low against the waves. The island was quite large, and there were rocks scattered around the island. They were just scattered and not enough. Become an island.

He Ping found a place and landed. His figure was wrapped in a ball of light yellow clouds and rushed to the edge of the rock. After he landed, his figure accelerated and he jumped into a jungle.

He walked through the southern jungle for a while, trying to get to the place where Chixinzi's treasure was hidden. It was an old temple on the island, deserted. The Sun clan on Feiji Island was Chi Xinzi's old clan, but they didn't know much about hiding treasures. Therefore, He Ping planned to get the Blood-Eyed Canaan first, and then make other plans.

But following Chi Xinzi's instructions, he flew close to the jungle outside the old temple where the treasure was hidden, and found that it was brightly lit and a large number of people were stationed there.

Some of these people are wearing bright yellow armor and holding knives, and their appearance is similar to that of Dayou people; there are also some people with dark skin, curly hair, hawk-like noses, and eye sockets much deeper than ordinary people. They are obviously from overseas survivors. appearance.

"This is how the same thing?"

He Ping's expression suddenly changed, and his brows furrowed tightly. As soon as he saw this situation, he knew that something must have gone wrong on Feiyu Island.

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