He Ping went out alone, changed into a yellow shirt, put a human skin mask on his face, and dressed up as a Moshuro.

He went out quietly, came to a riverside restaurant, and found a free seat to sit down.

This shop is also quite famous among the surrounding neighbors. The shop owner is a widow who is famous for her "open fish".

The fresh fish selected for this live fish comes from this river. In the past few days, the river has gradually thawed, and several small boats with awnings and fishermen setting nets for fishing can also be seen on the riverside.

As the saying goes, "In autumn, fish are planted in the rivers, and in winter, fish are stabilized in the water." For fishermen who work hard every day, there is no need to "collect all the tired nets and return to the poultry season" in winter.

Calling the waiter, He Ping ordered a bottle of wine. At this time, the store also brought a fresh fish.

However, he lowered his head and glanced at the mouth of the fish that kept opening and closing, but his chopsticks did not move at all.

As for the wine, he took a few sips, but this wine was the more popular rice wine nowadays, which was cheap and inferior. He was not used to drinking it even though he was living in a fine life. As a result, he stopped drinking after just a few sips. No more touching the cup.

Not long after He Ping sat in the riverside restaurant, a figure appeared behind him. This person was wearing a green shirt and sat at the next table.

"Sir, the people we sent to block and conduct investigations have found the whereabouts of the man you mentioned. He had a conflict with the bandits of Nayun Village in Dashipo, and captured Gai Xiong, the Three Eagles of Nayun Village, and his two He crippled all his brothers, broke everyone’s leg bones, and then left with the caravan and refugees fleeing the famine.”

"I see."

He Ping didn't care about the losses suffered by the bandits. He said calmly: "Speaking of Luo Jiuzhao, although I don't know his reputation in the spiritual world, he was a famous knight in the world twenty years ago. I didn’t expect that he would really hide among the merchants and take the initiative to protect a few mortals. This is also his style.”

"Three hours after the accident in Nayun Village, another news came," Liu Yu, who was wearing a green shirt, said unhurriedly: "Luo Jiuzhao and the group of merchants were attacked. When we finally rushed over, the entire merchant group was All the people in the caravan, including humans, horses and livestock, are dead. Only Luo Jiuzhao himself and the father and daughter who led the caravan are missing. Judging from some clues, they should be moving to the Taipeng Mountain in the southeast..."

When He Ping heard this, he immediately understood that people from the cultivation world were eyeing Luo Jiuzhao and attacked Luo Jiuzhao when the merchant team was moving. As for those who died, they should be involved in the aftermath of the battle between the two sides.

After the cultivation reaches a certain level, the monk's lethality will become extremely terrifying. Even if there is a small fight, the aftermath will not be endured by ordinary people. Just like when he and Chixinzi worked together to deal with the undead evil thing, This resulted in a fire that almost burned Sui'an City to ashes.

He Ping had a thoughtful look in his eyes. He thought carefully and issued the order.

"Liu Yu, you send a message with a flying pigeon, asking the people who went to Taipeng Mountain to investigate quickly come back, and quickly order the ministries to continue to closely monitor each route, but this time don't rush in rashly, and focus on supervision. Don’t worry about the rest.”

He Ping lowered his voice and whispered instructions. Liu Yu, who was wearing a green shirt, nodded and quickly stood up and left.

He took out Panchi Yujue from his sleeve, rubbed and played with it in his hand, thinking about whether to report the news to Nayindaluo.

"The Five-Color God of Wealth sent by Indaro is still on the way. He should not have rushed over so quickly to catch up with Luo Jiuzhao. According to this inference, it should be other forces, but I don't know where they are now..."

He Ping's movements paused slightly, his boots lightly stepped on the ground, and the shadows on the ground shook.


He used his mind to communicate with the innocent child hidden in the shadow under his feet.

"Luo Jiuzhao escaped to Taipeng Mountain. Please, senior brother, please go there and confirm the direction of Luo Jiuzhao's escape. Next, we will find a time to meet up!"


Chi Xinzi is his living puppet, and they can communicate with each other using the power of their souls. After listening to He Ping's instructions, he asked again: "But, don't you need me to act in a play with you?"

"The time has not come yet, senior brother, you go first!"

He Ping gave the order in his heart, and Chi Xinzi said "yes" in a low voice, and saw the shadow under his feet split into a group, strangely turning into an elongated shadow, and suddenly shot in another direction.

After knowing that Chi Xinzi had left, he drank the last sip of wine in the glass. The bad wine was difficult to enter his stomach. Only when it reached his chest, he felt an astringent taste mixed with warmth, rushing up to his throat.

He put down the cup and walked quickly to the river embankment. There happened to be a small boat ready parked beside the small stone steps.

A loyal servant of the He family was holding a bamboo manuscript to punt the boat. He was dressed in short brown, with a fish basket hanging on his waist and a bamboo hat slung across his back. He was disguised as a boatman. When he saw He Ping boarding the boat, he just nodded slightly, and then used his bamboo pole to lift the boat. On the shore, the boat moved along the current and slid out for more than a few feet.

After He Ping entered the ship, he took out Pan Chi Yujue and used a secret method to convey the urgent message to Indaro.

After a while, there was a response from the other side of Yujue.

"What's up?"

It was a low and familiar voice.

"My subordinates have discovered the whereabouts of that guy. Luo Jiuzhao was attacked and chased to the direction of Taipeng Mountain..."


Indaro sighed softly.

"It was probably the people from the Purple Armor Palace who took action first. After hearing that Wu Yixin was injured, he quickly sent out his two junior brothers, the notorious twin old monsters. You are really good at providing this information. !”

"This is what my subordinates should do!"

He Ping chuckled in his heart.

"By the way, what should I do next?"

"The five-color God of Wealth will rush to Taipeng Mountain soon. Since the twin old monsters have moved, the news will spread soon. The next task for you and Gong Piluo is to prevent outsiders from approaching Taipeng Mountain as much as possible. !”

Indaro said sternly: "We, Dongmi, are bound to get the things on Luo Jiuzhao. You are responsible for guarding the east route into the mountain, and Gong Piluo will be responsible for guarding the west route into the mountain. Anyone who dares to approach Taipeng Mountain , kill them all!"

"I obey my orders!"

He Ping sneered, but agreed.

Tai Pong Mountain.

Yinfeng Stone Ridge, this stone ridge is backed by the mountain shade. It is a dead forest, filled with charred dead trees and tall stone pillars.

In the dead forest, except for the sound of the wind blowing, not even the chirping of insects and birds could be heard on weekdays. It was completely dead silence.

Several rays of light passed through the sky, like meteors piercing the sky. In a blink of an eye, they turned into figures and broke into the Yinfeng Stone Ridge like swallows throwing themselves into the forest, breaking the eternal silence and tranquility.

"Senior Brother Chu, this should be the Yinfeng Stone Ridge," the speaker was a girl wearing a black dress. She frowned slightly and held a sword in her hand, with a lacquered wood scabbard, simple and long.

"Master, the two of us were asked to inquire about what's going on here. I don't know what the reason is?"

She cast her beautiful eyes at Senior Brother Chu who was standing aside.

"Senior brother, don't you think this place is a little strange?"

Senior Brother Chu had a face like a crown jewel, with a bun and a scarf. He was dressed in a black suit and had an ancient sword with pine patterns stuck on his back. When he heard Junior Sister's question, he did not answer, but frowned. After a moment, He said slowly.

"Junior sister Yu, there is something weird here. Don't say too much later. We are here just to investigate, there is no need to continue to take risks!"

The young man named Chu glanced around and found that the figures that came here together all exuded an extremely mysterious and evil aura.

'No one who comes is good...'

He subconsciously licked his dry lips and realized that something unexpected must have happened in Tai Peng Mountain, which attracted these murderers to rush here.

"Hehehe! Is Luo Jiuzhao, who has obtained the Liyan Cave treasure, hiding in Taipeng Mountain?"

Along with a burst of evil laughter, a person jumped out from behind the stone pillar. He was wearing a bloody red robe, with messy hair on his head, and his eyes were as wide as bells. There was a red scarf tied in the messy hair, and in his hand. Holding a long red snake.

This man had a ferocious smile on his face. He deliberately wanted to intimidate the people who came here. With a ferocious smile on his face, his eyes suddenly glanced around.

"I was born in the Hollow Valley, and my surname is Li. Some young fools gave me the name Red Snake Lord... Hehe, if you have heard my name and don't want to lose your life in vain, then Just leave for now, I won’t pursue any further investigation!”

The pupils of Lord Red Snake's eyes seemed to be bursting with light, and they were so sharp that those with slightly weaker cultivation couldn't help but step back.

‘A bunch of useless trash! ’

He smiled coldly and put his hands in his sleeves.

Just then, a voice sounded.

"Red Snake Lord, you old monster doesn't stay in the Hollow Valley, why do you have time to come here?"

Upon hearing this, Lord Red Snake glanced sideways behind him and saw an old man dressed as a wandering doctor coming from behind.

This old man is as skinny as a stick, with a piece of skin that seems to be stuck to his face, and not even a few ounces of flesh can be found, but his eyes are piercing, opening and closing like a cold bolt that can make people shiver, and he is covered in gray. Wearing a long cloth gown, wearing straw sandals, holding a cloth flag with the four words "Nothing can be accomplished" written on it, and holding a bell in one hand.

"Who am I? It turns out to be you, plague doctor Sun Huai."

Lord Red Snake snorted and said: "Old Ghost Sun, maybe you also want to get involved. Don't forget, your old bones are almost falling apart. How can you withstand the torment? I advise you. , it’s better to go back to your place of ten plagues and enjoy a few years of peace and happiness!”

Sun Xu hehe said:

"It's rare that Mr. Snake still cares about this old bone of mine, but if you don't take it, you will suffer the consequences; if you don't take it, you will suffer the disaster. If Luo Jiuzhao gets the treasure, he can't keep it, so I will help him. It wouldn’t be a bad thing to accept a few, right?”

Lord Crimson Snake was too lazy to talk to him, and just said lightly:

"Old Ghost Sun, I'll start with the ugly words first. If anyone wants to enter Taipeng Mountain today and encounters me, hey, hey, they will just rely on their own tricks!"

After the words fell, Lord Red Snake lightly touched the ground, and it instantly turned into a bolt of lightning, which shot towards Yinfeng Stone Ridge.

There was a sneer on the lips of plague doctor Sun Gu, and with a sneer, he suddenly flew up, only to fall into the air. His figure gradually became blurry, like a ghost, or like a wisp of smoke, flying towards the withered forest.

At this time, many of the people who arrived had already begun to think about retreating, but there was also the young man named Chu and his junior sister who followed closely with their swords flying in the air.

Lord Crimson Snake heard the movement behind him, his face was cold, he hummed, and accelerated his flying speed. He moved forward in a straight line, as fast as a ray of sparks, and he could turn around when encountering stone pillars or bushes blocking the road. , twists and turns, this is the "Fighting and Flying Star Escape" of the Valley of the Dead.

This flying escape technique is so ingenious that it can not only fight and snake in the air, flickering and disappearing, but also fly at an extremely fast speed. It can also fly forward and backward, left and right in the air, changing its trajectory, which is difficult to figure out.

He kept circling and shooting rapidly in the complex terrain of Yinfeng Stone Ridge. It took about a cup of tea before he suddenly fell to the ground.

"This is?"

Red Snake Lord saw the stone pillars standing in front of him. There was a gap in the middle, which clearly led to the hinterland of Taipeng Mountain. On both sides were dense bushes, covered with iron thorns, and a two-foot-high stone tablet stood next to it.

The Red Snake Lord, dressed in red robes, suddenly stopped moving.

"Red Snake Lord, what are you doing?"

Behind him, a blurry shadow solidified, as if an old man wearing a gray cloth emerged from the air.

Plague doctor Sun Gu rushed over. He was wondering why Lord Red Snake stopped. When he looked up, he saw a figure sitting cross-legged under the two-foot-tall ancient stone tablet.

The figure was wearing a yellow shirt and a mask on his face. The mask seemed to be that of a foreign god, with red hair, a crown, and an angry face.

"This road is blocked!"

When He Ping saw the Red Snake Lord and Plague Doctor Sun Gui rushing to the east entrance of Taipeng Mountain, he chuckled twice, as if he was possessed by some old owl in the forest, and a gloomy hoarse voice came out.

"——Trespassers die!!!"

In an instant, the last word "death" was prolonged, dull as thunder, mixed with the harsh sound of violent metal friction.

In the next second, a group of people rushed over from behind, such as the young man named Chu and his junior sister. They felt that the sound was like a sharp file hitting their souls hard, and they were shocked physically and mentally. He opened his mouth and spurted blood.


As soon as the girl surnamed Yu landed, she looked at He Ping sitting cross-legged under the stele with horrified eyes, her pupils trembling.

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