"Mashu Luo's childhood experience is quite interesting..."

He Ping looked up this piece of information and was a little surprised.

The head of Jindan Dao was originally a local master who made a career out of digging soil and robbing graves. By chance, he got a volume of "Medicine Silkworm Sutra".

There are many elixir prescriptions recorded in this Medicine Sutra. It is believed that Fei Lian Jin Dan is yellow and white, and he can make medicine and eat it to become immortal. According to the "Medicine Silkworm Sutra", this is also a way to practice Taoism, and it is the path of refining external elixirs to become a Taoist. , but it is a pity that this path was cut off after the great catastrophe of heaven and earth.

"The 36 righteous methods of entering the Tao are the only ways to enter the Tao in this world. Other heretics have no possibility of entering the Tao. If they forcefully try to break through and intend to advance to the Tao realm, they will suffer the consequences and become deformed into this weird appearance. …”

Chixinzi also said in the past that this world suffered a great catastrophe between heaven and man. After this great catastrophe, the two realms of "heaven" and "man" in the world of cultivation were cut off.

As for the meaning of this passage, He Ping didn't understand what it meant at first. Later, he consulted some collected classics from the previous dynasties and gradually realized that the so-called two ways of heaven and man refer to the ways of the five immortals of heaven and earth.

The five immortals are the so-called "ghost immortals", "human immortals", "earth immortals", "celestial immortals" and "divine immortals" in Taoism. These five immortals refer to the five ways and five routes of becoming immortals. Because in the great catastrophe of heaven and man thousands of years ago, the path between heavenly immortals and human immortals was cut off in the great catastrophe, that is to say, no one in future generations can walk out of the smooth road through "human" and "heaven".

"It seems that in the current world of cultivation, there are only three paths left, namely 'ghost', 'earth' and 'god', to enter the Tao and become an immortal. The 36 ways to enter the Tao should also be restricted by them."

He Ping's eyes were like a pair of deep pools, which also showed that his thoughts had become deeper.

It seems that the world here is full of fog, and the way to practice immortality is not a smooth one. Apart from other things, the gods worshiped in the Chongyang Palace are a bit strange, and it is not clear what kind of evil spirits they are;

The Immortal Puppet Sect's cultivation method is also an inexplicable and strange Gu refining route. It recruits five disciples and asks them to kill each other and compete to become the Gu King. Its true intention is completely unknown, but it is obviously not to pass on the lineage from generation to generation. The normal sect.

...Sect, sect, of course emphasizes inheritance. It can be seen that Xianpuppet Sect does not value inheritance at all. This weird inheritance method reveals an evil nature;

As for some other sects, the practice system of the Sanyuan Demon Palace is also weird and inexplicable, the secret realms in Wan'an Village and the underground mine, as well as the weird ritual arrangements, and the weird ideas that simulate the evolutionary path of naked insect beings...

"never mind."

He Ping decided not to worry anymore. Since he was weak anyway, there was no point in worrying about these things. He continued to study the memory in the soul.

"After that day, Masula was lucky enough to escape from the Jindan Dao station. His luck has always been good. Later, by chance, he joined this 'Dongmi'..."

——Dongmi is not like a sect, but more like a strange organization.

This organization has been hidden in the dark. It has developed very fast in recent years. Its roots should be in the south. It has gradually grown in recent years and expanded from the south to the north. The development route of Dongmi is very hidden. They never act in a big way and maintain a deep and tolerant attitude. His style is to absorb new blood and secretly grow his wings, secretly weaving a web of conspiracies, and what he does is not like fighting for a short period of time, but plotting a bigger situation.

...It can be seen from Masiuluo's confused memory that Dongmi has accomplished a lot of "big things" in recent years, and has secretly handled several major cases, including assassinating court officials, colluding with cults, and running local forces. , its picture does not look like a spiritual sect, and its main focus is not on the affairs of the spiritual world.

"It's strange that this Dongmi is so secretive. The route he takes doesn't look like a sect of cultivation. Instead, he seems to be trying to disturb the imperial government. Isn't his intention not to be in the world, but to be in the temple?"

He Ping was startled and realized something, especially when he connected all the clues on his own, he had a new idea.

He began to suspect that this Dongmi was not a serious spiritual sect, but a force belonging to the imperial court.

"The imperial court, the core of the Dayou Imperial Court is the Imperial Clan with the surname You, as well as the four princes and eight princes. They are not simple roles... For example, the Yuwen family of Zhenbei King secretly mastered the "Thunder Classic" in Taoism. Ranked 14th, still above the Immortal Puppet Sect's "Invisible Secret"..."

The Buddhist "Three Dharma Seals", "Samadhi Wheel Five Phases", and "Holy Yao Mother Dharani Mantra (Su Yao Sutra)" are ranked 11th, 12th, and 13th respectively. The Yuwen family's "Thunder Sutra" can be ranked Under the Buddhist dharma, its uniqueness can be imagined!

"Among the four, five, and eight nobles, there are still a few who are a cultivating force in their own right. The You clan has mastered the nine shapes of the emperor's lineage. This is the "Xuanxing" of the Shangyuan lineage of Ziwei Shangyuan, the head of the Three Yuan Demon Palace. "Dharma", I don't know if there are still those who are in control of the righteous Dharma in this Great Netherworld..."

It can be seen from this that the Dayou Dynasty is really powerful. If not for this, they would not have been able to destroy Buddhism and Taoism several times in two hundred years, completely eliminating the influence of Buddhism and Taoism in Dayou. From then on, the family sat together. big.

"If there is really a force within the imperial court, using the name of 'Dong Mi' to fight for power and cultivate party members, then I will have some troubles if I kill this Moshuluo... After all, once this person dies, then 'Dong Mi' will If I come to my door, I may not be able to hide the affairs of Hengyun Thirteenth Village, and it is not impossible to find my traces by following the clues!"

The more He Ping thought about it, the more he frowned.

Just as he had secretly worried before, Mosiuluo's identity was a big problem. It was not difficult to get rid of this person. What was difficult was how to solve the subsequent crisis.

"'Dongmi' is a trouble and must be cut off, but such a force comes from the imperial court, so it is not something I can cut off..."

There was a piece of yellow fat ring-shaped jade in his palm, with a chi dragon coiled on it.

"This piece of Panchi Jade is used by people in Dongmi to communicate with each other. According to Masiuluo's memory, he and eleven other people are called the 'Twelve Golden Generals' in the organization, and the 'Twelve Golden Generals' General Jin' is each responsible for an area of ​​jurisdiction, and each one has different tasks."

"In order to act as secretly as possible, the 'Twelve Golden Generals' do not know each other and will not confirm each other's identities. They will communicate with corresponding codes, passwords, and secret words for every action, unless there is a special mission. We are not allowed to spy on each other’s truths.”

"In order to ensure that no traitors will appear within the 'Twelve Golden Generals', or that anyone will be killed, all members must communicate regularly within the specified time, so that internal personnel can communicate with each other, and can also be used to convey instructions."

He Ping thought carefully,

"They don't know each other, and they don't allow the 'Twelve Golden Generals' to spy on all kinds of falsehoods. This is obviously to prevent people within the organization from colluding and colluding. This proves that 'Dongmi' is indeed very strict. However, this pair Wouldn’t it be a great opportunity for me!?”

With a thought in his mind, he suddenly woke up.

This was an opportunity that fell from the sky.

He Ping grinned, showing his snow-white teeth. The "Twelve Golden Generals" of Dongmi had such a weird acting style. If it didn't give him an opportunity to take advantage of, he could completely replace Masiura and replace him as the leader of Dongmi. a member of.

"After all, I am still a member of the Immortal Puppet Sect. I hide behind the scenes, act in the name of others, occupy the magpie's nest, and resurrect the soul through corpses. This can be regarded as returning to my old profession!"

He smiled coldly, but in his heart he was thinking about what benefits he could get out of this "Twelve Golden Generals" by using Masura's identity as a member of Dongmi!

"There are still many omissions in this man's memory, but judging from his recent memory, he seemed to have mentioned something called 'Baiyun City Disciple Luo Jiuzhao'. Luo Jiuzhao seemed to have obtained a treasure and planned to escape outside the pass to avoid Pursued by various forces, judging from this information, he seems to have something in his hands that is very valuable to me——"

"The remains of a Taoist master."

He Ping started making calculations in his mind.

"If I get the remains of this Taoist master, then I don't need to use the bones of Feitian Yaksha and Mandrill to reshape my bones after training together. This news can be said to be an unexpected joy for me!"

He frowned and thought about it, and seemed to have made a decision. There was a coldness in his eyes. Then, he bent down slightly, spread his fingers apart, and slapped his palm on the ground.


This palm was neither light nor heavy. It hit the shadow and caused a ripple. The shadow trembled slightly and a figure slowly emerged from it.

The figure floated upward little by little from the shadow that looked like water, with some black shadows still wrapped around its body. The liquid-like shadow squirmed, slid, and dripped into the shadow on the ground.

"Junior Brother He, are you looking for me?"

Chi Xinzi tilted his neck, moved his body, and then slowly sat cross-legged on the ground. His eyes were slightly narrowed, showing a faint dark red.

"Senior brother, I need your memory. How much memory of the past do you have left?"

He Ping took a deep look at Chi Xinzi. During this period of time, he successfully transformed his senior brother into a "living puppet."

However, just from the appearance, no one would know that Chi Xinzi was already dead. On the other hand, it was only after he made Chi Xinzi into his own living puppet that he discovered that the "living puppet" of the Immortal Puppet Sect was not just a puppet clone——

"About 30%!"

Chi Xinzi sighed.

"My soul was destroyed by Qin, and this body was also destroyed. The 'living puppet' technique cannot create life. It can only turn dead objects into puppets. It can retain about 30% of the memory. To be honest, it is quite good. Got it!"

The current Chi Xinzi is obviously a puppet, but he also has a certain ability to think. Of course, this is just a collection of his memories, thoughts, and experiences during his lifetime. It is like a designed program, like a highly self-disciplined robot that will act accordingly according to the external situation. It is just a simulated speech and behavior. .

"Is it really?"

He Ping looked at him and asked curiously: "Your brain was severely damaged before you died, and your body functions were also destroyed. I'm curious, how did you recall your memories?"

"If the heart does not exist, there will be no control over the body? But what is the heart?"

Chixinzi said calmly: "Junior brother, where do you think human memory is? Is it placed in the three souls and seven souls, or is it only the human brain that can store memory? If so, what is the explanation for rebirth?"

"It originates from the human brain and is stored in the heart and soul," He Ping thought for a moment and then said: "The head is the house of shrewdness, and the brain is the house of the soul."

"That's the case, so what's the specifics?"

Chi Xinzi laughed.

"It can be said that my soul is gone. After death, the pulse stops and the human brain shrinks and loses activity. It stands to reason that my memory should be gone. So how can I recall 30% of the past memories? "

"Then what does senior brother have to say?"

He Ping asked rhetorically.

Chi Xinzi said calmly: "I am also very curious about this issue, so I also did a test before I was alive. Once, I changed someone's heart for one of my enemies. After that person changed his heart, , for some reason he became hostile to me. He has no grudge against me, so where does his hatred come from?"

He Ping looked thoughtful. He had heard this statement before time travel. It was said that after some people replaced their body organs, they would obtain the memories of the previous owners of the organs. Of course, in the past, he believed that this statement had no scientific basis, but Hearing what Chi Xinzi said, he also felt a little suspicious.

"There is qi in the human body, which descends from birth and rises from birth. The spirit of the body is bright and remains in the four internal organs... If memory not only exists in the human brain and soul, even the body itself has traces of memory, such as The water rushes through the river channel, and even if the water traces dry up, there are still cracked river channels that can give a glimpse of its past, which can explain where the 30% of my remaining memories come from?"


He Ping frowned.

Chi Xinzi seemed to see that he was not very interested in this topic, so he changed his words: "Junior brother, why did you call me out? Although I don't have much memory, you can ask for any information I know. I will tell you everything I know, and I will tell you everything I know.”

"Senior brother has said this before."

He Ping shook his head, and then he said in a deep voice: "I want to ask about the news about the third Immortal Puppet disciple. You should be able to tell me now, right?"

Thanks to Zhi Wuzhu, Book Friends 140501162550165, and timecircle for their support.

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