Among the Thirteen Hengyun Villages in Mingfeng Mountain, the most powerful one is Feiyu Village on Beima Mountain. The leader of Feiyu Village is named Yuan Chaolong. He was a son of a wealthy family in his early years. He was fond of martial arts and acted vigorously. Because he was young and vigorous, he accidentally killed someone during a gambling fight and was hunted down by the government, so he became a bandit.

Yuan Chaolong is not a member of a major martial arts sect such as Golden Sword Sect or Five Elements Sword. He studied under the martial arts sect of an unpopular sect. Because of his outstanding talent, he used the mediocre swordsmanship of his master to practice powerful swordsmanship. He defeated countless powerful enemies and was nicknamed "One Sword to Kill" by the martial arts people.

When his reputation was high, he was almost tied with Jie San of the "Tengfeng Knife" of the Huma Clan outside the Pass. He was known as the first and second-ranked swordsman inside and outside the Pass.

The leader of Yuan Dazhai was very skilled in swordsmanship. He gathered a lot of people in Beima Mountain and became the king of the mountain. He gathered all the powerful people and became a majestic one. With his swordsmanship, he quickly gained momentum and became the leader of the army. The strongest force in Hengyun Thirteen Villages.

On the other hand, in Longhe County, He Zhongheng received the help of Qi Baiyi. He first removed Capt. Liu, then seized the handle of corruption and perversion of law in Gezhi County, and then defeated the gambling gangs among the three gangs and nine factions. After a lot of rectification from top to bottom, the gangs in Longhe County were made docile...

Of course, this depends on Qi Baiyi and the housekeeper He Fusheng's planning behind the scenes, otherwise He Zhongheng's little brains may not be able to play with these local snakes.

In He Ping's plan, the first step is to disrupt the underworld situation in Longhe County. When the "Gambling Gang", "Wine Gang" and "Fishing Gang" are frustrated one after another and fall into turmoil, he will use the "secret gang" in his hands to "Stakes" are driven into the thoroughfares and streets of the county, whether it is teahouses, restaurants, prostitutes, horse and carriage shops, etc., and control the overall situation from the inside out;

As for the second step, it is to capture Hengyun Thirteen Villages, root out the bandits who have been causing trouble for Fengming Mountain for a long time, and replace them all with our own troops.

In this way, within a few years, he will be able to control the entire Longhe County from the inside out. This is also his best skill at occupying the magpie's nest and replacing flowers with flowers.

According to He Ping's plan, the He family's power is like a poisonous insect, growing secretly with the help of this big tree in Longhe County, and strengthening itself through parasitism. The Three Gangs and Nine Clubs and Hengyun Thirteen Villages will become a painting, and outsiders will I have no idea what is hidden under the skin of this painting...

What Qi Baiyi didn't expect was that the plan to capture the remaining forces in Tongyun Thirteen Village did not go smoothly. The reason for this was not only that Yuan Chaolong was a tough opponent, but also because of the strong opposition in Feiyu Village on Beima Mountain. There is a master who casts spells.

"Is there a stranger who can cast spells hidden in the bandits' den in Feiyu Village on Beima Mountain?"

When He Ping heard this, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"What kind of spell did the man you saw cast?"

"I don't know the specifics. I just heard that people who were injured and retreated from the attack on the stronghold said that the stranger had a bead that could spit out a stream of yellow smoke. If you were in the yellow smoke, you couldn't see anything. In addition, he He also knows two powerful evil arts..."

Qi Baiyi explained in detail.

In the process of attacking Feiyu Village in Beima Mountain, they had obtained a large amount of intelligence through Sha Wuhou, the traitor of "Xiao Tianbiao", and captured four villages in a row. Previously, He Ping also left hundreds of corpse puppets for Qi Baiyi when he left, and also refined some nitrate explosives. Using corpse puppets and explosives, it is not easy to break into ordinary cottages.

It wasn't until I was about to attack Feiyu Village that I met the strange man who knew magic. He hid in the yellow smoke, hid his figure, and summoned several livid-skinned zombies. He was invulnerable, and could control all directions. jumping to hurt someone;

The most powerful thing is that he also knows a powerful evil method. I don’t know how to cast that evil method. I only know that if someone tries to get close to that person, it will be like being controlled by an invisible boulder, and the whole body will Being crushed into meat patties alive.

"Wait a minute..." He Ping heard this and immediately asked him: "You mean, as long as you try to get closer, you will be cast by that person and press a puddle of flesh, is that true?"

"That's it. What kind of evil method is this, so powerful?"

Qi Baiyi still felt a little scared when he recalled it.

"If it's as you said, there are several similar techniques, but to me it sounds very similar to the Buddhist magical power 'Stone Control Technique'!"

He Ping closed his eyes tightly and thought for a while, having a vague guess in his heart.

"Stone-Controlling Thoughts?"

Qi Baiyi murmured to himself.

"Buddhist people are proficient in mantras that control invisible thoughts. It is said that there was a powerful monk in the Daxian Dynasty in the past named Shan Wuwei. He was a famous monk who was proficient in mantras and is quite famous nowadays.

One day, when he was traveling far away, he was staying in a temple. There were many scholars staying overnight in that temple to take exams. When they heard that he was coming to the temple, they ran to talk to the monk. Since Shan Wuwei was so famous, everyone's conversations naturally focused on magic. "

Someone among the scholars asked him bluntly: "I heard that the mage is good at conjuring, so the mage should be able to kill people with conjuring, right?"

Shan Wuwei laughed when he heard this, shook his head and said: "The poor monk never kills people, but if you want to ask whether the spell can kill people, then the poor monk can only say that it is not difficult to kill people by relying on the spell?"

Seeing the fearful look in the scholar's eyes, the monk intended to intimidate him and continued: "But killing is a sin of parai, and even a poor monk would not do it."

"If killing someone is not possible, then it should be easy to kill an insect, right?"

Another scholar next to him interrupted curiously.

"Oh, not bad."

When Shan Wuwei replied, there happened to be five or six toads jumping around in the temple.

The scholar immediately raised his hand and asked, "Can you kill one of them?"

"Of course, I can kill it, but..."

Shan Wuwei was a little embarrassed.

"Is there a problem?"

The young scholar felt that the great monk was trying to shirk his duties, and his tone was a little urgent.

Shan Wuwei sighed.

"What the donor doesn't know is that I can indeed kill that toad, but after killing it, I can't bring it back to life. Useless killing is a sin..."

"Please, mage, please cast this spell once."

"Just apply it once."

All the scholars in the temple gathered around him and prayed to him.

Shan Wuwei looked around and saw everyone's eyes shining brightly. He knew that if he didn't use the spell to kill the toad today, it would be difficult for him to do good.

——Perhaps, everyone didn't care whether he really knew how to cast spells, but their curiosity led them to get involved with him.

I'm afraid, for the scholars present, it doesn't matter if they continue to evade in every possible way and don't cast spells on the spot. Instead, they will be left with the excuse afterwards that "the monk named Shan Wuwei has no ability, but is just in name only."

Shan Wuwei sighed, sighing secretly that he was burdened by his reputation. He shook his head and muttered: "You are really committing evil."

Now that things have come to this, if he doesn't take action, he seems to be afraid of getting into trouble.

With this in mind, he stretched out two fingers to pinch the new green willow leaves hanging under the eaves, picked off a leaf at random, threw the willow leaves casually, and muttered something.

The willow leaves flew into the air, fluttered down lightly, and landed on a toad.

In an instant, the toad was immediately shattered into pieces and died, with pieces of meat and internal organs flying everywhere.

"Sir, this incantation for picking leaves and crushing toads is the so-called 'Stone Controlling Thought Technique', right?"

Qi Baiyi finally understood. Could it be that the man hiding in Feiyu Village on Beima Mountain was actually a monk who was proficient in cursing.

"There are no traces of Buddhism in Dayou. I don't think they are necessarily monks. Maybe they are practitioners who have practiced Buddhist techniques..."

He Ping thought for a while and felt something strange in his heart.

"The 'Stone Control Technique' can be practiced to the point where it can hurt people from a distance without the use of willow leaves as a medium. This ability is not easy. A Taoist master of this level will go to Feiyu Village in Mashan and become a bandit. , this is definitely unusual."

After a few thoughts in his mind, he took out two things and handed them to Qi Baiyi.

"This is?"

Qi Baiyi saw the two palm-sized objects handed over by He Ping and found that they were extremely exquisite axes and broadswords. They looked like two precious torture tools. The material was made of bone, but they felt like It is as round as jade.

"These axes and knives are the two new treasures I got. Just take them. When the stranger who carries Mashan Feizhai appears again, you can say "Baby, please turn around." When the time comes, With two treasures, you can fly out and injure the enemy."

What He Ping handed over to Qi Baiyi was the famous "Yuan Evil Axe" and "Da Chen Blade" from the Purple Armor Palace. These two magical weapons were actually one and were extremely powerful when used.

Originally, if outsiders wanted to use the magical weapons of the Purple Armor Palace, they needed to wash away all the forbidden methods on them and then put their own brand on them before they could be used. However, he got the "Demon Planting" method and learned many powerful methods, including one of them. A method that specializes in defacing other people's magic weapons and inserting a magic seed into them to control them.

He Ping happened to have the demon seeds of "resentment demon" and "death demon" before, and he had already refined the two demon seeds. In recent days, when he was practicing various techniques, he put two groups of demon seeds into them, and Yuan evil After axes and swords are impregnated with demonic seeds, they can injure enemies on their own without controlling them with their minds.

Qi Baiyi was overjoyed. He took two magic weapons, "Yuan Evil" and "Da Bin", bowed his head to him to the ground, turned around and left.

He Ping ignored it and continued to drink tea and enjoy the snow, not intending to continue to worry about this matter. After all, Qi Baiyi couldn't even take down a group of bandits from the Thirteenth Village of Hengyun in Fengming Mountain, and he, the master, was required to come forward in person, so why did he keep this subordinate...

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