Secret: I, the hermit, want to make progress too much

Chapter 99 Guard! The awakening janitor

In the restroom of a street cafe.

Roy closed the door and prayed in the bathroom.

The Fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious master above the gray fog, the yellow and black king who controls good luck...

I pray for your help.

I pray for you...

After a series of prayers, Roy felt uneasy——

If I prayed in the bathroom without preparing any sacrifices, would I not be disrespectful to the Fool?

Even though this may be his branch of the Kingdom of God...

He secretly speculated.

After a pause for a few seconds, Roy continued talking to himself.

Great Mr. Fool, please tell Miss Justice that my people discovered the whereabouts of Qilingos. He left the Hillston area in a carriage with a noble badge.

His badge style is...

I suspect that he may have gone to some party and planned to attack a high-level person at the party. Please pay attention to her and give me certain tips...

After continuous thoughts.

After a while, a deep and loud voice sounded from his ears.

With his eyes closed, he seemed to see a gray mist.

There is a figure sitting on it.

I see.

I see.


The sound echoes layer by layer in the space.

Roy stopped praying, packed his clothes and left the bathroom.

Why is Roy also in the bathroom?

Forget it, it's not important. Let's convey the news to Miss Justice quickly. It wouldn't be good if someone is waiting outside.

Klein sighed secretly, intercepted the entire sound, and sent it directly to the crimson star represented by Justice.


He finished transmitting the message and quickly fell out of the gray mist.

In a villa, Audrey was preparing to attend a dance when she suddenly felt a burst of crimson light.

next moment.

A man's voice echoed in his ears.

Great Mr. Fool, please tell me...

She paused in place for a few seconds, and then her face quickly turned serious.

This is really bad news!


The dance he was going to?

So, is Zillingos’ target Duke Negan?

Audrey recalled the nobleman corresponding to the badge based on the badge style provided by The Hermit, but she couldn't remember it for a long time.

She thought for a moment and said, Annie, let's go to the dance quickly. I can't wait.

But miss, we'd better go later...

No problem, let's go, I've made an appointment to meet Viscount Gray Lint.

Audrey smiled slightly.

She had to go to the dance in advance, then observe the badges on other people's carriages, and then make a judgment based on the badges on those carriages.

It was very close to Duke Negan's house from her residence in Queens.

Not long after, Audrey arrived at Duke Negan's mansion in a car.

As the nobleman with the most land, Duke Negan's land rent alone was more than 800,000 pounds. This was the result of the sharp reduction after the Corn Act.


Before that, he could earn more than one million pounds a year in rent alone.

Because of this, Duke Negan is the largest member of the Conservative Party and the leader of the Conservative Party, insisting on opposing the repeal of the bill.

This ball is his channel for connecting with the nobles.

As a descendant of a noble family, Audrey was also invited to the ball.

She asked the servant to drive and quickly took her to the mansion. Then she did not rush in, but walked slowly and observed where the carriage was parked.


Audrey frowned.

Is the description of hermit wrong?

She was thinking about it.

Miss, be careful!

Anne quickly pulled Audrey to the side——

A carriage came slowly from the front entrance.

The other party was unhappy, so there was actually no danger, and Annie overreacted.

Audrey complained in her heart.

Then, her eyes narrowed.

This family emblem...

At this time, a neatly dressed man came down from above. She straightened her back instantly and transformed into the most elegant Miss Hall.

She greeted with a flawless smile and etiquette.

Hello, Baron Gramir.

I'm so sorry for almost bumping into you, Miss Hall, you are the brightest and most dazzling jewel of this ball.

Baron Gramir smiled and saluted.

His eyebrows were still sparse and his eyes were light blue, but in Audrey's eyes, which had completely digested them, they were filled with a sense of disobedience.

She politely said goodbye to Baron Gramir, and then led into the ball by Anne.


The situation just now lingers.

Something is definitely wrong with Baron Gramir!

Under normal circumstances, when the other party faces a beautiful and higher-status woman, he will not dare to look directly but will keep stealing glances, which makes people uncomfortable.

And today...

The other person is very generous and confident.

Secondly, the scent of the perfume is different from what I am used to.


Mr. The Hermit was right in his observation. The person who arrived at the ball today was not the real Baron Gramir, but the one pretended by Qilingos.

Fortunately, I usually don't like to see him, and I only say hello to maintain basic etiquette, so I find a way to meet him and leave without arousing suspicion...


Just by leaving in a hurry, he might arouse Qilingos' suspicion.

Audrey couldn't help but feel lucky that the other party had found such a person.

If the other party was Gray Lint, it would be difficult for her to escape, and that would be a situation she could not accept.

Walking into the ball, she began to look for Earl Hall——

As the leader and banker of the Hall family, her father would often come earlier to establish relationships with these nobles.

Enter the restaurant and find Earl Hall.

After the performance, she got the opportunity to chat alone with Earl Hall.

Dad, I met Baron Gramir at the door, but his behavior and perfume habits were very different from usual. I heard that Qilingos was lurking in Backlund and killed many people...

Audrey talked about her worries and described in detail how Gramir was different from usual.

Earl Hall grew serious.

I will take care of it. Go find your mother and stay with her. She is in the lounge of this hall.

Okay. Audrey nodded obediently.

On the way to the lounge, she looked back at her father and saw Earl Hall whispering something with a noble, with a serious expression.

Audrey's heart couldn't help but hang up again.


You must do something, otherwise your father and mother will be at the dance, and they will all be in danger, as well as the others.

She took the familiar route and entered a small prayer room.

A fool who does not belong to the times...

Klein, who had just received his dinner and was about to eat, had a stiff expression on his face.

Come again?

He sighed silently.

It seems——

It's not easy to eat this meal.

He wiped his mouth, then stood up and headed to the bathroom.

Miss Justice is quite efficient. She locked the identity of the other party so quickly and saved me some trouble.

But I have already reported it to Mr. Azik.

You should just have to wait.

Just as Roy was thinking this, there was a distortion in the air, and Nina came out again and spit out a letter.

It says——

On the way, come and help.


What's the meaning?

Roy was surprised.

Still need help with a Zillingus?

He was confused for a while, and then he immediately hired a carriage and drove to the Municipal Park near Queens.

That side is the place closest to Duke Negan's mansion and has water veins and lakes.

Before Roy arrived, Azik was already waiting at the side.

Mr. Azik.

I originally asked Klein to come over, but he only has Sequence 8. I was worried that something would happen to him, and you happen to be closer, so I asked you to run away.

Azik said gently, I need your help to help me lure the guard at the door away, and then I will ask Dunn to replace him.

Roy glanced across.

Dunn at this moment...

His eyes were blank, his face was too pale to look like a living person, and his condition was very poor, but he was very powerful and could be regarded as half a gatekeeper.

He was wearing a robe and a hat covering most of his face, looking very mysterious.


Is this for acting?

He thought for a while and said, Are you planning to let Dunn kill the other party?


But we need to hurry up, because the Punisher may arrive as soon as possible. After all, Qilingos is a Wind Blesser.

Roy said.

Azik nodded: Don't worry.


Roy hid his figure and quickly walked towards the door.

There were four people at the entrance of the lake area of ​​the municipal park, none of them extraordinary. He used the Ring of Concealment and quickly knocked them all unconscious.

Azik drove Dunn to the sentry box.

Next, it’s just a matter of waiting.

Roy sat in a chair, waiting for the moment to come.

After a while——

In the sky, a figure flew and glided over. With the help of the strong wind, he moved very quickly and traveled smoothly.


Arriving above the municipal park, a powerful spirituality burst out from the space.

Immediately afterwards, a passing undead giant bird screamed loudly, its flesh and blood filled with corruption.

Qilingos frowned and could only lower his body.

The sky is the domain of birds. Although the Wind Blessed can fly temporarily, they cannot maintain it forever, and this ability consumes spiritual power.

Just rush in.

He glided to low altitude, and the giant undead bird above disappeared without a trace. He wanted to fly and was about to rush through the door.


The gate to this area turned into a giant bronze gate.

It swayed in the wind, making a sharp and terrifying woo-woo sound, squeaking -

After a terrible sound, the door opened a gap.

Within the gap is darkness with no end visible, and there are countless indescribable eyes looking out at the outside world.


The hair on Qilinges' body broke out.

He leaned back and opened his arms as if embracing the sun.

A pure, blazing light suddenly fell from the sky.

The extraordinary ability of the Priest of Light!

The sun is the nemesis of the undead.

The door suddenly shook and made a shattering sound, and the outstretched hands of the undead that emerged from inside were rapidly melting.

Who are you? Ludwell?


Dunn raised his head, his eyes suddenly filled with confusion.


He is guarding this territory.


Dunn's eyes were filled with light. He opened his hands and extended his spirituality, turning into invisible hands to support the door of the underworld that was about to close slowly.

Rolling and roaring.

The door was completely opened, and countless pale hands stretched out from inside. This door was like a hell on earth, grabbing Qilingos.

Qilingos gritted his teeth and continued to activate his abilities.


After these undead spirits dissipated, more pale hands stretched out from inside, and even the owners of those hands stepped out of the underworld.

This is a skeletal giant over four meters tall!

Roy didn't take action.

He was afraid that the introduction of his own power would destroy Dunn's strange state at this time.

Azik looked upward.

Qilinges, who had not landed, could no longer land.

He stirred up the strong wind, but the wind could not move the bones.

He wanted to call out to the sun.


At this time, the sky gradually turned dark, and the crimson moon hung on the branches.

Dozens of pairs of eyes burning with dark flames focused on Qilingos. After a long time, they dragged Qilingos into the gate.

Qilingos screamed.

But then.


With a sound, his head was torn off by invisible hands and hit the ground heavily.

Dunn's eyes were cold, shifting between reason and madness.

He seemed to wake up, but he didn't seem to wake up. After dragging Qilinges into the door, his eyes gradually dimmed again.

Azik was silent for a moment, and then said: Let's go.

He opened the door to the spirit world, grabbed Roy's body, jumped directly to the spirit world and left the scene.

After a while, figures descended from the sky.

After that, Alger arrived in a hurry.

When he saw the scene, he couldn't help but swallowed——

There's blood everywhere!

not only that.

This gate is like the gate of life and death, with the power of death faintly exuding, and the surrounding vegetation is all decayed and withered.

On the ground, a head that had been brutally torn off remained the same, but after they arrived, the wind blew...

His flesh and blood quickly withered and turned into pieces of dry ashes, which fell to the ground and mixed with the skull.

Before Qilingos died, his eyes were still wide open, with an expression of disbelief and astonishment.

Who did this?

The elder of the hermit, or someone else?

Alger's eyes widened.

Singer of God Ace Sinek glanced around, and then said calmly: Are you going to disclose the information to the others?

Alger calmed down and shook his head quickly: I just received the information and reported it to the Archbishop. Maybe others have also received similar information.


Archbishop Snake was silent for a moment, then looked back at the punishers who came after him.

Zilingus is dead, a janitor killed him.

A janitor, and a janitor capable of killing Zillinges in a short time...

He looked at Alger.

Where is Ludwell?

I have no idea.

Alger lowered his head.

Ludwell is the General of Hell, and there is a huge gap in strength and status between him and him. How could he possibly know the location of the General of Hell?

Archbishop Snake was silent for a moment and said: Maybe it's him, maybe it's from the Spiritual Religion. The identity of the target is unclear and it's difficult to judge.

Inside Duke Negan's mansion.

Audrey was accompanying her mother and chatting with other noble ladies.

Earl Hall appeared at the door.

She made an excuse and left.

After a while, they were outside on the balcony.

Zilingus is dead, murdered.


I don't know. All that's left is a rapidly withering head. Boy, you don't want to know the details.

Earl Hall paused, Maybe it's some evil organization.

Evil God Organization?


Maybe it’s our “tarot club.”

Audrey thought happily——

The Hermit had said before that he would ask his elders to help deal with Qilingos.

It seemed like the other party should have taken action.


Quickly kill Qilingos, and have the ability to twist off the opponent's head...

The elders of the hermit are at least half-human and half-god high-sequence strong men.

Our Tarot Club is really powerful!

In a house, Azik jumped here with Roy and Dunn.

In front of him was the confused Klein.

He looked up.

Mr. Azik, Roy, I, I'm getting ready to go to the toilet.

Feel sorry.

Roy couldn't hold himself tight, but Sisi still controlled his muscles——

This is thanks to the clown technique teaching that Klein shared, otherwise he might not be able to control facial emotions well.

Azik rubbed his brows and said: I want to lead two people to travel stably in the spirit world. I must use a strong connection to stabilize the passage.

He said, calmly opened the door and walked out.

Klein understood that the reason why Azik jumped to his side had something to do with the bronze whistle. Fortunately, he really wanted to go to the toilet, instead of walking four steps against the gray fog.

Otherwise, he would be really shocked if Azik and the others appeared the moment he entered the gray fog.

Roy helped to close the door.

After a while, Klein walked out of the bathroom.

How is it going?

very smooth.

Azik said, Qilingos' gloves contained the power of the Priest of Light, which cleverly suppressed Dunn's strength and instead allowed his own consciousness to gain the upper hand.

This time, the subject is not the gatekeeper.

According to Roy's understanding.

The gatekeeper's underworld is just a transit point, and it is Azik who actually takes action.


There is a link in the middle, and the meaning to Dunn is completely different.

In particular, under the suppression of the Priest of Light, Dunn regained a little consciousness and consciously protected and killed Qilingos.

This would make Dern's performance more successful.

Klein was a little excited.

So, is it possible for the captain to recover?


Azik nodded slightly.

Then, he reached out and brought out a special item from Dunn.

This is a glove.

Creeping hunger.

Azik pondered for a moment and said, This glove is useful to me, so I can't give it to you for the time being.

Roy doesn't care.

He didn't covet this extraordinary item in the first place.

Klein was a little greedy.

If he can get Creep Hunger, his strength will be greatly increased.

Mr. Azik, Qilingos has a lot of bounties in various churches. I have discussed with a friend and asked him to collect it on his behalf. I plan to share some of the money with him and give it to you.

Roy said.

Azik smiled and said: It's a good thing to receive the bounty. You can keep it for yourself.

That’s tens of thousands of gold pounds!

Klein's eyes widened, surprised by Azik's arrogance, and then looked at Roy.

Roy said: It could be tens of thousands. I don't know the details. You can keep it for use during the trip, but I may need to distribute a sum of money to the person who collects it on my behalf.

Chapter 2 is still being written, Kavin, I will post it later.

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