Secret: I, the hermit, want to make progress too much

Chapter 86 It’s just resurrection, no fuss

After Roy sorted out his thoughts, he couldn't help but secretly regretted——

Now is not the time to enter the Mysterious Hall.

Otherwise, he can go up and do a divination and try to verify whether the guess is correct.

Roy looked at Dunn.

Mr. Azik, how long will it take for Dunn to wake up?

With my constant care and guidance, he should be able to wake up within a week.

Azik replied gently.

Roy hesitated for a moment and said, What happens next? Can he sustain life on his own?

Not necessarily, it depends on the situation.

Azik shook his head, It's my first time to try. This is why I took him away. I can observe at any time by staying by my side.

Then looking for memories?

I will take him with me to look for clues, and he will also help me look for the past. This is a necessary price.

Azik said.

Roy nodded slightly.

It was not easy for Dunn to survive.

Such a day-to-day operation combines a variety of coincidences. If one factor is missing, it may not be successful.


Roy couldn't help but wonder.

Does this situation need to be digested?

Playing, um - should be required.

Azik thought for a while and added, He needs to act and digest. Before that, he may be unconscious most of the time.

This is already a very good result.

Roy sighed softly.

In general, there is not much difference between madness and death.

Azik glanced at Dunn, I can't completely guarantee it now. Maybe I will kill him again when necessary.

Roy understood what Azik meant.

He looked at Dunn.

There's nothing you can do about it, just do your best.


That night, he stayed at Azik's home. While lying on the bed, he thought about where to go next.

The Church of Steam definitely cannot stay any longer.

Roy had originally planned to find an opportunity to leave the church, but now was the best time. There was no reason to go back after he left.

After thinking for a while, he decided to go to Backlund.

First, Hyde and Becky already have a certain foundation there, and they could easily and reasonably obtain the corresponding extraordinary gathering channels in the past.

Secondly, the Queen of Mystery is also in Backlund.

Although it is dangerous there, it does have an extra leg, and it is not certain that it will become a Sequence 2 kind of leg soon.

Furthermore, Roy's other option is to go to sea.


There are Beyonders from the Dawn of Elements on the sea, but there are also people from the Moss Ascetic Order, and the level of danger is even higher if they stay in Backlund.

After all, the protagonist of Backlund is Triss, not Roy. As long as he is careful not to get involved with Triss, there is no big problem.

I don't know when Klein will wake up.

Roy was already looking forward to the opponent's sit-ups.

With Azik beside him, he did not choose to enter the mysterious palace, and quickly fell asleep on the bed.

In the middle of the night, he heard a rustling sound.

Roy opened his eyes instantly and looked at the wall——

The sound came from next door.


Over there is where Klein lies.

He immediately stood up and opened the door.

When they reached the corridor, Azik also came down.

The two said hello quietly.

Then the two of them worked together, and Azik opened the door. The door crack opened, and in the dim moonlight, they saw Klein getting up from the bed.


Klein looked at them confused.

They remained motionless.

After two seconds, Klein's eyes gradually condensed and he came back to his senses, and said: Mr. Azik, Mr. Roy, did you save me?

What a great acting!

Roy's mouth twitched slightly——

At times like this, it's really hard not to laugh.

A smile appeared on his face.

My friend, I can be sure that you have died before and cannot die anymore, because your heart was repaired by me.


Sure enough, I still can’t be fooled.

Klein thought awkwardly.

What to do now?

There was silence in the room, and the three people had different expressions——

Thanks to the clown's extraordinary ability, Klein's expression was relatively calm, but at the moment he felt like a clown.

What to do?

Roy was beside him, with a scrutinizing and curious expression.

Okay Roy.

Azik said with a smile on his lips, Klein, don't be nervous. I have experienced it many times that I thought I was dead and then suddenly woke up one day.

Yes, is that so?

Klein's tone was confused and somewhat unacceptable.

He had felt that his secret had been discovered, and was thinking about how to deal with it, but...

The other party didn't seem to care at all.

It felt like I punched with all my strength and hit a ball of cotton. Instead, I felt depressed and injured.

Roy smiled lightly: As Mr. Azik said, in the mysterious world, anything can happen. Although resurrection from the dead is magical, it is not impossible.

Klein relaxed slightly.

At the same time, he felt relieved——

Previously, Klein had been worried that the secret of his resurrection from the dead would be discovered, and he was quite nervous about this.

Now anyway, it has been discovered, and it was discovered by someone you can trust...

That seems pretty good.

Soon, he thought of the scene before he fell into coma, and his face darkened.

What a pity Captain...

The captain is dead.

Klein felt a sense of sadness in his heart.


He didn't blame Roy or Azik.

Rescue is not a one-sided matter, and judging from the magical abilities and layout displayed by the other party, their side may also be in danger.

Thinking of this, Klein quickly asked: Did you also encounter something over there?

Well, Roy was attacked by a Rose Bishop and almost died. I met Mr. Z. Although the other party had no intention of fighting to the death, he was delayed for a while.

Azik nodded slightly.


Klein said: When you came here, did you see that guy? Who is he?

Before Azik could speak, Roy said first, I saw it. According to my guess, it should be 'Ince Zangwill', the defected archbishop of your Church of the Night.

As soon as Roy finished speaking, thunder exploded in Klein's mind.

He thought of the other party's information.

Ince Zangwill, male, 40 years old, former archbishop, 'gatekeeper' who failed to be promoted, was seduced by the devil, degenerated into evil, and absconded with the sealed artifact '0-08'. The specific characteristics are...

Blind in one eye.

Although he didn't see the other person's face, his appearance was very recognizable, so it was impossible for Roy to admit his mistake.


The ability to influence oneself should not come from the other party itself, but from the mysterious sealed object 0-08.


Klein looked up at Azik, who was smiling, and understood his suspicion. A trace of shock and hope appeared on his face.


Mr. Azik is so powerful. Now that he has seen Ince, how can he let him escape?

after all.

Ince is just a janitor who failed to get promoted, while Mr. Azik is at least a Sequence 4 undead——

This is what Azik has recalled.

Although he didn't know how big the difference in strength between Sequence 5 and Sequence 4 was, he should be able to keep the other side.

Mr. Azik, then he and the captain...

He was killed by me. As for your captain, come with me.

Azik didn't have Roy's fun mentality.

He's straightforward.

When Klein asked, he responded without hesitation.

Seeing Klein's ecstatic expression, Azik looked slightly dazed, and then quickly came back to his senses.

In the living room, Klein met Dunn.

Through his spiritual vision, he saw that Dunn was not in good condition and his etheric body showed an unhealthy color.


Compared with Dunn's previous state, this is already a miracle.

Klein couldn't help but burst into tears.

Roy silently walked out of the room.

Go to sleep. If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it tomorrow.

Azik said warmly.

Roy nodded slightly.

Early the next morning, at dawn, Roy woke up.

In the living room, Klein woke up early.


It may also be that he didn't sleep all night. After all, the shock last night was a bit big, and he might have been in the gray fog for divination.

Klein has always been very competent in this regard.

Klein, where are you going to go next? Return to Nighthawks?

I'm going to Backlund.

Klein spoke firmly, Although Ince is dead, Lanervus is still alive!

He paused for a moment and said: Megaos, the captain, and the many people who were deceived and killed by him are waiting for an explanation.


He already knew about Dunn's condition.

Roy looked at the people on the sofa and nodded lightly: I will also go to Backlund. If you need help, you can contact me. This is my messenger.

He took some paper and pen from the side and wrote down his messenger's spell.

Klein read it carefully, then put the paper on a candle and lit it, and the firelight illuminated his face.

After a long while, Klein said: If you need help, you can publish Sherlock Moriarty's missing person notice in a widely circulated newspaper in Backlund.

Roy nodded and looked out the window: I'm going to go back and have a look, and then leave for Backlund tomorrow.

Go back and have a look?

Klein hesitated, he didn't dare-

I dare not go back to see Benson and Melissa.

Although he, like Roy, is dead outside, their situations are still somewhat different.

When he hesitated, Roy had already left.

This was an area far away from the Church of Steam. He put on a hat to cover up, and after arriving at a park, he quietly ascended to the Mysterious Palace.

He did not predict in advance that he would be ambushed by Ms. M, so it was naturally impossible for him to prepare clothes in advance.


Roy sacrificed most of his money and hid it in the mysterious palace.

This is the safest and safest place.

There is no bank here to make him feel more at ease.

Over one hundred and eighty pounds.

This is his entire asset.

It's a pity. If it had happened later, I could still have received the bonus from the Witch Statue, and possibly the reward from the Nighthawks.

but now……

I hope the mechanical heart will not swallow up my pension. Although I have no family, if I give it to Mrs. Traore, she can start it on her own without the help of a big shot.

Dead me can be considered a semi-big shot.

Roy laughed to himself.

He gave his real self some money, then returned to reality, walked around the streets, and found a clothing store that had just opened.

After changing his outfit, he got on the morning public carriage and returned to the area and streets he was familiar with.

Finally, he saw Mrs. Traore, and the Lanie who had returned from her mouth.

She still had chestnut hair, but it was longer and prettier, and the spots on her face that she remembered had disappeared a lot.

The person speaking in front of them was Old Ryan.

With his hearing, he vaguely heard part of the content.

Old Ryan looked very old and restrained. Faced with Mrs. Traore's questioning, a trace of regret and apology appeared on his face.

Mrs. Traore was shocked, then sad.

Roy stood in the alley far away, maintaining the ability of the Ring of Invisibility, and silently paying attention to them.

Mr. Ryan, you are older than before, and it is impossible to digest the Fighting Scholar potion.

And Mrs. Traore...

You should be happy that the Heart of Machine has promised to fund the welfare home. It is safer to rely on the Zhengshen Church than to rely on the so-called big shots.

Roy was slandered, but more moved.

There are still people who care about his departure, instead of coming and passing by, leaving nothing behind.

Old Ryan left.

Roy was getting ready to leave.

Suddenly, his movements stopped and his eyes froze, staring at the former tenant named Lanny next to Mrs. Traore——

She didn't look happy.


Her mood quickly shifted to anger, rage, and rage.

Why is this happening?

Roy concentrated, vaguely thinking that this Lanny who suddenly came back might not be as kind as she appeared.

For the orphanage?

He was puzzled at first, then quickly realized——


She is working for some organizations and opening an orphanage, possibly to attract more orphans and homeless people.

Then use some means...

If that were the case, it would be dangerous for Mrs. Traore to work with her!

Roy looked serious and quietly retreated to the depths of the alley.

Then, he entered a cafe on the side street and borrowed the bathroom.

After entering the mysterious hall, Roy quickly divined.

Lani came back to build an orphanage.

The pendant spun rapidly.


He continued to divine.

“Lanie became something extraordinary.”

Didn't move.

Too little information to predict.

Roy thought for a moment, changed a sentence and divination method, and used his full name——

The reason Lanny Ent opened the orphanage.

Dream divination.

Spirituality stretches and thoughts empty.

He quickly fell into dreamland.

The next second, two figures appeared in front of them, one bent over to listen, and the other lying gracefully on the bed, with an extremely seductive posture.

Lani, when you return to Tingen this time, you are going to open a welfare home there and work for us.

Remember, stay hidden and don't show off.

The woman's tone was lazy, but also a bit chilly.

Lani immediately lowered her head and said with great respect, Yes, I will try my best to do it.

Heh, if you can complete it, then it's not like I can't give you higher-sequence potions.

The woman smiled slightly.

A carrot in one hand and a stick in the other.

Roy had a vague feeling that based on the style of this woman, she was probably a member of the Witch Cult.

So, Lanny became a member of the Witch Cult?

A woman becomes a witch...

It's not impossible, but within the Witch Sect, I'm afraid it won't be taken seriously.


This has nothing to do with Roy.

How to get promoted to a higher level is all Lanny's next life.

After leaving the Church of Steam, many methods that were inconvenient to do before can now be used casually without too many concerns.

According to the situation shown in the dream, as well as the state of the etheric body, mental body and astral body he saw at that time, Lanie was at most the instigator and had not even arrived yet.

He has extraordinary items such as the Assassination Dagger and the Ring of Concealment in his hands, and he is a Sequence 7 wizard, so he can easily deal with her.


After returning to reality, Roy thought of another way.

Taking advantage of the fact that he had only worn the ring for less than ten minutes, he planned to go to Lani's room to meet her and make subsequent decisions.

A moment later, inside Mrs. Traore's apartment.

Before the sun had fully come out, Roy quietly sneaked into the deepest part of the corridor on the second floor through the back door.

There is a small house here, which was used by Lani and later turned into a utility room.

She should be living here now.

Roy passed the balcony on the side and reached the window carefully but easily.

No one is here.

The windows here are not too tight.

Especially Lani's room, which has not been rented out for some years.

After entering the house, he looked around, rummaged a little more, and finally fixed his gaze on an unattractive mirror on the table.

There is faint spiritual power left on it.

A magic mirror!

It is indeed the witch sect.

He waited for a moment, and after a while, footsteps came from outside.



Mrs. Traore, don't be too sad. Take a rest first. I will take care of these things.


Traore was in a depressed mood and his voice became farther and farther away.


Lanie opens the door.

The moment she opened the door and came in, her expression quickly changed from smiling to cold, even a little ugly.

She quickly closed the door, walked to the desk, picked up the magic mirror and was about to make contact.

As an assassin, your vigilance is too low.

Why did the higher ups send someone like you here?

Roy sneered lowly.

Lanny's heart skipped a beat and she immediately went to pull out the gun from her waist, only to find that her gun had been taken away by her opponent without a sound.

She turned pale and lowered her voice.

Who are you?

Same as you, but I am Mrs. Sharon's subordinate. I used to help Mrs. Sharon, but now Mrs. Sharon is dead...

Roy talked about his situation.

He put the pistol next to him and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: It's really strange that our sect would actually absorb a female witch.

What happened to the female witch?

Lanni frowned slightly, not understanding.

Roy smiled.

It seems you really don't understand that our sect is far more twisted and crazy than you imagine.

Do you know what the Sequence 7 of our pathway is called?

Lanie shook her head honestly.

Roy smiled and said, Witch.


Lani was stunned for a moment, then her eyes widened with shock and surprise on her face, What about the man?

What do you think?

Roy smiled faintly, Okay, you lame assassin, tell me, what did the higher ups send you to do? Maybe I can help you.

She asked me to open an orphanage here, take in those orphans, and then select suitable people from them to train.

Why did you choose Mrs. Traore?

Roy asked calmly.

Lani was silent for a moment and said: She has always had the wish to open an orphanage...

Miss Assassin, you can lie to others, but you don't need to lie to yourself. We are assassins and have joined the Witch Sect. We all know who we are.

Roy narrowed his eyes.

He has been paying attention to Lanny's emotional changes——

When her mood fluctuated most violently, it was at the very beginning, but the words I don't know and I don't know were all false.

The other party has always known what the Assassin path represents.

She is lying!

Lanny's face turned cold and she said, Don't think you've got me, my mission here has nothing to do with you!


Roy's figure disappeared, and then the window was pushed open with a swish.

Lanie carefully took back her gun and moved out of the door cautiously.

After a minute, she finally confirmed that the strange man had left.

She sat on the bed and reflected to herself——

After arriving in Tingen, I really slacked off a bit, and I didn't even have any precautions at all.

Lani sat for a while, then got up and walked to the table. After thinking about it again and again, she did not choose to turn on the magic mirror here.

Need to change place!

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