Secret: I, the hermit, want to make progress too much

Chapter 84: Fight to the death, the brave one wins! 【Please order first】

Roy's pupils shrank.

The surrounding blood mist was contaminated with spiritual power. Looking at the vast expanse of light, they couldn't see each other only three steps away.

He thought of the three words Admissor said at that time.

Chaos, flesh, death.

Maybe it's this time.

He shouted: Retreat!

In fact, the rest of the people knew the seriousness of the matter better than Roy.

Bishop Rose is Sequence 6.

There are three Sequence 8s and one Sequence 7 on their side, and they don’t even have any particularly powerful combat sealed items. There is no way they can be Ms. M’s opponent.

Roy put on the Mask of Fury and the Ring of Invisibility, gripped his cane, and held the assassination dagger in his left hand. The four of them retreated in formation.


next moment--


The sound of surging water sounded.

Before Roy could react, a scream came from ahead. He turned his head and vaguely saw a figure falling down.

He immediately chanted in a low voice.

A spirit that wanders in nothingness.

“A friendly person who can communicate.”

The messenger who belongs exclusively to Grimm Rossiter.

Although he had prepared various charms, how could Roy use the charms now that he didn't even know where the other person was?

Only rely on her!

After reciting the incantation, he extended the spiritual stable channel, and the next moment, a figure emerged from the twisted blood-colored mist.

Uncomfortable smell, Roy, don't call me anywhere!

She couldn't help but complain.

Nina, help us leave!

Roy said.

Ms. Owl heard the sound, quickly put aside her complaints, looked around calmly, and then——

She screamed loudly, her spirit shaking the space.

A huge spiritual power spread out from her mouth and turned into something like a horse.

It includes Roy, Ryan, Ramo and the seriously injured Hiru, galloping all the way out of the blood mist.

Roy's eyes narrowed.

Trojan horse?

But soon, he abandoned distracting thoughts and focused on what was in front of him.

Because Ms. M showed up.

She roared angrily, speaking a language that was difficult to understand, but it possessed terrifying power.

Nina's spiritual horse was roared to the point of collapse.

Open a corner.


Nina responded.

Then, the back of the Trojan Horse opened, and the spiritual power turned into a slope.

Ms. M raised her lips slightly and quickly rushed up along the spiritual board, splattering blood and gibbering as she rushed.

not only that--

Roy didn't forget that the Secret Prayer's Sequence 7 was a hermit monk.

They can manipulate shadows.


Roy threw three amethysts.

They are all miscellaneous knowledge of hidden sages, some are useless but difficult to understand and digest, and some are obscure and profound.

Three amethysts flew towards him.

Ms. M turned into a ball of flesh and blood, as if the essence of her life had changed. She moved quickly on the ground and crawled into the car.

At the same time, the blood mist exploded to dissolve the spell.

Roy spoke Hermes.


The next moment, purple light enveloped the surroundings.

Roy and Ms. M were enveloped at the same time.

close the door!

Roy covered his head.

The knowledge of three knowledge charms was instilled into his brain at the same time, causing his memory and consciousness to become extremely confused.


Like him, Ms. M was in so much pain that she could no longer maintain her flesh and blood form and returned to a weird, twisted human form.

Bang bang!

Two gunshots were fired.

Ryan and Lamer fired simultaneously, and the bullets hit Ms. M in the heart and between the eyebrows at the same time.

Ms. M’s eyebrows and heart don’t seem to be critical.


She used shadow or flesh magic to distort vital locations.

As long as the opponent is not killed immediately, it is difficult for this kind of killing to have a fatal effect——

Flesh magic can kill enemies and heal itself.

For Bishop Rose, as long as she was not hit in the head and died immediately, she would be able to recover quickly.

If you can't kill him, then change the direction.

Roy swept the opponent down with a cane.

Then, the spiritual wooden board slowly closed under Nina's control.



A sound.

The mist inside the spiritual Trojan gathered and exploded, knocking the four people inside off their feet, and Roy was even blown off the slope.


Ryan's eyes widened and he rushed over to hold Roy back, but the blood mist exploded again——

This time it was Ms. M’s blood.

The air wave pushed Roy out.

Roy gasped.

He could conclude that the guy was looking at him now, otherwise it wouldn't have been such a coincidence.

Damn it!

no solution anymore.

Roy's eyes flashed with a trace of cruelty.

There is no better way to deal with the current situation.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!

The other party just blew him out, which was enough to show that Ms. M was also affected. It's just that the extraordinary people of the secret prayer path are too resistant to pain.

While Ms. M was still unable to perfectly control the power, he threw four spells in one go.

Purple light enveloped them.

A huge amount of knowledge poured into the brain, and not only that, but there was also a strange roar in the knowledge.

This time Roy heard it.

The other party's voice penetrated his soul, like a thunderous explosion. At that moment, his body's flesh sprouts grew wildly, and various abnormalities appeared.


Roy was also very tolerant, and he leveraged the power of the Mysterious Palace immediately.

I can't care about anything else at this moment.

Survival comes first!

With the help of the Mysterious Hall, he blocked the nonsense coming from Mr. Men.


Ms. M does not have such ability.

First came the knowledge of three talismans. Before he could digest the vast amount of information and knowledge, another murmuring talisman followed.

That is the secret prayer path.

The amount of information in this moment was enough to make any other extraordinary person go crazy and lose control, but she just screamed repeatedly, and her spiritual power attacked the surroundings in chaos.

She seemed to be adapting to the knowledge and babble.

Roy threw two explosive grenades with his left hand, and the demon hunting pistol in his right hand hit the center of his eyebrow.

After a shocking explosion, flesh and blood flew everywhere.


He vaguely felt that the other party was not dead.


The next moment, among the flesh and blood on the ground, a figure twisted and got up,

After a second, a head grew out from underneath, and the one on top was just a fake head created by flesh and blood magic.

At this moment, Ms. M's face was distorted, and exploding tumors continued to grow on her face.

She used self-mutilation to suppress the indoctrination and gibbering, but because her power was very unstable, she often used too much force.


The next moment, several shots hit her between the eyebrows, and then the dagger pierced the other person's heart, stirring it with all its strength.

The medicine bottle in Ms. M’s waist was broken.

Her body grew rapidly, and her previous injuries seemed to be suppressed and recovered for a short time!

For the Lord!

Then, the flesh and blood on her body expanded abnormally.

this time……

It was Roy's turn to be stunned.

What the hell, your brain and heart have been destroyed, how can you still continue to self-destruct?

He quickly threw out three bottles, and the red-crowned impatiens powder in the two bottles was sprinkled on Ms. M's body.

A bottle of sunflower powder.



The ancient Hermetic language was spoken.

A ray of light shone all around. Although it was suppressed by the blood mist, it still played a certain role. Then, raging flames ignited from Ms. M's body.

The rate of flesh and blood growth has stagnated.

Roy jumped to the edge with all his strength.

At this moment, the fighting scholar's ability came into effect. He landed and stood up quickly, then jumped suddenly and returned to the sewer.


There was an explosion, and flames and flesh engulfed the surrounding area.

The sewer outlet collapsed instantly. Roy ignored the dirt, flesh and blood and crawled inside to escape.

The collapse caused by the explosion became a subsequent barrier, blocking subsequent blood mist explosions.

Until the collapse and explosion stop,


Roy leaned against the wall, his heart beating wildly.

It's so embarrassing!

There was never a moment when he felt that the sewers were warm and safe.

Even though it's full of different smells.

A few seconds after Roy got off the car, Ryan and the others were sent to the shore, and the owl lady flapped her wings and disappeared into the air.


Before everyone could turn around, there was a shocking explosion from behind——

In the blood mist, a brilliant blood-red light rose up like a rose, which could be seen from a hundred or two hundred steps away.

what happened?

Ryan was stunned for a moment, then his pupils dilated, he immediately stood up and ran to the river below.

Roy! He's still over there!

Mr. Ryan, retreat quickly, we can't fight her.

Lamer held on to Ryan tightly.

On the other side of him, Hiru was lying on the ground, seeing more air coming in and less air coming out——

He was originally severely injured by Ms. M.

Later, in the Trojan Horse, he was affected by successive explosions of blood mist, and his body was seriously injured.


Ryan himself was also seriously injured. What's more, even if he was not injured, the opponent was Bishop Rose of Sequence 6, and they were definitely no match.

On the contrary, if they don't leave now, they may all die later.

Ryan endured his grief and dragged the unconscious Hiru into the carriage with Ramo, and then fled in a hurry.

Sitting in the carriage, Lamer drove, and Ryan endured his emotions to arrange healing magic and rituals.

They all know it.

Roy can't come back.

No one could escape such an explosion, not to mention that Roy was only Sequence 8, and the opponent was a powerful Rose Bishop.

If there were powerful extraordinary items, Roy might be able to escape.


As far as they knew, the best extraordinary item Roy had on him might be the Ring of Invisibility that he was asked to keep.

The huge gap cannot be bridged by skills and knowledge.

There was dead silence in the carriage.

Roy left his life to them, but he failed to come back. The secret of the owl was buried under the dust with Roy's death.

After a long time, Ryan finally spoke: Does Roy have any relatives?

No, but his landlady, Mrs. Traore, is very kind to him and has taken care of him since he started school.

Larmer said, That lady is also a believer in the church. She has provided conveniences and discounts to many orphans, and many of them have become our believers.

Ryan was silent for a moment.

He looked outside, the Adam's apple rolling around his neck.

Let's discuss it after confirming Roy's news. Let's release our emblem.

Drive faster.

In the sewer, Roy sat slumped in the pipe, thinking about where to go next.

Logically speaking, he should show up.

Sequence 8 killed Sequence 6 and finally survived such an explosion. It was difficult to use the Knowledge Spell to deal with it.

Maybe, it's time to leave.


At this moment, Klein's side must have also been attacked.

It was impossible for the other party to make such a plan just to ambush and kill him.

It’s more likely——

In order to attract the idea of ​​​​the Mechanical Heart, the Mechanical Heart cannot quickly support the Nighthawks so that everything can proceed as planned.

The next moment, the space was distorted.

Nina appears.

She opened her mouth and spit out a dagger and a special heart——

It should have been broken into pieces, but now it has recovered, crystal clear like ruby, but there seems to be blood erupting and flowing under the ruby ​​exterior.

This is the extraordinary characteristic of Bishop Rose.

Roy put it away and breathed a sigh of relief and said, Nina, thank you, but you have to do me one more favor and inform Mr. Azik that Klein and I are in danger.


Nina didn't refuse.

She understood the priorities. Something unforeseen had obviously happened to Tingen right now, otherwise Roy wouldn't be lying in the sewer like a dead dog.

The owl quickly disappeared into the sky.

Roy recovered some strength, but the negative effects from the Assassination Dagger made it impossible for him to raise his strength at the moment.

Nina should have been asked to rescue me first.

Roy looked outside.

The passage was buried under stones, the sewer was dark, and the smell became increasingly unpleasant.

He should be the worst evil god.


The harvest is also great.

He sat upright and scrawled a ceremony scene——

If a prayer ceremony were really held in such a place, most great beings would probably refuse.

Fortunately, it was himself who responded, so there was nothing to dislike.

Roy set up a sacrificial ceremony, then ascended to the Mysterious Hall and took the items to the Mysterious Hall.

The crystal clear ruby ​​heart was confirmed to be the extraordinary characteristic of the Rose Bishop.

As for the dagger.

There is not much change, but there is a lot of damage on the surface. Fortunately, its main body is the Assassin extraordinary characteristic.

It doesn't matter how eroded the dagger's appearance is.

Roy thought for a while and tried to use the power of the mysterious palace to fine-tune and reorganize it.

After a while, a brand new dagger appeared.

It's a pity that at my level in the Heart of Machinery, I still don't have access to the knowledge and experience of craftsmen in making extraordinary items.

Otherwise, I can try to use the Mysterious Palace to create extraordinary items.

Roy looked at the extraordinary characteristics of Rose Bishop and tried to use it to divine the potion formula after Sequence 6 and why she came to Tingen.

After a while, a picture emerged.

Listen up, the main materials the hermit needs are all the blood and skin of the shadow hunters.

They need to be collected by yourself.


The next second, the screen changed.

A woman walked out of the shadows, it was Ms. M. In front of her was an extremely handsome man.

You really don't want to come with me?

I will use all my strength to deal with the one from Tingen. He is more terrifying than you think. If he returns to Tingen, the Lord's plan will be greatly affected.

The handsome man said, You must understand that if I plan to go, I will not let you come from Winter County. I hope you will not disappoint the Lord.

Then, as long as you hold that person back and prevent him from doing bad things, I will let the glory of the Lord shine in every corner of Tingen.

Ms. M smiled.

The next moment, the picture disappeared.

So that's it.

Roy sat on the chair and sorted out the pictures he had just seen.

Then, he took out the pendant.

The arrival of Ms. M is influenced by Ince Zangwill and Sealed Artifact 0-08.

Initially, the pendant sways back and forth.

After two seconds, it began to slowly rotate clockwise.

True, but only to a small extent.


He only needs to hint to the members of the Aurora Society that there is a powerful being on Tingen's side, which is why they repeatedly fail.

This way the Aurora Society, which knew about the advent plan before, will take it seriously.

As for Mr. Azik.

At this moment, he may be fighting with Mr. Z——

Although Roy had reminded the other party that there was no need to actually fight Mr. Z, there was no chance that Mr. Z would get into trouble.

Hope he can come back soon.

While Roy was thinking, he suddenly felt a change in reality through the mysterious palace, and he quickly returned to reality.

The next moment, he saw a spiritual power extending, building an exit of the passage.

In an instant, Azik appeared in front of him with Nina.

In the darkness, Azik frowned and looked around thoughtfully.

It seems that your side has also been attacked by the Aurora Society.

Mr. Azik, there may be a greater danger on Klein's side!

Well, I have received his letter, but without her support, I might not be able to escape for the time being.

Azik answered.

Nina nodded obediently on the side.

Roy understood.

A shepherd with enough soul is definitely the strongest Beyonder under Sequence 4. Although Azik has recovered a lot of memories, his condition and strength have not returned to their peak.

The other party's extraordinary items are not around either.

Facing Mr. Z who is well prepared, it is indeed difficult to win quickly.

Azik glanced outside: Do you need help with it?

That couldn't be better!

Azik waved his hand, and a ghost suddenly emerged from the void and flew outside.

The next moment, he stood for two seconds.


Tingen, Blackthorn Security Company.

We saved Tingen.

Dunn Smith's smile was so dazzling to Klein. His vision was blurred and he was about to walk forward.

Suddenly, he felt a pain in his chest, his pupils shrank, and he froze in place.

He lowered his head. He lowered his head, and a slightly pale palm penetrated from his left chest, bleeding profusely.


Klein fell to the ground.

Ince raised the corner of his mouth slightly, bent down and picked up the umbilical cord and the box containing the ashes.

Ince's wish will definitely come true.

Sequence 4, I can definitely become a Sequence 4.

He smiled silently.


The next moment, Ince's expression froze. He looked down and saw the quill flying out and writing quickly on the ground.

Yes, Ince Zangwill realized his plan.

But he didn't know that Roy Green was not dead. He miraculously survived Bishop Rose's hunt.

Not only that, Roy also asked his magical messenger to contact Azik Eggers, and she allowed Azik to get rid of his enemies.

Azik built a stable spiritual world channel through the messenger's connection with Roy, directly reached Tingen, and made a second jump through the copper whistle and Klein's blood.

Ince Zangwill, the poor fellow is finished.

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