Secret: I, the hermit, want to make progress too much

Chapter 30 Klein: Mr. Hermit is so powerful!

How's your potion going lately?

Old Ryan sat upright.

It's okay. I have summarized a rule, but this rule is not universal.

Roy said.

Carl mentioned it before.

You misunderstood. I don't want to gain any experience from you. I just want to ask about your current situation. After all, I am injured. You may be transferred to perform tasks at any time recently.

Old Ryan said.

no problem.

Roy smiled.

Ryan nodded gently and smiled: You will become an amazing spy!

Yeah, I think so too.

Roy picked up his clothes, smiled and prepared to leave.

When he went upstairs, he only heard a sentence behind him——

Remember to write a reimbursement form and treat all guests to three drinks. It will be included in your reimbursement account.


Roy had to write an expense report before leaving the Black Iron Bar.


He received his weekly salary.

10 pounds.

Even in Backlund, a weekly salary of 10 pounds is considered a relatively high salary, allowing one to live a relatively decent life.


This kind of income is far from enough to gain a foothold in the extraordinary world.

Fortunately, I already have extraordinary characteristics.

Thank you Hidden Sage!

Roy admired sincerely.

He finished his meal on the roadside, then returned home and took the poison bottle to the Mystery Hall to have it appraised.

A strange combination of crown jellyfish and black datura.

The poisonous powder emitted can make people sick, suffocated, and weak, but it is not directly fatal, and if the enemy is particularly strong or holds their breath, it will not be effective.

The effects and flaws are obvious.


This also minimizes side effects.

Very useful extraordinary item.

Roy put it away and then walked to the bookshelf to see what knowledge the generous hidden sage had given him during this time——

I've been busy getting stronger and studying lately, and I haven't even taken stock of the indoctrination given by the Hidden Sage.

Tomahawk Techniques


He put it aside and looked at the other two extra books.

The Geography of Fusac

A little goes a long way.

Spiritual Strengthening Ceremony

It has been mentioned before in Useless Ramblings and was partially given before, but this time it has obviously been completed, including all the required materials.

Fairy flower, dragon tooth grass, amethyst powder.

All three materials are not hard to find.

Roy's hand paused, stretched out towards it, and then looked in the direction of the useless murmur.


There was also an extra stack of books over there.

I haven't seen it for a few days. He is pretty good at chattering. Let's see what happens this time.

While memorizing this spiritual stabilization ritual, Roy walked towards the bookshelf of useless ravings, and then, through the books, he saw the ravings of the hidden sage.

This guy tricked him into using rituals to strengthen Lado's spirit.

According to the hidden sage, after Lado's spirit is strengthened, he can slowly digest and absorb the power of knowledge.

After deducing, he came to the conclusion——

Rituals that work.

But Lado's essential problem is not his spirit, but that his level of digestion of knowledge cannot keep up with the indoctrination of the Hidden Sage, so it can only treat Lado's symptoms but not the root cause.

Only the spiritual strengthening ritual would plunge Lado into endless pain.

But being sober is better than being crazy.

Plus, it gave Roy a little inspiration.

You can use rituals to connect someone in reality with your mysterious palace, and then attract people in a targeted manner, and this only requires——

Change the spiritual strengthening ritual so that it can be combined with ritual magic to create a spiritual channel.

Roy was slightly overjoyed and sincerely praised the Hidden Sage in the mysterious palace.

He was such a generous, helpful guy.

He threw the nonsense back on the shelf.

I will buy another purple crystal tomorrow. I will try to instill the ravings of the Hidden Sage into it. What will be the effect?

Although the price of 10 soles is very expensive, Roy can afford it now that he has a high income——

Mr. Men’s babble is very strong, but the origin is really hard to explain.

It is more suitable as a killer weapon.

After arranging the plan, Roy was ready to take a look at the star map and then exit the mysterious palace.

Then he saw a flash of purple stars.

Klein Moretti.

what's the situation?

Roy narrowed his eyes slightly, and then quickly transformed into a spiritual figure, bringing him into the mysterious palace.

Please, Mr. Hermit, please help me!

Klein kept praying.

He didn't know if it would work, but——

Currently, among the people he knows, the most knowledgeable and wise one is only Mr. Hermit.

As for himself, the Fool has an empty name, but is actually just a Sequence 9 fortune teller. He is helpless in Old Neil's situation.

I prayed for a long time.

He thought he was going to fail. After all, there was no honorific name, only a simple ceremony. Normally it would be impossible to contact him.


The next moment, he noticed that the things around him turned into a torrent of information and spiritual numbers. The gathered spiritual numbers and information flows turned into a whirlpool, swallowing him up.

Wake up again.

The familiar yet unfamiliar mysterious palace has arrived before our eyes.

Klein was overjoyed and quickly saluted respectfully: Dear Mr. Hermit, thank you for your summons!

He raised his eyes slightly.

He only saw that the other party was composed of endless information, knowledge and spiritual numbers. A glance at it gave a warning of a spiritual explosion. He quickly lowered his head and did not dare to pry.

You can’t look directly at God!

At this moment, he experienced the feeling of justice and the Hanged Man facing the Fool.

Very uneasy!

What kind of deal do you want to make when you pray for me to summon you?

Roy asked calmly.

Klein lowered his head and said, I have a secret spy friend who was contaminated by the Hidden Sage. I would like to ask if there is any way to save him? I can pay for it with Emperor Russell's notes.


Good guy!

Acquire Russell's diary from the Tarot Club, store it, and then dump it on me.

You have completely understood the buying and selling.

Roy couldn't help but feel emotional. Fortunately, he was in an information state now and had no expression at all, so Klein wouldn't notice.

He was silent for a moment, and then said indifferently: Russell's diary itself is not of much value to me.

Klein was shocked——

Did he know it was a diary?

Could it be that He also knows Chinese characters?

However, if he knew how to read, why was the diary useless to him?

After he was shocked, he quickly reacted and couldn't hide his surprise: It turns out that is the diary of Emperor Russell. I thought it was some kind of mysterious knowledge. Then, can I still exchange it with you?

Klein, your reaction is really fast.

The acting is also very good.

Roy raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The text is very interesting. It can be added to my collection. With ten diaries, you can get the solution.

Klein suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Hearing this, he already understood——

The other party didn't know the text, but he knew it was a diary.

There are many possibilities. Maybe the other party is omniscient and omnipotent, and understands all mysteries and knowledge. Maybe the other party once knew Emperor Russell.


Either way is amazing.

The fake me is completely incomparable to Mr. Hermit.

Klein sighed secretly and said respectfully: Mr. Hermit, how should I display it?

You just have to think about it and have the thought in your mind to let it happen.

Roy said calmly.

Klein nodded and began to recall the contents of the diary, and then——

He saw with horror.

Streams of information emerged from both sides of his head. Judging from the direction, they should be coming from the ears. After these streams of information emerged, words appeared in the air one by one, as if they were alive.

Knowledge activation!

Klein was extremely shocked, and then he saw the activated words combine themselves and fly onto the white paper that appeared out of thin air. In the blink of an eye, ten diaries appeared.

Thanks to the ‘Children of the Wind God’ for the 500 coin reward

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