Secret: I, the hermit, want to make progress too much

Chapter 197 Audrey, he seems to know you

Just think of it as doing one good deed every day.

Roy sighed.

Like Leonard, he hasn't looked for him since then, but there is still a connection with each other on the star map.

If he wanted to find the other party, it would be very simple. He could contact him directly through the star map, but for now...

Roy doesn't need to use Leonard specifically.

For an investment like Dai Li's, he didn't expect a return, so he prepared to create extraordinary items for the Apostle of Desire.

That Extraordinary property is rather special.

With the help of the ability of the Mysterious Palace, he has been able to create corresponding extraordinary items before, but the negative effects are very terrible——

One is that during use, one's own desires will continue to be enhanced.

Second, the shadow will continue to activate and eventually devour the user.

Try to weaken it, otherwise the negative effects of this thing will be too great.

Roy tried to reorganize and activate.

One operation can reduce the activation effect of the shadow and extend the devouring time to one hour, but the former cannot be weakened.


Fortunately, as long as it is placed under light, the negative effects of shadow transformation can be suppressed and offset.

This is already the ultimate state.

Dong dong dong.

There was a knock on the door.

After a few seconds, someone came out and opened the door.

Leonard rubbed his eyes.

Ms. Dai Li? Are you coming here so late? Is there anything particularly urgent?


Dai Li looked serious.

She glanced inside: Is it convenient for me to go in?


Leonard nodded.

Dai Li rarely visits so late. The only possibility of coming now is——

Something is really wrong with her!

After entering the house, Daley closed the door and said, Leonard, were you at the scene when Dunn and Klein died that day?

I was there, but I was unconscious, and when I woke up there was only ashes left at the scene.

Leonard's tone was low and he didn't dare to look directly at Daly, I'm very sorry, if...

It's not your fault, Leonard. I'm not here to dwell on this. I want to ask, did you perform divination on the ashes at that time?

Daley asked quickly.

Leonard said: There was divination later, but it involved Megoose's ashes...

Has it been subdivided?


Leonard was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

Subdivide the ashes, divide it into several parts, even subdivide it as much as possible, and then use divination to confirm it.

Dai Li asked anxiously.

Leonard stayed for a while, and finally lowered his head: No, but Captain and the others should have-

He might not be dead!

Dai Li said seriously, The last time I went to Tingen, I felt that he was not dead! He must still be alive!


There's no body, right? I want to investigate, do you want to come with me?

Dai Li said.

With just one breath, Leonard made a decision——


Aige, welcome.

Thank you, Audrey, I didn't expect you to come out to pick me up.

Roy smiled lightly.

Then, he lowered his head and looked next to Audrey.

A golden retriever looked up at him.

Hello, Susie.

Susie wagged her tail, did not bark or speak, and had a gentle and friendly attitude.

Audrey smiled and said, It seems that Susie likes you very much. She only remembers you after meeting her twice.

Susie is smart.

Roy touched Susie's head.

The precious pets brought up...

If you don’t masturbate, you won’t masturbate!

After a while, he followed Audrey into the ball, and his tall figure immediately attracted the attention of many people.

in particular--

He was brought in by Audrey.

Audrey's charm is famous throughout Backlund.


Many nobles had already known the identity of Eiger, and they all raised their wine glasses and came over. The one in front of them was Earl Wolfe.

Count Wolfe, you are still as heroic as before.

Ege, your wisdom and deeds have been widely spread in Backlund recently. If this continues, it will not be easy for me to see you.

Count Wolfe laughed.

The two complimented each other for a while, and many nobles came up.

Finally, with Audrey's polite help, Roy was able to escape, and then——

He saw Gray Lint.

Now Gray Linte's physical and mental state are completely different, and the weakness caused by some previous bad habits has also been corrected.

Completely different people.

Gray Linte was obviously also very curious about Eiger.

After chatting with the young people for a while and spending a relatively relaxing, pleasant and filling time, Roy had to go to the second floor.

That's what he came for -

Negotiate a deal.


The result this time was predictable. Through his improved Secret Eyes, he had basically confirmed the surrounding situation.

There is some security in the villa, but not much.

Most of the nobles above are old faces and relatively familiar.

The cooperation matters were finalized last time.

this time……

In fact, it is just a matter of further discussion on the subsequent specific implementation.

If Duke Negan had not died, this meeting could have been omitted, but who said that now that Duke Negan is dead, a new conservative leader has not been elected?

Arrived at the second floor.

Earl Hall.

Ege, I have always wanted to find you, but after thinking about it, I still think it would be better if we all get together and chat.

Earl Hall made a please sit down gesture.

The faces here are still the same as before.

Roy sighed.

What happened to Duke Negan is really unexpected.

Damn assassin, completely disrupted our cooperation plan!

Count Wolfe yelled and cursed.

Roy glanced.

Just as angry as him was another person, also a familiar face——

Viscount Zago.

He was also a fiefdom viscount. He had sold some land before, but still had a lot of land left.


Due to the reasons Roy learned before, his recent business investment may be facing a lot of challenges, and there is a high probability that the results will not be good.

Mr. Egger, I heard that you were at the scene?

Yes, unfortunately, I failed to save Duke Negan and only caught the murderer.

Roy sighed, and then drew the prayer gesture of the Church of Knowledge, May Duke Negan rest in peace.

Seeing this, everyone drew various gestures on their chests.

By observing……

He roughly understood the religious makeup of these nobles.

There are only one or two who believe in the Church of Steam, and most of the others are believers in the Church of Night or the Church of Storms.

very good!

After everyone finished praying together, Earl Hall said: Mr. Egger, the previous cooperation is still valid. If you have any needs, you can tell us and we will try our best to meet them.

First of all, a piece of land is used as an experimental and seed-producing land, and the grain produced is ripened and distributed.

Duke Negan previously gave my daughter Audrey a manor to thank her for. There happens to be some land around it that can be used as an experiment and production ground.

Okay, let me produce the seeds. I also have some land in the other area that I can use.

Earl Wolfe said proudly.

The other nobles also agreed.

Those who have money get money, and those who have no money contribute efforts, people, and land. Of course, there are also some interests involved in the process.

Roy didn't want much.

Gold pounds, materials——

Most of them are still given to the Elements of Dawn and the Church of the Earth, and only a small part belongs to him.

After all, what he actually needs is to establish path dependence so that everyone can become dependent on convenient and powerful farming methods.

This is a promise made to the Mother Earth——

Don’t dare to eat God’s overlord meal indiscriminately.


Even if it is only a small part, it is already very large compared to the total amount. The accumulated amount should be enough for him to be promoted to Sequence 4 or to purchase some extraordinary materials.

How about it?

It went very well. By the way, the location is set at your manor. This is what Earl Hall wanted.

Roy replied.

Audrey smiled sweetly.

No problem, I have no use for that manor anyway. If we can grow high-yielding food and crops, it will be of great help to the entire Loen.

That's right.

Roy stared ahead, then sighed softly.

It is hoped that these grains can bring some benefits to the civilians and make future disasters less severe.

He knows it very well.

Not every noble is as kind as Audrey.

Quite the opposite.

Most nobles are very greedy. During their expansion after their initial accumulation, many operations were not visible to the public.

This is the same everywhere and at all times.

Why are you sighing?

If there were more nobles like you, there might be no hunger in the world.

Roy smiled.

Audrey was startled for a moment, then said, I'm not as good as you said.

See you next time.

Roy waved his hat and walked away.

Audrey stared at the tall figure of the other party, and then fell into thinking for a while——

It seems.

Egg didn't think the nobles would help the common people.

She walked back with a heavy heart.

My princess, thank you for your help. The transaction went smoothly.

Earl Hall said asking for a hug.

Audrey seized the opportunity and asked: Dad, if we can really achieve the kind of output Mr. Egg said, after a war, will we help civilians tide over the difficulties?

Earl Hall was startled for a moment, then he was silent for a few seconds, and finally said: Audrey, if it was a week ago, I would have said 'yes', but now...

Can't it be right?

Audrey lowered her eyes slightly.

Earl Hall did not answer directly, but said: Everyone actively participated in this cooperation for their own benefit.

But without commoners, we nobles are meaningless.

Audrey didn't understand.

Earl Hall patted her shoulder lightly and said, Go and rest, I still have to see off the guests.

Okay, Dad.

Audrey didn't bother.

As a psychiatrist, she already knew the answer.

Audrey walked upstairs with heavy steps and sat in her study. After a while, Susie opened the door and came in.

It stood on its hind legs and opened the door on its own, then quickly closed it.

Audrey, you are in a very low mood.


Audrey sighed.

She understands.

This is what most nobles think. They can't force it, but they still feel a little heavy.

Susie obviously didn't understand her troubles. She sat crouching and wagging her tail, quietly accompanying Audrey.

After a few seconds, Audrey turned her head.

How was your observation today?

I'm not sure, but it feels like he knows you.

Susie said.

Audrey was stunned, then smiled and said, It's normal to know me.

That's not the kind of understanding.

Susie explained again.


Obviously, even though it likes reading books, it still cannot describe it through its own cognition.

Audrey thought for a while and gave a guess.

Maybe he investigated in advance?

have no idea.

It lay on the edge, lost in thought.


It always feels like something is not right.

If Susie's knowledge base was rich enough, she might be able to capture the key elements from this sense of disobedience, but now she obviously didn't understand it.

As an authority figure, Audrey really couldn't observe thoroughly.

She could only sigh regretfully.

Next time, when Forsi comes back, I'll invite them to have a small party together, and then we'll observe them again.


On the way, Roy was riding back in a carriage when he suddenly heard shouts from in front of him.

Stop, stop, stop!

The valet of Earl Hall was panicked.

The most serious thing is——

The horses seemed frightened.

What happened?

Mr. Egg! The horse suddenly lost control.

shouted the footman.

Roy took out the Holy Sun Water, sprinkled some holy water from it, and then used his spirituality to sprinkle it toward the horse in front.


The horse calmed down.

The main functions of holy water are to ward off evil spirits, drive away cold, etc., but it also has subtle effects on calming and reducing fear and other emotions.

The horses were baptized by the holy water and became less afraid and gradually became more obedient.

Then Roy poked his head out.

A well-dressed man wearing glasses stood on the side of the road, shouting loudly, intending to block their car.

Roy glanced at the other party.

Sir, what happened?

The sewer in front has been damaged for some reason, and a carriage has already fallen into it. If you go at this speed, something might happen.

The other party replied.

Roy was stunned for a moment, then used his voyeuristic eyes to explore the surroundings, and saw a carriage that had fallen into it not far ahead.

This appears to be an accident.


Who was so wicked as to collapse the underground sewer?

He was speechless for a while.

Looks like I have to walk back the rest of the way.

Roy got out of the car helplessly, then looked back at the valet, Thank you, and also thank Earl Hall for me.

No, I have to thank you.

The manservant was obviously a little shocked and just recovered——

If something happened, he would definitely not be able to keep his job.

Living in Backlund, he really couldn't leave this job.


Roy smiled and nodded.

Then he looked at the man on the roadside.

Thank you also, kind sir, are you the victim of the carriage in front?

No, I'm a doctor at the clinic here. In fact, this hole appeared in the evening, but no one came to deal with it or put up warning signs.

The other party complained speechlessly, Those people are the most aggressive in collecting taxes. They are always inefficient when doing things. I don't know if they can be fixed before next week.

With their efficiency, it might be difficult.

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