Demonic lava magic.

At the stage of Sequence 5, its power becomes even more terrifying.


Roy, who was above, understood that Jason's actual purpose was not to kill Duke Negan, but to create a terrifying atmosphere of death——

Emotions are the most powerful weapon of the Desire Apostle.


At this moment, he was thinking about whether to save Duke Negan.

If Roy is willing, he can just use his abilities a little to provide Duke Negan with a certain degree of protection.


This Lao Deng is not a good guy!

While Roy was thinking, he saw a look of confusion and fear on the face of the woman in the room.

A wave of emotion spread through her astral body.

No! Let me go, I was controlled just now-

she shouted.

However, the next moment.


There was a gunshot and she fell from the window.

Roy saw Duke Negan in the house holding a gun, staring coldly in the direction where she fell.

At this moment, he had the answer in his heart.

He waved his hand, and a dazzling light enveloped the demon's shadow, and the blazing light of the sun enveloped Jason.


If Roy is willing, he can use this newly obtained extraordinary item to leverage the power of the holy water inside and mobilize the power that belongs to the fear immunity part.

He didn't do this, but used the light of the sun to cover the demon in front of him.


Demons do not belong to the category of undead. The ability of the sun path can suppress them, but it is not that strong.

The next moment, the dark shadow twisted and quickly disappeared into the room. The secretary who was escorting Duke Negan to leave raised his fist.

It is forbidden to hide here. Violators shall be...


The devil's dirty words were like a fish bone stuck in his throat.

Jason appeared, his body still unformed, and his obscene words directly destroyed the body of Duke Negan's secretary.


Through his voyeuristic eyes, Roy could see that Jason's body had also suffered the same backlash.

He seemed to have suffered the same level of abuse.

Jason Beria turned his head and looked at Duke Negan, who was protected by the Wind Blessed One, and raised his right hand.

The old Duke's eyes widened with surprise and horror on his face. He opened his mouth to call for help, but there seemed to be a stone stuck in his throat.

Panic clogged his throat.

next moment.


With a sound, Duke Negan covered his throat in horror, and blood overflowed and flowed from it.


Such emotions instead gave rise to his fear.

Not only that, Jason turned into chaotic black shadows, appearing everywhere in the room.

The guards were completely panicked and were shooting everywhere.

No! Duke Negan...

The Wind Blessed One substitute for punishment opened his mouth and was about to remind him, but Duke Negan, who had already fallen into a severely injured and weak state, was already confused in his thinking.

This is also the effect Jason needs.

Even though the Wind Blessed One had already moved very quickly, he quickly used the wind blade to kill the guard who was controlled by panic.


On Duke Negan's head, blood flowers suddenly burst out.

His fear killed himself.

Exactly the same as before.

The black shadow quickly disappeared from the scene, but when he was about to leave, he suddenly staggered.

Then, a look of surprise appeared on his face.



Jason looked up, then quickly turned into a black shadow and continued to escape.

The wind-blessed ones flew out from inside.

Are you from the Church of Knowledge?


Roy nodded and said at the same time, I put poison on him so that he can be tracked.


Duke Negan is basically dead at this moment, and even applying healing magic is meaningless.

On the contrary, it was this murderer...

If you can catch it, you can at least make up for your own mistakes.

I think you should stay here.


What a coincidence.

Roy reminded.

The punisher was stunned for a moment, and then said: You mean?

Either he has the ability of divination or prophecy, or he has an insider. Otherwise, why can everything be arranged just right?

Roy whispered.

The punisher turned back, looked into the room, and then said, You're right, let's see who it could be.

There are not many suitable candidates.

Roy smiled slightly, Look, I'll track that guy first, and we'll discuss it together when I get back.


In a garden, a black shadow appeared. He couldn't help coughing and spitting out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, the veins on his forehead were beating violently and he could not suppress it.

Not just toxins.

There is also unstoppable madness.

After reaching Sequence 5, although he can control his own desires and emotions, madness is an exception, because madness stems from the weakness of the Demon Sequence.

It is not part of the emotional spectrum.

The man just now magnified it, making him unable to control himself and almost going crazy in the villa.

And toxins——

This poison caught him off guard, and he had no idea when he was infected.


Is it time to release the sunshine?

He suddenly thought of a possibility.

The light of the sun was just a guise to attract his attention, but it was actually meant to conceal the true intention.

In addition, the other party knows how to hide his emotions and can hide his malice until he is completely unaware of it.

Paths of Knowledge.

Jason's eyes showed strong malice and madness.

Such a comprehensive extraordinary ability is most likely the path to knowledge. Being able to use the ability so openly should be the church of knowledge.

He stumbled forward.

At this time, the shadow behind Jason suddenly turned into a giant hand and entangled him.

The power of shadow!

At that moment, he almost thought that he was being targeted by a Secret Prayer Extraordinary who had mastered the shadow ability and was above Sequence 6.

The shadow turned into a chain and entangled him.

He caught up with me so quickly?

The smell of toxins!

Jason immediately realized that he had to abandon this body, otherwise he would not be able to escape from the other party's pursuit.


Kill each other?

It may not work.

Jason weighed his own abilities and those of the other party, thinking about how to kill the other party as he ran.

Hidden malice...

This is indeed rare, but it is not impossible to solve.

After all.

In the end, it depends on who has the bigger fist.

This is what Jason originally thought. He was fully prepared to fight back, and even thought of himself stepping on the opponent's body.


The figure that appeared the next moment completely gave up his thoughts.

A full body armor.

The difference is that it is stained with terrible blood. It is like a natural enemy that blocks out all emotions and desires, and even spirituality cannot extend past it.

Then, his shadow condensed into a point.


A group of shadows tangled up.

The condensed shadow quickly disintegrated and turned into black spots that scattered and fled, leaving only afterimages torn apart by the shadow.

At the same time, the body disintegrated into various pieces, and the blood dripping from it was terrifying.

He's not dead yet.

The armor made a sound.

Behind him, several people came out.

It was Sost and his men. He looked at Leonard: Are you okay?

No problem, I've locked him in.

You guys follow him, I'll talk to this gentleman.

Sost looked at the corpse that had disintegrated on the ground, and then locked his eyes on the tall figure in front of him.

That ability just now...

A hermit?

Leonard nodded solemnly and quickly walked in the direction where the shadow left.

Roy smiled and said, Are you Red Gloves?

As he spoke, he cast his eyes on Sost's hand——

Sost wore striking red gloves on his hands.

Sost looked serious: Yes, who are you?

Egg White.

Roy answered and drew a prayer gesture from the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom to express his identity.

Sost recalled for a moment, then nodded slightly.

I have the impression that you are a scholar. Why are you here?

I was invited to Duke Negan's ball tonight, and then Duke Negan was assassinated by him.

Roy explained.

Sost thought of the scene in the magic mirror before, and suddenly understood——

The tall figure standing at the door at that time should be Egg White in front of him.

He may be accompanied by a butler or servant of Duke Negan's family, or a member of the Negan family or other nobles.

Is Duke Negan okay?

he died.

Roy replied.

Sost was a little unbelievable.

There was a scholar at the scene, and Duke Negan was still dead...

How can this be?

He frowned slightly: Does Jason have an assistant?

No, but I feel that there is an insider beside Duke Negan who belongs to Jason. It may not be Jason's, but it is arranged by him and the people behind Qilingos.

Roy said.

Then he briefly recounted the story.

Sost thought for a few seconds and understood Roy's logic.

It went so well.

He added a message.

Duke Negan believes in the God of Storms. He should contact the Godsinger through the Punisher as soon as possible.

Yes, but in the end His Excellency the Singer of God did not arrive.

Roy replied.

Sost looked eastward.

Because he went to the dock area, and a man wearing the appearance of Jason Belial appeared at the dock and wanted to leave and go to other places.

“That solidified my idea.”

Roy said.

Sost nodded: Perhaps as you said, do you have any doubtful candidates?

Not many people can arrange all kinds of living arrangements.

Roy replied.

Sost pondered for a moment and said, Try channeling first, you or me?

Come on, I only know a little bit about channeling.

Roy had no intention of getting involved.

Sost did not refuse: Okay.

“Phew—damn it, damn the Church of Knowledge!”

The black shadow twisted in the sewer.

After taking a few steps, his shadow gradually distorted, and finally——

The shadow gradually became scattered.

Jason tried hard to condense the shadow with spirituality, and the shadow was even stirring, but because there was not enough material, he could not generate a new body.

At this time, mice suddenly jumped out.

He quickly caught the rats, and the shadow digested and absorbed their flesh and blood.

Sombra fixed some.


An illusive undead owl emerged from the sky and greeted in the ancient Fusac language.

Hello, dear Apostle of Desire.

It was saying hello.

Jason Belial, who had just condensed, looked over and saw only a mysterious message and the fog of death.

Death, knowledge and information are perfectly intertwined in it.

At the same time, there is also a faint suppression from personality and power.


Don't mess with it!

Jason fled quickly, and the dark shadows peeled off and detached from his body like snowflakes. Jason almost lost control because part of his spirituality and shadow had been forcibly removed.

Under the chaos of consciousness——

He looked up and saw a figure emerging from the sewer in front, and Jason ran into it without hesitation.

Absorbing the opponent might give you a chance to escape!


The moment he blended in, he felt an even more terrifying suppression of his personality, as if...

Encountered a god.

He felt death coming, but could do nothing about it.

After a ray of light, his spirit body completely collapsed.

Then, the mysterious man wearing a black crown raised his head and looked at the owl in the passage.

The two spirit creatures looked at each other, and neither of them dared to move for a while.

Nina is afraid.

The spiritual creature in front of him was very terrifying in terms of personality and aura. The Desire Apostle collapsed immediately after crashing into it.

Who is this man in crown armor?

She wanted to escape, but she was reluctant to let go of the extraordinary characteristics in front of her.

On the other side, Klein was also confused.

Of course he recognized the spiritual creature in front of him.


Roy's messenger lady.

Will she recognize herself?

If you recognize it...

Didn’t you expose yourself?

Better run!


This is an extraordinary characteristic of Sequence 5!

How much is this worth?

Klein's heart was bleeding, and he was both reluctant and afraid to stay. For a while, the two were in a stalemate.

After a few seconds, Nina was about to evacuate when she sensed another uninvited guest coming from behind.

Another man in armor.

Two armored men and a spiritual creature met in a sewer.

Not long after, the armored man in front left quickly.

Who are you?

Leonard looked at the undead creature in front of him.


Nina didn't respond, but opened her mouth and spat out a cloud of fog that enveloped Leonard.

Although it was quickly absorbed and disappeared, Nina took advantage of this time to fly towards the shapeless black shadow.

Then, a strange light enveloped it.

Immediately afterwards, a chess piece appeared, and the chessboard faintly enveloped the black shadow.

The chess game of time!

Under the mysterious magic, time seems to be frozen.

After a moment passed, an extraordinary characteristic separated from it. After Leonard came out of the fog, Nina took the extraordinary characteristic and fled away.

Leonard took a few steps closer.

Two groups of people?

Looks like it.

Palles said, The one in black armor has a very high status and makes me feel very threatened. The other undead owl...

What does it come from?

Leonard was curious.

Pales thought for a few seconds and said: It seems that he is a mystic who has the ability to access the undead, but I'm not sure.


Leonard recalled for a moment and remembered the level of this sequence.

Sequence 4 of the Secret Peeper.


There is no doubt that comparing the two, the man in black armor is definitely more terrifying.

He was silent for a few seconds.

Then, his companion quickly arrived and also came to the scene.

Leonard did not communicate with Pales anymore, but told them what he saw at the scene.

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