Witchcraft symbols are portrayed successfully.

It's said to be ritual magic, but it's actually just a huge scroll, except that this scroll is replaced by the floor of a tower.

In the mysterious palace, Roy smiled.

He can feel it...

Part of his potion was successfully digested.

On the right track!

The so-called scroll is not necessarily a scroll in the narrow sense. It is a kind of knowledge and skill. The material can be leather, paper, or any material.

Roy concluded.

The next moment, part of his potion was digested again.


The direction is right.

The point is, I can make scrolls more freely, instead of just being limited to the skins of animals, otherworldly creatures.

Roy was thinking in his mind.

Scrolls, rituals, and witchcraft are all similar to a certain extent, but they are just different directions of mysterious knowledge.

He waited for a moment, but Lovia didn't make any more requests. Roy chuckled and returned to reality.

Frank, you have to understand, we're all on the same ship. If our ship sinks, you can't run away.

Cattleya is really going crazy.

A bunch of mushroom mycorrhizae spread all over the deck, even penetrating into the cabin below.

In front of her was a narrow storage room that was densely covered with mycorrhizae and could no longer be entered. Almost all the food inside was absorbed by the mycorrhizae of the mushrooms as nutrients.

That is to say.

Now the Star will face a huge problem.

No food!

On land, this problem may not be so fatal, but on a ship, no matter how strong the Extraordinary is, he will go crazy when faced with such a desperate situation.

Frank said proudly: Captain, you don't need to worry. I am no longer the person I was before. Although I haven't been promoted yet, my understanding of mushrooms has reached a new height.

Oh, then I really congratulate you.

Cattleya looked expressionless, rubbing her fingers on the cane, thinking about whether Frank should be expelled.


You are so powerful, a wooden board should be enough for you to survive to the next place, right?

She then sneered.

Heath was on the side and couldn't help but want to dissuade him, but seeing the warehouse full of mycorrhizae, he felt that Frank was too dangerous now.

It used to be my residence.

Now it's a storage warehouse.

The next one might be the entire cabin.

When the time comes, will they be carried forward by mushrooms?

Mushroom boat...

When Heath thought of that scene, he suddenly felt excited and had no idea of ​​helping to speak.

How terrible!

Captain, it was just an accident.

When Frank saw that Cattleya was really angry, he immediately gave in and said with a smile, But it's true that I have made a breakthrough in mushrooms. I have developed mushrooms that can survive in even the harshest environment.

Then, Frank proudly said: I have a mushroom that can grow directly on sea water without consuming fresh water resources.

Then what?

Cattleya looked expressionlessly at the cabin, You mean, all of us will eat mushrooms after that?

What happened to the mushrooms?

Frank looked at Cattleya with disdain, My mushrooms are normal food, a gift from the Mother Earth to us!

It turns out.

Don't provoke a person who is on the verge of an explosion, especially when the other person still has the ability to control life and death——

Cattleya's cane bloomed with starlight.


The stars gathered together and turned into a cage.


Frank was pulled up by her, smashed directly from the deck covered with mycorrhizae, and then imprisoned and soaked in the sea water.

Heath jumped up.

When he reached the place where he fell into the water, he looked down and saw Frank struggling and swimming, but the starlight cage tightly held him in a position where he could not fall into the water but not be fatal.

Angry women are terrible!

He turned silently and walked toward the deck.

Don't worry, everyone, the captain will teach Frank a lesson. You see, he is drinking sea water to calm his mind.

Heath pointed toward the sea.

Ottolov, the old seafaring captain, was questioning his soul at this moment.

All I care about is, will we have to eat mushrooms for half a month? You know, we have to travel by boat for at least half a month from the next supply point.

Everyone looked over together.

This is the issue that everyone is most concerned about.


Without food, life at sea is difficult.

Heath chuckled and made a less humorous joke: You can also choose to eat my flesh and blood.

Mushrooms, my God, I want to eat mushrooms for half a month! Damn Frank, this must be his conspiracy, and he will do anything to make us eat his mushrooms!

The female boatswain beside her wailed.

At this time, Frank was still suffering from seawater immersion.

Isn't Mr. Groot here today?

Yes, he asked for leave and said he was going to another place for a while. He might not have time to come for a long time.

Ollie shook his head and said.

So that's it, then do you know where he lives?

I don't know, sir, we never ask where our members live. Just like you, we don't know where you live or what your specific status is.

Viscount Zago nodded regretfully and sighed, I originally wanted to thank him in person. He helped me a lot.

I'm sorry, but I really don't know.

Green, where have you been these past few days? I haven't even seen you at your house. I originally wanted to invite you to my moving party, but it's a pity that you are not here.

In the Harvest Church, Roy happened to meet Hyde.

At this moment, Hyde's spirit is completely different from before, and his whole body embodies a calm and gentle aura.

Roy smiled and said: I originally wanted to sneak into the Moss Ascetic Order to find out some information, but I didn't expect that Mr. Danai is a cautious guy.

Danai? That Sequence 5?

Hyde raised his eyebrows.

Roy mentioned before that there is a pillar in Sequence 5 called the mysterious waiter.

If Danai were that pillar...

Roy shouldn't be back so soon.

Yes, it's hard to say the details. Father, is Ms. Liyana here?

Roy looked at Utravsky who was finishing his prayer.

Utravsky looked back, then nodded slightly: Yes, you can go directly to her.


Roy said goodbye to Hyde and entered the back room through the narrow side door of the church.

Next door to the room where he had been given the key.

The vampire girl stuck her head out of the window.

\u0026quot;Looks like you've been through a less intense battle,\u0026quot;

So be it.

Roy entered the room and explained his situation this time.

Liyana listened quietly.

Finally, she thought for a while and said: My information comes from the vampire clan. It's really hard to say whether it is accurate or not. The resentful soul ability you mentioned should be a magical item that we leaked.

Is it leaked from your side?

Roy was a little surprised.

Liana nodded slightly: We exchanged it for a copy of the Viscount's extraordinary characteristics.


This is the name of the vampire clan.

The popular name is Crimson Scholar, which is Sequence 5 of the Medicine Master path.

This is not surprising.

Roy understood.

For vampires, the extraordinary characteristics of this path are naturally more important.

What does that thing do?

The resentful soul is possessed and the resentful soul screams.

Liana said, looking at Roy deeply, and then couldn't help but smile, This magical item has terrible negative effects.

What effect?

Whenever the moon is full, you must sincerely praise the moon, but in fact, even if you don't praise it, it will affect the user.

Liyana chuckled.


Roy took a deep breath.

This is incredible!

The moon in Liyana's mouth obviously does not refer to the goddess of the night, or Lilith of their vampire family, but the original moon.

That is to say.

Will it be affected by the original moon if you use that magical item too much?

Roy took a breath: Madam, is it really okay to release such a terrible item?

Don't worry too much. It's not as scary as you think. It's just an extraordinary item.

Liyana smiled and said, At most it will cultivate a member of the Rose School, but it will also attract people from the Rose School.

This means...

It will have an impact on Danai's consciousness, but it will not have a substantial impact.

Roy relaxed slightly after hearing this, and then realized that his worries were unfounded. As a member of the vampire clan, no matter who Liyana was in front of him, he definitely did not want the original moon to come.

after all.

Behind the original moon vest is the Fallen Mother Goddess, a pillar-level outer god.

Then do you have any way to track his location?


Liana shook her head, and then looked at Roy, Don't you know a resentful spirit? You can try to find it through the aggregation of extraordinary characteristics.

Although the aggregation of extraordinary characteristics has a certain effect, it is not directional. It may attract Danai, but it may also attract the Rose School of thought.


If 008 is watching, there is a high probability that he will fail.


If it's watching, just lure it away!

When Roy thought of this, his mind suddenly broadened and he already had an idea.

What is known today is.

008 is controlled by the Witch Sect, so who gets their attention the most?

no doubt.

Triss Cheek!

Her suffix represents the original witch, and now Triss is, to some extent, Chic's special favor.


The blessed ones on the witch path are not as lucky as others.

This was the beginning of her tragedy.

Especially now being controlled by 008.

If you want to get the opponent's sight away from this place, the best way is to let Klein and Triss cause some big events.

Then, he took this opportunity to hunt down Astrology Master Danai.

This is the best option.

008's arrangement is not the influence of fate, but the use of various hints and arrangements to guide events to develop in the direction you need.

For example, the reason why Bernadette failed in her pursuit of Danai was that during the pursuit, she encountered obstacles from various spiritual creatures, as well as from a mysterious waiter and another person.

Various influences caused her to fail to catch up.


Arranging a Sequence 2 angel will cost the author a huge price.

Roy thought of this and already had a plan——

Klein can only suffer for a while!

Thank you for your help, ma'am.

Need any further help?

I hope you can help contact your brother.


Of course, the more helpers the better.

The current Bernadette is undoubtedly no longer suitable for action. She is too powerful and her target is too big.

The best option is instead to hunt alone.

Roy had a plan.

By the way, are my audience extraordinary items ready?

Liyana looked at Roy.

Not yet, madam. I have just acquired the knowledge of craftsmen. It will take some time to study, learn and try. It can't be done so quickly.

All right.

Liyana chuckled and didn't dwell on the issue anymore.

At night, the Brave Bar in the East End.

Kaspars was playing billiards when there was a sudden sound of footsteps behind him.

He stopped.

I'm looking for Maric.


He turned his head.

In front of him was a handsome black-haired man, wearing a black robe. Although he was wearing a covering silk hat, he still attracted attention.

Kaspars was silent for a few seconds and said, I don't have such a person here.

He must be here, or he must have been here. You can also tell me where he is now. I am friends with him.

Roy smiled.

Kaspars shook his head: He was indeed here once, but now he has left, and I don't know where to find him.

it's a pity.

Roy adjusted his glasses, then chuckled, put on his hat and left.

He walked outside, but slowly.

About three minutes later, at a secluded corner, a shadow appeared on the wall.

A girl in palace attire appears.

Ms. Sharon, your appearances are always so shocking.

What's up?

Sharon stared at Roy.

She wasn't surprised that Roy came here, after all -

He had given him the Book of Secrets.

For those who are good at divination, tracking and dream divination are not too difficult.

Talk about cooperation.


Sharon was concise and to the point.

Roy held up his hat.

I know an extraordinary item about the resentful soul. It is controlled by the Sequence 5 Extraordinary of Moss Ascetic Order. We each take what we need from each other.

Even though Malic now has the trait of a resentful soul, no one would be satisfied with the lack of extraordinary items on hand.

After all, Sharon and Maric are already among the few members of the Temperance Party.

Sharon was silent for a few seconds.


This is the cooperation I want to talk about. I only know that he is near the Kingdom Museum, so I need your and Maric's help.

Roy thought for a moment and said, Do you know the law of aggregation of extraordinary characteristics?


Sharon was silent for two seconds.

To put it simply, Extraordinaries of the same sequence or adjacent sequences tend to be attracted together spontaneously.

Roy said.

Sharon nodded: I know, but I don't know that this is the law of aggregation.

Well, I just want to take advantage of this and see if you can find the astrologer.

There's some risk involved.

Sharon pursed her lips, Although we have eliminated a group of people before, they were just pawns. The real scary thing is the saint behind them.

I will inform the Queen of Mystery and ask her to help deal with the saint.

Roy said.

Sharon gave him a deep look.

The Queen of Mystery values ​​you very much.

Dealing with the Morse Trappist Order is the purpose of our Elemental Dawn, just as you hate the Intemperate School of Rose.

I agreed.

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