Secret: I, the hermit, want to make progress too much

Chapter 155 Emlyn: Thanks to the Mother Goddess for her guidance

Murder scene? He must be chased by the murderer, right? Hahaha, I can't take the damn key. I praise the Mother Goddess for guiding me here.

Emlyn laughed.

Roy glanced at him with a half-smile, realizing that the other party didn't notice the problem in his words at all.

Praise the Mother Goddess…

You are so pious!

He smiled and said: Yes, there are some things that cannot be taken.

Then what?

Emlyn smiled and said, What happened to him later? Was he chased and run over?

He knew who had taken the key.

That damn guy even came to him to ask about the source of the key and where he lived.

Judging from the results.

The guy was obviously not dead, otherwise there would be no way to appear in front of him.

That guy is the murderer of a serial murder case. You should have heard that Silveras Field has been a very troublesome person recently.

Roy simply sat down and told Emlyn Kopp the latest gossip news, He reported it immediately after he bumped into it and received a reward.


Emlyn turned his head, a confused expression on his face.

Did he have the same key?


Roy nodded.

Emlyn's face was stiff and he was speechless for a moment.

I saw that his mentality was slightly broken.

Roy chuckled and said the follow-up: You don't have to be jealous.

I'm not jealous. How could a noble vampire be jealous of a mere human being?

Emlyn replied dismissively.

Roy slightly arranged the notebook in his hand and said, There are still consequences to this matter. Others don't know, but I know something.

What follow-up?

Emlyn was indeed curious.

Roy said: That demon is a dog, maybe someone's pet. If you keep a demon pet, you can imagine what kind of strength it is.

That's such a tragedy.

Emlyn stopped smiling.

He was silent for a few seconds, and then sighed: It's better to destroy that thing, or find a way to seal it. It doesn't feel safe to leave it outside.

No matter how harsh this vampire's mouth is, his heart is still kind.

Do you know where the curse on that comes from? Is there any chance that the key will be destroyed?

Emlyn became concerned about the key.

It's not clear, but I have a rough guess.

Roy looked at him deeply.

Emlyn was curious: What?



Emlyn was stunned, not quite understanding the meaning of his words.

Roy said: The closer it is to a full moon night, the stronger its curse effect will be. You can recall whether it was a full moon night or closer to a full moon night when you accidentally walked here.

Emlyn recalled it.

It really is!

That night the moonlight was very beautiful, so he thought of going out for a walk, but accidentally got lost and ended up at the Earth Church.

It turns out that the root of everything comes from the moon.

Could it be the guidance of the ancestors?

Emlyn was stunned for a moment, and then felt that it was impossible.

If it was the founder who guided him, how could he be allowed to go to the Earth Church and send believers out.

Maybe it's the damn original moon.

He secretly held a grudge.

Does He want to eliminate as many of the First Patriarch’s followers as possible?

What a sinister intention!

Roy didn't know what this vampire was thinking, but from the observation of his rapidly changing astral body, he was probably in a very complicated mood at the moment, and he didn't know what direction he was thinking about.

He smiled without explaining.

Originally it was just a casual joke, a small joke with this vampire, but the other person's rapidly changing and unconcealed expressions and emotions just now made him very satisfied.

Emlyn sat on the chair, thinking to himself about the God War that he imagined, and remembering the original moon——

He considers himself a devout believer in the First Patriarch.


In a sense, Roy recognized his piety.

He glanced above calmly, then made a slight gesture of the Holy Emblem of Life, and then entered the back.

Behind the door, a woman looked at him with a smile.

Why are you here today?


She is also at Harvest Church.

Roy was a little surprised. He nodded politely and said, Come here and ask for some materials for research.

You don't need to come here yourself, just let the servants know, or your friend can do it. Do you have any new scrolls?

not yet.

Roy shook his head, The journey of the Mother Goddess is vast and profound. I have only studied a small part of it now. If I want to expand, I need to continue to absorb and learn more knowledge.

This is the truth. Even though the church knows a lot about these things, it is actually accumulated over countless years and generations.

Liyana looked towards the room where the books were kept.

Roy nodded.

Many families are stronger than others because they have knowledge, books, and collections that others do not have.


This is a real thing.

Such as Abraham.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and in a situation like its predecessor, without the Mysterious Hall, it would be extremely difficult to reach a high position.

Just getting started is a matter of life and death.

Roy withdrew his eyes and thoughts.

Madam, the strongest person in Backlund may be a Sequence 4 mystic. If I want to deal with him, or hunt down a Sequence 5, can you provide some help?

Sequence 4 or Sequence 5?

After hearing this, Liana had a solemn look on her face, then looked at Roy, glanced around, and then said after a while, Green, do you think too highly of me?

She sighed.

If I had that ability, would I still be injured by a mere member of the Spiritual Religion Group and have to ask the Mother Goddess for help?


The next moment, Liyana smiled and said: But I can't help you, but I can help you ask one of my brothers. He is a potion professor at Sequence 6.

Thank you very much.

Roy nodded.

You can never have too many helpers.

A Sequence 6 potions professor can come in handy at certain times.

It's hard to say whether I can invite him. My brother doesn't like to move. You might have to pay some price.

It's okay, madam, could you please help me contact him. If necessary, I can talk to him in person.

Roy smiled.

Liyana nodded: Okay.

Then, she took out three boxes from her arms.

This is the extraordinary characteristic of the audience mentioned before. As for the Sequence 6 one, it is still being mobilized and there is no way to get it immediately.

Then, she took out three more booklets.

These are some books about craftsmen that our church has collected. We are not a steam church and we don't have many of these.

I will try as soon as possible. If there are any results, I will bring them to you immediately.

Don't worry, you can think about it slowly.

Liyana smiled.

After leaving the house, Roy used the power of the useless mask to disguise himself as Groot and returned to the Hillston area.

Living in someone else's house is still not comfortable.


Considering that the rent was not paid by himself, Roy didn't care.

He ascended to the Mysterious Palace and absorbed three books from the Church of the Earth. These books, like Sharf's notes, were all a craftsman's experience.

There is no systematic knowledge on it, but through sorting and summarizing, Roy still absorbed a lot of useful knowledge.

This is mentioned above.

Except for extraordinary items formed by accident and coincidence, making other extraordinary items often requires a full understanding of the materials in your hands, and thinking in advance about what to amplify and what to contain.

The second is.

Extraordinary characteristics also need to be understood.

This inspired Roy a lot.

Through dream divination, he learned about the predecessors of the three extraordinary properties.

One of them was discovered by the other party when he was hinting and guiding, and was killed tragically, while the other two could not resist the madness.

This one is best suited to amplifying the ability to suggest and guide.

Roy picked up the first one.

He then began to experiment and formulate plans for manufacturing extraordinary objects for the audience.

Item shape.


Roy thought for a moment and shook his head slightly.

Finally, he decided.

Candles are not a good choice.

This thing is so obvious that opponents will know there is something wrong just by taking a glance at it, unless it is a special situation like Emlyn——

In the dungeon, bringing a candle won't attract too much attention.


It can't be like that every moment.

Roy finally chose——


The ring is easiest to use when worn on the hand and will not be noticed by others.


In God of Gamblers, Gao Jin's ability to spin rings is very cool.

Turn the ring to activate the hint...

Roy already had a plan in mind. He had some extra ordinary rings on hand, as well as auxiliary materials.

Among the materials exchanged from Audrey, there are types that are more suitable for making it.

He immediately started trying.

As long as there is a mysterious palace, there is actually no essential difference between making extraordinary items and making scrolls. They both achieve the desired state through the combination of materials.

Once raw, second time ripe.

Now Roy can easily control and control it.

Half a day passed.

A ring appeared in Roy's hand.

Cue the ring.

Roy amplified its observation effect, allowing users to use it for hints and guidance——

The audience sequence's ability to suggest and guide is not very strong, but if you have enough spiritual power, you can still guide to a certain extent.

The negative effect is.

If one's own will is not strong enough, it is easy to suffer the backlash of failed suggestions, causing suggestions to oneself, and to a certain extent, arousing the other party's awareness.

Compared to the positive effects.

Its negative effects can be said to be relatively weak.

Roy was satisfied.


Used alone, its effect is less obvious, but...

Aren’t there two more pieces?

The second and third items can all amplify the observation ability and be made into extraordinary items like glasses to strengthen the observation ability.

A combination of the three.

Not to mention the ability to reach the audience, it is at least about 70% to 80%.

Roy continued to make.

He does not require a single piece to be particularly powerful, but only requires low negative effects.

after all.

The extraordinary abilities of this type of item must be reflected in daily life. If it cannot be worn for a long time, its effect will be greatly reduced.

This whole day, he has been studying extraordinary characteristics, constantly reorganizing and manufacturing them.

Although some materials were wasted.


The result was good, Roy got the desired effect——

The negative effects of their individual pieces are not very powerful, and the areas of negative effects do not overlap. The negative effects of the other two pieces make it easier to see some strange things.

Taken together, the effect is relatively strong.


no way.

This is the lowest cost negative effect that Roy can create. The other negative effects are more terrifying, such as being susceptible to madness, or falling into madness after wearing it for a long time.

As the book says.

The negative effects of extraordinary items are often closely related to their predecessors, and it is unrealistic to completely erase them.

As a producer, all you can do is guide it in a less harmful direction.

After three pieces were made, Roy had a deeper understanding of the production of extraordinary items. If he had the ability of a craftsman, he could not even rely on the Mysterious Palace.


So far, Roy has no plans to change the path, and most of the potion formulas and materials above Sequence 4 are controlled by the Church of Steam.

Unless Roy wants to return to the Church of Steam, it is basically wishful thinking to obtain potions above Sequence 4.

Since Liyana said there is no need to worry, I will use it for a while first.

As a creator, I will try it for a while to see its negative effects. Is this reasonable?

The next day, Roy went to the Mystic Club.

He comes every day now.


As Groot.

In the Mystery Club, he first tried to use his observation and suggestion abilities on his clients.

The results are quite gratifying.

The effect is not strong, but it can reach a level similar to that of an audience.


This is the result of three magical items added together.

If there were only one or two pieces, the effect would not be very good, but to this extent he was already satisfied.

After all, it is just an extraordinary characteristic of Sequence 9.

The audience sequence itself is not that strong. The only ones that are powerful are high-sequence entities like 008 and Adam.


Fias is here again.

this time……

She brought news of the meeting.

On Thursday, tomorrow, they will meet at the same place.

For Roy, this was a test.

It depends on this time whether we can infiltrate further and get in touch with their senior management.


He must also be prepared to fail.

So, Roy immediately wrote to Bernadette, reminding her to pay more attention to this area, and the second step was to find Liana and Hyde.

Although Hyde's journey was somewhat dangerous and tortuous, he was still successfully promoted and reached the level of Sequence 6.

Now he has mastered the making of scrolls.


Even if he has not digested it deeply and has only reached Sequence 6, his past extraordinary abilities have been greatly improved and he can be used as a powerful helper.

Being prepared with both hands means you are prepared.

On Thursday morning, Roy found the bookstore that Groot remembered next to the library in Hillston District.

From the outside and the internal facilities, it is hard to believe that this is the gathering place of the Morse Trappist Order, because of the books sold here...

Somewhat inappropriate for children.

I didn't expect that the Moss Ascetic Order would choose a place like this to gather. They have always pursued high status and status.

Roy sighed, then entered the store and took out a Book of Mysteries.

This is a book that I treasure. I would like to know how much it is worth.

Guest, if you want to appraise the books, you need someone to observe them. You can go to the second floor.


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