Secret: I, the hermit, want to make progress too much

Chapter 136 Xio: Mr. Fool, I didn’t mean it

Thank you ma'am, your help was vital to me.

Klein thanked him sincerely.

Lovia chuckled: Your help is also very important to me. For people in desperate situations, nothing is more important than food.

Yes, I will collect it as soon as possible. Do you have any requirements for food?

Stable, because I don't know how long I will be wandering around in the ruins, so I need as much food as possible that can be stored for a longer period of time.

Lovia said her request, As for the taste, it doesn't matter, as long as it's safe and edible.

Klein nodded: I will collect it. It will take one day at most. I will ask Mr. Hermit to help convey it.


Lovia thanked her very gracefully.

The deal between the two is over.

Roy sent them back to reality and sat down. Thinking back to what happened just now, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart——

As expected of Elder Lovia.

As an insider, she just didn't expose it, so Lovia relied on a story to establish herself as an adventurer.


She used this as a basis to give herself the opportunity to trade food with Klein...

Such ability.

No wonder she was able to survive many times in the wilderness, and finally became a shepherd in Sequence 5 and served as the elder of Silver City.

But this is also after providing shelter myself.

Roy looked at the bookshelf.

There will be a lot of gibberish over there every day, many of which are repeated, but the syllables and intonations will be different.

If I am tortured by such voices every day...

I'm afraid it's also hard to think rationally.

Roy sighed and then gathered his thoughts.

Klein still encountered the devil dog, so he will still encounter the apostle of desire in the future. This is an inevitable development.


Jason's main goal is not Klein and the others, but to hunt Duke Negan. In the end, Klein should be fine.

Besides, it’s useless even if something happens.

It’s hard to protect yourself here either.

If the person who lured Mrs. Macht to Harvest Church is a mysterious waiter, this means that her whereabouts have been exposed.

Roy thought for a moment and picked up the pendant to divine.

After a few seconds——

The pendant turns clockwise, but very slowly.

this means……

The other party didn't know where he was specifically, but he just knew he was somewhere in the South District.

Roy continued to divine.

My wizard impersonation gave me away.

The pendant turns clockwise, but again not very fast.

It's not the only reason, there are other factors.

Roy tried several divination statements, such as the psychiatrist Mrs. Macht knew as a mysterious waiter.



The amount of information is too small to predict the results accurately.

He is mentally prepared for this. Divination is not a panacea. It needs to have enough information before the spirit world can give enough hints.

I hope the Hanged Man will bring me good news tomorrow.

The Mysterious Hall stores several extraordinary properties that are difficult to get rid of, such as Bishop Rose, Assassin, and Listener, etc.

If these materials are given to others, it will be a disaster, or they will be easily targeted.

It's better to use it to make convenient extraordinary items.


The premise is——

After mastering enough craftsmanship knowledge, the reorganization properties of the Mystic Hall can indeed be used to create extraordinary items.

For now this is just conjecture.

Roy calmed down his expression and returned to reality.

Ms. No. 5 is so gentle. It's hard to tell that she is an adventurer who advocates adventure and fighting.

But it could also be a need for performance or ritual.

She's probably at least Sequence 5 or higher.

Klein thought to himself.

Then, he couldn't help but sigh——

Mr. Hermit’s meeting was really powerful, even Sequence 5 and above Beyonders were present. No wonder he sounded like he was choosing at random.


In Desperate Combat Survival, the practice of abandoning arms does not seem to fit in with most sequences of combat.


It's not that it doesn't exist. There are many incredible abilities in the extraordinary realm. In theory, as long as the arm is still there, it can be treated with healing magic.

There may be extraordinary people in the lady's team who are very good at healing.


Even with such a team, trapped in the ruins, they still have no choice but to rely on Mr. Hermit for help and survival.

I don’t know what kind of ruins they are.

I should help the ladies collect food as soon as possible. They must be desperate and need food help now.

Klein looked outside.

It's getting late.

It was impossible to buy large quantities of food through normal channels, but he vaguely remembered that Roy knew some businessmen in the South District.

He thought for a moment and prayed through The Fool.

After a while——

Roy received the news.

Great Mr. Fool, please help ask the 'hermit' if he knows a grain merchant who can buy food in large quantities.


Klein really doesn't hide anything. No wonder he reveals his identity when he comes up. His relationship is to make better use of his connections.

Roy sighed softly, then set up the ritual prayer.

After a string of honorable names.

He responded.

Yes, they returned to the Southern District some time ago. Although I don't know why Mr. World needs a large amount of food, I should be able to help buy it.

After a while, Klein sent a reply.

He said that he would pay for it, and Roy would also give corresponding remuneration. The more food, the better, preferably the type that is durable and easy to carry. As for the reason...

Klein's rhetoric is.

There was a wealthy aristocrat who advocated doomsday theory, hoping to purchase large quantities of grain and store it in preparation for the coming doomsday world.


It was hard for Roy to imagine whether Klein's words doomsday meant anything, or whether he was referencing the characters of some wealthy people in his previous life.

In short, he chose to turn a blind eye, got up and walked towards the Rue Gard.

In Silver City, Lovia maintained her posture of praying and praising, her eyes closed and full of piety.

She sincerely thanked Mr. Hermit for giving her the opportunity to obtain external resources.

Perhaps I should discuss this with the Chief.


Lovia's eyes were calm.

She knew that there was another reason for the madness in Silver City, but there was no doubt that the chief's actions were just to keep everyone alive.

Madness may be a price that must be paid.

The food obtained through trade cannot be used as a long-term supply and can only be retained for short-term emergency use.

Thinking of this, she got up and headed to the chief's office.

Your Excellency.

Elder Lovia, what's going on?

I obtained a batch of grain through a transaction. It should arrive within a few days. Is there a place to store it?

Lovia asked calmly, as if she was talking about an insignificant thing.

Colin's movements were sluggish.

After a long time, he came back to his senses and said: If you can really get it, store it in a high tower first, and use ritual magic to isolate it to prevent the food from mutating.

In addition, the source of this batch of food...

Lovia hesitated.

In what name is it promoted?

Colin thought for a few seconds and said: Let's just say it is a gift from the Creator. The hope of our Silver City is coming soon. As long as we persist, we will see the dawn.

No matter who the real Creator is, we now need Him to stabilize the will of the people of Silver City. Knowing that the Creator is still alive, they will become more determined and stronger.

Inside an apartment in the Jowood area.

Forsi paced back and forth in the hall, thinking about Miss Audrey's every move in the past period of time.

Then she became more and more sure.

Audrey has already become an extraordinary person in the audience channel!

When they first met, the other person seemed to be sizing her up and observing her, but at that time, Forsi was still in the mentality of an extraordinary person facing an ordinary person, and ignored the details.


Audrey has been hiding, and maybe Mr. Viscount doesn’t know that she is an Extraordinary.


Why do you still ask to buy the audience’s potion formula even though you have already become an audience?

Even if you have money, you can't squander it carelessly.

Forsi was puzzled.


The door opened, and Xio came back tiredly from outside. Seeing Forsi walking around in the hall, she couldn't help but ask doubtfully.

Forsi, what are you doing?

Hugh, I haven't been feeling right lately.


Miss Audrey's pet dog has high intelligence. I heard someone mention it at the party. This is a manifestation of taking a certain type of magic potion. The audience just meets the requirements.

Forsi frowned.

Xio blinked, and then said, Miss Audrey has already been an extraordinary person?

Probably yes.

Then why is she asking for the formula?

Xio closed the door, took two steps, and then a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind and said, I wanted to buy the Sheriff's formula, so I joined MI9. Is it possible...

You're saying that the purpose of Miss Audrey's purchase is actually to attract the attention of a certain organization?

Forsi was stunned for a moment, then his mind wandered and he reasoned along this line.

Then, she nodded repeatedly: It's very possible. By the way, Xio, did anything change after you recited that person's honorable name?

No, nothing happened.

Hugh pretended to be calm.


As her best friend, how could Forsi not understand her?

she mused.

It looks like there's some kind of change, a gathering? Or some kind of connection between believers?

I, I don't know.

Xio kept a straight face, but deep down she was crying without tears.

The hard-working and active Forsi became so smart that she felt as if she could hide nothing from the other party and had no secrets at all.

Sorry, Mr. Fool.

I didn't mean to leak it!

Forsi chuckled and said: No matter what it is, Hugh, I need you to do something over there. Pay attention to the ladies inside, one of them may be Miss Audrey.


Quinn was stunned for a moment.


There is currently only one woman in the Tarot Club, and that is Miss Justice.

Is she Audrey?

Oh my God!

It's impossible, Forsi, you're too daring to think about it.

It is very possible that I brought the book in which you received the honorary name from Mr. Viscount, but Audrey was also there at the time. Secondly, I accidentally read out the honorary name during a party.

Forsi expressed his opinion, At the time, I thought it was an accident, but considering that she is an extraordinary person in the audience, everything fell into place. She wanted to win me over as a believer.

Your guess is too surprising.

Isn't it true? You'll know after you try it?

At this time, Audrey, who was still unaware of her identity crisis, was taking out a thousand pounds of assets, which Mr. Fool handed over to Roy.

In addition, there are some miscellaneous materials, many of which are purely beautiful, but can be used as witchcraft materials in Roy's hands.

She still owes fifteen thousand gold pounds——

The materials before and now are worth a lot.


Roy knew that a large part of the remaining money did not belong to him, but to Mr. Azik.


He doesn't look so wealthy.

Fortunately, the value of the material can be improved after being processed into scrolls, and it can also assist digestion, so this transaction is basically a sure profit.


Roy is still unable to receive the materials now.

He was helping Klein purchase grain and selling the inferior products he had on hand——

Six flame scrolls of very average quality.

Their power is roughly equivalent to the witchcraft effect when he first reached Sequence 7, and it is of little help to Roy now.

Take it to a Tarot meeting...

That's fine, but you can sell better ones over there, and selling them at a tarot club may not reflect your characteristics as a scroll professor.

He wanted to see if it could aid digestion.

The price difference is not too big. Basically, the cost price of each ticket exceeds the cost by two to three pounds as labor fee. He and Soze also made it clear.

In addition, Roy also purchased some materials from them, spending more than one hundred gold pounds——

Sauze's fleet will leave Backlund next week for the Feysac Empire in the north and will not return to Backlund for at least a month.

Otherwise, Roy wouldn't have purchased so much at once.

Although Soze said that a new fleet will arrive in half a month at most, and he can also buy materials with the Mohan family crest at another location on Gard Street, they may not be delivered to his door like Soze.

It will cause trouble then.

After returning home, Roy started making scrolls non-stop.

Researching and making new scrolls can bring a lot of digestion, while making scrolls usually brings very little digestion.


Make some every day and add up, which is also helpful for digestion.


Roy recently had a new idea.

Most of the previous scrolls were about fire, lightning, and ice. They were very powerful and could play a big role in battle.


These materials are also very expensive.

The cheapest flame scroll costs more than ten gold pounds to make, let alone the other two.

Lightning is the most expensive, costing more than fifteen pounds a piece.

the most important is.

Its materials are hard to find, and many are under the control of the Church of Storms.


Roy wants to continue his research and try to use simpler and cheaper materials to develop more usable scrolls, popularize the scrolls, and let more people benefit from the scrolls.

Although it is also a conjecture, but...

Roy had a vague feeling that this direction was more likely to help him complete the digestion of Professor Scroll's potion.

There are two spells he is currently researching.

One is water wave technique.

Use cheaper materials, such as ordinary sea fish skin and fish blood, to make scrolls.

A scroll costs more than a pound at most.

This still includes labor costs.

Not counting labor, the cost may only be one or two suler.

The other is a force field hand.

The witchcraft of Force Field Hand requires very common materials, and any magnetic object can be used to cast the spell.

Such as magnet powder, magnetized iron powder, etc. can be used.

These materials are very cheap, and the price of making one is not too expensive, and they are very practical in practice. Even now, Roy has not given up this witchcraft.

As for sales channels.

After thinking about it, Royce felt that it would be more appropriate to sell among the merchants in Feneport. Setting up a stall openly in the Harvest Church was not a good choice——

After all, the Church of Steam's power in Backlund is greater than that of their Earth Church, so they still have to give them face.

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