Secret: I, the hermit, want to make progress too much

Chapter 120 Will: It’s too difficult to be a leader!

There are more and more people studying in the club, and everyone is getting stronger.

Forsi was both happy and worried.


As one of the original three people, she felt a strong sense of participation and had the mentality of watching it grow with her own eyes.

Sad thing is.

Now she is still only at Sequence 8, and she has been working very hard. Recently, the time she spends lying on the sofa is less than a quarter of the previous time.

even so.

Her level in the study club is also declining.

If this continues...

No. 3 and No. 4 will both surpass themselves.

She is number 1!

I must not live up to Mr. Hermit's expectations, but where can I get the potion formula? Should I ask Mr. Hermit for help again?

Forsi hesitated for a moment, then sighed.

never mind.

There's no point in looking for Mr. Hermit now, she hasn't completely finished digesting it yet.

Hey, maybe I was obsessed with performing before and didn't summarize it seriously at all, which resulted in the performance not being very effective.

You must be serious next time!

Otherwise, you may be left far behind by others because of laziness.

Forsi was about to cry but had no tears.

At first, she thought that after becoming a magic master, she would be able to return to her previous life. However, she did not expect that after her promotion, she would face an increasingly busy life.

She gradually felt that the leisurely days before were gone forever.

This week has just ended, and she has to think about what to share next week, or what kind of learning thoughts and experiences to submit.

As for the news.

With Hugh's help, this is actually the easiest.

Oh no—

I still have to write down the swordsmanship, and I have to make Xio understand it and fully appreciate its subtleties.

Oh my god! I still have a bunch of manuscripts to write, and it's almost the end of the month!

A desperate cry came from the apartment in the Jowood District.

Folk herbal medicine shop.

The fat pharmacist walked to the window and looked out the window with a worried look.

Another rough week.

This week I used the books I worked hard to collect to get through, but I can't do this again next week, otherwise I will really be expelled.


What can I do?

The old man didn't leave anything behind, and he didn't even know where to find the organization.

It can only be done through the gathering of the Eyes of Wisdom.

Darkwill sat weakly on the chair, and there were birds chirping downstairs, which made him feel even more irritable.

Damn bird!

If he had known that Sequence 8 was a beast tamer, he would never have chosen this damn pharmacist path, and he also lost a business today——

A little boy bought something without giving him any money, leaving only a fake copper penny.

So many herbs for 1 penny?

It’s so fake!

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was lame...

never mind.

Darkwill sighed.

Suddenly, he saw a person passing by, and behind him seemed to be a very powerful man. The two of them ran towards the East District one after the other.

Running so fast, rushing to attend a funeral? Be careful when you go out and encounter a carriage. You don't pay attention to safety at all. When you turn around, you--

Darkwill cursed under his breath.

At this moment, there was a rumble in the distance. He was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly ran downstairs.

Immediately afterwards, Darkwill saw a nobleman's car overturned on the ground, and a manservant was struggling to climb out of it.

There were faint screams from behind the car.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and then hurried to the rescue. Darkwill first kicked the footman away from the dangerous horse's hooves, and then scolded him softly.

The frightened horse immediately calmed down.

Afterwards, Darkwill pulled the manservant up, and together they rescued the nobleman who was badly hit behind him.

Sir, are you okay?

Thank you, kind sir, uh, I seem to be bleeding—

The noble man who was rescued from behind touched his head.

His hands were immediately stained blood red.

Darkwill immediately said: Friend, you are really unlucky. Two people can knock over the carriage and injure their heads. With your luck, there are possible sequelae if you are not careful.

The noble man's face turned pale.

The manservant asked worriedly: Well, are there any hospitals or clinics nearby?

No, but I happen to be a herbalist who sells herbs.

Darkwell said.

Hurry up and bandage it for me. I'll pay for the medicine. Damn it, those blind savages. I have to go to Silveras Field to get them out and arrest them!

The nobleman swore angrily.

The manservant endured the injury and helped him up, and helped him to the folk herbal medicine shop. After bandaging, the noble's eyes suddenly lit up, and he seemed to have just reacted.

Are you a pharmacist? Then you can prepare herbal medicine?


Darkwill looked like he was mentally retarded.

How strange.

Can you still open a pharmacy if you don’t know how to dispense medicine?

If you don’t know how to dispense medicine, how can you be a pharmacist?

Teach me how to prepare medicines! I'll give you money! To be honest, I've been very interested in medicines dispensing recently. I think this industry is profound, profound and incredible...

The young viscount said immediately.

the other side.

In the clinic, after answering Allen's inquiry and confirming the treatment plan, the little boy sat on the hospital bed and sighed softly.

Even though this was already the case, he still had to worry about his subordinates and support a junior pharmacist with a dirty mouth.

It's so difficult!


That guy’s fate——


Will sat on the bed, unable to hide the worry in his eyes.

Roy picked up the diaries and flipped through them to see if there were any missing parts.

The final conclusion is.


They should be Alger's parts, many of them are connected, obviously written by Russell.

Now he is not very interested in the emperor's diary, but is more curious about the mixed fake diary.


Forget it Darkwill.

When Klein asked, he thought about whether to give Klein an honorary name, but after thinking about it for a long time, he finally decided not to give it.

That guy can be said to switch back and forth between being reckless and cowardly.

I really got my honorable name...

He pointed out that he was not allowed to provoke Mr. A!


Didn't you expect that?

Your respected Mr. Hermit is also a fake.

Roy sighed silently, then prepared to return to reality and continue his drawing journey.

Scroll drawing has a long way to go!

After a while, all the materials he purchased scattered were used up. Fortunately, he had already purchased a batch of materials from Essinger and Muhe.

in addition.

After these two days of preparation and adaptation, he has mastered the scroll drawing of Water Wave Technique very well, and he also has some experience in scroll making.


Exorcist scrolls, flame scrolls.

When Roy was drawing, he also tried to summarize, but there was no digestion effect, so he had to give up taking chances.

If we could complete the digestion process by simply making scrolls and guessing our results, everyone would already be senior scroll professors.

The next morning, there was a slight movement below.

Then, the doorbell rang.

Roy walked downstairs, where Suoze and a few strong men were carrying three large boxes.

Sauze smiled and said: Mr. Green, I sent the things over.

Okay, come in.

Roy nodded.

Three boxes were brought in, opened, and Suoze introduced them one by one.

A big box was filled with some sea beast blood. They bought it from various fleets and spent about fifty gold medals.

The second box contains some materials and medicinal materials from the sea, some of which Roy has never seen before, but he can feel the spiritual residue in them, and they should all be parts of sea beasts.

The third box...

After opening it, Roy was slightly surprised.

Immediately, he said: What do you want from me in exchange?

The third box contained a pile of animal hides!

Some of them were fish-men's skins, and some were probably cut off from sea beasts.

Even though the Mohan family has a good reputation among this group of people, Mu He and Suo Ze must have spent a lot of effort to buy so many.

Suo Ze said: We exchanged letters with the boss, and the boss said he would do his best to help you. That is, if you have any finished products, can you sell us some?


Roy said.

Anyway, the effect and power of the initial scrolls are definitely not ideal, and he will produce them in large quantities.

There is a market that can be used to hedge risks.

Why not?

Suoze was stunned for a moment, and then said: The price...

I can sell it to you cheaply in the early stage, but when it matures, I will definitely have to raise the price. Do you understand?


They nodded immediately.

Spell scroll!

Suo Ze added: Then you should have some experimental products recently, right? Can you sell them to us at a discount?

no problem.

A thick smile appeared on Roy's face, I'll give you a half discount. All the scrolls are packed for 20 pounds, and the total is probably close to fifty.

He had all these scrolls appraised by the Mystic Palace.

Power varies.


Soze knew that there would be good and bad in the early days, but as long as there were a few good ones...

No loss at all!

He asked the others to wait outside, and then followed Roy into the study.

Roy pointed to a stack of only five.

These are high-quality products. They can release a water ball the size of a washbasin. If you know how to use it spiritually, the power is definitely quite impressive.

These twenty are top quality. They can release water balls that are larger than bowls and can be easily released to attack the enemy.

Those are all of medium quality. If there is a fire on the ship, they may be used to put out the fire to some extent. The advantage is that their spiritual requirements are also very low, and ordinary people can use them after learning it.

Roy explained everything with a smile.

After hearing this, Suoze didn't react at first, then he was stunned and asked cautiously: Where is the inferior product?

There are no low-grade products. The lowest scrolls I have are medium-grade scrolls.

Roy said with a smile.

The corner of Suoze's mouth twitched, then nodded: Yes, I will buy it on behalf of the boss! Mr. Green, we have a happy cooperation!

“A pleasure to work with.”

Roy smiled brightly.

20 pounds.

Not only did he recoup his capital, but he also made a small profit of more than a pound. Counting the labor force, he definitely lost money, but if there was no loss in money in the early stage, it was already a profit.

Sauze packed up all the scrolls and showed a smile after seeing the material fee of more than 100 pounds handed over by Roy.

After walking out the door and onto the street, he finally couldn't stop smiling.

Boss, why are you smiling so happily?

They are all good things! I bought so many good things for only 20 pounds, and I can still continue doing business with Mr. Green...

Suo Ze patted his thigh, unable to hide his joy.

Of course he knows.

The so-called high-quality products, top-quality products, and medium-quality products are just Mr. Green's jokes. They are essentially experimental products.


They can’t even buy the real thing at this price!

in addition.

Just like Mr. Green said.

Some are not very powerful, but they can put out fires or deal with some unexpected events. For sailors, having some on hand is definitely better than none.

That’s only 20 pounds!

Then that expression you just had...

Idiot, pretend to be a loser, so the other party will feel that you have made a profit. Have you not remembered the boss's teachings?

Both sides make money, a win-win situation.

Of course Roy knew how Soze was feeling.

As a warrior, Soze may not be very clear——

The Secret-Peeping Path has the Eye of Secret-Peeping, and even at a low level, one can easily see the state of the astral body.

Suo Ze's expression was heavy at that time, but his astral body showed excitement.

He dared to say.

Even if the price is 25 pounds, Soze will still ask for it.

It's just that Roy also needs the channels of the Mohan family, so he doesn't want to make things too ugly. After all, the difference is only five or six pounds.

Justice still owes him twenty thousand pounds!

For Roy, the speed and completeness of collecting materials are what matters most, not the few pounds difference in price.

Not that poor yet.

He packed up and then sacrificed the three big boxes to the mysterious palace.

The reason for sending it up...

In order to prevent mistakes, you need to confirm it in the mysterious palace, and there is all that blood.

Blood and water can also be used, but the effect is very different. Only after purification can it be truly used as a material for extraordinary scrolls.

After some processing, Roy returned to reality and started making a new scroll.

A few minutes later, he used murloc blood and seaweed powder to develop ink, and then used murloc skin as the carrier of the scroll to successfully create a new witchcraft scroll.

Water wave technique!

After getting the appraisal from the Mysterious Hall, Roy beamed.

Different from the previous water balls and water bombs, it can directly release a wave of water, or use spiritual restraint to release a water column.

Both the power and effect are several times worse.


The power of scrolls at this level is not very different from Roy's own witchcraft, because he has completely digested the wizard's potion.

The convenience of a reel is that it can be used by other people.

As long as you know how to use spirituality, you can unleash the power of the scroll.

This can be sold at the Tarot Club. I believe Miss Justice will be interested in it.

Roy smiled.

The early audience lacked effective means of injuring the enemy. This kind of scroll, which is directly effective and comes with certain magical abilities, is definitely the favorite of the rich.

If it weren't for Backlund's hidden dragon and crouching tiger, and it was impossible to tell which noble was the Extraordinary, Roy would have really wanted Gary to help with sales.

In the morning, with his hands feeling good and the ink prepared, Roy drew four scrolls in one go.

He didn't stop until one-third of his spiritual energy was lost.

Something could happen at any time in these two days, so he had to keep some spiritual energy to deal with unexpected events.


This is Backlund.

At night, Roy's spirituality basically recovered. He collected materials and was ready to start studying the exorcism scroll, but——

A gust of wind blew and a letter appeared on the table.

He took it apart and took a look.

The Nighthawks are gathering in the bridge area. I'm going to take action depending on the situation. You can come over when you have time.

Definitely available!

This is an opportunity to brush up on your face. Are you sure you can get a formula for free?

Roy immediately packed up his things, took the four newly made witchcraft scrolls and other extraordinary items, and got on the public carriage to the bridge area.

In the Backlund Bridge area, on a street bordering the dock area, the surrounding crowds gradually dispersed. At this time, in a tavern, a tall, strong man was drinking from a large wine glass.

After a while, he stopped, a hint of drunkenness appeared on his face.

This feeling--

The giant immediately felt something was wrong!

But with this amount, he couldn't get drunk easily.

This is a manifestation of extraordinary ability!

He grabbed the bar counter and lifted it up.

The man who mixed the wine for him suddenly jumped away, chanting a hymn of praise.


The giant roared lowly.

He vomited a ball of flesh and blood in his mouth, and in the blink of an eye, the flesh and blood exploded with a bang, and the area was reduced to a blood mist with a roar.


This strong figure rushed out, charging all the way with great ferocity. The surrounding staff who had no time to evacuate exploded instantly and turned into sticky flesh and blood as soon as they got close to it.

Half of them flocked to the giant and weaved a cloak and armor.

Half of it rushed into the blood mist.


He has his enemies!


The next moment——


Fierce gunshots rang out.

Then streaks of flames pierced the night sky.

This is the glory of the witchcraft scroll, and not one, not two, but...

Dozens of pictures at one go!


There was a loud noise, and the location of the Giant was engulfed in fire and bullets.

A middle-aged man stood on a tall building, directing everything with cold eyes.

Mr. Karl, you should go to the rear...

No, I'm right here. I'm going to personally send these bastards to their Lord.

Karl's eyes flashed coldly.

And at this time.

In the flames below, the giant laughed loudly.

The great Lord will finally come!

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