At the same time, his immortal power was also recovering quickly.

Because he had not drunk water for five days, his body was very weak.

At the same time, his immortal power was also extremely weak.

Now, after a bottle of water.

His body functions quickly recovered to the peak.

At the same time, his immortal power was also fully restored.

When the immortal power was completely restored, he looked up.

He locked the helicopter, and then, with a sprint, he jumped up from the ground.

The helicopter was suspended at a height of ten meters, which was a safe height.

However, the reason why Mo Yu could only jump four or five meters before was because his immortal power was very weak and his body was very poor, so he could only jump so high.

However, after the immortal power recovered to the peak and his body was completely restored.

A height of 10 meters was easy for him.

Therefore, before the SCP personnel on the helicopter could react.

Mo Yu had already jumped to the surface of the helicopter.

"No, kill him!"

The SCP personnel on the helicopter also reacted.

Suddenly, bullets were fired at Mo Yu frantically.

Mo Yu lay on the surface of the helicopter and dodged the bullets.

He kicked hard and swept across.

His right leg was like a big knife, directly cutting off the wing of the helicopter, and the helicopter was instantly unbalanced.


The helicopter fell rapidly downward.

The SCP personnel in the plane were panicked, unable to control their bodies, and unable to lock Mo Yu.

Mo Yu lay on the helicopter calmly and fell with the helicopter.

When the helicopter descended, Mo Yu broke the iron sheet on the surface of the helicopter and rushed into the helicopter.

The SCP personnel inside the helicopter were upside down with the helicopter at this time, and they could not control their balance at all.

When Mo Yu rushed in, they were all terrified.

Mo Yu's speed was very fast, just a moment.

He dealt with the SCP personnel inside the helicopter.

Although these SCP personnel are also very strong.

However, they are only human beings after all.

At this time, Mo Yu's body was so strong that it exceeded the limit of human beings.

How could these people be his opponents!

Mo Yu killed them quickly.

Before the helicopter completely fell, Mo Yu jumped out of the helicopter.

He threw himself into the desert.

The helicopter landed on the desert with a bang and fell directly into the desert.

The explosion sounded.

The helicopter was destroyed and Mo Yu walked over.

He looked at the burning helicopter.

Then, he walked into the helicopter.

Although the flames were burning, they could not do anything to him.

Although his skin was burned by the flames, the immortal power was always repairing his body.

Therefore, these flames could not kill him at all.

He entered the helicopter and found some necessary items, water and food.

"System, connect to the helicopter's artificial intelligence and find a way to leave the desert!"

SCP helicopters are all controlled by artificial intelligence.

He risked killing the SCP personnel in the helicopter for this purpose.

Although he thought about robbing the helicopter, he didn't dare to use the SCP's positioning system on the helicopter. He might be locked at any time. It was too dangerous. He would rather walk.

"Connecting, time three seconds!"

The system's voice sounded.

He was happy in his heart. The system was really awesome.

It seemed that his idea was right.

"Connection completed, the safe route to the desert has been locked!"

The next second, a safe route to leave the desert appeared in Mo Yu's mind.

At the same time, he also knew the name of this desert.

"Rattlesnake Desert!"

Rattlesnake Desert, in an unknown place.

This is a planet that is countless times larger than the earth. Although humans are the masters on the planet.

However, humans have not explored all the places on this planet.

The territory explored by humans only occupies one tenth of this planet.

The rest is an unknown land.

This desert is the unknown land where human destiny is involved.

Mo Yu knew that the SCP bases were all built in such unknown lands.

He didn't know where this desert was.

Although he knew the name, he couldn't find any specific information about this desert.

The SCP kept its secrets very well.

The SCP personnel in this helicopter were just some regular combatants.

Their authority was very low and they knew very little information.

They only had oneThe mission was to fight.

They knew nothing about other information.

Mo Yu did not expect to get much information from them.

After getting the information he wanted, Mo Yu also strode away from here.

Not long after he left, a helicopter flew here.

Then, some task force soldiers came down from the helicopter.

Wang Ming stood in front of the wreckage of the helicopter, looking at the helicopter, his brows furrowed tightly.

"Captain, we found the intelligent video of the aircraft!"

A task force soldier came to Wang Ming excitedly.

Wang Ming's eyes lit up.


Then, a projection screen appeared in the open space in front.

Mo Yu encountered a helicopter, and the screen of killing the people in the helicopter appeared.

The moment he saw Mo Yu, Wang Ming trembled with excitement.

The other task force soldiers were also very excited.

The reason they came to this desert was to search for Mo Yu.

"He is still alive."

Wang Ming was too excited.

At the same time, he also admired Li Xiu even more.

Li Xiu thought Mo Yu was not dead, so he sent them to look for him.

Unexpectedly, Mo Yu was still alive.

"Come on, one person will go back and report to Commander Li Xiu that D-1010 is still alive, and the others will follow me to capture D-1010! No, he should be called SCP-1010 now."

Wang Ming remembered what Li Xiu told him about Mo Yu. Mo Yu was the child born by the SCP-1010 little green man and a man...

"Yes, Captain!"

The helicopter flew quickly in the direction where Mo Yu left.

Mo Yu didn't know that he had been exposed.

Although he was a former C-level member of the SCP, he was not a combatant outside.

Therefore, he didn't know much about the SCP helicopter.

He didn't know very well that the helicopter had an intelligent recording function.

He ran quickly along the safe route.

After having food and water, he could run freely.

One step is 10 meters, his speed is very fast.

This desert is very wide, and the temperature at night is very terrible.

If it is an ordinary person, it is absolutely impossible to survive a night here.

Because the temperature at night can freeze ordinary people into ice sculptures.

And the reason why he can resist is because he has immortal power.

He also has the abnormal defense of the immovable Nether Dragon, so he barely holds on.

This desert is really a death desert, and it is impossible for humans to survive here.

Moreover, if there is no safe route, there is no way to leave!

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