Any supreme god cherishes his own world very much.

The supreme gods can devour each other's world to become stronger.

Now, he is equivalent to devouring God's world.

If he is a supreme god, he will be attacked by God immediately.

Not only God will attack him, but Panglaus who guards outside the world will also attack him.

So, now he is just a great god.

Under the supreme god, everyone is an ant to the supreme god.

The supreme god does not care about what ants do.

Of course, it is best not to let the supreme god know that he is devouring this world.

Therefore, when he devours the things in this world, he is in a stealth state and will not let anyone know that he is doing this.

And SCP-722 also severely warned him not to let God and Panglaus know that he is devouring the things in Panlongxing.

Otherwise, these two supreme gods will not let him go.

No matter what his relationship with God is, God will not easily forgive him if he knows the truth.

Therefore, he was very cautious all the way, fearing that he would be discovered.

Especially since Panglaus was now guarding outside the world and could enter the human world at any time.

Once Panglaus entered the human world and found that he was swallowing mountains, forests, and sea water, he would definitely not let him go.

Panglaus was not like God. God might have something to do with him, but Panglaus didn't even know who he was.

Panglaus would definitely not let him go and would kill him as an enemy.

He couldn't beat the Supreme God now, especially a complete Supreme God.

On Panlong Star, Mo Yu kept changing places to swallow.

The agents of the SCP Foundation were also constantly tracking what happened.

However, Mo Yu was in stealth mode, and no matter how the Foundation agents tracked him, they could not find any information.

This incident has also become an unsolved mystery. The Foundation really couldn't understand why a large area of ​​mountains, rivers, and forests on Panlong Star disappeared inexplicably.

Of course, this incident was also listed as confidential information by the Foundation.

At the same time, it was also secretly transmitted to the abyss, and the Foundation wanted to tell God in the abyss about this matter.

After all, what is happening on Panlong Star now is beyond the scope of human understanding.

Perhaps it is done by a powerful anomaly.

Once a new powerful anomaly is discovered on Panlong Star, it must be reported to God to let God know what the anomaly is.

Perhaps God knows it, or perhaps he doesn't.

Once an anomaly beyond the scope of human resistance appears, then God needs to personally come out to solve it.

Therefore, what is happening on Panlong Star now is determined by the Foundation to be caused by a powerful anomaly.

They need to tell God about this anomaly.

Although they don't know what the anomaly is.

However, if God is told about what happened on Panlong Star, perhaps God will know something they don't know.

During this period, Mo Yu also devoured the content of wood elements to the same content as gold elements and water elements.

Next, he should devour earth elements and fire elements.

Earth elements are the easiest to devour, and he found the largest desert on Panlong Star.

This desert is very vast and boundless, like a yellow sea.

After arriving here, he began to devour it unscrupulously.

Pieces of yellow sand entered the dimensional space, increasing the earth element of the dimensional space.

SCP-722 was extremely shocked, but he had gotten used to it.

Now, Mo Yu's gold element, water element and wood element have basically reached a balanced state.

Only the earth element and fire element are missing.

As long as the content of the earth element and the fire element is as balanced as the other three elements, then he can build a space.

The largest desert on Panlong Star is also disappearing rapidly under Mo Yu's crazy swallowing.

This desert has been a problem for humans for a long time, and humans have always wanted to manage this desert.

However, due to the rise in global temperatures, this desert cannot be solved even if trees are planted.

Over time, the area of ​​this desert continues to increase.

At this moment, this desert is disappearing madly, solving a big problem for humans.

When Mo Yu was devouring the desert like crazy, the Foundation also discovered what was happening in the desert.

Under satellite monitoring, the area of ​​the desert was too vast.

On the map, the satellite captured that the desert was disappearing.

The Foundation also focused on thisThe situation inside.

When a group of agents came to this desert and saw the yellow sands in the sky disappearing madly, they were also shocked.

When Mo Yu swallowed this desert, many yellow sands would fly into the dimensional space, causing the sky above the desert to be yellow, all yellow dust.

When Mo Yu swallowed this desert, he also saw the agents appearing on the edge of the desert.

These agents did not dare to get too close, and only dared to watch from a distance through telescopes.

Mo Yu found a way to hide his body, and the flying yellow sands covered all vision.

Even if these agents used telescopes, they could not see clearly what was going on inside.

At a glance, all you can see is yellow sand all over the sky.

Of course, through the telescope, they can see large areas of yellow sand disappearing.

"First the mountains disappeared, then the forests disappeared, and now the desert is disappearing again. What is going on!" The Foundation agent was also confused and didn't know what happened.

When the agent passed the 05 Council on what happened in the desert.

After the senior members of the 05 Council learned about this, they were also very shocked. At the same time, they were also very happy.

This desert has been a problem that has troubled mankind for a long time, and there has been no solution.

Now, this desert is disappearing madly.

Humans don't need to manage this desert.

Perhaps, this desert will disappear permanently on the map of Panlong Star.

"This is a good thing, pay close attention and report to us what happens there at any time!" The 05 Council decided not to intervene in this matter.

Of course, they will also closely monitor this desert, and if they find any abnormal situation, they will also record it.

The largest desert on Panlong Star is disappearing madly under Mo Yu's swallowing.

I don't know how long it has been. When the entire desert disappeared, the agents next to him were stunned.

"It's all gone!"

"The desert is gone, my God!"

All the agents were stunned.

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