SCP-722 felt it necessary to remind Mo Yu that he should not let him do this recklessly.

Otherwise, he didn't know when he could create this world.

Now, he was in Mo Yu's dimensional space, and his life and death were controlled by Mo Yu. He had to show his value.

Therefore, he also reminded Mo Yu, "Human, you can't do this. You must keep your five elements balanced."

"How?" Mo Yu frowned.

"If you want to build the world quickly, you must keep the five most basic elements balanced. Your current water element is too concentrated, and the other four elements are too low. This won't work." SCP-722 said in a deep voice.

"There is only water element here now!" Mo Yu frowned.

"You swallow a certain amount of water element here now, and then go to other places to swallow the other four elements. You must keep a balance!" SCP-722 said.

"That's no problem!" Mo Yu nodded.

Next, Mo Yu swallowed the glacier and sea water crazily here, and the water element content in the dimensional space became more and more concentrated.

However, it will take some time to reach a certain level.

Mo Yu simply devoured it here on the glacier. The SCP Foundation and the members of the Son of the Crimson King have left the glacier.

Everyone came to the outside of the glacier and used satellites to observe the situation inside.

When the satellite photographed that the glacier deep in the glacier was disappearing on a large scale, the SCP Foundation was shocked.

"This is simply a miracle!"

The top leaders of the SCP Foundation were shocked and very excited.

The glacier is a time bomb for humans. If it cannot be solved, it will melt one day in the future and may flood Panlong Star.

Now, the glaciers in the glacier are disappearing madly, which is good news for humans.

They even hope that the glaciers inside can disappear quickly.

In this way, the safety of human beings around the world will be reduced.

Although Mo Yu is madly devouring the glacier, his swallowing speed is still a little slow compared to the huge volume of the glacier.

However, there is no way now, he can only swallow it like this first.

At the same time, the members of the Sons of the Crimson King saw through the satellite that the glacier was disappearing madly, and they couldn't find SCP-722.

"Damn, how could this glacier disappear, and where did SCP/722 go? Why can't we find him?"

The members of the Sons of the Crimson King originally wanted to use SCP-722 to break the defense line of the island where SCP-231-7 was located.

Now, they can't find SCP-722, so their plan has failed.

Now, they can only give up this plan and find other alternative plans to continue the plan.

"Look for it first and see if we can find it. At the same time, let's use other methods!"

Most of the Sons of the Crimson King left the glacier, and only a few stayed to continue looking.

However, even if these people stayed here, they didn't find it.

The SCP Foundation is also looking for it, but it can't find SCP-722 at all.

The SCP Foundation can't find SCP-722, so they can only ask Mo Yu, wanting to know if Mo Yu knows where SCP-722 has gone.

Mo Yu just told them that they don't have to worry about SCP-722 anymore, as he has already solved the problem of SCP-722.

The SCP Foundation was also very shocked after receiving such an answer. However, no matter how they asked, Mo Yu would not tell them more detailed information.

So, the SCP Foundation could only give up.

However, they did not see SCP-722 come out to make trouble, and at the same time, all the members of the Son of the Crimson King had disappeared.

After they carefully explored the surroundings and found that there was indeed no danger, they temporarily gave up the mission here.

Of course, the SCP Foundation still left some people here to watch.

Once any danger occurs, they will take the plan as soon as possible.

After the Son of the Crimson King left the glacier, he went directly to the isolated island that contained SCP-231-7.

A group of submarines came to the sea area and looked at the dead sea level in front of them. There was no life here, not even a fish.

"Do you want to force your way in?"

Someone suggested to kill them directly.

"No, the SCP Foundation has always attached great importance to this place. Once we force our way in, it will inevitably attract a large force from the SCP Foundation. We must quickly bring out SCP-231-7!"

One by one, the Crimson KingThe sons gathered outside the sea area in submarines, discussing how to enter the isolated island.

The SCP Foundation has set up a dragnet on this isolated island, and anyone who enters will be discovered.

The sons of the Crimson King gathered outside, and many ideas were unrealistic and could not be completed at all.

"No, if we continue like this, they will find us!"

They gathered outside the sea area, and the SCP Foundation had people patrolling at any time. Once they were discovered, they would be discovered before entering the isolated island, and the task would be more difficult.

"Let's catch a group of civilians and try it first!"

Finally, they decided to capture civilians outside and let ordinary people help them test it.

"Destroy as many defense lines as possible!"

Then, they went to capture some civilians. These civilians were all soldiers. Those who survived the demons' attack on the human world had all experienced the baptism of war.

At this moment, the sons of the Crimson King captured these civilians with combat capabilities and replaced them to control other people who broke into the sea ahead.

These civilians didn't know who had captured them, but they were told that if they wanted to survive, they could only enter the sea ahead through submarines.

If they wanted to survive, they had to pass through the sea ahead.

Therefore, if these civilians wanted to survive, they could only control the submarines to go to the sea ahead.

When they entered the sea, they were discovered by agents of the SCP Foundation, and then they were attacked fiercely.

Anyone who entered the sea without the permission of the SCP Foundation would be attacked.

They would be considered enemies.

Moreover, there were quite a lot of submarines coming in.

Ten submarines entered this sea area and were immediately attacked terribly.

When the submarines were attacked, they also fought back frantically, and suddenly, there was a fierce exchange of fire between the two sides.

Torpedoes were fired from the submarines, and the SCP Foundation agents on the opposite side also fired terrible shells.

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