At this moment, humans are very small.

Whether it is the zombies that are rampant in human cities, or the terrible demons and undertakers, they are not something that humans can resist.

The number of zombies is increasing like a snowball, and the number of humans has lost more than half, and all have become zombies.

As for the demons, now there are ten thousand meter demons, and it is unknown how many more terrible demons will appear. Humans are at an absolute disadvantage.

The undertaker can't even stop the ten thousand meter demon, which is even more terrible.

It is becoming more and more difficult for humans to survive in this world. They can only shrink in the underground base and silently wait for other forces to consume each other.

The undertaker has caused great damage to the demons.

Countless demons died in the hands of the undertaker. At the same time, in human cities, zombies are rampant. Many humans hiding in the city are found by zombies, eaten or infected to become zombies.

The number of zombies is increasing, like a snowball.

Finally one day, the zombies in the city walked out of the city and they began to evolve.

Their speed became faster and faster, and their strength became stronger and stronger.

Some zombies even developed wisdom and became the king of zombies.

They commanded the zombies around them, walked out of human cities like an army, and began to move towards the world.

The sudden evolution of zombies also shocked humans.

Although humans withdrew from the city and hid in the base, they also monitored the situation of zombies in the city through satellites.

The zombies at the beginning were just ordinary zombies, but as time went on, some zombies evolved and became stronger zombies.

A task force was responsible for monitoring the zombies in a certain city. When a large number of zombies came out of the city's highway and walked on the highway like an army, these task force soldiers were stunned.

Because they found that these zombies were not aimless, they seemed to be moving in a certain direction in an organized and disciplined manner.

These task force soldiers were also shocked, because many zombies came towards their location, as if they had discovered them.

The task force soldiers also had to come out of their hiding place and retreat.

The zombies were approaching them, and they even saw some very fast zombies rushing towards them.

The speed of these zombies was several times faster than that of human sprint champions. They were just like small motorcycles, rushing towards them at high speed.


There were 30 agents in this group. They all rode professional motorcycles for competition and turned around and ran directly into the distance.

This kind of motorcycle was very fast, which made it easy for them to escape.

Now, it finally came in handy.

However, they found that the speed of those zombies was only faster than their motorcycles.

Moreover, they were closing the distance with them, and these task force soldiers were also very scared. They turned around and attacked these zombies with guns while running away.

However, these zombies were so fast that they were able to dodge their bullets, just like the wind passing by, and all their bullets missed.

Even the most powerful sharpshooters could not hit these zombies. Seeing that these zombies were about to catch up with them, these task force soldiers also felt desperate.

They felt that they would catch up soon. With the speed and strength of these zombies, it would be easy to kill them.

Finally, these task force soldiers also contacted the 05 Council and uploaded the situation of these zombies to the top leaders of the foundation in the form of data.

After receiving the data, the top leaders of the foundation were also very shocked.

The evolution speed of zombies exceeded their expectations.

The zombies that were originally infected by 008 have mutated and become a new type of zombie.

These zombies can evolve continuously. They enhance their strength by devouring flesh and blood.

Moreover, every zombie has changed, and they can evolve infinitely.

"Find a way to catch these zombies and study them to see what happened to them." The top leaders of the foundation also took measures as soon as possible.

Suddenly, some agents were secretly dispatched to the zombies, and then some living zombies were captured and brought back to the base for research.

When experts dissected these zombies, they found that the gene sequences of these zombies had changed.

Their genes originally belonged to humans, but now, for some unknown reason, terrible changes have occurred.

Their genes were rearranged and combined to become a new type of gene,Because these zombies have mutated, they are developing in a certain direction, and the end of this direction is a terrifying state.

"If these zombies continue to evolve endlessly, they are likely to develop into god-like existences, immortal and indestructible!" This is the conclusion drawn by experts through dissecting the genes of zombies.

After the top leaders of the foundation learned of this news, they were also very shocked. Could it be that these zombies will eventually evolve into god-like existences and a new race will appear?

In this case, it is too threatening for humans.

The demons are already very scary. If these zombies mutate again, they may even evolve infinitely into god-like existences.

Then, the consequences are unimaginable.

The entire Panlong Star will change its owner, and humans will have no hope of survival.

Because, compared with demons and zombies, humans are too weak, and many people are just ordinary people who don't know how to fight.

Encountering zombies and demons is basically a dead end.

Moreover, these zombies have wisdom, and they continue to evolve wisdom to become a higher life.

They can command ordinary zombies and make them fight like an army.

Moreover, the discipline between zombies is stricter than that of humans. If humans ask them to die, they may have resistance in their hearts and be unwilling to accept orders.

However, the hierarchy between zombies is strict. Even if they know that they will die, they will rush forward without hesitation without any hesitation.

This is the terrifying thing after the evolution of zombies.

Now, zombies have walked out of human cities and started to walk all over the world.

They are looking for life to devour. Only by devouring flesh and blood can zombies evolve infinitely.

Whether it is humans or demons, they are all food for the evolution of zombies.

Humans hide in underground bases in deep mountains and forests, and zombies are not easy to find.

However, demons do not hide.

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