Abel saw that Dunshan and Niu Meng were smashing his cube, so he also closed the door.

As long as he didn't open the door actively, Niu Meng and Dunshan couldn't open his door. The lock outside couldn't be opened without a special key.

Niu Meng and Dunshan smashed the cube frantically, exhausted and panting, but still couldn't break it open.

Both of them were about to collapse. They didn't expect that an inconspicuous cube was so hard that it blocked their full-scale attack.

"What the hell is this thing? Why can't it be smashed?" Dunshan roared.

"The passage is blocked, and our army can't get out." Niu Meng looked solemn.

"It's all your fault that you competed with me for the commander of the vanguard army. If I were the commander, we wouldn't be annihilated here. Now there is no army, how can we two commanders conquer the human world." Niu Meng looked at Dunshan angrily.

He had long been dissatisfied with Shield Mountain. Now that their army was completely annihilated, he vented all his anger on Shield Mountain, believing that it was Shield Mountain's poor command as the commander that led to the failure of this vanguard army.

Shield Mountain was furious. He was already angry, and Niu Meng was against him everywhere. He did not hesitate to hold the big knife and slash at Niu Meng.

Niu Meng also raised the hammer and fought with Shield Mountain. The two demons fought each other.

The senior officials of the 05 Council and the people of the GOC Supreme Command who were secretly watching here were also stunned. They didn't understand why the two demons suddenly started fighting.

And it was not a joke, it was a real fight. The two attacked each other, leaving hideous wounds on each other's bodies, as if they wanted each other to die.

"Enough, Niu Meng, I have tolerated you for a long time. Now our mission is to conquer the human world. I don't want to fight with you!" Shield Mountain suddenly roared and separated from Niu Meng.

Niu Meng stared at Dunshan angrily, wanting to smash his head with a hammer.

"So what do you say we should do now? The two of us have become commanders without troops, and the Vanguard Army has been wiped out." Niu Meng said angrily.

"The Vanguard Army is not considered to be wiped out as long as the two of us are not dead. Since the others are dead, let the two of us start the pace of conquering humans." Dunshan roared.

"Okay!" Niu Meng said.

Then the two of them ignored the cube next to them. They tried to smash it open but couldn't. If they couldn't smash it open, they couldn't reopen the passage.

The anger of the two of them was also put aside. They tried to destroy the human world, but the humans around 4 had already withdrawn, and there was no one left.

They smashed around recklessly for a while, but found that no one was seen, and they were also confused.

"What's going on? Where are the humans? Where have they gone?"

According to their plan, when they descended on the human world, humans would be devastated, and everyone who saw them would scream in fear and run away madly, and then they would laugh wildly.

However, the scene they saw now was completely opposite to what they imagined. No one could be seen, and the fearful scenes they imagined did not appear. They were like two fools, wandering in this no-man's land.

"These humans are so cunning that they have already left here. Let's go to their gathering place and kill them!" Dunshan roared.

Then, the two of them ran away quickly.

"No, don't let them enter the human gathering area!" Jun Tiance's face changed. They saw the combat power of Niu Meng and Dunshan. If these two people went to the human gathering place, it would be a disaster.

"Let the Seven Spear Warriors go to deal with them!"

Finally, they planned to let the Seven Spear Warriors deal with Dunshan and Niu Meng. The spears in the hands of the Seven Spear Warriors can kill gods.

These two demons are extraordinary, and I am afraid that only spears can deal with them.

Therefore, the Seven Spear Warriors fighting all over the world have received orders, and they are preparing to go to the direction of Dunshan and Niu Meng from all over the world.

Mao San was the closest to Dunshan and Niu Meng, so he arrived at the scene as soon as possible. He appeared in front of Dunshan and Niu Meng, holding a spear and staring at the two demons coldly.

"Finally a human appeared. Damn, where did all these people hide?"

"Hey, this human seems a bit strong. The weapon in his hand seems to be a divine weapon."

Dunshan and Niu Meng's attention was attracted by the spear in Mao San's hand. With their eyes, they could naturally see that the spear was not simple.

Even, they felt a trace of death from the spear. What could make them feel the breath of death must be a divine weapon.

Suddenly, the two demons did not dare to be careless. They dared to shoot alone.The human who came to them alone must be extraordinary.

Although they looked down on humans in their hearts, there were some powerful beings among humans, and they had to treat them with caution.

Otherwise, if they were caught in a trap, they would both die.

"Human, where did the others go?"

"Tell us where the others are, and we can spare your life!" Dunshan and Niu Meng tried to get words out of Mao San's mouth.

"Devil, go to hell!"

Mao San said coldly.

Then, he rushed towards Dunshan with a spear in hand.

Dunshan's eyes turned cold, and he chopped down fiercely. Mao San's spear stabbed and directly knocked away Dunshan's black long sword, and a big hole was pierced directly on Dunshan's black long sword.

"So powerful!"

Dunshan was also surprised. The black long sword in his hand was condensed by the abyss energy around him. Although a big hole was pierced, the surrounding abyss energy quickly condensed and directly filled the big hole.

"Dunshan, do you find this spear familiar?" Niu Meng suddenly said to Dunshan.

After hearing what Niu Meng said, Dunshan also stared at the spear in Mao San's hand, and he gradually felt a sense of familiarity.

"It seems really familiar, it can't really be that weapon..." Dunshan was shocked.

"But, how could that weapon get into the hands of humans?" Niu Meng asked in confusion.

At this moment, they all remembered the origin of the spear, they thought of the weapon of the Crimson King, but how could the weapon of the Crimson King fall into the hands of humans, they couldn't figure it out.

"Maybe it's because we haven't come to the human world for too long, and everything that happened here is beyond our imagination." Dunshan said.

"We disappeared for too long, and these humans have forgotten our punishment for them. This time we have to let them remember it." Niu Meng roared.


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