Then, he controlled the helicopter and headed towards a space crack next to it.

The helicopter was still parked 10 meters away from the space crack, automatically floating.

Then, he jumped out of the helicopter and was instantly sucked into the space crack.

There were also hundreds of demon projections taking shape in this space crack.

Mo Yu also became serious. It seemed that there were also the same number of demon projections taking shape in other space cracks.

He had to speed up now, otherwise, when all the demon projections came out, there would probably be one or two thousand demon projections.

If so many demon projections went out together, the agents outside would be wiped out.

Even Ziyun couldn't stop it.

At this moment, Ziyun could only swallow more than 20 demon projections at the same time.

How could he resist so many demon projections!

Even Mo Yu had to retreat.

Now, he could only kill these demon projections in the cradle.

Therefore, he began to swallow those demon projections that were taking shape without hesitation.

He even ignored the demon projections that had already taken shape and were attacking him.

He mainly attacked the unformed ones.

The dimensional space devoured the unformed demon projections crazily.

He directly solved 100 demon projections, and at the same time, he also solved the demon projections that had already taken shape.

Next, it was to devour the space cracks.

In Kunshan City, the agents were completely passive, and they could not stop it.

The number of demon projections was increasing. At this moment, there were more than 500 demon projections in Kunshan City.

Their fighting power was crazy, and they smashed the high-rise buildings into pieces.

It seemed like an earthquake disaster had occurred here, and the houses collapsed. Many agents and organization personnel were directly crushed to death.

"Send 682, send other anomalies!"

Seeing the defeated agents, Thomas was also anxious.

He could only send some powerful anomalies to participate in the battle.

At the same time, the Samsara Squad and the Seven Spear Warriors were also summoned.

This is the first time in the world that so many space cracks appear at the same time. They must defend this wave of attacks.

Therefore, the Samsara Squadron and the Seven Spear Warriors who were executing orders in other places were also summoned.

Thomas didn't want to summon them because they believed that Mo Yu could quickly come to solve these space cracks.

Unfortunately, until now, Mo Yu has not solved all 18 space cracks.

It takes time for him to devour the space cracks.

However, time waits for no one, and their people are dying every minute and every second.

Therefore, Thomas decided not to sit and wait for death, and was ready to take the initiative to attack and try to buy some time.

See if Mo Yu can quickly devour all the space cracks.

Therefore, many powerful anomalies were sent to Kunshan City.

Transport planes flew high in the sky.

Arrived in Kunshan City, and even this time, the main body of 682 was directly dispatched.

The previous few times were clones of 682, but the clones had too many defects and their combat effectiveness was completely inferior to the main body.

Mainly, clones can be controlled by their genes.

They can control clones.

However, it is difficult for them to control the original body of 682.

However, there are hundreds of demon projections in Kunshan City now.

They can only send the original body of 682. Of course, there are still a few clones of 682 left, and they are all sent here.

Three 682 came to Kunshan City together and went to the battlefield.

Wherever there are 682, the agents will retreat.

Because 682 is full of malice towards the people of their foundation, he hates all life.

If it is a clone, it will be controlled by their genetic commands and will no longer attack them.

However, the original body of 682 is different.

He will kill all the lives he hates. Therefore, when three 682 appear on the battlefield, all agents will retreat.

682 also locked the demon projection and attacked frantically.

Unfortunately, even if three 682 enter the battlefield, they cannot change the situation.

At most, they can only resist a few demon projections.

Demon projections are difficult to destroy, even 682 can't do anything about it.

Moreover, after 682 entered the battlefield, he was beaten up by a group of people.

Each 682 was attacked by dozens of demon projections.

682's body was better, his regeneration ability was very terrifying, and his combat power was strong.

Under the attack of dozens of demon layoffs, he could barely hold on.

However, the other two clones were not so lucky.

They were directly chased and killed, and their bodies wereThe speed of the regeneration power reorganization is not as fast as the speed of being destroyed by the demon projection.

Even, they were caught by dozens of demon projections and torn into pieces.

After these demon projections tore them into pieces, they threw them aside, thinking they were dead.

However, their torn bodies quickly squirmed, gathered together, reorganized and revived, and continued to fight with the demon projections.

The demon projections seemed to have no consciousness of their own, they would only kill all living things that could move.

The bodies of the three 682s were torn into pieces by the demon projections, and then reorganized and fought again.

They held back more than 100 demon projections, relying entirely on their immortal bodies.

The Samsara Squad and the Seven Spear Warriors also came to Kunshan City.

Seeing hundreds of demon projections rampaging in Kunshan City, killing many agents and organization personnel, they were also very solemn.


Then, they dispersed and began to attack the demon projections one by one.

The Samsara Squad, 4 members are full of combat power.

Their bodies madly pierced through the bodies of the demon projections, turning them into a hornet's nest.

Finally, they pierced through the neck of the demon projection, causing its head to fall off, thus dealing a fatal blow to the demon projection.

As for the Seven Spear Warriors, they were very strong.

The spears in their hands were the weapons of the Crimson King, and could kill gods!

Although these demon projections were strong, they were not as good as gods.

The spear in the hand of Spear One fiercely pierced into the chest of a demon projection.

The next second, the body of the demon projection trembled and was directly destroyed by the spear.

The spear had the power to kill gods. At the moment the spear pierced into the body of the demon projection, the divine power on the spear directly destroyed all the components in the body of the demon projection.

It made him disappear like smoke.

The spears in the hands of the Seven Spear Warriors could kill gods and naturally restrained demon projections.

Their killing speed on the battlefield was also the fastest.

One demon projection after another died under the spear.

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