Several task force soldiers were knocked unconscious.

Others felt their internal organs destroyed, fell to the ground, and could not get up again.


Wang Ming spit out a mouthful of blood, lay on the ground, and could not get up for a long time.

"Captain, save me!"

A task force soldier shouted in fear.

The next second, a bloody mouth opened under his body, and he was swallowed by a deadly king snake.

And dragged into the ground.

Those task force soldiers who were injured and lying on the ground felt that their whole bodies were falling apart, and they could not move at all, lying on the ground like a ball of mud.

They were targeted by the deadly king snakes, and deadly king snakes appeared under their bodies, dragged them into the ground, and swallowed them directly.

Wang Ming was terrified when the task force soldiers died one by one.


Wang Ming roared.

They could not stay here. If they continued like this, they would be wiped out.

Wang Ming took out an oval black solid and threw it directly into the desert.


A shocking explosion sounded.

A half-meter wide pit appeared in the desert.

"Blow them up!"

The surviving task force soldiers threw out special bombs one by one.

They used bombs to clear the way, and the bombs hit the desert ground in front of them, blowing out large pits.


Some unlucky deadly king cobras happened to be in the explosion area of ​​the bombs and were directly blown to ashes.

A strong smell of blood floated in the void.

These bombs are SCP special bombs. Not to mention the deadly king cobras, even if the fourth-level anomaly is blown to pieces by the bombs, it will be blown to pieces.

Mo Yu naturally became the focus of Wang Ming and his team's attention, and bombs were thrown at Mo Yu one by one.

Mo Yu's scalp was also numb, and he retreated madly and moved away madly.

Bombs exploded not far from him, and he was directly blown away by the shock wave of the explosion.

He felt as if his whole body was falling apart. If it weren't for the immortal power that was constantly repairing his body, he felt that he would have died.


Suddenly, a missile flew towards him.

His pupils shrank.

"It's a flying missile, it's fatal!"

The flying missile is a secret weapon of the SCP. It can not only fly at low altitude.

Moreover, it has the ability to track automatically and will not stop until it touches the target.

There is only one way to resist the flying missile, that is to be hit by it.

Mo Yu pounced on a comatose deadly king snake on the ground.

Then, he grabbed the deadly king snake and threw it towards the flying missile.

The flying missile instantly hit the deadly king snake. With a bang, the body of the deadly king snake was instantly blown to pieces.


After dodging the flying missile, Mo Yu's back was wet.

Even if he had the immortal power, he would not survive.

Flying missiles are specifically designed to target abnormalities, especially those that are fast and can fly, which can't resist the killing of flying missiles at all.


Mo Yu looked at it and saw that the living task force soldiers fired flying missiles one after another.

These flying missiles automatically tracked and locked the deadly king snakes. In just a few seconds, more than a dozen deadly king snakes were blown to pieces by flying missiles.

The leader of the deadly king snakes was a hundred meters away from the task force soldiers. He watched his tribesmen being blown to death and he was furious.

However, he didn't dare to rush over because of the horror of the flying missiles.


He ordered all the deadly king snakes to hide underground and not to show up easily.

"They are just experimental subjects. How dare they attack us? Kill them!"

Wang Ming spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva fiercely.

Then, he took out a device that looked like a small snake from the backpack behind him.

"Snake bullet!"

The moment Mo Yu saw Wang Ming take out the snake bullet, he felt something was wrong.

The snake bullet is a terrifying weapon made by imitating the ears of snakes.

The snake bullet resembles a snake with a black ball in its mouth.

And this ball is a secret bomb. Although its size looks only the same as an ordinary glass bead, it can instantly explode with terrible explosive power.

Such a small bead can instantly blow up a deep pit with a diameter of 100 meters.

The snake bullet is more powerful than the flying bomb.

The flying bomb is aimed at abnormalities flying in the sky.

And the snake bullet is aimed at abnormalities running underground.

Wang Ming threw the snake bullet, and the snake bullet instantly drilled into the desert underground.

Wang Ming looked at the control panel on his arm, which was a map.

On the map, there was a red dot, the red dot is the location of the snake bullet.

The snake bullet was shuttling through the desert underground, and soon, a green dot appeared on the control panel.

The moment he saw the green dot, Wang Ming's face showed a ferocious look.


He controlled the snake bullet to rush towards the green dot.

On the map, the red dot instantly approached the green dot.



A shocking explosion sounded from the desert underground.

Then, like an earthquake.

Underground, a deadly king snake was blown to ashes by the snake bullet.

At the same time, a deep pit with a diameter of 100 meters appeared in the desert, and the yellow sand on both sides continued to pour into the deep pit, slowly filling the deep pit.


Other task force soldiers also followed suit and released snake bullets one by one.

They controlled these snake bullets to enter the desert underground and hunt down the deadly king snake.

The explosions sounded, representing the death of deadly king snakes.

Mo Yu was also shocked hiding in the distance.

"SCP, so terrifying!"

Although he was a C-level member of the SCP, he was not a combatant outside.

He did not know much about the combatants of the SCP, and now he saw these task force soldiers using a variety of powerful weapons to kill deadly king snakes.

He was stunned. The SCP was much more powerful than he imagined.

Originally, he planned to ambush Wang Ming with the deadly king snake and annihilate them all.

Now it seems that the deadly king snake may be annihilated.

"SCP-1010, you can't escape!"

Wang Ming looked at Mo Yu coldly.

Mo Yu frowned. At this time, he didn't even dare to get close to Wang Ming and others.

Flying bombs and snake bombs, any one of them could easily blow him to death.

He felt powerless. Even if he had immortal power and abnormal defense, he couldn't do it.


Too many deadly king snakes died, and their leader was furious.

The leader of the deadly king snakes drilled out of the ground and opened his bloody mouth.

Then, a green poisonous mist spit out of his mouth, and the poisonous mist quickly drifted towards the task force soldiers.

Deadly king snakes appeared in all directions, they opened their bloody mouths and spit out poisonous mist.

Soon, a thick layer of green poisonous mist appeared on the surface of the desert.

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