However, all the D-level personnel of Changshan Research Institute were bitten by zombies in the battle with zombies, and now they have become one of the zombies.

The 4-week task force soldiers did not dare to get close to the little green man.

Because, after getting close to the little green man, whether male or female, there is a certain chance of pregnancy.

"If you are pregnant, you are pregnant. The best way is to catch him. Go quickly!"

Chopin was furious and kicked a task force soldier on the buttocks and kicked him towards the little green man.

"No, I don't want to get pregnant!"

The task force soldier collapsed and screamed, but his body had already flown to the side of the little green man.

The little green man looked back at the task force soldier, and the task force soldier felt something wrong in his stomach.

The next second, his stomach began to grow, and he was terrified.

The little green man also flashed into the zombies, and the zombies around him seemed unable to catch him.

Although many zombies pounced on him, his figure flashed and disappeared among the zombies.


The task force soldier who was close to the little green man was terrified. He was pregnant.

As a man, he was pregnant and he was terrified.

Men who were close to the little green man had a certain chance of getting pregnant, but they were all pregnant with dead fetuses.


Suddenly, a zombie pounced over and knocked down the pregnant task force soldier.

"The little green man is going out!"

Despite this, the task force soldiers around still did not dare to rush towards the little green man. As long as they were 10 meters close to the little green man, they might get pregnant.

Chopin's face was gloomy. His ability was to copy and eliminate.

However, he might get pregnant even if he was 10 meters close to the little green man. He couldn't do anything about the little green man.

Unless there were D-class personnel who forcibly went over to catch the little green man, anyway, D-class personnel were just cannon fodder.

"Your duty is to contain. Now you are afraid of pregnancy. Are you worthy of the foundation's cultivation of you!"

Chopin was furious.

The task force soldiers around him all lowered their heads.

"I'll go!"

Then, a task force soldier gritted his teeth and decided to catch the little green man.

As long as you are not afraid of getting pregnant, you can get close to the little green man, and then you can catch the little green man.

"If you get pregnant, you get pregnant. If you let the little green man run among ordinary people, then countless people will get pregnant, and it will be a big disaster for humans at that time."

In the end, the task force soldiers around all decided that they would sacrifice themselves to protect humans.

Let them get pregnant, and don't let the little green man run among ordinary people.

In that case, ordinary people within 10 meters may get pregnant.

This violates the foundation's principle of protecting humans.

As task force soldiers of the SCP Foundation, they must do their best to protect humans, even if they sacrifice themselves.

"For humans, charge!"

Suddenly, the task force soldiers roared and rushed towards the little green man among the zombies.

Although they were afraid of getting pregnant, they still approached the little green man.

After getting ten meters close to the little green man, some people really got pregnant.

However, some other task force soldiers were lucky enough not to get pregnant. They were so excited that they rushed towards the little green man frantically.

The little green man was suddenly surrounded by enemies and was besieged by the task force soldiers.

Zhu Long, who was secretly watching everything, frowned.

He tried his best to release the little green man, but he didn't let these task force soldiers catch the green man back.

He was thinking about how to let the little green man escape from Changshan Research Institute.

Suddenly, the little green man behaved very strangely, and he growled in one direction.

He made some unclear sounds, but it was obvious that he was very excited.

"What happened?"

The task force soldiers around looked at the little green man in confusion.

The little green man suddenly behaved very strangely.


Suddenly, several task force soldiers who were closest to him felt weak.

They were like having a serious illness, their limbs were weak, and they almost fell to the ground.

"No, get away from him quickly, otherwise, we will all die!"

A task force soldier seemed to remember something and screamed in fear.

Then, all the task force soldiers were madly away from the little green man.

However, the distance between them and the little green man was always 100 meters.

Everyone felt weak, not only them, but also the zombies around them.

"How is this possible!"

Zhu Long said in shock.

It's not winter now. Only in winter will the little green man emit this kind of weak power.

In winter, anyone who is within a hundred meters of the little green man will be inexplicably weak, or even die.

It's spring now, how can the little green manWhy would it suddenly emit such a debilitating force? Almost everyone was hit.

The little green man seemed very excited. He kept emitting that debilitating force to disperse the enemies around him.

At the same time, he quickly rushed towards the gate of Changshan Research Institute.

He seemed to be eager to meet someone.

"Is it because of him!"

Zhu Long thought of Mo Yu, who asked him to trade the little green man with his son.

He suspected that the relationship between Mo Yu and the little green man was very special.

Now, Mo Yu was rushing towards Changshan Research Institute.

The little green man looked in a certain direction and seemed particularly excited.

All this may be because of some induction between the two.


Zhu Long's eyes lit up.

The SCP Foundation has never stopped researching the little green man.

However, the gains were small.

Now, the little green man showed excitement. He felt that he could research more abilities of the little green man, which was also a great achievement for him. He was a little excited.

Mo Yu, who was coming to Changshan Research Institute, suddenly trembled. He felt the familiar call.

It was that call that made him come to find the little green man. Now, this feeling was very strong.

His phone rang. It was Zhu Long. He answered the call.

"The little green man is at the gate of Changshan Research Institute. Maybe you have sensed it. Did you bring my son here?"

"He brought him here!"

Mo Yu said calmly.

"Very good. See you at the gate of Changshan Research Institute!"

Zhu Long hung up the phone.

His eyes turned to the little green man at the gate.

At this time, the task force soldiers did not dare to approach the little green man.

Fear of weakness and death.

The little green man successfully came to the gate, but the gate was completely blocked and could not escape.

The little green man looked at the wall next to him, although it was five meters high.

However, he also rushed over and left the wall.

Suddenly, the little green man's body stopped.

He felt the breath of Mo Yu behind the wall, and he was very excited.

Mo Yu behind the wall, looking at the wall in front of him, couldn't suppress his excitement.

He knew that the little green man was behind the wall.

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