After taking Zhenmu Yangyuan Pill for a while, as expected by the two, the blood flow in the corpse puppet's severed limbs began to stagnate, and then tender granulation sprouts grew, twisting and wriggling like worms, and began to proliferate.

Then nerves, blood vessels, and bones began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally grew into a complete arm, which was much whiter than the skin of the other arm.

After careful comparison, Wen Bai nodded in satisfaction and said: "Although the healing speed is slightly slower than that of a living person, as a corpse, it is amazing enough, and it is no problem to test medicine!"

After Wen Bai's professional certification, Su Yun can rest assured that he can use the corpse puppet to test the spirit swallowing worm.

"I only need one, the rest are yours!" Su Yun motioned for Wen Bai to pick first.

Wen Bai frowned, and stretched out his onion-like fingers to point at the female corpse puppet in the middle, "I can't give this to you, you can do anything else!"

"..." Su Yun blushed, "Who do you think I am!! Don't get me wrong about my weird hobbies!"

"Haha, did I misunderstand?" Wen Bai rolled his eyes and laughed, "Oh, it's just because there is a slight difference in the physique of cultivators between men and women. To be on the safe side, it's better to experiment with both!"

"So that's the case, rigorous!" Su Yun had to give a thumbs up.

In the end, Su Yun kept the male corpse puppet whose arm had been cut off, and helped Wen Bai carry the rest back to her Immortal Cave. After a brief farewell, Su Yun returned to Immortal Cave to start Closed Door Training.

The next thing to do is to repair the unprecedented feat of Immortal World!

If the Spirit Power of the spiritual core can be connected to the Meridians, it will be able to improve the problem of Su Yun's extremely poor qualifications in one fell swoop!

The difference in qualifications will have no more than three aspects of impact.

One is the speed of absorbing Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, which directly affects the speed of practice and the speed of recovering Spirit Power. The analogy is to affect the bonus of experience points and mana recovery.

As long as the Spirit Core can be added to the Meridians, the pressure of the Spirit Power in the Meridians can be relieved, thereby speeding up the operation of the Spirit Power, and increasing the speed of absorbing the Spiritual Qi of the world through the "turbo boost".

This is the conclusion that Su Yun has already verified through practice.

It is even possible to directly use the Spirit Power in the Spirit Core for cultivation.

On the other hand, with different qualifications, the amount of Spirit Power in Spirit Sea is also different, resulting in differences in cultivator strength.

Using the Spirit Core, this problem can be solved once and for all.

Thirdly, aptitude also determines the smoothness and "bandwidth" of the Meridians of the human body, which affects whether the Cultivation Technique can be cast smoothly, and also affects the maximum amount of Spirit Power that the cultivator can release at the same time, which determines the power of the Cultivation Technique!

For Su Yun, this may become a shortcoming of his practice, but it is definitely not a shortcoming of his strength.

The material of spirit gold is much more resistant to spirit power than low-level cultivator Meridians. The extremely small spirit gold circuit in the spirit core is enough to withstand the spirit power of the peak cultivator of Foundation Establishment when it casts spells at full strength. It is not impossible to catch up with Nascent Soul or even Divine Transformation cultivator with a thick Spirit Power line.

Su Yun has already decided to use the spiritual core in the Magical Item when casting the Cultivation Technique. In addition to being used for cultivation, the spiritual core connected to Meridians can also be used as a backup hidden energy source to drive other Magical Items.

If necessary, it is not impossible to bury the spirit gold circuit in the body, export the Spirit Power in the spirit core, and use it to drive the Magical Item.

After all, own Meridians have a narrow blockage, and a strong Spirit Power with no spiritual core can't display any powerful Cultivation Technique.

Su Yun took out the porcelain bottle containing the spirit-swallowing worm in the Qiankun bag, released the spirit-swallowing worm, and placed it in the palm of his hand.

The original spirit devouring worm was motionless, but as soon as it came into contact with the Spiritual Qi of the world, it became active, and its tentacles became "open teeth and claws", stretching around in the air, looking very fluffy, like long hair that was fluffed up by static electricity.

When he came to the dissecting table where the corpse puppet was placed, Su Yun put the spirit devouring worm on the corpse puppet's abdomen, and then gave the corpse puppet a medicine pill to intensify the Spirit Power in the corpse puppet and speed up the flow of Spirit Power , so that the spirit devourers can better find Meridians.

The spirit devouring worm twisted a few times on the spot, and then suddenly became agitated, and its tentacles stopped. It should have found a corpse puppet that was a suitable parasitic target.

Then the white filamentous tentacles tightly attached to the corpse puppet's skin, used as a support, propped up the body, and then new tentacles grew from the body, pierced into the skin, and soon grew more and more.

After the new tentacles went deep, they directly pulled the body ball into the corpse puppet's body, followed by the rest of the tentacles.

It was gone for a moment.

Under the residual medicinal power of Zhenmu Yangyuan Pill, the wound healed instantly.

Seeing this, Su Yun hurriedly sat cross-legged beside the dissecting table, condensed the Divine Sense, and directly penetrated into the corpse puppet's body to track the movements of the spirit-eating insects.

Since the corpse has Spirit Power but no Divine Sense, Su Yun's Divine Sense is not hindered in any way.

Usually, if you want to look at other people with Divine Sense, you will be resisted by Divine Sense, let alone want to spy on the situation in other people's bodies!

According to Su Yun's understanding, Divine Sense may be a field emanating from some kind of spirit, following the characteristics of all fields.

Interferable, diffractive, and attenuated with distance.

But Su Yun is not Mastery when it comes to Divine Sense, this is something that only the big guys can play.

But it is enough to spy on the situation inside a corpse puppet.

The parasitic speed of the devouring worms is not fast, and Su Yun is ready to fight a protracted war.

Since Su Yun had broken many of the tentacles of the spirit devouring worm earlier, it did not directly start to parasitize, but entrenched near Dantian's position, shaped like a group of flocs wrapped in meat balls, and began to repair the broken tentacles.

Such "replenishment" is a whole day.

On the second day, the spirit swallowing worm seemed to have healed the injury, and began to tidy up its own tentacles, gradually moving towards the veins of the whole body.

Up to this point, Su Yun can barely keep up with the pace of the spirit devouring insects. Although Meridians are very complicated, but following the tentacles of the spirit devouring insects to explore, they can also detect the direction of the human body's Spirit Power.

Detecting other people's bodies is no better than looking inside. It is impossible to accurately know the location of Meridians, and the direction and distribution of Meridians are very different for each person, but it is amazing that the spirit swallowing insects can be easily found.

However, even at this point, the spirit-eating worms have not established a connection with the Meridians, and only rely on the Spirit Power spilled from the Meridians to grow.

On the third day, the basic veins of the tentacles of the spirit devouring insects were formed, but they still did not connect to the Meridians.

The tentacles are now more intricate than they were when they were found on the warthog.

Sure enough, man is the primate of all things, and the complexity of Meridians is beyond comparison with ordinary spirit beasts.

On the fourth day, the spirit-swallowing worm differentiated into countless secondary tentacles on the original tentacles veins, and its complexity was almost exponentially increased, which had already surpassed Su Yun's comprehension ability.

There are as many details as there are synapses in the human nervous system.

But still no connection with the Meridians.

On the fifth and sixth days, new branch tentacles began to grow on the differentiated tentacles of the spirit swallowing insects, so small that even Su Yun's Divine Sense could hardly detect them.

It also corresponds to those tiny Meridians that he has been unable to sort out.

The tentacles are also not connected to the Meridians. Soon, on the seventh day, when Su Yun thought that the spirit devouring worm survived by absorbing free Spirit Power through these extremely small and numerous tentacles.

The spirit swallowing worm finally changed.

Perhaps the spirit-eating worm has extended new tentacles, but Su Yun's Divine Sense can no longer detect it.

On top of the tentacles that can be checked, pure Spirit Power begins to flow in, and the amount of Spirit Power is far from what it was before.

"Connected to Meridians!" Su Yun opened his eyes happily.

The seven days of squatting finally ushered in the desired result.

Su Yun is naturally happy, but it's not ecstasy, but a kind of joy that nourishes everything silently.

Concealing her happy emotions, Su Yun continued to spy on the situation of the swallowing insect.

The complex tentacles of the spirit devourer absorb the Spirit Power in the Meridians from the most subtle details, and gather step by step.

It's like the rain from the sky falls on the mountain forest. After ticking among the leaves, it soaks into the soil and flows into a mountain stream.

The stream jumps in the valley, flows into the river, merges into the big river, and runs to the lake and sea.

The resulting torrent of Spirit Power rushes towards the body of the spirit devouring worm.

Most of the corpse puppet's Spirit Power was drained quickly, and Su Yun hurriedly refilled the corpse puppet with some Medicine Pill that supplemented the Spirit Power.

This is the disadvantage of being directly parasitized by adult spirit devouring worms. Generally, the spirit devouring worms grow slowly, and it will not be possible to extract a large amount of Spirit Power like this.

And then comes the best part!

Absorbing Spirit Power alone is a way to exhaust the water, not a long-term solution. For qualified parasites, what they are looking for is long-term coexistence, and they must feed back Spirit Power.

Soon, Spirit Power flowed from the tentacles intermittently on the main body, but it was chaotic and disorderly, and some even conflicted with the absorbed Spirit Power.

In addition, there are a surprising number of tentacles extending from the main body, making it even more chaotic.

But this process is the trial and error of the spirit swallowing insect. As the number of attempts increases, the round trip of Spirit Power becomes smoother.

This is exactly the same as machine learning!

After a day, there is already a stable Spirit Power cycle between some tentacles. Although it is only in a small area and cannot become a climate, once the cycle is formed, it will continue to grow like a typhoon.

And the spirit-eating worms learned much faster than Su Yun expected.

Finally, after another five days, a stable and smooth Spirit Power cycle has been formed between the spirit devourers and the corpse puppets, and the spirit devourers have become part of the corpse puppets Meridians.

The price is that part of the "rebate" was taken, and the outflow of Spirit Power was reduced by 10 to 20%.

If the spirit-eating worm is in the breeding stage, this ratio will increase to more than 50%, so that it will eventually wear down the host. The life of Samsara.

Therefore, solving the problem of the reproduction of spirit devouring insects is the key to using it!

To make it non-reproductive, just take advantage of the Spirit Power loop it builds.

Spirit swallowing worms are creatures after all, with self-healing ability, simple destruction may not be effective, and some means are needed.

Now that the spirit swallowing worm is in a complete parasitic state, Su Yun is going to dissect it.

Finding out the tools used in the last autopsy, Su Yun pinpointed the position of the corpse puppet swallowing the spirit insect body, and made a small wound in the corpse puppet's abdomen, in order to damage its tentacles as little as possible.

Then use a bracket to prop up the opening to obtain enough operating space.

Su Yun has already known the anatomical structure of the spirit swallowing insect from books, and its reproductive organs are located inside the body, similar to a meat sac.

Su Yun used a precise carving knife to cut open the meat ball of the spirit swallowing insect, and saw that the tentacles inside had gathered together, and finally only three hundred and fourteen main veins were left.

Connected to the meat sac for reproduction through a grid-like tissue.

It can be said that the essence of spirit swallowing insects is reproduction.

To castrate the reproductive organs of the spirit devouring worm and preserve its growth ability is what Su Yun will do next.

The reproductive meat sac was removed with a knife, but it soon showed signs of rebirth.

Without some measures, the regeneration of reproductive organs cannot be prevented.

Next is the time to show off the power of the refining method.

The organs cannot regenerate simply by directing the Spirit Power elsewhere.

The next step is to sort out the direction of the Spirit Power of the 314 main veins, and guide them with the vessel patterns.

After another three days, Su Yun preliminarily completed a Spirit Power interface, which is enough to allow the full power of the Spirit Power in the Zhongpin Spirit Core to flow and form a cycle.

This is the "Human-Machine Interface" that repairs Immortal World's first person to connect with Magical Item!

The interface device made of Tianxuan iron occupies the original reproductive organs of the spirit devouring worm, preventing organ regeneration, and at the same time can maintain the operation of Spirit Power to ensure survival and growth.

Su Yun tried to cut off some tentacles, and found that the fracture can still repair itself, and new tentacles can also be differentiated.

An octagonal metal part, the size of a fingernail, has been added to the body of the transformed spirit swallowing worm, with densely packed spirit-inducing gold contacts on it, which are used to connect to the spirit core.

The corresponding spirit core also needs to be redesigned. The Spirit Power output cannot be as extensive as the spirit core on the Magical Item. It needs to be precisely controlled, and a safety mechanism must be set to prevent Spirit Power backlash under special circumstances.

After all, it is to access the human Meridians. There must be no carelessness.

After another four days, the refinement of the suitable middle-grade spiritual core was completed.

Su Yun also refined a base to fix the body and core of the spirit swallowing insect, and also facilitate the replacement of the core.

After the "on-machine" test, a stable Spirit Power cycle has been formed between the Spirit Core, the Tentacle Network of the Spirit-eating Insects, and the Meridians of the Corpse Puppet, which is endless without any loss!

The existence of three different sources unexpectedly reached a delicate balance, which can be described as a wonderful workmanship.

After a few more days of testing, Su Yun confirmed that being parasitized by the spirit devouring worm would not bring other adverse effects other than absorbing Spirit Power, would not harm the body, and would not harm Meridians.

Su Yun made up his mind, it's time to transplant the spirit swallowing worm into his body!

Improve your qualifications, this is the battle!

Before that, I still need to go to Wen Bai.

Pushing open the dusty gate, Su Yun was dazzled by the midday sun. After getting used to it, the green bamboo peak in front of him was still peaceful. Fresh and slightly cold air poured into the Immortal Cave, blowing the vines at the gate.

Su Yun couldn't help stretching!

Come to Immortal Cave in Wenbai.

She is holding a notebook and counting the number of Medicine Pills she has refined.

"Yuan Ling Dan, ten bottles, fifty pills."

"Bingqing Chalcedony Pill, ten bottles, one hundred pills in total,"

"Snow Lotus Flower Pill, one bottle, ten pills."


"Wen Bai, long time no see!" Su Yun waved his hand gently and greeted.

Hearing this, Wen Bai paused in his pen, turned his head and squinted at Su Yun, with a calm expression, neither surprised nor pleased.

Then continue recording.

"Chihuo Tianxing Pill, one bottle, one pill."


Su Yun quietly watched from the side, with a cute face.

The bottles and cans on the table were quickly counted.

"The last is Zhenmu Yangyuan Pill, two bottles, twenty pills..."

Closing the notebook with a "snap", Wen Bai turned his head to look at Su Yun, sized him up, frowned and said, "I haven't seen anyone for twenty days, and I didn't answer the door knock. I thought you were practicing in Closed Door Training, but Cultivation Base is not going up either!"

"You came to see me?" Su Yun patted his head embarrassingly, "Perhaps he was too involved and didn't pay attention, sorry, hahaha..."

During this period of time, his energy was all on the spirit swallowing worm, so he inevitably ignored the outside world.

"But you still have some conscience, knowing that you are here to help prepare for the Medicine Pill sale!" Wen Bai raised his eyebrows and said with a sudden smile.

"Actually, I'm here to ask for a real wood Yangyuan pill..." Su Yun blushed and said bravely.


Wen Bai angrily poured out a real wood nourishing pill from the jade bottle, threw it to Su Yun, and said angrily: "Take it, you! You can go! Tomorrow's Medicine Pill sale will be too busy for me alone." come over!"

"Actually, I can help you tomorrow too..." Su Yun said weakly.

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