Although Jin Mie is good, it "moisturizes things silently", is relatively soft, and has many restrictions.

Still need some more direct and efficient means.

The naval gun equipped on the newly built Immortal World is a neutron star cannon. It only takes a few simple steps to aim the gun at the star devourer.

The naval gun was activated, and the protective cover automatically unfolded, revealing the electromagnetic launch track inside.

The neutron cannon uses neutron degenerate matter as the magnetic pole, and also uses neutron degenerate matter to make projectiles. It is the strongest electromagnetic gun! !

When charging, a large amount of magnetic field overflows, causing a layer of glow composed of universe high-energy particles to gather near the gun barrel, and then, a luminous projectile lases out with a speed close to the speed of light!

The spot of light hit the star-swallowing species from top to bottom, blasting it away with Planet Shia!

The entire planet exploded, but it didn't explode instantly. Instead, countless cracks spread from the center of the earth first appeared, and then the magma spurted out and spread out in the vacuum.

In the end, Shia slowly exploded into a mass of red magma and debris in the universe, quietly blooming into a seductive rose.

The remains of the devouring star species are mixed in it.

The fleet has been on duty for a long time, and after confirming that the star devouring species has completely hiccupped and no new enemies are attacking, the alert state is lifted!

At this time, Xiu Immortal World also passed through the star gate and slowly flew towards Luna.

On the planet Luna, the residents of Shia who have just been transferred are in fear. They are scattered on the plains, mountains, or seaside. Many people are praying devoutly, hoping that all this is just a nightmare.

All Roy can do is to reorganize his subordinates and strive to restore order as soon as possible, so as to appease the hearts of the people.

He gathered the closest group of people around him and was explaining something when a commotion suddenly exploded in the crowd.

He followed the eyes of everyone, and saw a huge space battleship descending from the sky, hovering on the surface of the atmosphere, followed by a burst of space fluctuations.

A familiar yet unfamiliar figure appeared in front of Roy.

"Hello, you should know me." Su Yun said with a smile.

Seeing the appearance of own in his memory, Roy was stunned for a while, then reached out his hand, shook hands with the etiquette of the earth, and said, "Hello, my name is Roy Kahn."

The two shook hands for a while before letting go.

Sensing the vigilant gazes around him, Su Yun put his hand on Roy's shoulder and said with a smile, "Chat somewhere else?"

"Okay, but I'm not familiar with this place either." Roy smiled dryly.

Immediately, the two disappeared in the blink of an eye, appearing in a secluded seaside.

Roy looked at the surging sea, fascinated.

Su Yun sat on the reef by himself, and said in a telling tone: "We all like to look at the sea, because when we face the sea, it will become very calm."

"No, it should be because in front of the sea, you will appear very small, so you will feel inferior to the point of silence." Roy also sat down.

"But I won't lose the courage to face the sea!" Su Yun turned to look at Roy and smiled.

Roy hugged his legs and didn't speak.

After a few waves turned over on the beach and many fishes and shrimps were photographed ashore, Su Yun asked in a calm tone, "Do you have any questions?"


"Do you want to know the real picture of the Universe?"

"In no mood."

Su Yun was embarrassed directly, and said after a while: "So you hate me? Hate me for creating you, and setting up a messy system to induce you to do something."

At this time, Su Xiaoxiao was unhappy, and shouted in the minds of the two of them: "You are the messy system!"

The two of them ignored her tacitly.

Roy pondered for a while, then smiled and said, "I don't hate, without you, I wouldn't have such a wonderful life."

"Hehe, lie, don't I know you yet? You hate being controlled by others."

"Aren't we all Su Yun? Theoretically speaking, fate is indeed in our own hands." Roy said frankly.

"We are very similar, but not the same." Su Yun smiled and sat up, "That's the end of the chat, let's finish the last thing."

After speaking, twelve Supreme devil armaments'appeared in front of the two, lined up in a circle.

"It's up to you to summon Shia's god, Carol!"

Supreme devil armaments' are Carroll's creations, and Roy is more qualified to use them.

He nodded in response, and communicated with Supreme devil armaments' with "magic power", and soon all twelve pieces of Supreme devil armaments' glowed.

His eyes couldn't help but linger a little longer on the Supreme devil armaments' necklaces.

Then, he said in a tone almost chanting: "According to the stone tablet excavated from the ancient ruins of El, as long as twelve pieces of Supreme devil armaments are collected, Calor can be summoned and have the opportunity to directly meet the gods."

"Now it seems that Carol is indeed someone, even you are interested, I don't know what's hidden behind it, and I don't want to know, but I'm willing to summon him for you."

Soon, a golden phantom appeared in the sky, and twelve Supreme devil armaments' flew up, armed to the phantom.

The phantom remained motionless like a statue, but a huge opening suddenly opened in the sky behind it, and a golden light shone down.

Then there was a lazy voice, speaking in the language of singing magic, so they could understand it.

"It's so fast this time, it's really troublesome..."

Immediately afterwards, a tall figure walked out of the Minor World behind the space passage. He was as tall as the statues in the Holy See everywhere, over three meters tall, with blond hair hanging loose and very long.

The handsome face had sharp edges and corners. He glanced at the situation in front of him with sharp eyes, and frowned instantly.

Before he could react, Su Yun used his almost oppressive Minor World to capture Carol in.

Seeing this scene, Roy was stunned, and tried to ask in his mind: "System, where did they go?"

"A Minor World, you don't care, Su Yun will be fine."

"I'm worried about Carroll... If something happens to Carroll, will the Shia civilization survive, and will the magic system collapse."

"Oh..." Su Xiaoxiao was silent for a while, "But we have a way."

"Hmm." Roy seemed to understand everything.


In Su Yun's Minor World, it became more lively.

"Carroll, hehe, you're here." Ming said calmly while watching the excitement.

"Ming! You betrayed Guangji United!" Carroll scolded in a reprimanded tone, almost wanting to do it.

But this is Su Yun's territory, and he is the only one who speaks, easily depriving Carol of his power.

"Two, calm down." Su Yun appeared in the small room he specially prepared, and said calmly.

The layout here was the same as Shia's Holy See, and he hoped that Carroll could relax a bit.

Only then did Carroll calm down and look at the surrounding environment and Su Yun.

"This place is almost the same as the main universe, but in your control, you are strong."

"So why are you imprisoning us?"

"Naturally, it's a struggle for power." Su Yun said without any concealment. Carroll's eyes froze. He didn't know that Su Yun had this purpose, and Su Yun had almost succeeded.

"It is impossible for one person to have many powers at the same time."

Su Yun smiled and said, "Nothing is impossible."

Carol sneered, "How could it be so easy, I won't let you kill me!"

"You know, you have no chance." Su Yun poked out the facts directly, "Are you worried about your civilization?"

"The civilizations under you are all based on your authority. If you die, they will naturally cease to exist."

"You think I will care?" Carol lowered his head slightly, raised his cold blue eyes and said, "I left behind twelve Supreme devil armaments' and legends, just for the sake of when the civilization on the planet develops to a certain level, When you can gather all twelve devil armaments', destroy it! You don't know the joy of destroying civilization! Haha!"

"No, no, no." Su Yun shook his index finger, "This is how you keep your civilization alive. Rebirth and destruction often go together."

"Just like the universe, it is always in the destruction and rebirth of Samsara, so that it can last forever."

"Ridiculous!" Carroll snorted.

"Don't believe me? Let's wait and see." Su Yun smiled lightly, but condensed a string of information, which was directly poured into the consciousness of Carol and Ming.

Roughly, the ancient Supernatural Power shut down the power of the Universe to conceive newborn souls, allowing its minions to be born into the Carroll civilization that has the authority of Good Fortune, and then defeated the Carroll civilization from within, and then seized the authority of Good Fortune.

"It's not difficult to guess that the minions of Ancient God should have been born on all your planets, and your civilization will surely be destroyed."

"Just as you created them with the authority of Good Fortune, they will also be destroyed by it."

"That's impossible!" Carroll retorted sharply.

"The Xiya civilization was destroyed because of this, and the corpses of the star-devouring species are still floating in space!" Su Yun was not used to it, and said loudly: "We discovered the star-devouring species bred in the center of the earth. Before, I destroyed it, and then I saw you!"

"What if it was the Ancient God who just activated the twelve Supreme devil armaments'?"

Carroll fell into silence, and after a while he said sadly: "Is my civilization destined to be destroyed?"

"Isn't there still two seedlings, Shia and Luna?" Su Yun said in a relaxed tone, "I will take care of them for you. With my means, they will develop into a brand new civilization, and it will truly belong to your civilization."

"This is the only way. As long as your Good Fortune authority is still there, Ancient God will continue to drop His minions, unless you abandon the entire Carroll civilization!"

"I need to verify what you said." Carroll said in a low tone.

"Okay, I agree." Su Yun nodded.

Immediately, he asked Carroll and Ming to share a small portion of the Divine Partition soul and sent it to the main universe.

Su Yun sent a special spaceship to carry their spirit fragments, and follow their instructions to find planets scattered in the Guangji Galaxy that belonged to the Carroll civilization.

This confirms everything Su Yun guessed.

And Su Yun returned to Luna again.

Roy is already leading Shia's people to build a new home on Luna.

Everything is thriving.

Su Yun quietly appeared beside Roy.

"It's good to start again."

"Well, when everything is on the right track, I think it's time for me to end." Roy smiled dryly.

At this time, Su Xiaoxiao reminded Su Yun in his mind: "I have already promised him that when Xi Ya basically recovers, I will end his life."


"Ask yourself." Su Xiaoxiao stopped talking.

"Why?" Su Yun asked bluntly.

"Probably because my world has collapsed." Su Yun actually smiled with relief, "We are no longer the same after all."

"But Noel is still alive! We have preserved her soul, and with our technology, we can easily resurrect her!"

Roy hesitated for a while, and joked: "It seems that it hasn't completely collapsed yet."

"However, Lina is right. Immortality is indeed a curse."

Seeing that Roy was so determined, Su Yun also changed his mind and promised: "I will return your world to you, so that you can truly live as yourself!"

There was a glimmer of hope in Roy's ashen eyes, and he looked at Su Yun.


After a long time, the restoration of the Preceding Entry Stage of Shia civilization was completed, at least the people of Shia had a place to live.

Su Yun used means to convince them that the god Carol saved them in this catastrophe.

Roy is the one chosen by the gods to save them, just like Noah in the legend of the earth when the great flood came.

As a result, Shia's religious murals have become somewhat sci-fi, and star gates and universe battleships have become important religious elements...

And Roy completed his mission and ended his own life.

His soul was completely cleaned up, erasing all traces of being Su Yun, leaving only a part of Roy, and then together with Noel, using the authority of Samsara, they were directly reincarnated on Shia.

In a newly established small village, two families gave birth to newborns, a boy and a girl.

Their birth in times of disaster symbolizes hope.

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