There are several miniaturized star gates installed in Xiu Immortal World, which can easily and quickly reach any place in the star field under the jurisdiction of Xiu Immortal World civilization.

And the one dedicated to Su Yun can directly reach Wen Bai's bedroom...

In order to facilitate the research of Medicine Pill, Wen Bai now has his own spaceship—Kurong.

The Kurong is a spherical spaceship with a diameter of more than 500 kilometers. It has a hollowed-out grid, and an artificial sun is suspended in the center of the sphere to provide light, heat and Spiritual Qi. With the rotation of the sphere, it can simulate the sunrise and sunset as well as the changes of the four seasons. .

The inner side of the spherical shell is paved with spiritual fields, which are filled with various elixir.

Intelligent systems provide the optimum growing environment and care for these herbs. Simulated gravity keeps the elixir tightly attached to the inner surface of the spherical shell, and a complete ecosystem, terrain, climate simulation, and saturated Spiritual Qi allow them to thrive.

At the South Pole inside the spherical shell, a special area was reserved, which perfectly reproduced the layout of the Green Bamboo Peak, with mountains and water, wild clouds and wild cranes, and pastoral songs.

This is a rare trace of tenderness in the wild space.

Through the star gate, Su Yun directly appeared in Wen Bai's bedroom. Even though she no longer has the need to live in, this room has been carefully taken care of by her herself, and the orchids on the windowsill are blooming just right.

Push the door and go outside, and when you look up, you can see the artificial sun above, which seems to be half real, a huge ball of light.

But it is actually a huge metal spherical fusion reactor, where violent nuclear fusion is taking place inside, and light and heat are irradiated through the fine and small holes on it.

According to the program setting, today is a fine weather with no clouds, so no clouds and fog are formed, and the vision is excellent. You can see the whole interior of the Kurong at a glance.

Wen Bai is somewhat obsessive-compulsive. When planting elixir, he divides them according to color, so he can see the elixir like a palette, which has an artistic charm.

A group of harvesting robots are collecting a mature spiritual fruit.

And their final belonging is the reactor at the center of the sphere, a new type of pill refining furnace.

Refining a ninth-level medicine pill is easy.

But what Wen Bai wants to do is a bigger guy, directly use the real Star as the pill refining furnace!

Sensing the spatial fluctuation, Wen Bai, who was doing research near the reactor, knew that Su Yun was coming. She handed over the matter at hand to her own assistant, and flew down in a hurry.

Su Yun raised his head and saw a graceful silhouette descending from the sunlight, and then he saw clearly the appearance of the woman in the white dress, as if she was a fairy falling into the mortal world. Her headband slipped off, and her black hair fluttered softly in the wind.

Su Yun stretched out his arms to meet Wen Bai.

"Su Yun, you're here!" A gentle moan came from above.

"I'm here." Su Yun smiled.

Su Yun lightly caught Wen Bai, and then embraced her in his arms.

Wen Bai was tired in Su Yun's arms for a while, then he raised his head and said with a smile: "It's not too late, let's get down to business!"

"Go!" Su Yun nodded solemnly, took Wen Bai's hand and said solemnly: "Go back to the house now!"

Wen Bai suppressed a smile, blinked his eyes and said: "I mean to solve the technology problem of the Star-level pill refining furnace!"

"That's what I'm talking about!" Su Yun laughed and said, "The passage in the room can also go out!"

Wen Bai covered his mouth and smiled, then nodded.

Immediately, the two came to the outside of the spherical shell through the passage reserved in the room. Different from the comfortable environment inside the sphere, the outside world can be said to be much harsher, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is purgatory.

Because the Kurong is too close to the Star!

Su Yun's field of vision has been completely occupied by the huge light sphere, a ray of corona just happened to sweep over the Kurong's position, covering the surface of the spherical shell with a layer of red hot plasma air mass.

Fortunately, Su Yun and Wen Bai's Realm is enough, and the Spirit Power of the body protector can resist it.

"This is the star I asked Xiaoxiao to choose. It is more than a billion years old, with a suitable size and sufficient mass. It is about twice the size of your earth's sun, and there is no life around it." Wen Bai said through voice transmission.

As Wen Bai said, the crimson star in front of him is still young, because in addition to emitting light, heat and high-energy particles, it is also vigorously emitting Spiritual Qi and soul power.

According to earlier research, the early stage of the birth of the universe, Spiritual Qi and soul power are all mixed into the form of turbid qi, and it is the violent reaction in the Star that separates them again, and there is a basis for the birth of life.

Of course, except for the Ancient God, who is a creature born directly from the turbid air.

What Su Yun didn't expect was that Star could also be used in the pill recipe.

"But even it can't meet the requirements for refining the ultimate Medicine Pill!" Wen Bai continued.

"Is the power of Star's level not enough?" Su Yun asked in surprise.

"Looking at it now, yes." Wen Bai frowned slightly.

"According to the usual Medicine Pill theory, the ninth-level Medicine Pill is the upper limit of Alchemy's method, but in my opinion, just like the Indistinguishable Dao above Transcend Tribulation, there should be higher levels above the ninth level! Nine Tier is far from the ultimate!"

"The Medicine Pill is the gathering and fusion of Spiritual Qi, but the Spiritual Qi possessed by the ninth-order Medicine Pill has an upper limit. If you want to pursue the ultimate, you must break through this upper limit!"

As he spoke, Wen Bai shared a piece of past experimental data through Su Xiaoxiao, which appeared in Su Yun's mind.

In the data provided by Wen Bai, she used second-generation fairy-level materials to make a pill refining kettle powered entirely by Spirit Power.

It is filled with medicinal materials enough to refine thousands of ninth-level medicine pills.

The pill refining cauldron is slowly sunk deep into the Star.

The second-generation fairy-level material is enough to withstand the extremely high temperature and pressure inside the Star, and the medicinal materials will be burned up, and the medicinal power will slowly gather under the powerful spiritual pressure inside the Star.

But this powerful medicinal power cannot be fused into a pill, and the medicinal power or the concentration of Spirit Power will reach a certain upper limit.

Under this condition, there is no way to refine it into a ninth-order medicine pill. During the process of taking out the pill refining kettle, the potency of the medicine will naturally overflow and dissipate.

After quickly finishing the experiment records, Su Yun frowned and thought: "This situation seems to be familiar..."

After a while, it suddenly dawned on me, "This situation is the same as the degeneracy pressure of matter!"

"Neutron stars are degenerate matter, which is also a mystery at the quantum level."

Wen Bai was stunned for a moment, then waved his finger and said, "Is that the terrifying star that you and Sui Sui are studying?"

"That's right." Su Yun nodded slightly, "The gravitational force of the neutron star is so great that the electromagnetic repulsion is overcome, and the protons and neutrons merge, but the neutrons don't continue to collapse and coalesce, it's just degeneracy that resists the gravitational force."

"I imagine that's the case with the potency in the Medicine Pill."

Just after finishing speaking, Su Yun's eyes lit up suddenly, "Could it be that Spiritual Qi is also composed of a kind of elementary particle?! Spiritual Qi particles?? That's why they have incompatible quantum properties!"

"So... what about the power of the soul? Particles of the soul?"

Inspired by Wen Bai, Su Yun was excited for a moment, and couldn't help pecking Wen Bai's face a few times, and then contacted Su Xiaodao: "Add the research on the existence of the corresponding elementary particles of Spiritual Qi and spirit power to the research queue!"

"Received, the research sequence is one hundred and thirty-eight!"

Su Yun thought for a while, "In advance, after the comprehensive study of neutron stars."

"It has been modified, and the research is now sequence two."

At this time, Wen Bai, who heard Su Yun and Su Xiaoxiao's exchange, couldn't help thinking, "After the research on neutron stars, is there any deep meaning?"

"As expected of you!" Su Yun said with a smile: "Actually, degeneracy pressure is not only neutron degeneracy pressure, the electromagnetic repulsion between atomic nuclei and electrons in white dwarfs also manifests as degeneracy pressure, even after neutrons are crushed, There may also be quark degeneracy pressure!"

"So, we need to know what level of Spiritual Qi degenerate pressure we face after the ninth-order Medicine Pill, so we can talk about other things."

"So how do we break through this degeneracy?" Wen Bai widened his eyes, eager to know.

"Perhaps, the answer lies in the neutron star." Su Yun smiled meaningfully.

Wen Bai didn't know what to do.

During the two days of waiting for the Starcatcher research platform to be completed, Su Yun and Wen Bai conducted in-depth exchanges on the technology level and exchanged substantive suggestions.


Two days later, Wen Bai and Su Yun returned to Xiu Immortal World.

The research will be carried out on the Starcatcher research platform located in the North Pole, and the entire process will be completed by the Spiritual Qi robot.

Only devices made of second-generation materials will work close to the surface of a neutron star.

It is as strong as Su Yun, and it cannot destroy this material without using the power of rules.

But the material is no match for neutron stars.

To study neutron stars, sampling is essential, so only an unusual technology can be used.

"Xiao Xiao, prepare the Higgs boson shock knife!"

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