For a moment, Roy didn't know whether he should be surprised or not, but he walked in calmly, and a gust of wind caused the flames on the oil lamp stand by the door to sway for a while.

At this time, a wooden chair that was placed aside suddenly ran, and came to Dean Orlando's desk, kicked the chair leg and slid for a while before barely stopping, turning back into an ordinary chair.

Seeing this, Roy sat over, twisted his waist, and spoke after confirming that the chair was stable, "She's not, she's just an ordinary girl who grew up in Dapaya Village."

Orlando had a kind face, and said in a calm tone: "But her Bloodline destined her to be Princess Eaton."

"So what determines a person is birth, or everything she experiences?" Roy questioned.

Hearing this, Orlando shook his head, "No, Roy, you know, it doesn't make sense to dwell on this."

"Just like here, Noel is the magician of a magic apprentice I recruited."

"So for King Eaton, Noel is a princess, and her status is given by others, not by herself."

"Dean Orlando, so what are you going to do?" Roy frowned and straightened his back involuntarily.

"You shouldn't ask me." Orlando said with a secretive smile: "The current situation is that the Kingdom of Eaton is going to attack Taroy because of Noel's matter, and now those ministers are anxious as if they are being put on fire. Meat skewers."

"The border between Taroy and Eaton is already unstable, thanks to you."

"You mean to hand over Noel? But she doesn't want to be that so-called princess!" Roy couldn't help being emotional, and squeezed the armrest of the chair hard.

The chair couldn't help shaking.

"Of course not! If a magician can't even keep his own magician, it's better to go back to the village to plant wheat." Orlando put a smile on his kind face, "So you need to prove your loyalty, then Taroy will stand Behind you."

"But you don't have to blame yourself. There will be a war between the two countries sooner or later. The princess is not important, it's just an excuse. The Taloy Federation is at war with many countries. It is a good opportunity for Eaton to make a move."

"Fortunately, there is no evidence for Eaton yet, so I dare not do anything for now, so you have plenty of time to become stronger."

"But this is a war between two countries, what can I do?" Roy leaned back, lowering his head in doubt.

"Hehe, don't underestimate the role of a powerful magician in a country." Orlando stood up, waved his hand casually, and unfolded a map, suspended in the air.

This is a complete map of Shia. More than a dozen countries, large and small, are separated from each other, and the continent where the Taloy Federation is located is considered the most powerful area.

However, the outline of a country on the map was not originally on the map. It was manually drawn with blood-red ink, and it was drawn circle after circle, as if the country was constantly expanding.

Coincidentally, Orlando also pointed to this location, "This is a newly established small country named Gutes. It suddenly rose up in a very short period of time and provoked wars everywhere. Countless alchemy Magical Beasts devoured life like a flood. Many great magisters are lost in this country!"

"From the known information, there is an extremely powerful magician in this country, who may have reached the level of a holy magister."

Roy was amazed by the ambition displayed by this country, because "Gutes" means god in Shia.

Then, Orlando added: "By the way, Gutes uses Carroll's power, but believes in their own god."

"So..." After thinking for a moment, Roy raised his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Dean Orlando, why are you telling me this?"

Orlando smiled lovingly and put away the map, "Roy, you are a magical genius that has never appeared before! Your power may be unimaginable."

"As long as you become a powerful magician, won't the matter at Noel's place be easily solved?"

Hearing this, Roy thought for a while in silence, "It's actually for me to deal with Gutes!"

"Haha! That's what the Holy See meant." Orlando laughed heartily and said, "The heresy needs to be eradicated."

"Dean Orlando." Roy stood up slowly, and said before his body was completely straight: "I can only say try."

Orlando walked over a few steps and patted Roy on the shoulder, "Roy, don't underestimate the teaching ability of Violet Academy!"

Roy turned his head to the side, looked at Orlando and asked, "Dean Orlando, but now that countries are fighting again and again, does the Holy See really not plan to do something?"

Orlando's face darkened, but he remained silent.

In a blink of an eye, he smiled again, "Let's go, here you are, I'll show you around my collection!"

Not allowing Roy to refuse, he began to introduce own baby excitedly.

"For example, the chair you just sat on was made of wood from a dryad. I thought it had lost its life, but after making it into a chair, it is still alive! Sometimes it even escapes! Don't let it If I sit, force it to sit on it, it will deliberately make me fall!"

Orlando looked at the wooden chair with malicious eyes, and the chair instantly shrank under the table in fright, trembling.

"However, it took the initiative to let you sit, um, it's very strange, very strange." Orlando stroked his beard and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Roy frowned slightly.

"And this!" Orlando excitedly led Roy to a mirror, "Do you see what's so wonderful about this mirror?"

In front of me is a vertical bronze mirror, which is as tall as one person. The mirror surface is coated with a layer of silver on the entire glass, so the reflection effect is not bad.

Roy in the mirror looked puzzled and couldn't see anything special about the mirror. He tried to shout, "Mirror, mirror?"

There is no response.

"Haha." Orlando laughed a few times and began to demonstrate to Roy.

He punched out, and with a "boom", the mirror surface shattered to the ground, and Orlando's muscular muscles were briefly exposed under Magical Robe's sleeve.

Who would have thought that an old magician with a white beard would be a devil and a muscular man!

"So..." Roy stared at the glass shards and scum all over the place, and was stunned.

"Looking good!" Orlando smiled, and Roy felt the magic wave.

So right in front of the two of them, the bronze mirror that had just been shattered recovered by itself.

"How about it? This is a mirror that will automatically reset! You don't have to worry about scratching your hands when you clean up the broken glass!"


Roy was speechless.

Orlando patted Roy on the shoulder and laughed like an old urchin.

And there are many interesting things in his room, besides all kinds of strange magic props, there are also weird Magical Beasts specimens, potions, ores, and even cursed items.

Roy was soon fascinated, it was much more interesting than visiting a museum!

In the end, Orlando found a wooden box in the corner. He dug away the sundries on it, wiped the dust, the lock automatically fell off, and the lid was lifted.

There was a bright golden light inside instantly, it was a whole box of gold coins, and some gold coins on the tip began to slide down, making the sound of money when they hit the ground.

"Dean Orlando, is this a special gold coin?" Roy asked curiously. "This is an ordinary gold coin."

"Oh." Roy raised his eyebrows slightly, and there was inevitably a gap in his heart.

Then Orlando directly closed the box, regardless of the leftover gold coins, "As you can see, everything in my house is treasure. In comparison, the gold coins have become the least valuable thing."

His brows gradually became serious, "And these were all looted in the war."

Roy's heart skipped a beat, the interest he had just now disappeared in an instant, and thick dark clouds covered his heart again.

Orlando continued: "Whether the country rises or falls, war or peace, the Holy See is always invincible. As a Taloy, I hate war, but from the perspective of the Holy See, I should choose to ignore it. So ,do you understand?"

"Understood, it is always the civilians who suffer, the people at the bottom."

"No, you haven't fully understood yet. Go back and think about it carefully. This is the first lesson to teach you! You must know why you want to become a magician, and what you need to become powerful!"

"Dean Orlando, thank you..."

When walking out, Roy only felt that his mind was in a mess, and the world was far from being as simple as he thought.

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he almost bumped into the door frame, but he still couldn't figure out the myriad of thoughts in his mind.

"Ding dong!" At this time, Su Xiaoxiao sent a reminder, "The host has completed the system task, do you want to extract a powerful magic item?"

The complicated thoughts were disrupted, Roy simply stopped thinking about those messy things, and said happily: "Smoking!"

At the same time, a brand new lottery roulette appeared in his mind, with silhouettes of various magic props displayed in the grid.

What can be seen are magic wands, crystal balls, magic books, Magical Robe, and some other magic props that are difficult to distinguish.

The roulette starts to rotate, and when the speed reaches the highest, it starts to slow down, and the silhouettes pointed by the pointer light up one after another. Finally, the roulette stops at the position of a magic wand.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a god-level magic item—the stick of truth!"

Then the introduction to the stick of truth pops up.

The Rod of Truth: A powerful magic prop with a unique magic system, symbolizing power and truth! ! The props will gradually unlock powerful magic skills according to the user's rank!

"The stick of truth!" Roy was overjoyed. The gloom in his heart was swept away just now, and he muttered to himself: "It sounds like a very powerful magic item!"

But he didn't dare to extract it from the system warehouse now, and planned to go back and take it out to play with.

After walking out of the three-story building, I realized that the sky had already darkened, and the magic street lamps of the college had been automatically lit. The distance between the street lamps was very far, so more than half of the road was immersed in darkness.

Turning to the intersection, Roy suddenly saw Noel squatting and looking towards the lawn under a street lamp.

At this moment, she changed into an extremely expensive silk dress, the elegant dark blue with the unique soft luster of silk.

The shape of the long skirt is a neat magician's battle uniform, which is a little tight, and the fabric outlines her initial curves, and her shiny white legs are exposed from the gaps in the fabric until they reach the flesh-red knees.

He also put on white socks and black soft-soled shoes on his feet.

"Hey Noel, what are you looking at!"

Noel turned to look at Roy, and said with a slight smile, "Ants! They're carrying an olive that hasn't been eaten clean!"

Roy saw that on the trimmed lawn, there was a black line made of ants, twisting and wriggling slowly, and an olive core with some pulp was embedded in the black line.

The volume of an olive is hundreds of times that of an ant, but it is surrounded by a group of ants and moves slowly.

Roy just looked at the ants, thoughtful.

"Roy, what does the dean want you for?"

"Uh, some things like learning objectives." Roy laughed, and then asked, "Have you tidied up the house?"

"Almost, after all, there aren't many things. It's just that there are too many people who haven't lived for a long time." Noel stood up and straightened his skirt.

Then, Noel turned around, "This is the uniform of Violet Academy, does it look good?"

"It's beautiful, it's more beautiful than ever." Roy said sincerely.

"Shortly after you left, the janitor brought it over. There is a whole set! You can wear it all year round, and yours is in your house." Noel said with a smile.

Her happiness is very simple.

Roy was a little envious.

Some also understand why it is necessary to become strong.

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