"Every civilization has its own choice." Su Xiaoxiao comforted: "Therefore, you can only abide by the rules of this world."


Roy's tone was firm, "If God Carol really exists, then overthrow it, overthrow him under the rules he made, and liberate science."

"Only by overthrowing the big tree called 'god' above the head can the sprouts of science grow."

"You..." Su Xiaoxiao pondered for a moment, and after asking for advice, she changed her attitude, "Okay, I will help you!"

"Our system is professional!"

"Thank you." Roy smiled reassuringly.

Attention comes back to the present.

Many people who watched the trial ceremony had already started to exit, like a toad's eggs on the rotating stairs.

The hanged people did not have the so-called "public display". Several deacons of the Holy See put their bodies down, piled them on wooden carts, passed through the crowd that was dispersing, and transported them to the circular stone platform as the foundation. On the edge, go a little further, five steps down the steps, and you will see the surging lake.

Four deacons lifted up a corpse two by two, and threw it into the lake.

As soon as the old man named Harold Ivan entered the water, there was a burst of white waves and foam on the surface of the water. Under the white foam, there were dense black shadows, and even the lake water turned black.

Then, the bright red color melted into the water and gradually faded away. The scene of the corpse being swallowed by piranhas looked like a weird oil painting under the dim light.

Roy walked closer and took a closer look, and found that the school of fish churning in the water seemed familiar, the kind that was caught on the boat last night.

Thinking of this, his stomach couldn't help churning, and he covered his mouth to suppress this feeling.

"Roy, are you okay?" Noel, who was behind him, walked quickly and asked with concern.

"Oh, it's okay." Roy deliberately blocked Noel's view and led her away from the shore.

In just such a short time, the old man's body has been eaten away, leaving only the bones, the fish shoals dispersed, and the bones sank without support, and piled up together with other bones in the abyss that cannot be seen by humans. up a mountain.

Going against the flow of people, Roy and Noel came to the gallows that had just been executed, and found the priest who pronounced the fate of others.


The priest was about to leave, but when Roy stopped him, he turned around, "Young man, what's the matter?"

Then in a joking tone, "Could it be that you are here to atone for your sins? God Carol is willing to forgive young people who have lost their way."

"Sorry, Father." Roy bowed respectfully, lowered his posture and said, "We are here to perform the Resonance Ceremony, and we hope to serve the great and glorious God Karoll."

"Yeah." The priest nodded with satisfaction, "If everyone was as devout as you are, there wouldn't be so many bad things in this world."

"Let's go, follow me." The priest took the lead and walked towards the building of the Holy See, stepping on the clean and white steps.

Along the way, the priest did not forget to introduce the situation.

"You can call me Reese, I am the bishop of the Holy See of Moswell."

"Although Moswell is only a small border town, it is also blessed by God Carol, and he will never forget every one of his people."

"However, you should know the rules. Two gold coins cannot be missing. This is the first test to judge whether a believer is pious."

"If you can't do this, the Lord will not take care of you."

Roy respectfully presented four gold coins.

Fortunately, I started to search a lot.

Rees weighed it for a while, and checked it with a magician's method before putting the gold coin into his sleeve.

At this time, it happened to be at the top of the stairs. Rees stopped and pointed to the inside of the Holy See.

"Go in, someone will welcome you."

"Thank you Bishop Rees." Roy nodded.

Noel nodded too.

The door of the Holy See opened, and the two walked in.

The interior decoration of the Holy See building is even more luxurious than the outside. It seems that the level of the Holy See reflects the piety of the local people.

Apparently, Moswell's people were religious enough.

Crystal chandeliers, wool curtains, hand-carved decorations, everything is the pinnacle of craftsmanship.

There are also a lot of magic props hanging on the wall, such as staffs, balls, magicians, or some other forms of magic props.

The format is different, but the function is exactly the same.

However, the huge hall was extremely empty, with no one to be seen, or even many footprints. It seemed that there was no so-called worship or pilgrimage ceremony open to the public in the Holy See, and it was more like the exclusive place for these magicians.

The white marble floor was so smooth that it reflected the holy painting depicting Carroll's deeds above his head.

The painting roughly tells the story of Carol's creation of Shia, including shaping the planet, creating life, and endowing magic.

Carroll is portrayed so vividly that it is hard to doubt Carroll's existence.

In the very center of the hall, there stood a statue alone.

The statue is none other than Carroll, with a very specific image.

Just when Roy and Noel were fascinated, two deacons in black robes of the Holy See appeared out of nowhere, looking at them with indifference, even disgust.

"Follow me, you won't get God Karoll's blessing just by looking at it."

After Roy nodded, he obediently followed.

The two deacons stood on both sides of the statue, put on their hoods, adjusted their magic robes, straightened their faces, revealing their depth.

"Ma'am, may you be blessed by God Karoll!" The deacon on the left stretched out his hand to invite, "Come here."

Noel didn't expect to be himself first, he hesitated for a moment, and after glancing at Roy, he walked under the outstretched palm of the statue.

"Ma'am, please turn around and face Kahloel so that Kahloh can see your face clearly."

"Hmm~ okay..." Noel was a little nervous, and after turning around on the spot, he let out a long breath and lowered his head slightly.

"Mentally recite the honorable name of the gods."

Nuoer did as he did, forming fists with his hands and putting them on his chest, his mouth began to tremble.

Roy couldn't help frowning. Unlike what he imagined, the so-called resonance ceremony didn't seem to have any special sense of ritual. It was even like a physical examination. The doctor asked you to stand on the weighing scale, even if you started to resonate.

It was quiet for a while, nothing seemed to happen.

Deacon shook his head helplessly, "Sorry, ma'am, you failed to get the gaze of God Carol."

"Ah?" Nuo Erben was lonely and courageous, he had never thought about this ending at all, and was a little unwilling, "Dear Mr. Deacon, is there something wrong?"

The eyes of the deacon on the left became fierce, "Could it be that you are questioning God Carroll?"

Hearing this, Noel could only shut up obediently, and walked over with a sad expression, "Sorry, Roy, I'm just a Muggle..."

Roy patted her on the shoulder as a sign of comfort, "Not everything goes as you wish, so relax."

But casual comforting words can't help Noel, she said in a low tone, "Roy, it's your turn." The deacon on the right reminded, "It's normal not to be able to get the gaze of God Carol, you should have made this awareness long ago .”

"Don't dawdle, come here quickly."

Roy raised his steps and walked slowly in front of the statue of Carol. When he raised his head, he could see Carol's face, and his eyes met.

Carroll closed his eyes slightly, as if showing pity, but in Roy's view, it was an expression of contempt. As a qualified god, he should not abandon any of his people who believed in him.

Then, Roy made a prayer gesture.


At the same time, repair the Immortal World.

Su Yun, who had been waiting for this moment for a long time, said slowly, "Xiao Xiao, have all the preparations been completed?"

"It's over!" Su Xiaoxiao announced the situation excitedly, "The nano worker bees are already in place over the entire city of Mossell, and they can disturb the magic essence in nature at any time."

"All the magic props in the Holy See Palace have been modified and can be awakened with one click!"

"The other thing is that the power of faith is ready to be released. It is completely released by influencing Roy's soul. There is no flaw, and the intensity is controllable. You can make as many merits as you want!"

"Okay, let's create the most powerful magician ever!"


At this time, Roy just silently recited Carroll's name in his heart.

He didn't know whether a person like himself who had no belief in God Karoll, and was even full of resentment, could receive the blessing of God Karoll.

But what is certain is that the god Carol is not omniscient, otherwise he would have appeared to judge him, an impious foreigner.

His heart was beating loudly, and just when he thought nothing would happen, a burst of bright yellow light suddenly filled his eyes.

The light is bright, but very soft, without any glare at all, and Carol's "peaceful" face can be seen even against the light.

The light appeared out of thin air from the space behind the statue of Carroll, as if the light from heaven had leaked into the world.

The surrounding natural magic essence also began to fluctuate.

In a place that Roy can't detect, that is, on the core of the soul deep in his body, a small opening is released on the complex and round Restrictions, allowing Roy to have the Realm of Qi Refining cultivator, so as to sense the surroundings Spiritual Qi, that is, natural magic element.

Entering the Realm of Qi Refining for the first time is enough for Roy to go far.

"Light system! My god Carroll!" The deacon on the left showed an unbelievable expression, "Such a rare magic series has actually been awakened!"

When the light faded, the right deacon found something abnormal again, and exclaimed, "Wait, it's not over yet!"

From behind the statue of Karoll, a colorful halo appeared again.


Immediately afterwards, there was another grotesque scene. Behind Carroll, it was like a black curtain covered with shining stars, as if the starry sky flowed down from the sky.

"Occupy the Galaxy!"

Then came the down-like soft white light, full of traces of texture.

"Psychic system!!"

Finally, the mysterious purple poured down, illuminating the people as if they were performing some unspeakable ceremony.

"Also, mysterious..." Zuo Deacon opened his mouth slightly in shock, unable to close it.

"Light, Nature, Astrology, Mind, Mysterious! The five series of magical abilities have all been awakened! What a genius this is!" You deacon's eyes were full of sincerity.

Then, the two deacons knelt on the ground one after another, their attitudes became extremely respectful, "Please continue the ceremony."

Roy was confused, and he didn't understand the situation. All he knew was that he seemed to have awakened a very strong Talent.

So Roy continued to act, but he also mumbled Carol's name in his mouth.

All the light dissipated, and then the many magic props hanging on the wall of the hall began to tremble, making the crisp sound of wood hitting, as if responding to Roy's call.

Immediately, many magic props scrambled to fly to Roy, and surrounded them densely, making Roy dazzled.

But then, something happened that made Roy feel ashamed.

Noel also floated up inexplicably, and joined the sequence of magic props.

"Roy, save me!"

Roy grabbed Noel and tried to pull it off, but it turned out, he did.

With a light tug from him, Noel could no longer maintain the floating state, and fell down, but fortunately, he caught him with a princess hug.

And Roy seemed to realize that he had established a wonderful connection with Noel? contract?

"Magician! I just met a suitable magician! My god Carol!" Zuo Fafa began to bow down and bow down.

Bishop Rees, who arrived late, trotted over with a shocked expression on his face.

Roy subconsciously asked, "Bishop Rees, what is a magician?"

Rees didn't dare to hesitate. After standing still, he resumed his bishop's demeanor and straightened his collar. "The so-called magician is just like magic props, a tool used to cast magic!"

"Magic props are items, and magicians are living beings. Plants, animals, and fungi can be used. The common ones are black cats, ravens, or snakes, but I still have trouble making people become magicians." See you once!"

Roy suddenly realized, nodded and said, "Oh, tool man."

Hearing the conversation, Noel began to look at Own's body.

There is no change on the surface, but I can indeed feel the connection with Roy, and I can even detect the natural magic essence surging around!

"That means, can I use magic too?"

"To be more precise, this person can release magic through you." At this moment, Rees suddenly realized that, with his hands on his chest, he bent down deeply, "Sorry, I don't know your honorable name yet."

"Roy Kahn, and Noel...George." Roy said casually.

Then he asked with doubts: "Will it not be harmful to her... to the magician?"

"Obviously, no, the magician will be your powerful support, and you can also make the magician stronger."

"That's good, that's good."

"Dear Lord Roy, the magic props have been selected, please continue your ceremony, which is also the last ceremony!" Rees urged: "Show your piety to God Carol."

Roy returned under the statue, muttering in his heart, "Piety?"

But before he could think too much, an inexplicable feeling emerged from the depths of his heart, which was a kind of extreme piety.

"Host, there is only so much that can help you, show your devout belief in God Carol to your heart's content!"

"So that's the case, thank you."

Roy no longer suppressed this feeling, and released it as much as possible.

The power of faith gushed out, poured into the statue, and went to an unpredictable place.

In an instant, Roy became Carroll's most loyal believer, making everyone present feel ashamed.

This is a belief that is integrated into life, as if his life, everything he owns, exists for Carol.

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