Scientific Cultivation Of Immortals, Mechanical Ascension

Chapter 209 The Rise And Fall Of Civilization

Of course, these are only Su Yun's reasonable guesses, and there is no way to verify them now.

If verification is required, it is necessary to actually measure the curvature of the space and calculate it in combination with the calculated amount of star constitution to obtain the space curvature map of the universe, and then verify it against the content of the mural.

However, even if the content in the mural is not what Su Yun thinks, it is expected to light up the technology tree of "Gravity Map".

In the future, you will not lose your way in the sea of ​​stars.

Su Yun borrowed the magic of the spiritual space, and after remembering the content of the mural in his mind, he used the Divine Might and Soil Control Technique to remove the entire mural, and then he gave up.

Now he is more and more curious about the situation in the ruins.

After inspecting the circle and confirming that nothing was missed, Su Yun went deeper.

But at the same time, Shen Feiyu and his team also arrived. They saw that the area where the mural was originally painted was sunken, with regular cuts, and the mural naturally disappeared. Stare small.

"Where's the mural?" Shen Feiyu was a little stunned.

"Shen Feiyu, I have to ask you!" a cultivator who also joined later questioned.

"Fellow daoist Wu, don't be impatient, there are definitely some murals, and I'm afraid they will be seized by others." Shen Feiyu said coldly.

"But no one comes in or out of this cave, so how could there be anyone else?" Molly asked in disbelief.

Shen Feiyu looked into the depths of the cave, "But no matter what, that person must be inside."


In the presence, only Wu Xing's eyes suddenly froze, and he secretly had an idea, and after a moment of hesitation, he followed the crowd.

At this time, Su Yun detected the movement of several giant worms, in the dead-end alleys led by various forks, with swollen ends, which seemed to be their nests.

And that huge hole was not far ahead, so he had a plan.

Su Yun blocked the road behind him with his backhand, and at the same time created several tunnels that bend towards the giant worm's lair, before speeding up and going straight to the hollow ahead.

The road along the way gradually has man-made traces, and the tunnel is built into a hexagonal tunnel by hexagonal Black Tortoise rock blocks obtained locally.

Su Yun quickly turned upwards, flew out of the tunnel, and came to a huge hole, which was the place he probed.

Originally he thought the cave would be pitch black, but in fact it was filled with light gray and green fluorescence, similar to the color of Laba garlic.

Half of the cave is submerged in seawater, and the seawater here does not seem to be connected to the outside world. The reason may be that the principle of the connector makes this place an independent underwater space.

Most of the light comes from the fluorescence in the seawater, and the distribution of fluorescence is uneven, like gouache paint blurring in the water, it seems that some kind of algae are glowing.

These algae also climbed up to a building on the most central stone platform in the cave, and connected them into silk threads, hanging on the walls and eaves, making the huge stone building look like an abandoned house in the forest.

The building is made of White marble stone, which is yellowed due to the erosion of humid air. The shape of the building is like a church with a steeple, or a temple!

The height of the ten-story building is not considered grand, but compared with the huge void, it has a sense of refinement.

Su Yun pushed open the heavy stone door, and used the merman inner alchemy to illuminate the scene in the hall.

The first thing that catches the eye is a "god statue" in the center of the temple, made of white marble, nearly five meters high, the same as the image in the mural, and even with three pairs of closed wings.

Its appearance is even more lifelike, and its facial features are as beautiful as a dummy.

Whether it's an elf or an angel, Su Yun couldn't tell.

She made a gesture of holding something with her hands, and there was even a square mark on the palm of her hand, except for the things placed on it.

Someone must have come one step earlier and walked away with this thing.

But compared with the holiness of the white jade statue, the surrounding scene is a bit weird.

There are hundreds of people kneeling around the statue, and now they have turned into skeletons. Clothes and dry skin are glued together to form a shell, which barely keeps the bones together.

From the brown robes and some scattered items, it can be seen that they are all Immortal World cultivators.

But he is worshiping a strong man from another civilization.

Su Yun searched around and found an obelisk as tall as a person. On it were engraved some thin characters that he couldn't understand, like the traces of insects crawling. The characters were connected end to end and arranged in dozens of lines.

Other than that, nothing else was found.

Just as he put away the obelisk and was about to leave with regret, there was a sudden loud noise outside, followed by the sound of splashing water.

When Su Yun drew his sword and went out, he saw Shen Feiyu and his group flying in the air, all of them had green faces...

And the number has dropped sharply to eight.

Behind them is a huge hole opened with brute force!

Xu couldn't find the way, so he came here with a dull head.

"Yun fellow daoist, you really didn't die!" Shen Feiyu said in a cold tone, "You did a great job of escaping the golden cicada!"

Su Yun was not timid, "No, no, brother Shen, your plan is better."

"Humph!" After a cold snort, Shen Feiyu winked at Molly, and Molly led the five of them towards the temple, leaving Shen Feiyu to confront Wu Xing and Su Yun.

Wu Xing narrowed his eyes slightly, "Your Excellency must be the cultivator of the Jiang family or the Scientology Sect, who knows a technique called Shenwei Yutu Jue, which can fool us around."

"Although he is an ally, is it too unkind?"

"It's Shen Feiyu who puts righteousness first, let's be each other." Su Yun smiled helplessly.

"Why do you smear me?" Shen Feiyu said righteously: "The rules of cultivating the Immortal World are like this, and life and death are fateful. Even if you really die, you can't blame me."

Su Yun didn't want to entangle too much, cupped hands said: "So let's take a step back, you two, leave."

"Wait a minute." Wu Xing stretched out his hand to block Su Yun's way, "Since we are forming a team to explore the ruins, there is no reason for us to go first."

At this moment, Molly flew over with a group of people and immediately surrounded Su Yun. Molly shook her head at Shen Feiyu, "There is nothing but a statue, he should have taken it away." .”

Su Yun is innocent.

"Hand it over!" Shen Feiyu had already stirred up all the Spirit Power in his body.

Several people gathered tighter.

"I don't think you will believe me no matter what explanation I give, so I'm sorry." Su Yun raised his posture, and in a blink of an eye, dozens of phantoms of Flying Sword in the shape of cloud character II gathered above. Hanging in the air, but above everyone's head.

Immediately, Su Yun smiled, "Brother Martial Master, how long are you going to act? Now that you have the things, you don't need to act again."

Wu Xing looked serious, "Stop talking nonsense!"

At this time Shen Feiyu backed away vigilantly and looked at the two of them.

"This is clearly your Supreme Sword Sect's Starfall swordsmanship! Wu fellow daoist, what a show!"

Wu Xing couldn't figure out the situation, so he finally had to cast his fierce eyes on Su Yun, but he seemed to have thought of something, and turned his eyes to Shen Feiyu, "What are you going to do?"

"You either hand over the things in the ruins, or you die." After Shen Feiyu said, he took out a Medicine Pill. It is the Gold Core fourth-stage Cultivation Technique Medicine Pill sold by No. 1 merchant in the world!

Then he uttered wild words, "Don't think I'm afraid of you Supreme Sword Sect, your Supreme Sword Sect is shit in front of the Science Sect, isn't it, my Medicine Pill is a creation of the Science Sect!"

After saying that, Shen Feiyu swallowed a handful of Medicine Pill, and the manic Spirit Power condensed into several moves of Cultivation Technique, attacking them.

Su Yun's star meteor sword technique also failed, but they had been prepared for it, and this move failed.

Surprisingly, Wu Xing suddenly yelled at Su Yun, "Su Sect Leader, hurry up."

Su Yun smiled helplessly and shook his head, "It's really boring."

At this time, the three of them, including Molly, rushed towards Su Yun, and they did everything they could.

Su Yun is not in a hurry, even though he does not have the technology Magical Item by his side, his strength is not weak, and he has no pressure to deal with the three Void Core Realm.

He condensed the Spirit Power, and with only one sword, he swept across the circle, beheading the three of them and falling into the water.

Bloody water smeared in the gray-green water, and filamentous algae slowly gathered towards the corpses of several people.

Su Yun originally thought that the algae wanted to devour the corpses, but after a while, the filamentous algae retreated as if they were disgusted.

"Are these algae moving?" Su Yun asked in surprise.

When Shen Feiyu saw his own dao companion died, in a panic, he sent Wu Xing of the Gold Core middle stage flying, hitting the rock wall, then swallowed a Medicine Pill, and came towards Su Yun.

"you wanna die!!"

Shen Feiyu rushed towards Su Yun frantically, a giant sword of Gold gathered in his hand, and he actually took the fifth-order Cultivation Technique Medicine Pill——Golden Sword Technique Pill!

Can cut Gold Core Apex.

The situation is critical, Su Yun no longer hides his clumsiness, the sword intent comes out, and the thunder appears.

Like the Magical Item sold by No. 1 Merchant in the World, each Medicine Pill also has a cover.

And this golden swordsmanship pill is a huge burden on cultivator Meridians, especially for cultivators below the Gold Core level.

After taking this pill, there will be no additional offensive and defensive abilities.

In terms of speed, Su Yun thought that he could not lose to the Gold Core early stage cultivator. He easily avoided the cumbersome giant sword attack in the air, and blocked his throat with a backhand sword.

Rao failed to kill with one blow, Shen Feiyu's last vitality was also deprived by Su Yun, his eyes dimmed, and he fell down with hatred.

But Su Yun's figure didn't stop, and then turned into thunder, flashing in the air a few times, beheading the rest of the people.

At this time, Wu Xing's condition was a little better, he flew up slowly, actually stood on the sword, bent cupped hands towards Su Yun and said: "Wu Xing, a disciple of the Supreme Sect, has seen Su Sect Leader."

"You've got the wrong person." Su Yun waved his hand, arguing.

"Sorry, I made a mistake." Wu Xing hurriedly followed Su Yun's words.

Su Yun shook his head with a wry smile, and explained: "You go, I really didn't take any treasure, if you came here for profit, you can go."

"No, I actually came here for the secret of the third ascendant." Wu Xing said frankly.

"That's it..." Su Yun briefly explained his guess to Wu Xing.

After listening, Wu Xing digested it for a long time. At this moment, Su Yun flew to the surface of the water and stood on the sea water.

Sensing the disturbance, the surrounding filamentous algae gathered, and after touching Su Yun, they did not back away, but instead climbed up along Su Yun's legs, quickly enveloping Su Yun.

Su Yun didn't notice the malice, so he just let it go.

Wu Xing was startled when he saw it, "Su Sect Leader, please be more careful!"

"No problem..."

Before he finished speaking, a hallucination suddenly appeared in front of Su Yun's eyes. It seemed that someone whispered in his ear, and the voice was so far away that he couldn't understand the meaning.

But then, the clear female voice completely brought Su Yun into illusion.

"It's nice to have someone witness the rise and fall of our civilization..."


In the illusion, Su Yun is floating in the vast universe, and in front of him is a blue planet, more than 90% of the surface area is covered by sea water.

Fast forward, the planet begins to evolve.

From the simplest single-celled life form to the original plants and animals, there is also a wonderful evolution process. After the five thousand Ten Thousand Years of their Galaxy, a civilization transliterated as "Ainuo" was finally born. They have and repair The power system similar to the Immortal World practice system is called "Phantom Energy", a ghostly energy.

Due to their long lifespan and small population, they have extremely rich Spiritual Qi resources, and Realm can be said to be the top three realms per capita.

The social system is a traditional matrilineal society. Everyone on the planet is relatives, so there are few fights. They broke through the Heavenly Dao barrier of their planet early on, and became an interstellar civilization in just a thousand years, and even developed to a certain degree. Aino technology is not low.

And they love poetry and art, which is a wonderful civilization.

But even so, it is hard to escape the fate of being destroyed by the Ancient God.

The luck of their civilization was really bad. They were too close to the space rift, and even foolishly explored the space rift. It was the Ancient God himself who shot Black's tentacles from the space rift and exploded their planet.

It seems that the huge planet is not much stronger than a salted duck egg.

The tentacles circled the entire planet from the equator, and before they touched the planet, the huge gravitational force had sucked away most of the sea water, and the earth's crust had already cracked, falling towards the tentacles together with the red mantle.

Moreover, due to the huge inertia of the planet's movement, it can also be said that the planet Ainuo hit the tentacles on its own initiative.

It took several years from when the Ancient God stretched out his tentacles to when the planet Aino disintegrated into a cloud of interstellar dust.

Seeing the planet twice the size of Immortal World destroyed in an instant, Su Yun's mind went blank for a while.

Even the civilization that broke through the Heavenly Dao barrier is still fragile, just the difference between an egg and a chicken.

The Ainuo tribe who came to repair the Immortal World is the leader of the Ainuo civilization, the only Indistinguishable Dao strongman, Arya.

She just watched the destruction of own civilization, but she was powerless to fight back, unable to do anything.

Less than one ten thousandth of the clansmen successfully migrated away, and they could only drift in the universe in the end.

Arya didn't think she was a qualified leader, so she left the remaining tribe alone according to the rules of their tribe.

Later, when traveling in the universe, I saw the star-swallowing species moving in a certain direction, and wanted to warn them, but what I didn't expect to see was a civilization that hadn't "broken its shell".

Afterwards, as a bystander, he experienced all kinds of Immortal World repairs.

After finally witnessing the repair of Immortal World's casting of the God's Monument and strengthening the shell, he prepared to take the last chance to leave.

She was originally an Indistinguishable Dao, and she would be suppressed when entering the Heavenly Dao barrier, but she could ascend at any time and return to the Indistinguishable Dao realm.

"Dear Immortal World human race, please allow me to use the precious land to erect a tombstone for my civilization and my planet... The kelp that has multiplied for generations will record the story of Aino civilization... My statue will hold the remains of my homeland , facing the direction of the homeland, standing forever..."


Coming out of the illusion, Su Yun couldn't be calm for a long time.

Wu Xing on the side hurriedly asked, "Su Sect Leader, what happened?"

Su Yun sighed and shook his head, "I seem to have smashed someone's tombstone..."

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