For a moment, Jiang Mu re-entered Su Yun's spiritual space, as if nothing had happened, and said calmly: "Okay, there will be no Daoist from now on."

"Then what should Wu Tianhuo, the master of the sect, do?" Su Yun asked suspiciously: "It seems that this trick of inviting you into the urn can only be used once."

"In this way, we can only wait for the opportunity to kill Wu Tianhuo at the moment of his appearance!" Jiang Mu said coldly, "I will abandon this incarnation later, and I will guarantee that it will be done without anyone noticing."

"No, no, no." Su Yun smiled meaningfully, "Perhaps, it can be like this."

"Now the Minghuo Daoist is dead, but Wu Tianhuo doesn't know about it, and the others don't even know about it! Let Tathagata take over the mountain and become king, is it possible?"

Jiang Mu thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "It's possible! Fortunately, I haven't erased that part of his memory yet!"

"Just do it like this!" Su Yun narrowed his eyes as he said.

Inside the underground lava cave, Li Er's eyes regained their brilliance, and he said in a dark fire Daoist tone: "I don't know if I can survive the calamity of Burning Fire Valley!"

"Underworld fire!" Wu Tianhuo said in unclear words, but he could clearly feel his anger, "It's because you provoked Su Yun that you brought death to Sect." Disaster! You never told Su Yun of such an astonishing method!"

"If Su Yun comes to the door, I will definitely kill you first!"

"Heh! I see, it's obvious that you are so stubborn that you think you have a fairy artifact by your side, so you dare to make a comeback, which completely annoys Su Yun!" Li Er choked, "What's more, I risked my life to find the fairy artifact. of it!"

Seeing that the two strongest in Sect were arguing, the two Elders hurried to mediate, "Heh, this is a time of life and death, so don't say anything that is not conducive to unity... the truth is to share hatred and hatred!"

"Huh, Minghuo! I'll settle the score with you later!" After finishing his words, the lava titan continued to patrol, and after a long while, his eyes finally fell on a woman.

"Hey, as expected, blood relatives are the most suitable! Sisi, it's hard for you, I need you for my father."

The female cultivator named Wu Sisi is Wu Tianhuo's own daughter, with high aptitude and extremely pure fire attribute Spiritual Roots.

After she knew the truth, she felt fear in her heart, and she fell backwards, crawling back a long way in fright.

"Father, no! No, I still want to live!" Wu Sisi begged for mercy one after another.

"Presumptuous!" The lava titan shouted coldly, "This is beyond your control!"

In an instant, the lava titan began to collapse, and a blue phantom appeared, rushing towards Wu Sisi, Li Er's eyes moved, and he thought, "It's now!"

The black mist-like Spirit Power in Li's second hand is Jiang Mu's soul method.

He disappeared from the spot in an instant, flashed behind Wu Tianhuo, struck out with a claw, and tore Wu Tianhuo's soul in two, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

A fiery red fairy sword appeared from the void, and was snatched away by Li Er.

Such a change surprised everyone present, and the second Elder couldn't help but take a defensive posture.

"Wu Tianhuo is so cruel that he doesn't even spare his own daughter. How can such a person be the owner of the valley?" Li Er said coldly, "What? You want to attack me?"

"No, I dare not." The Second Elder shook his head.

He was quite afraid of Li Er in his heart, and at the same time he wanted to understand the situation.

The big Elder instantly killed Guzhu's soul with one blow. He must have hidden his strength before, maybe he had such thoughts long ago, but he just seized the opportunity now.

The second Elder lowered his head, and continued: "It's just that, in the face of danger, now that the Valley Lord has fallen, I'm afraid there will be no strength left to fight!"

Li Er said in a calm tone: "If the three of you are willing to embrace me as the owner of the valley, I will have a way to prevent Su Yun from invading! From now on, we will live in peace with Yunguo well water."

"This is the only way to keep Burning Fire Valley right now."

The other two had nothing to say, because in Burning Fire Valley, it was well known that the Elder Minghuo Daoist and the valley master Wu Tianhuo did not deal with each other, so it was not surprising that Minghuo Daoist could do such a thing.

As long as Burning Fire Valley can survive, it doesn't matter who the owner of the valley is.

"I will wait."

"I have seen the owner of the new valley..."

The three of them agreed one after another.

Li Erfei approached Wu Sisi and said coldly: "I killed your father, do you hate me?"

"Don't hate, don't hate!" Wu Sisi got up, straightened her messy hair, and said seriously: "Thank you, Master Gu, for saving my nephew's life!"

"Okay, you know what to do." Li Er said with satisfaction.

A moment later, Wu Sisi, as the head's daughter, summoned Quangu's disciples and announced: "The master of the valley accidentally deviated Qi Deviation when reshaping his body, and his soul was injured. The body of the Elder! Disciples, see Master Xingu!"

Tens of thousands of disciples looked at "Li Er" surrounded by all the Elders, and they would not have any doubts, and they all kowtowed.

"See Valley Master!"


Li Er nodded in satisfaction, and ordered Er Elder, "Turn off the Hugu formation!"

"But Su Yun may come to attack at any time!" The second Elder reminded cautiously.

"Forget it, I should solve the trouble I caused by myself!" Immediately, Li Er flew up into the air and headed straight in one direction, not forgetting to say a rather tragic sentence, "Going here, I will definitely protect the burning fire!" Gu Anning!"

The direction to go is naturally the Xuanniao.

In a blink of an eye, Li Er entered the cabin of the Xuanniao, and along with Restrictions, he hid his figure and aura.

Li Erdang took off the fiery red fairy sword and handed it over to Su Yun, and said in Jiang Mu's tone: "Brother Su, you still keep this sword."

Su Yun put the fairy sword aside casually, and stared at Li Erdao with straight eyes: "Hey! I have to say, although the skin is changed, the demeanor and expression are the same as yours!"

At this time, Jiang Mu's helpless voice came from behind, "Brother Su, this is very strange..."

"Haha!" Su Yun laughed a few times, then withdrew his thoughts, "From now on, you will take care of the Burning Fire Valley, and you should also check other forces!"

"Find a cool place and stay longer before going back."

Li Er agreed, "No problem."

Then turned around and flew out of the Xuanniao, and flew into the distance.

"There will be no worries in Yunguo from now on." Su Yun stretched his waist and said, "Go, go home!"

Now that nothing happened, Su Yun didn't rush back, but noticed a small city on the map.

"Wen Bai, this city is Qingyun City!" Su Yun looked at Wen Bai and said.

Wen Bai stared at the map for a long time before confirming: "Yes, that's right, but I've never seen it from the sky before!"

"Then go home and have a look? Go and meet your family!" Su Yun said with a grin.

Wen Bai thought for a while, squeezed out a smile, nodded and said, "Okay."

The Xuanniao immediately turned around and headed straight for Qingyun City.

Qingyun City can only be said to be a small city, counting the residents of the surrounding villages, the population is only half a million, and there are no cultivating forces around, so the Foundation Establishment Realm can be considered a master here.

The Xuanniao landed on a mountain pass calmly and disappeared. The four of them restrained their breath and walked slowly towards the city on foot. Su Yun pulled Wen Bai, and clearly felt that Wen Bai's grip on his hand had become much stronger.

"What's the matter, feeling timid because of the proximity to the hometown?" Su Yun teased.

"It's just that I feel a little uncomfortable." Wen Bai said in a low voice.

After entering the city, although Qingyun City is not as prosperous as Yanyun City, there is still a lot of fireworks. Even though it is night, it is still very lively.

Mu Ling excitedly ran to the food stall, staring at Calabash with naked eyes, making the peddler feel uncomfortable.

"Little girl, these cost money. If you want to eat, let your adults buy them!"

"You look down on children, don't you?" Mu Ling turned around and shouted, "Su Yun, come here and give me the money! I'm buying this store!"

And Su Yun gave Jiang Mu a wink, and said with a smile: "I'll leave it to you! I'll contact you later!"

Jiang Mu had dark lines on his face. He always thought Mu Ling was making a fuss, but since Su Yun spoke, he had no choice but to follow suit, "I'll try... If I can't hold it down, there's nothing I can do..."

Jiang Mu walked over and directly took out a handful of Spirit Stones, "Is that enough?"

This frightened the stall owner, "The customers can't do it! There are too many, too many, this money is enough to buy the lives of our whole family!"

Jiang Mu replied in a daze: "Is your family's life also sold?"

Stall owner: "..."


"Let's go!" Wen Bai suddenly pulled Su Yun, and quickly ran in one direction.

After a while, the two stopped in front of a large courtyard. The courtyard was located in a very good location in Qingyun City, but it was extremely deserted.

The word "Wenfu" can be clearly seen on the dusty plaque.

"Is it already so dilapidated?" Wen Bai was also quite surprised, "After my mother and I were kicked out of the house, we never came back. I didn't expect that the Wen family, which was in full swing back then, would be in such a state of desperation."

"There are still people inside, go and ask about the situation." Su Yun sensed something with his divine sense, pulled Wen Bai up and fell into the courtyard.

The huge courtyard should have been a garden area, but now it has been reclaimed as a vegetable field, filled with all kinds of common fruits and vegetables, and it has become a small farmyard, not like a big clan house.

Only one room was lit, and it looked very lonely.

Su Yun and Wen Bai walked over and knocked on the door.

The person inside was quite vigilant, it was an old woman, "Who? How did you get in here! There is only a poor old woman here, there is nothing to gain!"

Hearing the familiar voice in his memory, Wen Bai's eyes trembled, and he shouted, "Grandma Wang, is that you?"

"Who?" Grandma Wang wondered, and then there was a sound of pulling the door latch from inside. The door was pulled open from the inside, and an eighty-year-old woman appeared, with silver hair all over her head, and deep wrinkles that were full of dirt that couldn't be washed off. It is tattered and full of patches of various colors.

She looked at Wen Bai with her yellow eyes, and then she was shocked and knelt on the ground with a thump, "Miss, it's you! You're back! Woooooo~ You're back."

Wen Bai quickly pulled Grandma Wang up and helped her into the house.

Grandma Wang turned out to be an old servant of the Wen family, one of the group of people who were very kind to Wen Bai and had been serving Wen Bai's mother.

Until Wen Bai's father took a concubine, and then the concubine gave birth to a son, the status of Wen Bai's mother and daughter plummeted, and then there was the popular house fight, which was no match for the vicious woman's scheming, and the mother and daughter were kicked out.

Wen Bai didn't know what happened afterwards.

Wen Bai asked without much emotion: "Grandma Wang, what happened to the Wen family? Why is it so dilapidated now, and you are the only one!"

Grandma Wang had a lot to say, so she pulled Wen Bai to tell all the things that happened in the past eight years.

The incident happened not long after Wen Bai was tested for his Spiritual Roots qualification.

After Wen Bai was taken to the Luoyun Sect, her father found out about this news, so he went to find Wen Bai's mother, and wanted to make up for her. He said it was compensation, but he hoped to be forgiven, so that in the future, he would be able to ascend to heaven alone!

But Wen Bai's mother didn't appreciate it and drove Wen's father away.

So a few years later, when the youngest son grew up, Father Wen took his youngest son to test his qualifications, but the results were naturally unsatisfactory. Spiritual Roots qualifications are not so easy to obtain.

And the poisonous woman insisted that it was because Wen's mother stole the Wen family's luck that the youngest son was not qualified to practice, so she made a big fuss.

"Afterwards, I heard that there was some Chaos Sect that allowed mortals to cultivate immortality, so your father moved away with the whole family, saying that they were going to seek immortality together, and only I, the old woman, was left to watch Oh house."

"Since then, I've been going in and out through the back door, and I've been living a life as far as the eye can see. Your mother often comes to help me, but she got seriously ill last year and left!"

"Let's go..." Wen Bai's expression dimmed, but he didn't show much sadness, and even joked: "She also said that she can live a long life, she is really talking big!"

Su Yun looked at Wen Bai, a little confused, and asked directly, "Grandma Wang, do you know where Wen Bai's mother is buried?"

"In..." Grandma Wang was about to speak, but was stopped by Wen Bai.

"Grandma Wang, don't tell me, I don't want to know!" Wen Bai said with a sad face, obviously suppressing his sadness, "I have made an appointment with her, and I will never see her again in this life, and I can't see her even after I die!"

Grandma Wang was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Hehe, your temperament is exactly the same as your mother's, just like a little stubborn donkey!"

Saying goodbye to Grandma Wang, the two of them did not let Grandma Wang see them off. Before leaving, Wen Bai also took out a Medicine Pill, melted it in water, and poured it on the vegetable field.

Grandma Wang eats these dishes, not to mention rejuvenating, at least she can prolong her life and enjoy her old age in good health and safety.

After leaving the yard, Su Yun asked the doubt in his heart, "Wen Bai, you and your mother shouldn't have that kind of relationship? Why..."

"You don't understand her!" Wen Bai squeezed out an ugly smile, "Ever since I was tested for my aptitude for cultivation, she has been telling me."

"Ahem." Wen Bai imitated her mother's tone and said: "There is a difference between immortals and mortals. From now on, our mother and daughter will be bound by love, and no one will owe anyone. You can't end up in the world because of me and mess up Dao heart!! You You must follow the immortal master to practice well! In the future, you will make a breakthrough in the world, so don’t forget about me!”

Then Wen Bai giggled alone, "Su Yun, which mother do you think doesn't want their children to honor themselves and enjoy the happiness?"

"Why is she so special?"

After saying that, Wen Bai hugged Su Yun tightly, buried his head in Su Yun's arms, sobbing: "She clearly promised me to live a good life by myself, why did she break her promise?"

Finally, he tremblingly said: "Su Yun, I still want to eat the fried rice cakes made by my mother~"

After a while, the Spirit Power in Wen Bai's whole body became agitated. It was because she was done with the mortal world, and she no longer cared about the mortal world, so her mood improved, and she was about to breakthrough to the virtual core.

Su Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry immediately, Wen Bai refused to admit it, but she still remembered her mother in her heart.

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