Science Fiction Universe: Starting Inventory Of The Strongest Scientific And Technological Civilizat

Chapter 63: [God-level Human Civilization: Messenger] Shock from God! [Subscribe]

In just a few hundred years, from a lonely star with nothing, it entered the age of scientific and technological information.

Hexi's development ability is already very strong.

Although there are also reasons, such as the various resources buried under the Lone Star are extremely rich, and there is no hostile civilization to snatch the resources, Hexi can be developed at will, and there is sufficient time to develop.

Hexi is still enjoying life while developing civilization.

When the palace was built, Hexi spent a long time in the palace, such as taking a bubble bath, recalling his previous life and former friends.

Living alone for hundreds of years can inevitably lead to loneliness.

However, according to this development speed, Hexi will still lead the earth civilization completely.

The starting point is different.

However, the upper limit is not necessarily different.

Maybe the human beings on this earth will be able to surpass Hexi after entering the age of technology.

Of course, all this is uncertain.

It's not even sure whether the human civilization will be hooked.

It is the development of this uncertainty that makes Zhao Zheng feel very comfortable and looking forward to every observation.

Unknown love is interesting, if everything is a known ending, then it is not interesting.

In this universe, it's not that Zhao Zheng can't know all the future developments, but that he doesn't want to.

After observing for a while, Zhao Zheng retracted his thoughts and left the independent universe.

Back in the real world, Zhao Zheng also gained many technologies from Hexi.

With the help of technology, he began to upgrade the smashing function.

With this upgrade, Smash will gain stronger combat capabilities and an improved form of change.

Upgrade the smash and start a new chapter.

The cosmos source point is spent too fast, and it is completely insufficient.

In the universe of the heavens, many advanced civilizations began to think about the contents of this mysterious author's inventory.

Why do I feel that this 06 person seems to know everything?

It is understandable to know about lower civilizations, but it can even take stock of higher civilizations... This is very wrong!

One more thing.

Are those destroyed civilizations really because of natural disasters in the universe?

Or, who really is the author...

Many civilizations dare not speak out directly.

Because they are afraid that the mysterious author is also observing them, what if they get angry when they hear this?

Even the Civilization of the Zeros is looking at each other, not daring to speak bluntly, but thinking.

Perhaps, we need to find a way to meet the author, and then I can know everything...

However, how to continue to see it is another huge problem.

Even the existence of the other party in that universe cannot be determined.

And at the same time.

As the Li Bai civilization that appeared in the inventory content.

At this moment, the "God" who was incarnated as Li Bai was standing under the cloud of poetry, showing shocking eyes.

It was not long ago following an invitation to join the Cosmic Web of the Heavens.

At first, Li Bai was only interested in some of the arts in the universe web.

Later, the site's popular videos attracted it.

Inventory of the strongest technological civilization in the universe?

And...that video that took stock of their Li Bai civilization!

The detailed video content is like a replica!!

Just like when Li Bai made the poem cloud, the author was watching everything and clearly recorded everything!!!

As a god, Li Bai didn't notice it at all.

This feeling... terrifying! Thinking about it is terrifying!!

What exactly is the other party?

And what shocked Li Bai even more was that their civilization was not the most powerful in the universe!

Not to mention that their civilization is only ranked in the sixth-level civilization, and even the sixth-level civilization has several civilizations ranked side by side with them.

Cryogenic Artist Civilization.

Zero Civilization.

Cosmic risk-seeker civilization.

These three civilizations have never been heard of...

But judging from the power of the video content to expose the hook, it is indeed no worse than their Li Bai civilization!

This made Li Bai tremble even more.

There are so many powerful civilizations in the universe!

Will there be more powerful civilizations in my own universe? Civilizations that silently observe them?

For example, the author who recorded everything...

It is like a real god, observing everything in the heavens and the universe!

This kind of feeling made Li Bai feel fearful, trembling, and even a little... curious!

Higher than their civilization, what kind of height has this reached?

Is the other party an individual or a whole?

If it is an individual and a civilization, then this author is really terrifying...

Being able to observe the changes in the heavens and the universe, such a strength is simply unimaginable!

"God...this jar is a real god!

Li Bai looked up at Shi Yun, only to feel his heart tremble, and his thoughts were rough.

Li Bai thought he was the strongest existence in the universe.

But at this moment, he couldn't even notice the existence of the other party.

What a difference this is...

At the same time, the c137 universe.

Rick, who was constantly upgrading his technology, fell into contemplation just like the god-level civilization.

Rui's strength is actually no worse than those god-level civilizations.

He can even destroy a parallel universe of his own universe!

Even if it is a weapon like the second box, Rick has never seen it before, but after contacting it, he can study Yunlai in just a few months and use it proficiently, which shows how strong his technological ability is.

Rick's IQ is the highest in the universe, at least in his multiverse, Rick is the smartest.

Of course, some parallel world also has Mortys who are about as smart as Rick.

At this time, Rui was thinking about something.

If the author can observe any universe in the heavens, is the universe in which he lives also observed?

The thought made Ray uncomfortable.

Being stared at all the time, of course, is very uncomfortable!

This is also the reason why Rui is desperately researching latitude weapons.

He wants to try to cross the latitude and cross the universe, can he find the author.

Just as Rui was busy researching, a prompt rang.

is an update message.

Rick raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw the title, feeling a little interesting.

At the same time, when many human civilizations in the universe saw this title, they all showed expressions of surprise and shock.

"Human civilization? Finally a human civilization is on the list!" Tony Stark couldn't help but speak when he saw the updated title, his face shocked.

This title has surprised countless human civilizations.

It made the universe vibrate slightly.

As the cultures sank into the video, a clear news headline appeared.

[God-level civilization beyond zero and Li Bai civilization - messenger: human civilization]

A god-level civilization that surpasses the Zero and Li Bai civilization!!

At this moment, the heavens and the universe are shaken!!!

"The civilization that surpassed the Zero and Li Bai? Is this really a civilization that has reached the seventh level? 33

"This is the first one, surpassing the civilization of God, it was the same level before..."

"Shocked! There is a human civilization on the list??"

"As a human civilization in the universe, I am very happy to see that there is a strong list of human civilizations!"

"Me too, I didn't expect the universe to be as strong as our human civilization! I'm already excited when I read the title!

"There should be no civilization saying that human civilization is weak, right?

"Look first."

Before many civilizations began to watch the video, they were already shocked and said enough.

Especially those god-level civilizations.

Civilizations such as those who returned to zero, and Li Bai's civilization, were all attracted.

"Beyond, our civilization? 19

Those who returned to zero muttered to themselves, a little sluggish.

Although they knew that there was still a seventh level in the universe, when the real rhyme appeared, they still felt a little unacceptable shock.

How strong will the civilization that surpasses oneself be?

With doubt and apprehension, the video started playing.

Only such a powerful civilization can make the civilization called "God" have such emotional fluctuations...

Immerse yourself with video.

The clear voice rang out.

I saw a blue planet suspended in the universe.

It looks so ordinary.

But when the perspective came to the interior of the planet, I saw that humans could wave their hands at will and use energy to create matter!

Convert the energy in the universe into matter!

For example, some people have seen that a human being can easily transform into a technological weapon...

But it's not the scariest.

The most terrifying thing is that there are humans who can actually jump in time and return to the time line in the past!!

This scene made countless civilizations in the universe widen their eyes with disbelief.

At the same time, that deep and mysterious voice rang out...

[This century, human technology has reached its peak. It can even surpass the energy conservation law of the universe, and can convert less energy state into more matter. )

[At the same time, human beings can make time jumps, can go back to the past, and can go to the future.

[In order to prevent the former scholars from falling into anxiety, human civilization sent messengers to go back to the past and send them a "letter" from the future


As the deep voice fell, the picture came to a human being, jumped from the current timeline, and came back.

The calendar next to it reminds the viewer that this was many, many years ago…

This human being from the future is here to deliver a letter to an old man.

But what shocked the universe the most was the topic they revealed in the next conversation...

"I'm a messenger, and our time doesn't want to see you worrying too much, so send me here."

"Then what did you bring me, this violin?" The old man did not show any surprise. In his life, the whole universe was a big surprise to him, and because of this, he stitched above people. , first glimpsed its deepest mystery.

No, this piano is just a proof that I am from the future.

"How to prove it?"

"In your day, people were able to convert mass into energy: the atomic bomb, and soon the fusion bomb. In ours, it's possible to convert energy into mass, you see," he pointed to the The strings of a violin, "it thickens the gap, and the added mass is converted by the energy of the sound waves that you generate when you play the violin."


The old man still shook his head in confusion.

"I know 973 things, this thing is not in line with your theory: 1. I can't go against time; 2. According to your formula, to add so much mass that has been added to the strings, it takes a much larger energy.

The old man was silent for a while, then smiled tolerantly, "Late, theory is gray," he sighed slightly, "My tree of life is also gray. Well, boy, what message did you bring me? "

"Two messages."

"So, first?"

"Humanity has a future."

The old man lay back in the armchair with relief, like every old man who has fulfilled his last wish in life, a sense of comfort flooded his body, and he could really rest.

"Son, I should have known this when I saw you. 99

"I know what you are worried about, please rest assured that the atoms dropped on the Sakura Country are the last two nuclear bombs used by mankind in actual combat. At the end of the 1990s, most countries signed the International Convention on the Ban of Nuclear Tests and the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Fifty years later, humanity's last nuclear bomb was destroyed. I was born two hundred years after that.33

The young man picked up the violin that he was about to receive: "I should go, I have already delayed a lot of travel in order to listen to your music, I have to go to three eras, and meet five people, including a unified field. The founder of Theory, that is a hundred years after you.

Seeing this, many civilizations trembled and did not know what to say.

What does this video reveal?

That young man can easily state energy and mass!

Converting energy into mass is not something that ordinary civilizations can do. There are very few civilizations with such ability, even the god-level Li Bai civilization, or the god-level cryogenic art, has such ability.

But their energy conversion is still much worse than this human messenger!

Take Li Bai civilization, for example.

It cannot violate the law of conservation of energy, and it is impossible to convert a large amount of mass with a small amount of energy.

Otherwise, it will not destroy the entire solar system.

This is the clearest, clearest comparison.

The power of this human civilization is undeniably terrifying!!

The horror is here, and the gods tremble with it!!!

Li Bai stood there blankly.

"How is this done?

"How can a small amount of energy be converted into a large amount of mass..."

"why is that?"

Li Bai was puzzled.

Even as a god, it cannot understand this problem beyond the law of conservation of energy.

Li Bai can manipulate energy at will, but it does not mean that energy can be reduced.

What makes it even more shocking is the terrifying ability of the messenger to make time transitions at will!!!.

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