Science Fiction Universe: Starting Inventory Of The Strongest Scientific And Technological Civilizat

Chapter 252 The questioned Tong Mo! Dream dimension shuttle technology! (Subscribe)]

"Your idea may sound like a good idea at first glance, but it's actually not up to scrutiny at all, and it can even be said that it has no scientific basis."

"Agreed, if we want to observe dreams, we need to analyze dreams and dream energy on the basis of detecting the brain waves of organic life bodies. 33

"And how can the human consciousness be separated from the body? Your words are simply a fantasy.

Only, although everyone is refuting Kyle.

Think her ideas are unrealistic.

But in Zhao Zheng's view, all this is not completely impossible.

After all, in front of everyone's eyes, there are already civilizations that have done this.

Bai Yuekui also asked curiously at this time.

"Frando, speaking of your civilization's technology, has it reached the point where you can lock the coordinates of target lifeforms, observe their dreams, and draw energy from them?"

"Does this also mean that you already have the technology to observe the dream of the target and travel through it in the form of an energy body?"

Hear this.

Flora nodded.

"Indeed, we now have a specialized technology called dream capture."

"By capturing the dream of the object of observation and traveling through it, we can understand which dimensions the dreamer's consciousness has reached, and analyze the data and content. The consciousness of oneself is used as a carrier for oneself to travel in space. Although most dreams are very fragmented, the observation of dreams of some groups will allow us to grasp certain laws and useful information."

I heard this.

Gangxiong was still saying that this technology has not yet appeared, and the audience, who was too early for the entire universe, suddenly felt the pain of being beaten in the face.

Because, what they thought was impossible, has actually been done by civilization.

It's just that their technological level has not yet developed to such a high level.

It is also an observer, so that the cognition of these civilizations is refreshed.

I saw some advanced technology that could not exist in my own knowledge.

At this time, Tong Mo was also a little excited.

he said to Flanders.

"Lord Observer said before that by cutting off the energy supply, the energy life form can be destroyed. When the spiritual needs cannot be satisfied, the energy life form will stop evolving and swallowing, or even die."

"And now, we can confirm that Abhos is also the third type of life, and it is a kind of life with partial energy structure. If this is the case, does it mean that we can enter its dream or let the moon beast enter its life. Dream, to absorb its energy?"

This idea made everyone present feel incredible.

Some people even think that Tongmo lost his mind in order to save his civilization, which is almost crazy.

"What is this boy thinking? We know very little about Abhos. He can really be called a doctor in a panic."

"Yeah, Abhos is the third type of life, and observers have said before that it is not an organic life, which may mean that it does not have the physiological characteristic of dreaming that an organism has.

As more and more people refute Tongmo.

The number of hits to the website increased accordingly.

At the same time, there was also a burst of traditional reminders in Zhao Zheng's mind.

[Congratulations to the host website for 98 million hits

【Get Mystery Reward*1)

[Obtain a copy of the Abhos observation report]

[Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task: Inspiring Tongmo and realizing the characteristics and methods of Abhos]

[Get additional rewards: Dream Shuttle Technology Test Data*1)

[This technology can be used in the multiverse created by the host itself, turning the originally scarce dream shuttle technology into a universal technology)

[Through this technology, the living beings in the host universe can learn more knowledge in the process of dreaming, go to different dimensions, and understand the various civilizations on this website, so as to strengthen their own strength and accelerate the evolution of civilization]

Seeing this prompt, Zhao Zheng couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

My own research and observations on Abhos are almost perfect.

And when the last piece of the puzzle was obtained, Abhos's observation report was basically fully formed.

Let's talk about the high-end technology of this dream dimension shuttle.

Simply put, it allows the consciousness of the organism to travel in the vast universe.

It's a bit like the netizens on this site, watching the knowledge that they have given them.

Only, the only difference is.

There's the power of fear on the site to filter the clutter.

It can prevent the power of fear from causing harm to users who view the website through video data.

0...for flowers.....

But if you use this dream dimension shuttle technology, I am afraid that you will not be able to reach your own level of technology.

Once it travels to some dimension where the concentration of fear force is too high, the consciousness of the organic being may collapse.

"This technology still has limitations."

Whispering softly, Zhao Zheng decided to first transmit a part of this technology to the multiverse he dominates.

As for the remaining part, I will look at the evolution results of civilization in this universe before making a decision.

[Would you like to put 10% of the dream dimension shuttle data into your own universe?]

Seeing this traditional reminder, Zhao Zheng chose [Yes] without hesitation.


At the same time, he also saw.

Many civilizations have heated discussions at this time.

I don't quite agree with Tong Mo's idea.

Moreover, considering that the structure of Abhos is uncertain, Tongmo and the others who cannot deal with Abhos as the moon people are the majority.

And he also gave some useful information at this time.

[According to the observation results of this website, although the structure of Abhos is the third type of life form)

[But in fact, every time this life body devours a certain amount of huge energy, it needs to digest it and enter a dormant state to better absorb energy)

[This kind of energy absorption is similar to the ancients' Yimian. The district policeman is that all bodily functions of Abhos are still running when he enters hibernation, and it has not dropped to the ultra-low consumption level of the ancients.)

[In addition, so far, Abhos is also the only third type of life that sleeps and dreams like organisms)

Seeing these words, the people who are still saying that Tong Mo's idea is unrealistic will be quiet.

And Tong Mo also saw a glimmer of hope to save his civilization at this time.

This made him feel very excited.

"That is to say, if we can use the dream shuttle technology to enter Abhos's dream, we can kill it?

Taking a deep breath, the energy fluctuations on Tong Mo's body became extremely violent.

He always thought that he was destined to come to the website.

And now, his idea has also been confirmed,

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