At this time, the excited Miwako Sato called Inspector Megure.

"It's Sato, what's going on?"

The voice of Officer Megure came from the other end of the line.

"Inspector Megure……"

Trembling all over, Sato Miwako said to Officer Megure on the phone,"I know, I know!"

Hearing Sato Miwako's excited voice, Officer Megure was a little confused.

"No, Sato, what do you know?"

Inspector Megure asked in confusion.

"I know who the murderer of the Chousi Lang case 18 years ago is! ~"

Sato Miwako gritted her teeth and said to the police officer Megure on the phone.

"What did you say?!"

After hearing this, Officer Megure was shocked.

Then Sato Miwako repeated what Chu Tian said, that is, those inferences.

"as far as I know!"

"Shuji Kano went abroad more than three years ago!"

"In accordance with the laws of our country!"

"As long as it can be clearly proved that the suspect is abroad, the time he spent abroad will not be counted into the litigation period!"

"This means that the statute of limitations for this case has not expired!"

"As long as we can find the stolen money in his home, we can prove his guilt!"

"So I applied for a criminal search of the suspect Kano Shuji's home!"

Sato Miwako said excitedly on the phone.

After hearing this,

Officer Megure was also very excited.

You know, Sato Kazu's father, Sato Masayoshi, was also a very prestigious police officer in the police force.

When Officer Megure was young, he had also come into contact with the care of this police officer.

His death has always been a pain within the police.

Over the years, countless police officers have hoped to arrest that Chousilang to avenge Officer Sato Masayoshi.

But over the years, there has been no progress.

Now, there is finally a result!

How can Officer Megure not be excited?

"No problem!"

Officer Megure said firmly,"I'm on my way back to the station. I will apply for a search as soon as I get back. The search can start tonight at the earliest!"

You know, because of this kind of police death case.

The police have always given the green light.

As long as there is clear evidence or clues, they will investigate it to the end.

Not to mention that the other party is Sato Miwako's father.

It is even more necessary to investigate it thoroughly and get to the bottom of it.

After hanging up the phone, Sato Miwako turned her head excitedly and looked at Chu Tian

"Thank you Chutian!"

"I'm leaving first. When I finish this matter, I will definitely reward you handsomely!"

Sato Miwako left quickly.

Seeing Sato Miwako leave like this, Chu Tian smiled bitterly and shook his head.


Back to the police station.

Officer Megure didn't bother with the Tanaka murder case for the time being, but directly issued an order to apply for a search warrant.

Search the home of Shikano Shuji.

As long as they can find a sum of stolen money, the truth will be revealed.

Needless to say, the search warrant was issued as quickly as possible.

After getting the search warrant, Sato Miwako, with a group of elite soldiers, together with Officer Megure, pounced on Shikano Shuji's home like tigers and wolves.

Shikano Shuji has been abroad for more than three years.

During these three years, no one has taken care of their family, and the house has been empty.

Of course there is a lock on the door.

But this is not a problem for the police with a search warrant.

The police responsible for unlocking the door easily opened the lock with a master key.

"Search carefully for me!"

"No corner can be left unsearched!"

After entering the house, Miwako Sato immediately issued a search order.

"Got it!"

These policemen were eager to perform meritorious deeds in front of the policewoman so as to please her.

Therefore, after knowing her fate, they immediately rushed into the house like wolves and tigers.

Then they began a large-scale search.

And Sato Miwako also began to search with them.

As for Officer Megure, he did not take the initiative, but was still responsible for directing the search.

In this way, after a fierce search

, Sato Miwako finally found the money in the shrine of Shikano Shuji's house.

When Sato Miwako opened the shrine, a dark green 10,000 yuan bill appeared in front of him.

"Here, here!"

At this moment, Sato Miwako shouted happily.

After hearing this, all the police rushed over to see

"Check the banknote serial numbers immediately!"

Officer Megure saw this scene and immediately issued an order to check.

Three police officers from the Economic Investigation Team hurried over.

One of them was holding a document.

On it was the serial number of the batch of banknotes that were robbed that year.

After a simple check, a police officer said:"Report to the officer, it is confirmed that this batch of banknotes is the one that was robbed by the suspect Chousi Lang that year!"

After hearing this, Officer Megure and Sato Miwako were overjoyed.

"Very good!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Inspector Megure laughed,"This is solid evidence!"

Through Chu Tian's reasoning, as well as Sato's father's notes, and the batch of banknotes found in Shikano Shuji's house.

It can be said that the evidence is solid, without any doubt.

"All right then! Take this stolen money away!"

"Contact Interpol immediately!"

"Arrest Shuji Kano who is abroad!"


All the policemen were full of energy.

On the one hand, they could avenge Officer Sato Masayoshi and solve a major case that had been going on for 18 years.

At the same time, they could also try to please the beauty. Who wouldn't want to do it?

Hearing this,

Miwako Sato's eyes filled with tears!

It's been 18 years, a full 18 years!

Finally, she can avenge her dead father.���It's great that my father's case has been settled. His soul in heaven can finally rest in peace!

Of course, in Miwako Sato's heart, the person she should thank the most should be Chu Tian.

If it weren't for him, how could she catch the murderer? []

She really didn't know how to thank Chu Tian.

She had made a decision in her heart.

She must thank him well.

No matter what he has, she must give it to him.

Even if it means giving her body...

Poor Shuji Kano, he was still waiting for the time to come, and then he would return to his country and wait for the retrospective period to pass.

Who knew that someone in the country had already pitted him, and he was completely finished.

A few days later, with the help of Interpol, Shuji Kano was arrested abroad and then successfully extradited back to the island country.

He naturally confessed to his crimes.

If he also confessed, he actually wanted to commit suicide, but in the end it was Sato Masayoshi who saved him.

When this fact that shocked all the police appeared, Miwako Sato's eyes were filled with tears.

But I was also shocked by my father's great sentiments, and I became more determined to be a good policeman.


Let’s not talk about this side for now, let’s talk about the other side!

After breaking up with Sato Miwako in the coffee shop.

Chu Tian estimated that this kind of person would last about half a month.

Sato Miwako would have to run around and worry about this case.

Then he would not bother with this matter for the time being.

After the matter is settled, he would have a good talk with Miwako.

Because Sato Miwako left in such a hurry, she didn’t even pay the bill at the coffee shop.

But Chu Tian didn’t expect him to pay.

After he paid the bill himself, he left the coffee shop humming a song.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Chu Tian’s mind.

【System plug-in reminds the host】

【There are currently external branch missions dispatched】

【Not sure whether to accept】

"The system assigned me a task, or a side task? What task?"

Chu Tian was a little overwhelmed for a moment, not knowing why there was a task all of a sudden.

"Is there any reward for doing this task?"

Chu Tian asked doubtfully.

【The tasks are mainly rewarded with cash】

【If you complete it, you can get a bonus of 10 million yen! 】

After hearing this, Chu Tian was really excited!

No matter what, 10 million yen is not a small amount.

If this task is very simple, then it doesn't matter if you do it! So Chu

Tian is ready to do this task..

: Lão già gân

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