At this time, Chu Tian swallowed a mouthful of red wine.

He looked at Fei Yingli angrily.

"Sister Ying, I really feel sorry for you!"

"You are such a good woman, but you live alone"

"Your husband doesn't know how to cherish you at all. He is such a bastard!"

"If I had a woman like you, I would love her so much.……"

When these words came out,

Hibiki's heart trembled.

"Is this a confession to me?……"

Looking at the man in front of her with a complicated expression,

Hibiki Eri was completely at a loss.

To be honest, at this point, although Hibiki Eri was still a little reluctant to accept it, she knew it very well.

She was actually almost in an extramarital affair. The ambiguity between the two had already existed for a long time.

Although it had not yet reached the point of being substantively revealed, how much difference could there be?

But now, what Chu Tian said was close to a confession.

With the help of the red wine, he spoke without restraint.

Hibiki Eri blushed. It was because of the red wine.

Of course, it was also because of the blushing in this atmosphere tonight.

Chu Tian saw all of this.

He saw that what he said did not cause Hibiki Eri's disgust.

Chu Tian was going to go a step further.

"Sister Ying, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and also the smartest woman……"

"Although we haven't known each other for long, it feels like we have been through a lot.……"

"I really hope that you and I can always maintain the best friendship……"

In fact, although they said friendship, they were thinking about something else.

But there was no need to say it now.

When Fei Yingli heard Chu Tian's words

, she felt a strong sense of emotion.

"Don't worry, Tian, we, we will always be good friends.……"

Fei Yingli sincerely hopes to be good friends with Chu Tian for life.

Chu Tian smiled happily after hearing Fei Yingli's response.

The two of them are now like playing a borderline ball.

There are many things that can be further discussed.

But they stopped in time.

After several conversations with Fei Yingli, Chu Tian has actually guessed what this woman is thinking.

She does want to be with him.

But at the same time, she is still struggling in her heart.

After all, she is a married woman.

She still can't make up her mind to cheat.

"It seems that you are thinking the same as I am.

Chu Tian was very proud.

He had anticipated from the beginning that this final push might not be enough.

Even if Hibiki really had feelings for him, at least if there was no special situation tonight, it would be difficult for this woman to open her heart to him.

Fortunately, Chu Tian was prepared. Otherwise

, he would not have come here.

The meal was enough for him.

I have to say that the taste of this restaurant is quite good.

Hibiki and Chu Tian slowly walked out of the restaurant.


Chu Tian felt that the time was almost right, so he turned around and said to Fei Yingli,"Have you ever thought about one thing?!"

While speaking, Chu Tian's tone became very serious.

It was as if he was talking about something very important.

Hearing this, Fei Yingli was a little stunned.

She didn't understand why Chu Tian suddenly became so serious.

"What's the matter?"

Fei Yingli asked, she wanted to know what Chu Tian was talking about.

Looking at Fei Yingli in front of him, Chu Tian slowly said:"Divorce the man you have been separated from for 10 years."

"Completely enter a new relationship."

After these words came out, Hibari Eri was shocked.

Chu Tian's words were quite straightforward. It was completely different from the skirting ball in the restaurant just now.

This time, it was a clear question, whether Hibari Eri wanted a divorce.

In an instant, Hibari Eri's heart was pounding and her face was red again.

She didn't say that it was because of the divorce, which seemed very embarrassing.

In fact, as a 37-year-old strong woman and the queen of the legal world, what was a small matter like divorce?

It's just that first of all, she and Maori Kogoro had feelings after all.

At least they had a daughter.

So the divorce was something that Hibari Eri, who used to be very conservative, had never thought about.

But now.

Chu Tian brought it up on the table, and Hibari Eri had to answer. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Do you really want me to divorce you?"

Fei Yingli glared at Chu Tian fiercely. She was obviously a little angry.

After all, this man asked her to divorce her husband. Although Fei Yingli had a good impression of Chu Tian in her heart, it didn't seem very comfortable.

"I hope so very much!"

After hearing the question from Fei Yingli, Chu Tian was not to be outdone.

He responded directly and bluntly to Fei Yingli,"I believe there are more beautiful things in this world."

"Sister Ying, you are the most beautiful among all the beautiful"

"It is precisely because you are so beautiful that I don't want you to waste your youth and your beauty.

These words were spoken very seriously and generously.

Fei Yingli was a little angry at first.

But after Chu Tian's strong response, she couldn't help but lose her temper.

At this time, Chu Tian wanted to strike while the iron was hot.

"I once asked, is it worth it for you to wait and wait for a man like that?"

"But Yingjie, I want to tell you"

"I actually have my own answer to this question."

"That means it's not worth it at all, do you understand?!"

At this point, Chu Tian's tone became more and more excited,"A man who doesn't know how to cherish you and has left you alone in an empty room, or even blocked by a person for 10 years, what qualifications does he have to love you? What qualifications does he have to be your husband!"[]

"But I am different, I love you, Sister Ying!"

"I will never let your tragedy happen to me again, do you understand?!"

The tone of this statement became tough.

And this tough tone made Hibiki Eri completely dumbfounded.

"Ah Tian, you, what did you say?……"

��In court, Hibiki Eri can speak eloquently and successfully become the queen of the legal world with just one mouth.

Facing what Chu Tian just said, she was completely at a loss and couldn't say a word.

The reason is simple.

It is because Chu Tian really confessed to Hibiki Eri at this time.

Just now, Hibiki Eri heard it very clearly.

Chu Tian clearly said to Hibiki Eri, I love you!

This is the real confession!

"Ah Tian, don't joke.……"

Hibiki Eri came to her senses.

She immediately wanted to say something.

"Sister Ying, I don't have time, nor do I have the interest to joke with you!"

Chu Tian couldn't give Fei Yingli any chance to delay.

He directly grabbed Fei Yingli's hand.

"((Liao Liao Zhao) I really love you, love everything about you!"

"Forget the man who has been unfaithful to you for 10 years, forget those painful years, let's live a better life together!"

Chu Tian said this in a decisive tone.

He did not give Fei Yingli any room to refuse.

To be honest, in Fei Yingli's heart, she also understood that she had feelings for Chu Tian, and this could not be changed.

But now,

Fei Yingli really had to agree to Chu Tian's request and be with him at this time.

Fei Yingli felt ridiculous.

The age gap was too big, and she hadn't divorced yet, which was too much... But... facing Chu Tian in front of her.

Looking at the fiery eyes on this handsome face,

Fei Yingli actually found that she couldn't say it.

There was no way, Fei Yingli had to look around. She thought that if she could find a way to escape, it would be fine.

But at this time, suddenly, Fei Yingli's eyes stopped.

Her eyes fell on the door of a shop.

: Lão già gân

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