At this time, Chu Tian had already put all the gold coins into the bag.

Wow, it's really heavy!

He smiled slightly and stood up.

""Brother, please spare us!"

The criminal began to beg for mercy again,"You have already got the gold coins, please let us go!"

After hearing this, Chu Tian did not look at the criminal.

Instead, he turned his head to Conan.

"The kid with glasses."

Chu Tian sneered at Conan,"What do you think I should do with these three gangsters?"

Conan was stunned to hear the other party asking him this question.

"What do you mean?"

Conan was a little confused.

Why would this person ask him how to deal with these people?

Seeing Conan's confused look, Chu Tian smiled and continued:"What I mean is, if it were you, how would you deal with these three people in my situation?"

Hearing this, Conan understood.

This person was asking him what he would do in this situation.

This question was not difficult to answer, and Conan could answer it immediately.

"Of course I will hand these three criminals over to the police!"

"Let them face legal sanctions!"

"Those gold coins must also be handed over to the government!"

Conan thought there was nothing to say.

After hearing this, Chu Tian smiled and nodded.

"So that's how it is. I understand. I know what to do next."

After hearing the conversation between Conan and Chu Tian,

the three gangsters' faces changed.

Could it be that this man really wanted to hand them over to the police?

At this point, the three men couldn't help but feel desperate.

Seeing this cell, they had to sit there.

"I'll think about it.……"

Chu Tian looked at Conan and the other four children. He seemed to be thinking about something.

The next moment, he smiled slightly. He walked forward and picked up the beautiful girl Yoshida Ayumi.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Seeing the other person pick her up, the little girl Ayumi was so scared that she trembled all over."You, what do you want to do?!"

"Don't hurt Ayumi!"

Seeing Chu Tian holding Ayumi, Conan and the other two were all shocked.

"Don't worry, this little girl is so cute, I won't hurt her!"

"I just want her to go outside to rest for a while, not to stay here, it's not good!"

After saying that, Chu Tian carried Ayumi outside.

Outside, Chu Tian put Ayumi in the corridor.

"Little girl, don't be afraid. I won't hurt you today."

"Rest here for a while, and you can go home later."

Ayumi, who was originally very scared, didn't know why her emotions gradually calmed down when she heard Chu Tian say this.

"I do n't think this person is a bad person!"

Somehow, this thought popped up in Ayumi's mind.

The reason why Chutian wanted to bring Ayumi outside was because what he was doing next might be very bloody. Chutian didn't care about the other two boys, Mitsuhiko and Genta. But Chutian couldn't let a little girl like Ayumi see something bad. This would cause great harm to the girl's body and mind, and Chutian couldn't do this. So he took Yoshida Ayumi out first and waited outside. Then, Chutian walked back to the room. He walked to Conan's side.

"Just now you said that I should hand these three guys over to the police and turn over the stolen money and gold coins, right?"

Although Conan didn't know why Chu Tian asked him this question.

But he still said to Chu Tian very seriously:"Yes, that's what we should do!"

After hearing this, Chu Tian nodded calmly.

"I understand!"

Then, the next moment, there was a flash of light.

Conan, Mitsuhiko, and Genta smelled a bloody smell.

Then they saw that one of the gangsters had his neck cut open.

Blood was flowing out.

The gangster had an unbelievable look on his face, his body twitching constantly, and he was definitely not going to survive.


"Kill... murder!"

Mitsuhiko and Yuanta had never seen such a scene before.

They were trembling with fear.

The other two criminals were stunned.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"Help, help, someone is coming!"

Edogawa Conan looked at the scene in disbelief.

He could never have imagined that this person could be so cruel. He killed people without hesitation. Isn't this too much?

To be honest, although he had encountered many cases before and arrested many murderers, he had never seen such a murder with his own eyes.

And the killing was so fast and so sudden.

"You, what are you doing?!" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Conan was furious,"That man is no longer a threat to you, why did you kill him?!"

After hearing Conan's words, Chu Tian sneered,"Because I think what you said is wrong, you asked me to send them to the police, but I won't!"

At this point, Chu Tian said to the other two gangsters,"Don't hate me, hate this kid, he asked me to send you to the police station"

"I don't want to listen to him, so I'll just send you to the west."

Hearing this, the two gangsters were so scared that they couldn't stop shaking.

"Please, please, let us go!"

"Send us to the police station, as long as you can spare our lives!"

At this moment, the two gangsters felt that the police station was really a good place.

They couldn't wait to go to the police station.

But Chu Tian obviously didn't give them this opportunity.

Two cold lights flashed.

There were two more wronged souls in this abandoned haunted building.

Seeing Chu Tian kill three people in a row in an instant.

Yuan Tai and Mitsuhiko were already scared to death, and they were shaking all over.

Where have elementary school students like them seen such a scene?

Even Conan was extremely shocked.

At the same time, he understood why this guy just took Ayumi out.

He didn't want the little girl to see such a scene.

Thinking of this, Conan became even more angry.[]

This person killed people so calmly.

He is really as cruel as a snake and scorpion.

"What do you want to do to us?"

Edogawa Conan asked coldly

"Please, please, don't kill us!"

"I don't want to die, I really don't want to die!"

Before Chu Tian could speak,

Guangyan and Yuantai had already begged for mercy, and they couldn't stop crying.

They really regretted it! They shouldn't have come to look for treasures.

Isn't it good to live comfortably at home? Isn't it good to eat eel rice?

Why did you run to this place to do such a thing? Suffer such torture?

Seeing these two children crying like this.

Chu Tian couldn't help but be speechless.

He thought that the three idiots of Teidan were indeed worthy of their reputation, paper tigers! They still want to be detectives like this? Too stupid!

Children are children.

What kind of detective game are they playing?

When death comes, they are so scared.

It's speechless.

Chu Tian hopes that they can learn from this incident.

: Lão già gân

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