Hearing Chu Tian's question,

Miyano Akemi nodded as if it was a matter of course and said,"I can't refuse your offer!"

"It can rescue my sister and save my life, how could I refuse?"

"But I know that there is no free lunch in this world!"

"Your conditions are so generous, it must be for a purpose!"

Chu Tian laughed when he heard Miyano Akemi's matter-of-fact words.

"You are indeed very smart, very smart!"

"There is indeed no free lunch in this world!"

"I must have my own purpose in helping you, there is no doubt about that."

After hearing Chu Tian say this, Miyano Akemi was silent.

Sure enough, this man had his own purpose.

"You tell me!"

Miyano Akemi took a deep breath.

"As long as you can rescue my sister, I can agree to any conditions you have, as long as I can do it!"

For Miyano Akemi, her sister is her closest relative now.

Since her parents passed away,���In this world, Miyano Akemi only has her sister to depend on.

Now facing Chu Tian in front of him, the conditions he proposed can save his sister.

This is the last ray of hope for Miyano Akemi, who is already very desperate.

So as long as her sister can be rescued, no matter what the conditions are, Miyano Akemi is willing to agree.

Hearing Miyano Akemi's words.

A more satisfied smile appeared on Chu Tian's face.

This is what he has been waiting for.

The resolute expression of the beautiful woman in front of him made him feel very excited.

It seemed as if the blood in his body was boiling, making him feel out of control.

"My conditions are actually very simple!"

Chu Tian smiled, and then looked at Miyano Akemi in front of him with a very serious look.


Miyano Akemi saw Chu Tian's look, she was startled.

She remembered the tall man before.

He liked the way I looked at her.

And when a man looks at her with such eyes, he must have bad intentions.

At this moment, Miyano Akemi felt a panic in her heart.

She couldn't help but take a step back.

"Ms. Miyano Akemi, to be honest……"

Seeing Miyano Akemi stepping back, Chu Tian became even more excited.

He couldn't help but take a step forward and said as he walked:"Although you didn't know me before……"

"But in the organization, I have known you for a long time!"

"I have always liked you, your beauty and your temperament make me like you!"

"Tonight, you stay here with me all night!"

"And promise to be my girlfriend from now on!"

"Then I can help you!"

"Whether it is to save your life or to rescue your sister, it's no problem!"

After hearing this, Miyano Akemi was completely stunned.

She never thought that Chu Tian would put forward such a condition.

This young and handsome man in front of her turned out to be a lecher!

He wanted to do that with her.

And he actually thought of doing that with her in this kind of place.

You know.

There are two corpses here, two corpses that have just been killed.

One of them was just killed by Chu Tian.

He actually thought of doing that with himself here!

How could this person be so perverted?

At this moment, a trace of disgust appeared on Miyano Akemi's face.

When seeing the expression on Miyano Akemi's face, Chu Tian actually felt a little bit reluctant for a moment.

After all, Miyano Akemi is also a character that he likes more.

If I do this, it can be said that it is a bit despicable!

But this guilty thought was defeated by Chu Tian's own inner desire in an instant.

You know, in the previous life Chu Tian doesn't have a girlfriend. He lives alone and has been lonely for a long time.

After coming to this world, he met the great lawyer Fei Yingli.

It was the first time that Chu Tian felt what it felt like to fall in love with someone.

But the problem is that the relationship between him and lawyer Fei has not reached that point yet.

And it is impossible for Chu Tian to do anything too extreme to Fei Yingli, at least not for the time being.

But he is also a normal man, a young man, and he is still very energetic.

He needs women, he needs women very much.

Now, facing such a pure and beautiful young woman like Miyano Akemi.

How could Chu Tian not be moved?

And at this time, he took the initiative, and there was a great opportunity to do something with this beauty.

He would never let go of such a good opportunity.

The man's desire made him completely lose his mind, and he didn't care about anything else.

Even if it was taking advantage of someone's misfortune, he didn't care, he would do it this way.

"Are you willing?"

At this moment, Chu Tian's eyes were full of strong sparks.

It was as if he wanted to swallow this woman on the spot.

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