Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter 75 Sentencing Vader to Death

The hover vehicle headed for federal court was protected by several police cars.

Hover cars driven by enthusiastic citizens circled around them.

They're all here for Vader.

His behavior made everyone angry and wanted to cut his neck off.

There were even several collisions during the escort, which almost resulted in a car accident.

When we arrived at the square in front of the Federal Tribunal, there were already dark crowds waiting here.

Seeing Vader getting out of the car, they frantically rushed forward.

The military police team tried their best to block them, trying to keep them away.

However, in the turbulent crowd, some people still rushed through the cordon set up by the military and police.

To the rear, the cordon collapsed.

More and more people rushed over.

The bailiffs only covered Vader's entry-court as best they could.

"Kill this demon."

"An inhuman guy, he actually wants to kill us all."

"Hit him, never let him go so easily.


The insults kept coming.

Others bypassed the bailiffs and went to beat Vader.

In the confusion, Vader was punched in the face.

That punch was definitely punched by a strong and powerful person, and that fist slammed Vader's face hard.

Under the huge impact, Vader turned his head away.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, and there was a tooth in it.

Vader's complexion didn't change in any way, and his red and swollen face didn't make him lose any demeanor.

He tried his best to straighten his old body, showing the fearlessness of his youth.

From the car to the federal trial hall, the distance is only more than 300 meters.

But it took more than half an hour for the team escorting Vader to pass.

The turbulent crowd almost drowned the team escorting Vader.

There was everything in the populace, young, strong, and well-groomed.

There was even a gray-haired one. The old lady chased and beat her with a cane.

While beating, but also shouting.

"Wicked man, you want to kill everyone, you are not as good as a beast, you want to kill my grandson, my son.

The military police sent Vader into the courthouse, before blocking the crazy crowd outside.

"Fortunately, there are countless people in the entire Federation who want to kill you, but we still want to give you the last ounce of legal fairness."

The military police at the side looked at Vader, whose face was full of scars and was still upright, and said jokingly, "To be honest, we should throw you outside. Look at those angry people, dare you live?" Torn."

Vader didn't care, he straightened his body and walked without saying a word.

At this time, the trial seat was already full of people, and it was very noisy.

Some voices even spread from inside the courtroom to the outside.

"It's really too dangerous. I didn't expect that lunatic to create so many antimatter bullets and prepare to attack the space city. If it weren't for Cheng Xin, no one would believe that there was such a lunatic.

"Don't say there is no such lunatic, isn't there one in Mercury City? That one is even crazier, but it's a pity we can't do anything to him, otherwise that guy can be shot directly, and there is no need for a trial.

"I don't know what's going on now, lunatics stand up one after another. Is the starry sky outside so good?

"This group of paranoids must think that what they have grasped is the truth, and human beings must go outside to get hope? It is the safest thing to stick to the solar system. In the future, when the sun is destroyed, there will be endless energy enough for human beings to use."

All kinds of discussions stopped as Vader was brought in.

Everyone put their eyes on him and discussed in low voices

Vader sat down on his own bench.

There were also several Star Ring high-level officials who were also brought in.

They look much better than Vader.

There are no scars from being besieged by the people, and the clothes are neat and tidy.

Each of these high-level gazes was very firm, and even showed pity in their gazes.

It seemed that it was not them who were being judged, but other people in the venue.

As the prisoner entered the seat, the judge also sat in his seat.

"Now for the executive president of the Halo Group, Thomas Vader. The vice president, Zhong Jin. The executive director, Kemp Francis... The president of the Halo Group, Thomas Vader, is accused of war crimes and betrayal of mankind crime, the Inquisition Chamber now officially begins its trial.

"The defendant, Thomas Wade, took over the Starlink Group from Ms. Cheng Xin in the eighth year of the broadcast era. He has been engaged in illegal research on curvature spaceship related projects, and has repeatedly provoked the federal bottom line in the 11th year of the bunker era. He even claimed that To conduct dangerous curvature experiments in the solar system."

"Facing the persuasion and warnings of the Federation, they turned a deaf ear, tried to use anti-matter bullets, tried to confront the Federation fleet, and used the lives of innocent people in Space City as a bargaining chip, trying to threaten the Federation and force the Federation to negotiate. 99

The words read were long.

The venue was also very quiet.

After the judge finished reading, he looked at the prisoner.

"Mr. Wade, do you have any doubts about the above allegations?

Vader stood up, a little hunchbacked, and his clothes became a little unbearable because of the chaos just now.

"I don't have any doubts about the above-mentioned allegations. I am responsible for everything in Star Ring City, and they are only following my orders.

His words were sonorous and powerful, without any hesitation or fear.

The venue was very quiet, only Vader's voice sounded, echoing in the trial hall.

"Then do you have any repentance, or anything to say?"

The judge looked at Vader and asked.

Vader stared forward, his tone calm and composed.

"I don't have any regrets, nor will I repent. I firmly believe that my choice is correct. The future of mankind should be towards the stars.

"Are you going to kill everyone just for your so-called choice?" a woman sitting on the jury asked angrily.

Vader didn't respond.

The discussion in the venue suddenly became louder.

"To commit a crime like this and not repent, you are an asshole."

"If you repent, you're not crazy.""

"It's unbelievable.

"To deal with such people, the ancient torture should be restored.""

"I have the same idea, this kind of person is too crazy. 99

The people watching the live broadcast of this trial flooded the entire live broadcast window with their anger.

"Execute him, cut him to pieces."

"He actually wants to kill so many people. My child has just been born. He is only two years old. How can he bear the devil wanting him to die. 99

"There can never be any forgiveness for such a person.

"Apply to restore the ancient torture, so that he will die a bad life."


The judge looked at Vader, who was still trying to maintain his upright body.

It's like an impassable wall.

It was no longer possible for death to defeat him.

He is his ideal hero, his own God.

God is not wrong.

They can try Vader, but it is absolutely impossible for him to admit his mistakes.

The judge tapped the gavel in front of him.

"Quiet, keep quiet. 35

The venue immediately fell silent, and everyone's eyes focused on the judge.

"The Supreme Court of the Federation pronounced that Thomas Vader, the president of the Halo Group, was charged with the crime of attempting to exterminate humanity, and the crime of threatening human existence, and the...

The judge read out a series of 12 charges.

Then hit the magic hammer again.

Under the common witness of 900 million people in the Federation.

The judge said slowly: "The executive president of News Corporation, Wade, is now officially sentenced to death and will be executed in three days."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone cheered.

The people sitting in the auditorium also stood up and applauded one after another, applauding the justice of the Federal Court of Justice.

This is a triumph of human love and peace.

A terrible plot, was thwarted.

All federal citizens also celebrated.

Joyful, like celebrating a big festival.

Tears welled up in their eyes amidst the cheers, and many wept with excitement.

Been through so many things.

They were comforted.

After the Australian extinction event, humanity took a look at what it had done in that chaos.

They pay more attention to human rights and formulate more detailed rules to protect the rights and interests of individuals.

Enjoy life more wholeheartedly.

But when they try to survive, build a bunker world, and prepare to protect themselves.

Jiang Fan trampled them.

He refused to hand over his scientific and technological achievements, and refused to save mankind.

After the federation launched Bill 178, it directly broke out with the federation.

Set off the first civil war in hundreds of years.

What's even more frightening is that he still won.

It also launched a crazy human empire plan, which requires open thinking and compliance with the value system. The value of each person determines the order in which they flee.

The scene of the other party raising his middle finger to the entire Federation made everyone feel humiliated and could not forget it.

Star Ring City followed suit, claiming to build a curvature engine experiment base, otherwise it would conduct curvature experiments in the solar system.

For a time, the social system of free-thinking humanism led by the Federation was crumbling.

Once the Star Ring City is successful, the ban on fleeing will be useless.

The world of Human Bunker is about to experience its greatest upheaval.

Fortunately, none of this happened.

This terrible disaster was prevented by a great woman.

She is Cheng Xin.

For the sake of love, he gave up the responsibility of the sword holder and shouldered heavy suffering.

It is the most precious thing left in the AD era, the embodiment of love, and the symbol of maternal love.

She loves the whole human race.

She prevented this terrible disaster.

When people celebrated, they also chanted her name.

The trial ended and Vader was taken back to prison.

This time no one besieged him on the road.

Everyone has got what they want.

This demon is already a mortal person, there is no need to bother about it.

Vader didn't care either, his expression was as calm as ever.

It's as if these things have nothing to do with him.

Three hours after the trial ended.

Cheng Xin walked into the prison to see this man she had known since AD.

In a white cell.

Cheng Xin was separated by a transparent screen, like Vader in a pool of dry still water.

His face was very calm, without any fluctuations.

Cheng Xin handed the box of cigars she bought to Wade through the window of the transparent screen.

She bought it in the space city of Pacific One.

This kind of thing is very rare, only the black market will have it.

Vader didn't refuse.

He took the small wooden box, opened it and took out three of the ten cigars inside, and returned the wooden box to Cheng Xin.

"Too many to need," Vader said quietly.

"Tell me something about you, your career, your life, and I can tell the posterity.

Cheng Xin said.

Vader shook his head slightly, "It's just one of the countless dead people, there's nothing to say."

A trace of regret surfaced in Cheng Xin's heart.

She didn't know if she was doing something wrong.

Maybe she shouldn't have stopped Vader.

"Then do you have anything to say to me?

Cheng Xin couldn't believe it, and asked this question herself.

What surprised her even more was that she expected an answer.

There was something about Vader that was unique to a century AD man.

Possess a strong heart and perseverance, and a sense of responsibility that is difficult for modern people to match.

Wade, Luo Ji, and Zhang Beihai are the same kind of people.

They live for their responsibilities, their responsibilities are unfulfilled, and they never stop.

Cheng Xin was a little afraid that she was wrong. If that happened, what kind of terrible consequences would she cause?

"Thank you for the cigar." After Vader finished speaking, he stopped talking.

Cheng Xin was a little sad, she was a little hesitant, and a little at a loss.

But Vader was unwilling to give her any guidance.

What separates them is not just this transparent screen. There is also the deepest gully in the world, which can never be crossed.

0.. Ask for flowers......

She destroys what a man clings to and guards.

Let his duties go to waste.

The two parties sat for a long time in a silent environment, but neither of them looked at each other.

Until the position of the space city was kept shaking, Cheng Xin returned to reality.

She got up slowly and bid farewell to Vader in a low voice.

Vader didn't respond, he just sat there, doing nothing.

Cheng Xin walked out of the prison in a daze.

And the outside was already full of people.

They held up various banners, shouted her name, cheered and were extremely excited.

As soon as Cheng Xin walked out, countless people surrounded her.

There is joy on everyone's face.

The holographic slogan image showing his portrait floated above the crowd like a colorful cloud.

A very cute little girl came up with flowers in her hand.

Cheng Xin bent down, and the other party kissed her on the cheek,

"Thank you for saving us.

"Thank you, let us no longer be threatened by those demons."

"Thank you.

The girl and these people spoke from the bottom of their hearts, making the uneasiness that troubled Cheng Xin disappear.

She saved these people again.

It is everyone's hope to live peacefully in the solar system.

Those who go to the starry sky are only for their own greed and desire after all.

Humans have invaded the earth and the entire solar system.

But still not satisfied.

They are also eager to go to the starry sky, to those worlds that do not belong to humans.

Human beings only need to live in the solar system safely and without revealing their own coordinates, and they can live for more than one billion years.

That is still a long time, it has been countless generations.

The girl's words made Cheng Xin see clearly what her feelings for this new world really are.

When she first woke up, she thought it was her responsibility, but now she knows, it's still motherhood.

It was a motherhood that she had never experienced in the AD century.

In her subconscious mind, everyone in this era is her own child just like those in the era of deterrence, and it is impossible for her to watch them get hurt.


She protected her children.

Even if it hurts a man, it is worth it.

She was right about this one.

Cheng Xin grew up bathed in the sunshine of her mother's love in her childhood, and never had a father's love.

The mother is a foster mother.

While dating her boyfriend one evening, they saw Cheng Xin, who was just three months old, abandoned on a park bench, and adopted her.

Cheng Xin didn't feel any regrets at first.

This is the way the world should be, the world of mothers and daughters.

Love and happiness are all available in this small world.

She even wondered if it would be redundant to have one more father?

My mother never tried to find a boyfriend again.

It wasn't until Cheng Xin felt the lack of fatherly love that her mother found a boyfriend.

After arriving here, Cheng Xin felt that this small world was complete, and one more person would be redundant.

Her adoptive parents never had children again.

Three people who are not related by blood, just walked together because of love.

Cheng Xin hugged the little girl, just like a mother hugging her own child.

She is very satisfied.

this is Love.

Love without fear even in the face of destruction.

Only love can unite human beings.

She did nothing wrong, Vader was wrong.

He is just a beast without love who only hunts coldly.

Men are men, beasts are beasts.

The two are different.

federal headquarters.

It can also be called the Earth One Space City.

The defense here is the strictest in the entire bunker world.

There are three star-class warships patrolling here day and night all year round, ensuring that this place will not be attacked by anyone.

A transport ship from Earth slowly docked into the port.

"Can we really do this? Just enter this place swaggering like this?"

Sheng Haoge was sitting on this boat, his tone was very disturbed, and he seemed a little restless.

The rescue operation he imagined was to drive the spaceship straight to the protection of the three star-class warships, fight all the way to the prison, rescue Vader, and then fight all the way back to Mercury City.

The adrenaline soared throughout the whole process, which is the battle of iron-blooded men.

The actual rescue operation seems a little ordinary.

Jiang Fan took them and simply changed their appearance to deceive the Federation's optical monitors.

Then a group of people rushed from Mercury City to Earth and bought a ticket to the space city of the Federal Headquarters of Earth-1.

So they came in by boat.

The whole action made him feel a little awkward.

It went so well.

There is no cruel fighting, no plot of fighting wits and courage, just like this.

Jiang Fan didn't turn his head to look at Sheng Haoge, but just sat indifferently, with a glass of fruit drink in front of the seat.

The whole person is relaxed and relaxed, it feels like you are on vacation.

The few people in Xinghuan City in the past were stunned, this master is too arrogant.

Now there are 900 million people in the entire federation, and everyone wants to cut his neck off.

Under such circumstances, he actually dared to enter the federal headquarters with the strongest defense so blatantly.

Sheng Haoge glanced at the calm Jiang Fan, and saw that the other party had no nervous expression at all.

I also sighed in my heart, is this the so-called self-confidence?

So indifferent, he didn't take the Federation seriously.

I just don't know where it comes from.

Are these robots?

Sheng Haoge looked at the robot sitting behind them.

Twenty big men, each of which is a strong and burly type.

They are the T800 model terminators covered with flesh and blood.

Each of these robots possesses terrifying strength, capable of killing a cow with a single blow.

He also has extensive combat experience.

Ordinary people are no opponents at all.

Is this what Jiang Fan relies on?

Is this the only way to save Mr. Vader?

But there is the federal headquarters, heavily guarded and guarded by stellar warships.

Can it really be that easy? Guang.

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