Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter 37 A Moment in History 619

The mighty team went straight to the ground of Mercury from the port of Mercury City.

A large number of aircraft took off from the port, and followed the inspection team's spacecraft to the Mercury base where Jiang Fan is located.

Many of them were attracted by Jiang Fan's words that the life and death of human civilization have nothing to do with me.

Most of them cursed him.

If you think he is a criminal against humanity, you should catch him and put him in prison for hundreds of years.

Even if you are in prison during this period, you must develop new technologies for human beings.

To squeeze his surplus value as much as possible.

There are a small number of people who support Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan's words are completely reasonable in a federation where private ownership is fully protected.

He complies with every law of the Commonwealth.

There is no law stating that citizens of the Commonwealth must save the world.

Saving the world is a morality, not a legal requirement.

After the Great Trough, came the Boom.

Humanity has generally lost its sense of responsibility, and it has also lost this noble quality.

Citizens of the Commonwealth live for themselves and only fulfill their obligations under the law.

Only those who are in the Christian era will fight for dignity and for the happiness of future generations.

This is also the reason why the Earth Rebels in the past were generally AD people.

Humans are just eating the bitter fruit of their own brewing.

Jiang Fan is right.

It is the federal government that is wrong to change the law.

It is a manifestation of corruption.

It is the embodiment of the plutocratic giants controlling the federation.

Shameless to the extreme.

It is a mess of dirty garbage dressed in the glamorous skin of democracy and freedom.

People in the Federation can shout for the freedom and equality of life, and they cannot oppress others.

Why use the law to force a person who is unwilling to hand over his own things?

They are also the ones who cry out to give civilization to the years, not to give civilization to the years.

Why at this time, they can persecute an innocent person who has not violated their interests for their own survival?

This group of people is only a small part, and they dare not speak out their opinions, for fear of being criticized by others.

They follow these self-proclaimed righteous people to see the appearance of the person who has the courage to speak the truth.

Countless aircraft entered Mercury, and the light emitted by the nuclear fusion engine was like stars.

They twinkle in Mercury's nightscape of magical light.

V, Johnny, Zhang Tianjun and others watched the stars fall to the ground.

In the thin air came the sound of the engine hum fading away.

The ground carried the sound of the hatch being opened and falling to the ground.

Countless footsteps sounded, and they cheered various slogans.

They know that those people have come, standing on the high ground of morality, bathed in the holy light of self-righteousness, and coming against the awe-inspiring banner of justice.

Come here to take what belongs to their captain.

The beauty is its name, for the sake of human beings.

"It's shameless." V said, "Why should the captain contribute his own things to save them."

"What can we do? They're just jerks."

Zhang Tianjun looked at the picture sent back by the detector, and said angrily.

Is there any difference between this behavior of the Federation and the robbers who set up the archway?

"Don't let them get away with it," Johnny yelled.

"Yes, they cannot be allowed to succeed."

"Send them back."

"We don't recognize federal laws."

The rest of the crew yelled too.

They are all groups that have complaints against the Federation, and some of them follow Jiang Fan not for money, but for their own ideas.

They valued Jiang Fan's qualities of rebellion against the Federation.

The Federation prohibits the research of light-speed spacecraft, and prohibits human beings from exploring outside.

The existence of this castration of human starry sky dreams has long made many people dissatisfied.

Escapism is understandable.

It can prevent humans from exploring outside.

Because of some light-speed curvature tracks, the research of human light-speed spacecraft is forbidden.

This practice of abolishing science and the future of the race has disappointed many people.

Jiang Fan's angry words against the media made them feel relieved.

The Federation turned a blind eye to what the chaebol group did, and even took the initiative to buy tickets to enter the doomsday spacecraft.

This behavior is also for all mankind?

Jiang Fan's outrageousness made them respond one after another, and they did not hesitate to come over from Jupiter and Neptune.

Naturally, they are not afraid of the oppression of the Federation, and stand on the same front with Jiang Fan to the death.


Outside the base, there are huge crowds of people.

Many people rushed here from all over to watch the fun.

Look at how shameful the guy who is arrogant and clamoring that the survival of human civilization has nothing to do with him is embarrassing.

"It's too late for this guy to cry this time."

"If you catch him, you will probably be sentenced."

"It's really shameless to say such things, but shameless people will have retribution after all."

All the media from the Federation are here.

In addition to filming the majestic Jiang Fan being punished by law, they also wanted to film the important historical moment when the Federation obtained anti-gravity technology.

Anti-gravity technology is destined to go down in the annals of history.

They can already think of the scene where the click-through rate will explode as soon as the news is released.

In the entire Federation, 900 million people are now paying attention to this place.

The officials of the inspection team walked from the crowd to the base with smiles on their faces. *

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