Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1092: Winter in Silicon Valley

When Musk finally made up his mind to find Xingkong Technology, he found that he was still a step slower.

To his surprise, Zuckerberg, the first person who responded, actually thought he would try to prevent Starry ’s virtual reality technology from landing in North America.

By the time his secretary reported the incident to him, the sly old fox had taken his Facebook account to split the business of its subsidiary Oculus and laid off more than 2,000 employees. Only the core employees responsible for the main business are retained. It seems to be ready to stop losses in a timely manner. When this westerly wind blows across the Pacific Ocean, it will go to Starry Sky Technology.

Prior to this, when Facebook announced the acquisition of Oculus for $ 2 billion in 2014, it was widely optimistic that Facebook was paying for the future.

I have to say that such an end is really regrettable.

In fact, Zuckerberg was forced to do so.

Maybe give Oculus enough time to gradually improve the head-mounted virtual reality technology, or maybe there will be one day that can achieve 99% simulation of immersive virtual reality technology.

However, when he saw that Xingkong Technology had moved his coveted technology to the product launch, he knew in his heart that he no longer had the opportunity to take his time.

Rather than let Oculus drag Facebook to fight a battle that is almost impossible to win, it is even more important to keep his core business in order to complete his ambition to dominate the virtual reality field.

He knew what was really important to Facebook, and what was just icing on the cake.

Zuckerberg's family business is big, and he can still afford to pay $ 2 billion. Facebook has paid more than $ 2 billion in "little money" just for paying the tickets issued by various countries over the years.

For start-ups with other virtual reality concepts in Silicon Valley, however, it is as bleak as a nightmare. It was as if he had just passed the early spring of March and entered the cold winter of the lunar month, without any preparation, and did not even see a little hope to survive.

At the time when Silicon Valley's virtual reality concept startup was crying, many smart people like Zuckerberg had found Xingkong Technology and started to discuss cooperation.

If the general situation is unstoppable, it is undoubtedly more appropriate to take advantage of it.

At least when most people do n’t see any other technology that can be a substitute for the “phantom” system, or that they can bypass the patent barriers set by Xingkong Technology on virtual reality technology, cooperation with Xingkong Technology is far more than The risk of another path is much lower.

This situation is the same as when Microsoft used the graphical Windows system to kill the Quartet in the personal computer market.

The only difference is that Xingkong Technology not only controls the world as a neural access operating system based on virtual reality technology, but also holds the patent of virtual reality technology ...

It's not just the tech world that's causing the shock, it's the same with the global financial circle.

Shocked by the advancement of virtual reality technology, almost all companies in the financial-related industries are assessing what impact this new technology may have.

Since Star Sky Technology, like most companies with good capital and operating conditions, did not choose to take the road of listing money, there is no way to give a valuation in the market that meets everyone's expectations.

However, according to the evaluation of major financial companies on Wall Street, the value of a virtual reality business alone has exceeded 100 billion US dollars, and the future value-added expectations are simply difficult to estimate.

And this is a conservative estimate that takes into account the specific business model.

If really as many people have guessed, Xingkong Technology intends to take cloud computing as its main business, integrate all future virtual reality networks into one or more supercomputing centers, and promote hard or soft paid projects as a result ...

The value behind this, let alone 100 billion.

This is not even something that money can measure ...

Although the product launch of Xingkong Technology can satisfy the curiosity of the general public to a certain extent, a product launch conference is obviously not enough for this technology that will bring about radical changes to human society.

Many questions have not yet been answered, and journalists around the world hope to have the opportunity to interview Lu Zhou.

However, no matter how these reporters tried to mix in Jinda, or even avoid the classroom where security was mixed into the number theory class, Academician Lu could not be found at all.

During this time, he seemed to disappear as a whole, out of people's sight.

Only those who have an unusual relationship with him know that he is closing in for a great job.

At the same time, just as the world was crazy about virtual reality technology, a paper published in "Mathematical Invention" also caused strong response from mathematicians around the world.

In this paper, through a clever mathematical method, the hierarchical structure of motivation corresponding to the cohomology ring is obtained, and all the cohomology theories are combined to form an abstract geometric object.

It is well known that motivation theory studies the abstract meaning behind numbers.

From this point of view, Lu Zhou, who has just solved the Riemann conjecture, does not seem to be satisfied with this crown that has stood in the mathematical world for nearly two centuries, but gradually penetrates into the core field of algebraic geometry--that is, research The geometric structure hidden behind the numbers.

This is not only the pursuit of mathematicians, it has even risen to the level of philosophy and even theology.

If he succeeds, he will undoubtedly be the greatest scholar since Archimedes' time.

If I want to find someone whose achievements are comparable to him, I am afraid I can only wait in the long rivers in the future.

In addition to this topical thesis, many people are more concerned that the reviewer of this paper is actually Perelman who has withdrawn from the mathematical world for many years.

The hermit who once arrogantly refused a one million dollar bonus and publicly stated that he was disappointed with the current mathematics community, actually accepted the invitation to review the invention of Mathematics?

In the eyes of most scholars, this is incredible.

Anyone who knows him knows how much he "hates" the "arrogant" review mode of academic journals. Almost every paper is published on Arxiv and communicates with young colleagues in the form of public discussion.

To the point where he doesn't know, he has even become a role model for "folk mathematics" on Arxiv.

Of course, even if they add up the surprise of all of them, I am afraid they will not be more surprised than Lu Zhou himself.

Not because of their reviewers.

But on the third day of the publication of the dissertation, Lu Zhou, who had closed the retreat, came to the office and planned to go to the classroom to give a lesson to the undergraduates in person, but an unexpected person was standing in his office. The doorway of ~ ~ looked at the expressionless Perelman, and Lu Zhou, who was holding the textbook under his elbow, stunned slightly for a while and didn't speak.

Perelman: "What's wrong?"

"... It's nothing, just a little bit unexpected." Lu Zhou said with a cough. "I think any mathematician in this world will feel Perelman standing at his doorstep. Surprised ... why didn't you send me an email? I'll let someone pick you up at the airport. "

"Isn't it a university here?" Perelman frowned, but instead looked at Lu Zhou with a strange look. "Do you need to send an email in advance to exchange academic questions at the university?"

"Of course not, but when visiting certain people, I think it is necessary ... Of course, I don't care," Lu Zhou said with a smile, "Can you satisfy my curiosity? What makes you Decided to leave the house? "

Looking at the landing boat, Perelman answered succinctly.


"I found a very interesting place when I researched your thesis. When you abstracted the theory of cohomology into a geometric object, you mentioned the high-dimensional analogy of Jacobi who regarded Motive as a curve. I want to know why Would do it. "

Lu Zhou shook his head and said, "In fact, this is not exactly my idea. In the manuscript of Professor Grothendieck's study of Wey's conjecture, I saw something similar, so it gave some inspiration-"

"Can you teach me?"

Looking at the frantic expression in Perelman's eyes, Lu Zhou froze slightly, then said with a smile.

"It can be ... but there will be a lesson in mathematics in a while. I'm afraid I won't discuss this with you until four o'clock."

Looking at Lu Zhou sincerely, Perelman said indifferently.

"It's okay, I can wait!"

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