After asking some more questions, Yin Jian let Wu Weizi leave.
This old Taoist priest really didn’t know much. He was just an abandoned baby in the mountains. He was rescued by a clear old Taoist priest sixty years ago and regarded him as his own.
It’s just that the old Taoist didn’t seem to want Wuweizi to be the ghost master, so he didn’t let Wuweizi control the ghosts until so many years after Wuweizi became an adult.
Until ten years ago, maybe the deadline was approaching, or maybe there was something wrong with the suppressed evil Buddha statue, so after the Taoist priest handed over the matching Taoist heritage spiritual items to Wuweizi, he hurriedly took it with him. The Buddha statue boarded the ghost train.
Wuweizi thinks it is the first, but Yin-jian prefers the second.
If it weren’t for an emergency, the old Taoist would not hand over all the supernatural items such as the robe and bronze medals to Wuweizi. This is just an ordinary person, and it goes against the original intention of the old Taoist not wanting Wuweizi to step into the circle of ghost riders. .
Moreover, the old Taoist should also be a Yama-level ghost rider, otherwise, it is impossible to leave this set of supernatural items.
You must know that so many supernatural items, even if they are worn on an ordinary person like Wuweizi, can make him face the general judge-level ghost rider. He has controlled a few ghosts, and his strength is not in the judge. Weak.
Moreover, it is definitely not difficult for Lao Dao to control the Specter. After all, he has this equipment, and he can even choose a suitable ghost puzzle at will.
This clear view should be an ancient inheritance. This set of Taoist robes should be inherited from an earlier time.
This is the most complete paranormal item with the least side effects that Yin Jian has ever seen.
Even, he saw the writings of the earlier powerful ghost riders from it, which is somewhat similar to Highway No. 1.
One link after another, very subtle use of the ghost’s ability to suppress the ghost’s ability to enhance itself.
It’s just that the inheritance of Qingyiguan is smaller, so it hasn’t gotten out of control until now. The Specter on Highway No. 1 is too powerful, and the ghost train is more powerful than imagined, so the former route has not been passed down to the present, and it has gotten out of control.
On the first day of the Ghost Rider’s party, it really brought a lot of surprises to Yin Jian.
The existence of this Wuweizi allowed Yin Jian to see more possibilities in this ghost rider world.
Sure enough, in this world, ghost riders appeared very early, and they left a legacy in various parts of the world, including those similar to Qing Yiguan, and others similar to Lin’s House, Ghost Bus, and Ghost Train. Line of inheritance.
Of course, the places where these inheritances are located may also bear corresponding responsibilities.
The old Taoist priest of Qingyiguan has guarded the double-sided Buddha statue suppressed by Qingyiguan for a lifetime. Lin Yin and Lu Yue have also guarded the Lin family house for decades, and now there are more people in various spiritual worlds. Location suppressed.
After separating from Wuweizi Laodao, Yang Xinggang took Yin Jian around again on the long street of Ghost Riders.
Lively is very lively, but there is nothing that makes Yin Jian’s eyes shine.
On the first day of this ghost control party, all the people who came were small characters. Most of them were folk ghost control people who had controlled a serious ghost. They didn’t have any good things in their hands, not to mention ghosts, and there were not many supernatural items.
After a day or two, more and more powerful ghost riders will come behind. By that time.
Judges, impermanence level is not uncommon, and it is these people who will have more and stronger ghost puzzles and supernatural items exchange.
Since there was nothing worth seeing on Ghost Rider Long Street, Yin Jian followed Yang Xinggang to the Ghost Rider headquarters.
The headquarters of the Ghost Riders covers a large area. There are various weapons erected around the high walls, and there are soldiers patrolling. These methods are not useful to the Specter, but for the Ghost Riders, they are still very useful.
After passing several layers of identity verification, Yin Jian and Yang Xinggang came to the Ghost Rider headquarters.
“This is Mr. Yin. I’ve admired the name for a long time. I’m one of the heads of the headquarters, Zhao Mingcheng.” When Yin Jian first entered the headquarters of the Ghost Rider, a middle-aged man walked forward directly and enthusiastically. .
Yin Jian is not familiar with Zhao Mingcheng, but Zhao Mingcheng is very familiar with Yin Jian.
He was the one who asked Ye Ting to contact Yin Jian when he first got the information about Yin Jian. Later, after the incident of the Great D Ghost Domain, and after Li Ji took Yin Jian as an honorary judge and gave him extremely generous conditions.
Zhao Mingcheng was very concerned about the existence of Yin Jian, although the other party had very little responsibility for the headquarters of the Ghost Rider, almost equivalent to a non-staff.
“It’s me.” Yin Jian shook hands with Zhao Mingcheng expressionlessly.
This is indeed an ordinary person, but treats peopleThe characters give people a very good feeling, giving people a feeling of being exquisite and like a spring breeze. It is indeed not a simple character to be able to achieve the status of the head of the headquarters of the Ghost Rider as an ordinary person.
“Mr. Yin still has to pay attention to this gathering of ghost riders.” After Zhao Mingcheng brought Yin Jian and the others to a room.
After Zhao Mingcheng looked left and right, he reminded Yin Jian in a low voice.
“The scale of the Ghost Riders gathering this time is very large. There are probably five or six judges outside who have made it clear that they are coming back. Some of them are also non-staff members of the organization. Although there are not too many conflicts of interest, there are also many judges. The character is rather odd.”
“There may be some conflicts at that time.”
“I see.” Yin Jian nodded to show his understanding.
Zhao Mingcheng’s weirdness may be glorified. Although the characters of the ghost riders that Yin Jian has come into contact with are all good so far, the ghost riders are very attracted to many lunatics, whether it was Wang Wu at the beginning or later. Yang Xinggang, who is also a member of the public, has mentioned it to him many times.
I’m afraid there will be some conflicts at that time, but Yin Jian doesn’t care. On the contrary, he wants to get a closer look at the strength of the current ghost rider.
It seems that the ghost rider and the ghost are not going the same way. After seeing many top-secret events, Yin Jian has some guesses.
Zhao Mingcheng was still very busy. He just gave Yin Jian a reminder and left in a hurry.
And Yin Jian, there is nothing to do, Yang Xinggang took him to stroll around the headquarters of the Ghost Rider.
With his judge-level authority, he can go to quite a few places, but there is nothing worth visiting in this headquarters. Some places are completely closed to the outside world, and it seems that something is sealed.
There are also some laboratories, which hide some advanced technologies currently being researched by the headquarters, which are also not open to the public.
Only judges stationed at the headquarters and people with Yama-level authority can enter freely.
Yin Jian didn’t care either, he asked Yang Xinggang to bring him to the authority room of the headquarters.
This place is isolated by special supernatural powers, and records some very important materials collected by the headquarters, all of which are paper materials, and only the judge’s authority can enter.
Yang Xinggang was guarding outside, and Yin Jian directly used his authority to enter the reference room.
He is still a little interested in this data room. Although there may not be too top-secret data in it, it can give Yin Jian a more detailed understanding of the current ghost rider world.
Now, the supernatural beings he has been in contact with are too terrifying and advanced, but he does not know much about the current supernatural situation in the real world.
There is a lot of information in the archives, many of which are detailed information on Specter Ghosts above Grade A, including some supernatural items that are of great use, as well as some information on supernatural locations.
Many of these materials are the materials that the ghost riders at the headquarters have used their lives to investigate, and they are very precious. Using a space isolated by supernatural beings to store paper materials is enough to prove their preciousness.
Yin Jian didn’t pay attention to those A-level supernatural materials.
He went straight to the S-level materials. There were a lot of A-level materials, but as soon as he rose to the S-level, there were obviously a lot less.
He picked up a document and began to look carefully.
“S-Class Horror File: Ghost Car Pulling Coffin.”
“It first appeared on the expressway in Wuping City, with its own large-scale ghost space. The appearance is a large hearse with a white wreath and the word “death”. The steering wheel rotates automatically. It seems that an invisible ghost is driving. Inside the hearse, It’s a red lacquered wood coffin.”
“The coffin was completely sealed, and four coffins were nailed to the four corners. The level of terror was unknown. After entering the carriage, a judge disappeared in front of the coffin.”
“Preliminary judgment, the hazard level of a ghost car pulling a coffin is level A, and the level of terror is level s.”
. . . . . . . .
“S-Class Horror Archives: Ghost Radio.”
“It first appeared in a middle school, and then it seems to be able to appear in any place that has a broadcast. It seems to have the ability to recruit ghosts and enhance the ability of ghosts to kill.”
“Suspected of possessing wisdom, he is the only known ghost that is suspected of possessing wisdom.”
“Hazard level: S-level.”
“Terror level: unknown.”
“Ghost Broadcasting.” Yin Jian thought of a lot when he looked at this somewhat rudimentary file.
· · Flowers · ·
He thought of the on-board radio in the ghost bus, ghost train, and ghost car. That radio also has the ability to enhance Specter, and there are some abilities that haven’t been shown yet.
Before seeing this file, Yin Jian always thought that this broadcast was the connection between the ghost train and the ghost bus.
But when he saw this file, Yin Jian suddenly thought of a more terrifying guess. This ghost broadcast might have invaded the ghost train and ghost bus, and became a part of it.
In addition, this ghost broadcast is suspected to have consciousness, and even Yin Jian finds it very difficult.
So far, this ghost broadcast has no specific form and seems to be able to appear all over the world, which means that the difficulty of detention is extremely high, or even almost zero.
And being associated with such a large-scale ghost train also means that the horror level of this ghost broadcast is very high, and it is extremely mysterious, and there are many things behind it.
After raising the importance of ghost broadcasting to another level in his mind, Yin Jian continued to read the documents.
“S-Class Horror Files: Ghost Games.”
“The first appearanceUnknown, able to pull the ghost rider into the game world, after passing it will reward new ghost puzzles. ”
“However, the game of Ghost Rider is very difficult, causing a large number of Ghost Riders to die. After the Ghost Rider’s death, the ghost in the body becomes the puzzle piece of the Ghost game, and then the next game will be more difficult, and the growth potential is very high. .”
…… 0
“The ability of ghost games to pull people into the game is mandatory and cannot be resisted. Based on this, it is speculated that the horror level of ghost games is very high.”
“Hazard level: s-level (can grow)”
“Terror level: unknown (no ghost rider has successfully resisted the forced entry of ghost games)”
. . . . . . .
“S-Class Horror File: Ghost Knife Butcher.”
“The first appearance is unknown, the appearance is humanoid, about two meters tall, wearing a butcher’s uniform that has been completely tattered, covered with blood all over his body, unable to see his face, and comes with a large ghost field”
“Capacity 1: The pig-killing knife in his hand can dismember even ghosts, and within 100 meters, he can directly kill the ghost hunter, including consciousness.
“Ability 2: Seeing it will kill you. Anyone who sees the butcher will be attacked by unknown supernatural beings. Those who endure the unknown will die directly. The level of terror is average. Judge-level ghost riders can resist and avoid death.”
“Hazard level: S-level.”
“Terror level: unknown.”
. . . . . . . .
“S-Class Horror File: Ghost Lake.”
“S-Class Horror File: Haunted House.”
“S-Class Horror File: Ghost Cave.”
“S-Class Horror File: Ghost Temple.”
There are still many S-level horror files in the back, Yin Jian turned over them, and there was a thick stack.
All of these are S-level supernatural powers, and they cannot be solved. They can only be restricted, blocked, or simply put aside.
There are domestic and foreign.
In fact, many of them are out of control, but compared to the entire real world, the out of control of S-level supernatural events is still within an acceptable range, and it is not so fatal.
Among them, there are many that Yin Jian thinks are not inferior to the terrifying and supernatural on the No. 1 highway, such as ghost broadcasting.
The mystery of this broadcast in Yin Jian’s heart has surpassed that of Highway No. 1, and it has connections with many supernatural beings of extremely high levels.
Of course, there’s more to it than the supernatural beings on Highway No. 1.
If S-level supernatural events are also graded, then many of the S-level files here are in the middle and lower reaches of the S-level, and many supernatural things in Highway No. 1 are close to the upper limit of the S-level, and even some It has exceeded the category of S-class.
It was also after experiencing the passage of Highway No. 1 that Yin Jian was able to understand why there are so many unresolved S-level supernatural beings in the world.
It’s not that no one can solve it, but that people who can solve these S-level supernatural beings are all suppressing more dangerous things in some supernatural worlds.
The s-level file was almost finished, and Yin Jian set his sights on the only ss-level file in the entire reference room.
This file was completely handwritten by humans, and it was written by a very high-level ghost rider. It seems that even the font contains strong supernatural power.
“SS-level supernatural file: Ghost Road.” Chang.

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