Deep in the Graze Valley, behind Chen Ping and Geng Aliya, there was some uneasiness in their eyes.

A day and a half has passed since entering the secret realm and appearing.

The quantum flame bomb, which was originally intended to be the most important trump card, has been used, and the two blood pills have been used.

Hao Geng's mechanical wing flight has cooled down.

According to my current state, I have no problem dealing with level three scarlet beasts. I can even face dozens or hundreds of them at the same time as long as I turn on "Sacrifice", not to mention the level four Xiao Hei's assistance.

However, we have already encountered two scarlet beasts with strength up to level 4, a Cat Demon King and a Kehel.

According to Chen Ping's experience, the final boss of this secret realm will definitely not be lower than level four, and the power of bloodline will be stronger.

In this way, even if you use all your cards, your chances of winning are less than 50%.

Just when Chen Ping was thinking secretly, a series of "woo woo" sounds came from the 㯎.

"What is that?" Chen Ping looked carefully.

Mummy corpses with sharp mouths and monkey cheeks appeared in the distance, wandering aimlessly.

"That's...our dead elves, the undead souls of the elves...actually turned into zombies!" Aaliya's sky-blue eyes widened, and her fair and tender hands covered her slightly open lips, His face was full of disbelief.

At the same time, the wandering zombies also discovered Chen Ping and Aaliya.

They ran over crazily, and attacked Chen Ping with their sharp and dry hands.

"Level 3?"

A level three zombie is equivalent to the strength of a level three scarlet beast, and the zombies transformed from elves have lower bloodline power than humans. Without saying a word, Chen Ping flew the fire knife up and down in his hand, and in a moment, he chopped it down.㯎Blockbuster.

"You actually have so much experience?"

Chen Ping was surprised to find that the experience provided by zombies was much higher than that of ordinary third-level scarlet beasts. Originally, killing the Cat Demon King allowed Chen Ping to rise to two stars, which was still far away from three stars.

But now the progress bar is already halfway through.

"To be able to resurrect so many elves in a short period of time, there must be something wrong with the Dali array in the Forest of Dawn!" Alia said.

"Dali Magical Array?" One of Chen Ping's tasks is to repair the Daliang Magical Array. There may be key clues here.

"I can't remember things clearly either. I need to retrieve my memory!" Aaliya frowned slightly.

According to the sheepskin map, the treasure chest Aaliya is looking for should be near Geng.

"Xiao Hei, go check it out!"

The valley was so large that it was difficult to determine the exact location of the treasure chest. Chen Ping had to ask Xiao Hei to help while he continued to save these undead souls.

Time passed quickly, and it was night. This was Chen Pinggen's second night in this secret realm. When he was looking for a place to rest, news came from Xiao Hei.

"Master, look at this hair box, it should be what you are looking for!"

"I'll go there now!"

Chen Ping responded, taking Aaliya and running towards Xiao Hei's position.

On the way, many undead souls were saved.

Passing through a patch of bushes, Chen Ping looked at a wooden box that gave off a faint glow.

The surface of the wooden box is painted with complicated patterns, which seem to have experienced countless years of baptism and formed a unique texture.

There is a lock on the front, inlaid with a faintly glowing treasure. Sometimes it shines with a faint blue light, and sometimes it glows with a warm golden light. It is not strong, but it is enough for people to spot it in the dark.

As the night wind blows, the glow of the wooden box seems to be brighter, as if it resonates with nature.

"Princess Aaliya, is this the treasure box?" Chen Ping asked.

"It should be!"

"Should?" Chen Ping frowned slightly, stepped forward to pick up the wooden box, fiddled with it a few times, but did not open it.

"Didn't you look at the keyhole?"

When Chen Ping was confused, Aaliya stretched out her hand: "Dear warrior, let me try!"

When the wooden box was handed over to Alia, the light shone brightly.

The lid of the wooden box also opens naturally.

Some blue fragments slowly rose up and turned into blue water, disappearing from Aaliyah's body.

"Is this a memory fragment?" Xiao Hei landed on Chen Ping's shoulder.

"Maybe, it turns out that the memory fragments are literal!"

Chen Ping had experienced more than a dozen scarlet secret realms in his previous life, but he had never encountered such a situation. At this time, he could only watch silently.

It was originally thought that after those "memory fragments" entered Alia's body, she would be able to recover her memory and then start subsequent tasks.

But Aaliya seemed to be restrained by someone. She stood motionless and her eyes were glazed over.

"What's going on?" Chen Ping walked around Aaliya in a circle.

"Master, isn't she the one?"

"It should be...impossible, right?" Chen Ping was unsure.

Just as he was about to sniff out Aaliyah's breath, the bushes in the distance began to shake wildly, and then countless zombies rushed from all directions.

"Xiao Hei, protect her!"

Chen Ping confessed, immediately picked up the fire knife and went to intercept.

However, there were so many zombies that Chen Ping simply couldn't kill them.

Fortunately, after Xiaohei upgraded to level four, his strength increased greatly and his speed increased several times.

Although those level three zombies are powerful and numerous, they move slowly.

The humans and insects could barely keep a vacuum around Aria, so no zombies could get close.

"Master, I'm so tired𫝨!"

"Xiao Hei, keep holding on!"

"How long will it take?"

"Uh...right away!" Chen Ping replied.

The high-intensity attacks brought Xiao Hei and Chen Ping to their limits quickly.

Chen Ping could still sustain himself with medicine, but Xiao Hei was close to collapse.

"Master... I really tried my best. Can you let me rest for five minutes? Four minutes is fine!"

The two held on for half an hour, during which time they killed thousands of level 3 zombies. Xiao Hei really put in a lot of effort.

If it were only Chen Ping himself, he could easily hold on.

But there was Aaliya next to him, and Chen Ping had to take care of the zombies from all directions, which made him a little overwhelmed.

There are not too many turntables where level three zombies explode, and most importantly, many of them contain life potions!

The high-difficulty Scarlet Secret Realm does produce a lot of life potions, which is one of the reasons why high-level life potions depreciate rapidly.

Chen An took the potion talent, and it only had some effect in the early stage of the apocalypse, attracting many strong people. In the later stage, lifespan is not so important. The most important thing is attributes and talent.

Without enough strength, even if it has a lifespan of 10,000 years, it is just a tool for the strong to extract the turntable.

"Xiao Hei, please rest first, I'll stay by myself for a while!"

Chen Ping directly activated the "Sacrifice" talent, which tripled all attribute bonuses. Now, the most important thing for him is agility, which allows him to move faster and prevent zombies from approaching Aaliya.

"Master, you are really too strong!"

"If heaven does not give birth to a master, the universe will be like a dark night𫝨!"

"My master has the qualifications of a great emperor!"

"My Lord is the Emperor of Heaven, suppressing all enemies in the world!"

"Holding the sun, moon and stars in your hand, there is no one like me in the world!"

"Master, I'm sleepy, let's take a nap first!"

After Xiao Hei waving flags and shouting, he suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep directly on Aria's head.

"Xiao Hei!"


"Xiao Hei, help me guard the wave again!"


Chen Ping was speechless for a moment, feeling that this little black guy was really unreliable.

However, it has been guarding for half an hour, which is considered the most violent time of the zombie attack, and now it is a little more relaxed.

Of course, if Chen Ping were to guard it by himself, he would still have to make "sacrifice" frequently, otherwise it would be easy for zombies to get close to Aaliya.

"Advanced Life Potion!"

"Intermediate life potion!"

While Chen Ping was saving the zombies, he was taking the life potion from the scarlet wheel and engaged in a sustainable battle.

As time goes by, Chen Ping has begun to subconsciously defend, and the number of times the "Sacrifice" talent is activated has become much less. Occasionally, he can use the "Rapid" in the Mechanical Wings, which is enough to deal with these zombies. This only burns 㯎years of life.

The night passed in the blink of an eye, and there were fewer and fewer zombies. The strong tiredness and fatigue could no longer be resisted by medicine and willpower.

"Phew! I slept so well!" Xiao Hei shook his wings and twisted his body.

"Master, I'm here!"

"Can you hold on by yourself?" Chen Ping asked.

"Um... maybe, maybe, probably, I can't keep it..."

"Hey? Master, why did you fall asleep?"

"I said I might not be able to keep it 𫝨!"

"The life of an insect is hard. I have no choice but to meet such an unreliable master. Who makes me want to be a good and loyal insect?"

After a night's rest, Xiao Hei has returned to his peak state.

Moreover, after these two days of fighting, Xiao Hei felt that his strength had become better, and he was now at the fourth level, which was very stable.

There were not as many zombies around as last night. Xiao Hei was able to fight alone with ease.

"There is no way, she is so powerful, I am the king of the Zerg tribe!"

At the entrance of the valley, the two Keher sisters were looking worriedly into the depths of the valley.

"The number of undead seems to be decreasing rapidly!" Kehel was a little surprised.

"I believe that the upright and kind-hearted warrior will definitely bring light to the Forest of Dawn!" Krall said firmly.

"I do feel that he is very special!"

"Sister, if I didn't have him, I would have made a big mistake. He is my benefactor. If it's okay, I want to follow this warrior and go to another world to experience!" Krall said softly.

"Are you leaving the Forest of Dawn?"

"Our mentor once said that if you want to become a truly powerful Master Mian, you must go through the test and temper of life and death. In the Forest of Geng Liming, I will never become stronger!" Krall continued.

Kehel frowned slightly: "Do you want to become stronger? Or have you fallen in love with that warrior?"

"Sister, 嬔..."

"I think the princess seems to have fallen in love, ꌨꌨ, or..."

"Sister, I just need to be with Warrior Geng. There is no requirement to stay with him!" Krall said.

"ꌨꌨ, why is this so troublesome... um..."

"What's wrong sister?"

"I, my chest suddenly hurts!" Kehel was suddenly sweating profusely, curled up and squatted on the ground.

"What...what should I do?" Krall panicked.

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