In the early morning, the Scarlet Wilderness was silent, but the Ironwood Camp was already noisy.

A country cannot live without a military commander for a day, and a camp cannot live without a camp commander for a day.

The former battalion commander Sun Mu "committed suicide". Normally, the most powerful deputy battalion commander Sui Yue should take over, but Sui Yue directly announced that he would not participate in the election.

In the Tiemu camp, deputy battalion commander Zhao Qiang and the captain of the three wilderness hunting teams are the most competitive.

In terms of strength and prestige, Mazi should have been the battalion commander.

However, after voting, the former deputy battalion commander Zhao Qiang prevailed over everyone and became the third battalion commander of Tiemu Camp.

For Chen Ping, this is just an inconsequential incident.

The Jincheng auction in Jubao Pavilion will start the day after tomorrow. After Zhao Qiang became the battalion commander, the person leading the team turned into a pockmark.

At midnight, an armored vehicle slowly drove out of the Ironwood Camp.

"You guys thought you wouldn't have to go if the battalion commander was changed, but not only did you go, but you also took me with you!" Mazi complained while sitting in the carriage.

"Damn it, I didn't even eat!" Li Shan touched his stomach with one hand.

Zhao Qiang became the new battalion commander, and the camp was extremely busy. Mazi and others only took some food and left in a hurry.

"I heard that the food manager at Jubao Pavilion is pretty good!" Ye Shengge said.

"That's for others. Let's go. It's good to give two 㵩豆!"

When Duan Zixuan was talking, he suddenly noticed the person next to Chen Ping, who was wrapped in a black robe.

In order to avoid attracting attention, Chen Ping put two robes on Xiao Sui, the red robe worn by Sui Yue on the inside, and the black robe he asked for from Mazi on the outside.

" Sister? Why haven't you spoken?" Duan Zixuan was very curious about Xiaowen.

"Going to the auction this time is also very dangerous, but we are mutually..."

Chen Ping, who had closed his eyes to rest, suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at Duan Zixuan.

In an instant, the temperature in this compartment seemed to reach freezing point.

"Hehe..." Duan Zixuan grinned, which was far uglier than when he was crying.

"Dong...Brother Dong, I won't talk anymore!"

The carriage instantly became quiet.

Three hours later, it was past five o'clock and the sun was setting.

"Next, there are two routes. One is to go directly to the Jubao Pavilion in Jincheng. There will be a safe place to rest there, but it can't be reached until one or two in the morning. This night road may not be peaceful!"

"The second is to go to Chenxi Camp. Although Chenxi Camp was destroyed by the beast tide, there is still no problem in using it as a rest area. We will rest there for one night and set off early tomorrow morning. We will be able to reach the Treasure Pavilion in Jincheng in the middle of the day!"

Mazi clicked on the scarlet bracelet, and a map was projected into the void. Two red lines represented two different routes.

In the past, Mazi never asked for anyone's opinion when leading the team. He decided all actions by himself and then assigned tasks to the team members.

But now, most actions need to be discussed by everyone.

Scarlet Momo, strength means everything.

Mazi is the captain of the team, but he is not the strongest person.

Whether it is Chen Ping, Xue Na, or the duo of Duan Zixuan and Ye Shengge, who are working together more and more tacitly, in terms of combat ability, 任 completely surpasses Mazi.

It was very quiet in the compartment of the armored vehicle.


A slight snore sounded slowly, and everyone turned their attention to the man wrapped in a black robe next to Chen Ping.

Gui never said a word from beginning to end, and no one could see her face clearly.

Mazi and others felt very strange, but with Chen Ping beside Gui, no one dared to test her.

"Ahem!" Chen Ping cleared his throat, and Li Xin attracted everyone's attention.

He has become the real core of the team. Mazi seeks everyone's opinions. In fact, he is waiting for Chen Ping to speak.

Chen Ping's plan was to go directly to the Jubao Pavilion in Jincheng.

First of all, due to his strength, he is not worried about the nocturnal scarlet beast.

Secondly, Chen Pingli had never participated in this kind of auction before. He needed to familiarize himself with it in advance so that if an unexpected situation occurred, he could have a prepared plan and an evacuation route.

Finally, he wanted to investigate the list of people participating in the auction. He still had a deal with Sui Yue.

Five bottles of intermediate life potion can provide a life span of 150 years. That Blood Demon Lord is Chen Ping's most important goal during this trip!

"Morning Camp..."

Chen Ping looked at the void screen and frowned slightly.

"Do you know the Lin family's schedule to attend the Jubao Pavilion auction?"

With Mazi's identity, he most likely wouldn't know about something like this, so Chen Ping asked casually.

"They set off yesterday and rested for one night at Lili Community. They will almost arrive at Chenxi Camp tonight and head to Jincheng tomorrow morning!"

"How did you know?" Chen Ping was a little surprised.

"I went to Yunmengze a few days ago and met a friend in the camp who I knew before the arrival of the Scarlet Doom. He is doing better than me now and is a member of the eighth team of Yunmengze!"

"He told me that this time the Lin family sent Lin Tianze to attend the auction, and Team 8 was responsible for escorting him. This route has been decided a long time ago!" Mazi replied.

Normally, this is an absolute secret.

However, it is now the early days of the Scarlet Age, and various forces are doing their best to stabilize their own territories, and cooperation is greater than competition.

When the threat of the scarlet beast is reduced, it will be time for various forces to fight for living space and resources.

Just like the Lin family and the Chen family, although they were on guard against each other, and even killed each other.

But no one took action, and it was impossible to take action in a short time.

Whoever took action first would destroy the unity of mankind. How could they win over the strong in the future?

The biggest danger to the Lin family's convoy still came from the scarlet beast.

Moreover, if the itinerary was announced, someone might go to support them if they encountered danger on the road.

The Lin family seemed to be more generous than the Chen family.

Lin Tianze was one of the core figures of the Lin family. If he could be saved, it would really be a step to heaven.

Therefore, no one deliberately concealed this information.

"Are you sure this information is accurate?" Chen Ping asked in a deep voice.

"As long as they don't have any accidents on the road, they will definitely rest in the two places of Liquor Community and Chenxi Camp!" Ma Zi nodded.

The journey from the Lin family to Jincheng is long. Even if their vehicles are more powerful, it will take two and a half days.

Lin Tianze is a very important person. In order to ensure safety and preserve strength, he must not travel at night.

There are many camps and resting points along the way. If you want to arrange your time well, these two places are the best choices.

"The Tiemu Camp is now affiliated with the Lin family. Since we know that the Lin family will rest in the Dawn Camp, as a vassal, we should naturally go there, maybe we can help!" Chen Ping said meaningfully.

"Well, Dongzi makes sense, then let's go to the Dawn Camp to rest tonight!" Ma Zi nodded, without any doubt about Chen Ping's words.

Others, except Xue Na, did not find any problems with Chen Ping's words.

"He won't... kill again?" Xue Na was a little worried.

That's a member of the Lin family, and a core figure. If the Lin family knows about it, the consequences will be really disastrous!

Chen Ping was expressionless and closed his eyes to rest.

Chen Ping was very familiar with Lin Tianze.

He is Lin Ruoyun's cousin. He is not strong, but he is good at calculation and is one of the think tanks of the Lin family.

Before his death, Chen Ping did not have much contact with him.

Once, Chen Ping was about to enter the Scarlet Secret Realm, but Lin Tianze withheld Chen Ping's supplies and did some tricks.

At that time, Chen Ping found the problem, but time was urgent. Other forces had already entered the secret realm. It was also this time that Chen Ping almost starved to death in the secret realm.

Chen Ping was going to participate in the auction this time. He only had a few hundred red turntables in his hand. He felt very tight and planned to "borrow" some from Lin Tianze.

"For the sake of Lin Ruoyun, Lin Tianze should not refuse me!"

Chen Ping thought to himself.

"Captain, there are still five minutes to arrive at the Dawn Camp!"

Jiang Xin, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, reported to Ma Zi.

"Stop the car!" Ma Zi replied.

The armored vehicle slowly stopped, and Ma Zi used his bracelet again to project a map in the void.

"This is the topographic map around the Dawn Camp. Tonight, at least three forces will rest in the Dawn Camp. If an accident occurs, we will retreat from this route!"

"Shan Zi, Xiao Duan, you stay here tonight. If an accident really occurs, we must ensure that our retreat is unobstructed!"

"In addition, although the Dawn Camp is gone, there are many lone wolves and wilderness wanderers gathered around. They are sometimes more dangerous than scarlet beasts!"

"Normally, the Lin family has arrived. That Lin Tianze is a petty person, and Dongzi is steady in doing things. I, Dongzi, will go and say hello to the Lin family!"

"Xue Na, you know this place best. You can choose the specific resting place!"

"The rest of the people, all follow Xue Na's arrangements. After arriving at the resting place, send me, Dongzi, a location!"


After making a simple arrangement, Ma Zi made a gesture.

Then, Li Shan and Duan Zixuan got off the car first and went to the designated location.

Xue Na went to the cockpit and drove the armored vehicle.

The armored vehicle drove slowly for about three minutes and stopped again. Ma Zi and Chen Ping also got off the car.

"The only force that needs to rest in the Dawn Camp is the Lin family. The Chen family and the Dark Raven Camp are the closest to Jincheng and will not pass through the Dawn Camp!"

"I guess they should rest in the most central location!"

Ma Zi looked at the map projected in the void.

"Yes, they are here!" Chen Ping nodded firmly.

"Man, there are so many people here!"

Xiao Hei's thoughts came back.

After it was upgraded to level three, the distance for receiving thoughts can reach about five kilometers.

When Li Shan and the others got off the car, Chen Ping let Xiao Hei out and let it explore the way first.

"It would be great if the thoughts could send back the picture!" Chen Ping was still a little dissatisfied.

"Are you sure the Lin family is there?" Ma Zi was slightly stunned, not knowing why Chen Ping was so sure.

"Well, let's go!" Chen Ping nodded and took the lead.

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