"Brother, the people above are coming down!"

"Third brother, get ready. I originally wanted to let them go, but if I have to come to die, I can only give them a ride!"

"Boss, there are nine of them and we only have three. Our chances of winning are not good!"

"What are you afraid of? If we are in front, we really don't have much chance of winning, but this is our home court!"

"Actually, they should have launched a sneak attack while they were resting up there just now!"

"In the past half month, we have killed four or five waves of people. Our cooperation has become flawless!"

"The clothes are so flawless. What kind of strength did the people have before? Just by looking at their equipment, you can tell that these people are not ordinary characters. Are the three of us looking for death when we take action on them?"

"Brother, there are only three people coming down. One is holding a pistol, one is holding a compound bow, and the other is empty-handed. He is a man!"

"This idiot actually acted separately. If he doesn't take the path in the hall, he will break in without a door to hell!"

"Brother, I just observed that there are two girls in their team, and one of them looks like a fairy..."

"Tell me, we haven't eaten meat for a long time, and we will be happy when the time comes!"

In the invisible space, the three people laughed extremely obscenely.


As soon as Chen Ping said the word, Ye Shengge's faint blue flame clung to the muzzle of Chen Ping's pistol.


A bullet hit the debris at the corner.


The stacked debris burned instantly and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

"Qixuan, you stay up there!"

"Brother Dong... But... hurry up, I'm a little afraid of the dark..." Duan Xuan held the compound bow and looked around with trepidation.

Chen Ping touched an iron rod at the corner of the stairs.

Ye Shengge thought, and the faint blue flame appeared again, attached to the iron rod in Chen Ping's hand.

By the light of the "torch", the two of them carefully reached the second underground floor.


A black shadow flashed past, and Chen Ping pulled the trigger of his pistol reflexively.

Immediately afterwards, a column of blood spurted out, and the person who attacked Chen Ping turned into a corpse.

"Brother, brother, please spare my life!"



Not far away, the other two people who were about to take action knelt directly on the ground.

Chen Ping frowned slightly, raised the "torch" in his hand, and saw clearly the appearance of the two of them.

The clothes were ragged, and pieces of cloth hung on the body, exposing many parts of the skin. The skin was also covered with scars and dirt, some were scabbed, and some were still oozing pus, exuding a disgusting smell.

Their hands were even more horrible to look at. Their fingernails were filled with mud and unknown objects. Their finger joints were thick and covered with thick calluses and scars, which were the marks left by countless battles with death.

One held a rifle and the other held a hammer, and now they threw all the weapons on the ground.

"Is there any food?" Chen Ping was too lazy to ask other nonsense.

"Yes! Yes!"

"After this disaster happened, the three of us hid in this basement and never went out. You were so generous and spared our lives. The food I saved is all in a room, all for you!"

A man kowtows like pounding garlic, and the blood and flesh on his forehead are blurred.

Chen Ping nodded: "Food is given to us, but you will probably starve to death. It will be very painful!"


After waiting for Bai Ren to finish speaking, Chen Ping fired twice, relieving their pain.

"Go and search, be careful of scams!"

Chen Ping looked at a door on the right.

"Hey!" Ye Shengge nodded and walked over carefully.

Chen Ping bent over and squatted on the ground, enduring the stench of his buttocks, and rolled over the three of them.

"You guys are so lucky!"

Chen Ping turned out more than forty white turntables, two green turntables, and most importantly, two scarlet coins.

In the early days of the Scarlet Apocalypse, the explosion rate of scarlet coins was extremely low. Chen Ping had already killed two third-level scarlet beasts and nearly a thousand second-level scarlet beasts, but only got a dozen scarlet coins.

"Holy crap! It's developed!"

Ye Shengge shouted excitedly.

Chen Ping put the found items into the space stone and walked towards his room.

"What's wrong?"

"Brother Dong, look at so much food!"

On the floor of the room, there was a mountain of food piled up, and there were three shelves on the two walls, also filled with cans and soda.

"Report to the captain that food was found on the second floor!"

Chen Ping reported to Maya without emotion.

"Food?" Ma Qi was very interested. After all, they had searched this place not long ago.

"Bring it with you!"

"There are many, we may need to send a few people down!"

"This...hey, send Jiang Cheng and Jiang Xin over now!"

Listening to Chen Ping's tone, Ma Ba thought it was just a few bags of food.

But now it seems that this may be enough for a few people to eat for a while.


"Brother Dong, what's wrong?"

"Burn them!"

"Uh... aren't they dead?"

"Prevent them from resurrecting!"

When Brother Jiang Cheng arrived at the second underground floor, they found three corpses, not even ashes left.

"So much food?"

Jiang Cheng froze on the spot for a while, even more shocked than Ye Shengge. After all, his strength could only be regarded as a middle-to-lower level in the camp, and he was a cannon fodder with slightly higher abilities.

If it weren't for the beast tide, they would have only beans as food until they died.

Seeing so many packaged foods at once, it was hard to suppress the excitement in my heart.

"Find two larger pieces of cloth and carry these foods to the underground floor!" Chen Ping commanded.

When they met up with Ma Cheng again, Xue Na had searched the remaining area and found nothing.

Finally, several people worked together to clean up the gravel and cement at the entrance.

It was not until the evening that the entrance was reopened.

"The car is gone!"

Duan Xuanxuan looked around. The football field was in a mess. Their armored vehicles and motorcycles were nowhere to be seen.

"Captain, should we return to the camp, or... continue to move forward?" Li Shan looked at Ma Cheng.

"Return to the camp and walk for two days. The food we have now is enough for us to consume for a month. The only problem is that the distance is far and the possibility of danger is very high!"

"Keep going forward and walk for about a day. The rest area is a second-hand car parking lot. If you are lucky, you can find a car that can be driven!"

"This distance is shorter and the risk is also smaller."

"Xiaodong, Xuena, what do you think?"

After explaining the pros and cons, Ma asked the two deputy captains for advice.

"Returning to the camp now means completely giving up the Lin family's mission." Xuena frowned slightly.

"I suggest we keep going. According to the information from the previous exploration, we have not found any Level 2 scarlet beasts between here and the rest area, so it will be safer."

"In addition, out of selfishness, I must participate in this mission. If everyone decides to give up, I will go alone."

After Chen Ping finished speaking, Su Xixi also nodded and said, "I must go too!"

"Me too!" Xue Na echoed expressionlessly.

"In that case, let's keep going!" Ma made the final decision.

"I have another suggestion. The team is divided into two groups. The faster ones carry half a day's rations and move forward at full speed. The slower ones carry the food and follow behind."

"The people in front can explore the way and warn the rear."

"There is so much food here. If we want to take the food with us, our speed will inevitably be affected."

"The group that arrives at the next rest area first will immediately search for a drivable vehicle and return to meet the group behind, which can also save time!"

Chen Ping analyzed.

"Well, just follow what Xiaodong said and start grouping now!" Ma Yu nodded.

After some screening, everyone found that in terms of agility and endurance, Xue Na ranked first and Chen Ping ranked second, and the gap between the two was higher than others.

Chen Ping falsely reported one point, and the data of the other two was only two points lower than Xue Na.

Finally, Chen Ping and Xue Na went to the next rest point as the vanguard group, and Ma Yu and others followed behind with supplies.

"It's getting late, let's take a rest first, and we'll set off early tomorrow!"

Ma Ping said to everyone after making a plan.

There are more than a dozen independent small rooms on the first floor of the basement, enough for several people to rest.

Everyone rests for seven hours, and then all men take turns to keep watch for one hour.

The rest of the people went to rest, and Chen Ping stood at the entrance and took out the turntables found on the three people on the second floor of the basement.



Chen Ping carefully checked all the scarlet turntables, and there were only two green-quality scarlet turntables, which were okay.

"Please specify the reward items!"

A familiar voice rang in Chen Ping's ears.

1. Compressed biscuits!

2. Primary scarlet bracelet!

3. Primary strength potion!

4. USB flash memory disk! (Contains 1TB of seeds)

5. Gender conversion potion!

6. Hyaluronic acid lubricant!

7. Intermediate life potion!

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