The setting sun reflects the distant mountains red.

The air was filled with the smell of blood.

Datan was completely stained red with blood, and the horrifying broken limbs and arms could be seen everywhere.

Countless scarlet worms were sucking the blood that had not yet dried up.

This is the real purgatory!

And a lonely figure is walking forward silently.

In his arms, the pitch-black insect kept trembling its tentacles, looking very excited.

This kind of environment is what it likes most.

If it wasn't controlled by that person, this insect would have wandered in the "sea of ​​blood" long ago.

"Fire wolf?"

Chen Ping paused, stopped and looked into the distance, vaguely seeing the appearance of the level three ferocious beast.

"He should be the leader of the Fierce Fire Wolf, but why does he live here alone?"

Chen Ping was a little confused, and at the same time he began to try his best to recall his past life.

I remember, not long after entering the Lin family, I got the news that the Chen family had killed the third-level scarlet beast.

Subsequently, an extremely terrifying beast tide occurred in Binhaitan District.

In the impact of this beast tide, 90% of the first-level camps in Binhai District were completely wiped out, and two of the three second-level camps were also destroyed.

Fortunately, the Chen family's background was strong enough, and with the help of Chen An's talent, he recovered in a short time.

"Are you...Chen...Chen Ping?"

Chen Ping was reminiscing when a weak voice came from beside him.

He turned around and looked, and among the pile of corpses, a man with some bruises and flesh was struggling desperately.

Another person might not be able to recognize him, but for Chen Ping, he would not admit his mistake even if that person turned into ashes.

"Chen Yingwu, it seems that we are really destined to meet here!"

A hint of a smile appeared on Chen Ping's lips, he walked slowly to Chen Yingwu and squatted down.

"Brother Chen, Brother Chen! I was wrong, I shouldn't have been cruel to you, was you who forced me to do this. I will always be loyal to you!"

Chen Yingwu stretched out his hand with difficulty and scratched Chen Ping's calf.

"Brother Chen! Please save me! From now on, I will be your bull and a horse, Chen...Brother Chen!"

Chen Yingwu begged hard, but Chen Ping never asked, and just looked at him indifferently, as if looking at a dead person.

"Brother Chen, I have a huge secret, it's...about your life experience!"

Chen Yingwu seemed to have thought of a life-saving straw and said quickly.

Chen Ping reached into his underwear, took out a small black insect, and placed it on Chen Yingwu's hand.

"Brother Chen, you are actually not Chen Zhaode's flesh and blood. When Aunt He found Chen Zhaode, you were already pregnant!"

"Brother Chen, Brother Chen, this is true. The Chen family knows about this. Last time Chen An was drunk and spilled the beans, I didn't know about it!"

"And... Aunt He's death is also related to the Chen family..."

"Brother Chen, Brother Chen...ah!"

The heartbreaking pain made Chen Yingwu unable to speak a complete sentence anymore.

His body shriveled up quickly, but his last breath remained and was not extinguished.

Chen Yingwu opened his mouth, unable to make any sound. His withered hand scraped Chen Ping's calf tightly, his eyes full of disbelief.

He felt that he was the person who understood Chen Ping best. With Chen Ping's character, even if he had done something wrong, he would be forgiven as long as he sincerely repented.

Although he once treated Chen Pingqing cruelly, Chen Ping was not dead and was still alive and well.

If it weren't for him, Chen Ping might still be kept in the dark and would either be used by the Chen family or killed by the Chen family.

Chen Yingwu couldn't understand why a person became so fast. How could a good man like Chen Ping be so cold-blooded?


Chen Yingwu's eyes widened and rolled out of his dry eye sockets, and he completely lost his breath.

Chen Ping stood up slowly, lightly stamped his feet, and shook off Chen Yingwu's withered hands.

There was no change in Qi's expression, and he could not see any emotion or anger. He just looked at the third-level scarlet beast in the distance.

Before, Chen Ping didn't know anything about his life experience. If he had put it before his rebirth, he might have been sad or angry, and he would have been eager to know who his father was and why the Chen family targeted him in this way.

But now, the reborn Qi doesn't care about all this.

Eyesight, the most important thing is to be alive. No matter how much the dead know, there is no sycophancy.

Qi's life span is only nine days. It is impossible for Chen An to obtain Qi's life potion, and it may not be too late to hunt the second-level scarlet beast by himself.

The simplest and most effective way is to deal with the Level 3 Fire Fierce Wolf.

As for other matters, his own life experience, and the matter of revenge for himself and his mother against the Chen family, he needs to wait until he is strong enough to resolve it slowly.

In the distance, the bare mountains are eating the sun.

A breeze blew by, making the bloody atmosphere around him even stronger.


The level three sharp fire ferocious wolf looked up to the sky and howled, and the sound seemed a little sad.

Five meters away from it, Chen Ping stopped.

The Lihuo Fierce Wolf noticed Chen Ping a few minutes ago, but did not take the initiative to attack.

"It seems that these people have also caused a lot of harm to you!"

Looking at the scarred Lihuo Ferocious Wolf, Chen Ping frowned slightly.

Normally, today's "rabble" would have a very difficult time dealing with the Level 2 Scarlet Beast. It would be a fool's errand to harm the Level 3 Fire Fierce Wolf!

Keli Fire Fierce Wolf was indeed injured.


The fierce fierce wolf howled again and staggered to its feet.

Its fur had long lost its luster, but it was still emitting a faint red light, which looked quite strange.

"Could it be... it is trying to reach level 4?"

Chen Ping's heart tightened.

After humans reach the gold level, they have to pass the "test" of the scarlet cabin every time they reach the next level. The process is extremely dangerous, and the probability of failure increases with the level.

If scarlet beasts above level 3 want to continue to upgrade, they must also undergo tests, and this test comes from the scarlet mist. They must endure the erosion of the scarlet mist in exchange for more powerful power.

The upper limit of the alien insect is level 3, but because a single alien insect cannot withstand the "test" of the scarlet mist at all, they simply give up the promotion and freeze the level to level 3.

"No wonder the Chen family fought so hard to kill you, and the Lin family also chose to cooperate with the Chen family."

"The third-level scarlet beast is the ceiling now. If you upgrade to the fourth level, there may be no place for humans to survive in the entire Binhai!"

Chen Ping shook his head.

However, even if the third-level scarlet beast failed to upgrade and was seriously injured, it was far beyond Chen Ping's ability to match.

"Xiao Hei, life or death, depends on this time!"

Chen Ping let Xiao Hei go, and he took five primary potions in succession, all the states were fully replenished, and the small pistol was also tightly held in his hand.


The scarlet beast that reaches the fourth level will have a preliminary understanding of human intelligence, and the failed third-level sharp fire wolf in front of him seems to have opened up a little.

Chen Ping read a message from the sound just now.

"If I die, all the humans in this area will be buried with me!"

"That's great, I don't have to go to the Chen family for revenge!"

Chen Ping took the lead in attacking, and shot bullets at the wound of the Sharp Fire Wolf.

With Chen Ping's current strength, he could not break the defense of the third-level scarlet beast.

However, as long as the opponent's wound is attacked, considerable damage can be caused.

In addition, weapons upgraded with scarlet coins, in addition to upgrading the quality, will also have additional strengthening effects, and the intensity of the attack is higher.

After suffering continuous attacks, the Sharp Fire Wolf finally couldn't help but rush towards Chen Ping.

At this time, Xiao Hei also drilled into the body of the Sharp Fire Wolf from the wound.

Seeing the Sharp Fire Wolf running over, Chen Ping stopped attacking and began to move frantically.

Chen Ping, who had won the competitive game championship for three consecutive years, was familiar with the routine of "flying the kite".

Every time, he accurately judged the attack direction of the Sharp Fire Wolf and dodged in time.

Of course, the most important thing is the bottles of primary potions, especially the primary agility potion.


No one can maintain the best concentration for a long time in a highly tense situation.

Chen Ping was still hit on the back by the claws of the Sharp Fire Wolf.


The silk armor made of blood spider silk was directly cut.

Fortunately, there was this silk armor to block it, otherwise Chen Ping would be shattered to pieces with just this one blow.

Enduring the severe pain, Chen Ping continued to turn and move.

A full minute seemed to have passed for a century.

The speed of the Sharp Fire Wolf gradually slowed down, and Chen Ping also got a breath.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

Take advantage of its illness to kill it.

Chen Ping immediately started a counterattack.

The firearms drawn from the turntable are unlimited bullets.

Chen Ping drank a bottle of violent potion. The finger that pulled the trigger was already bloody and even the arm holding the gun was completely numb.


The fierce fire wolf staggered back a few steps, and finally stood up suddenly and let out a final howl.

That voice was sad, tragic, and full of unwillingness and resentment.


In the distance, countless wolf howls sounded one after another, as if responding.


The third-level fierce fire wolf fell heavily, and the big legs of the feet trembled.

Chen Ping immediately dragged half of his unconscious body and moved in front of the fierce fire wolf.

A green turntable, five scarlet coins.

Just as he was about to bend down to pick it up, he suddenly felt that his whole body was full of strength, and the wounds on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.


After Chen Ping was reborn, his face showed excitement for the first time.

My life span also became one year and nine days.

Without any hesitation, he immediately took out the two green turntables in his pocket.

He cut his finger and pressed the center of the turntable.

A cold electronic synthesized voice sounded: "Please specify the reward item!"

1. Heavy motorcycle!

2. Refined short knife

3. Sharp long sword

4. Primary compound bow

5. Advanced life potion! (five years)

6. Intermediate vehicle talent!


"Advanced life potion!"

After Chen Ping finished speaking, the pointer of the turntable began to rotate rapidly, and finally, without any suspense, it stopped at the advanced life potion.

Using one year of life to exchange for five years of life, Chen Ping's sense of urgency about insufficient life span was relieved.


Chen Ping took out the second green quality turntable.

One of the things inside is not less valuable than the advanced life potion!

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