A specially-made armored vehicle from Ironwood Camp slowly drove out of the camp.

"Brother Dong, do you have any more primary strength potions?" Su Xixi asked behind Chen Gan, sitting in the back row of the cockpit.

There were five people in the armored vehicle, and the cockpit was so crowded that it could barely accommodate five people. Chen Gan drove the armored vehicle, Xue Na sat in the passenger seat, and Xiaobai, Aaliya, and Su Xixi sat in the passenger seat. Back row.

As for the armored vehicle's compartment, it was completely empty.

"Primary strength potion? No more. If you need it, I'll make a few bottles for you!"

"Thank you, Brother Dong! I've been gone for a long time..."

“Next time if it’s not available, just ask for it directly from me!”


"Is this thing really that delicious?" Chen Gan still didn't understand.

"It's just...it left such a deep memory in me!" Su Xixi suddenly felt sad.

"Although many memories are blurred, Sissi has not forgotten anything about Mother Wu. When I was a child, Mother Wu often gave me a very sweet fruit to eat. At first, I was not very willing to eat it, but Mother Wu He said it was good for my health, so he kept forcing me to eat it..."

"One day, when the witch mother went to pick fruits, she was bitten by a two-headed black snake... At that time, my strength was not sealed, so I went directly to kill the two-headed black snake. Later, the snake scales returned I exchanged primary strength potions with Brother Dong!" Su Xixi said to herself.

"What happened next?" Aaliya was a little fascinated and asked subconsciously.

"The witch mother said, 𫜒䀜She...she didn't have much life left. She really couldn't bear to worry about me, so she only managed to hold on for five years. She used her last life to make a prophecy, and then gave me a sachet, and then... ...and left!”


Two drops of crystal tears slid down Su Xixi's cheeks.

"Uuuuuuuuah... don't... cry!" Xiaobai came to Su Xixi and hugged her.

The air inside the car also became a little dull.

"Everything is over, everything... will be fine!" Aaliya was not good at comforting others, but she still patted Su Sixi on the shoulder.

Just when Chen Gan was about to speak and say a few words of comfort, Xiao Hei's thoughts came to him.

"Yuren, after they attacked a camp, they captured many people alive. A small group of Zhenheilong escorted those people to the north, while the rest continued to go south!"

While Chen Gan and others were still on the road, Xiao Hei found the black dragons.

Normally, Chen Gan should have two armies, but there are too few people now, and the strength of those black dragons is not weak.

Chen Gan opened the scarlet bracelet and called up the nearby terrain map.

Directly changing direction, the armored vehicle headed north. It drove rapidly for more than half an hour before slowly stopping.

This is a canyon that looks like a canyon from a distance, split in the middle. Moreover, the canyon is very wide, and more than a dozen vehicles can pass through it easily.

The Black Dragon team wants to return to the Lin family camp. This is the shortest route.

"Xiao Hei, how many black dragons are there in that team? What is their strength level, and how long will it take to arrive?" After Chen Gan got out of the car, he immediately contacted Xiao Hei with his mind.

"Fifteen black dragons are all level four. At the current speed, they can reach you in ten minutes!" Xiao Hei replied.

With Xiao Hei's strength, it is not too difficult to deal with fifteen black dragons.

But if these black dragons want to escape, Xiao Hei is not sure to keep them all.

Even Chen Gan can kill these black dragons, but if they insist on running away, they may not be able to completely stop them. At least three or four of them can run away.

Su Qianqian came up with Chen Gan's idea.

"Brother Dong, I'm going to block the canyon exit!"

Chen Gan shook his head: "The canyon is too wide, and the black dragons can fly. If they flee in all directions, it will be almost impossible to catch them!"

"Brother Chen, I can set up a barrier in advance to block them for a period of time. Although it won't be too long, it should be enough for you to destroy them!" Aaliya also got out of the car.

"How long will it take to complete the arrangement?"

"About five minutes, but we need ten magic stones!"

"Here!" Chen Gan took out the magic stone and handed it to Aaliya without any hesitation.

"Xue Na, hide the car. Sissi, take Xiaobai and follow me. Xue Na will follow soon!"

"Understood!" The two women responded and took action.

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes passed, and Chen Gan was standing under a giant tree on the top of the mountain, using the blood of the scarlet beast to draw a formation pattern on the ground.

Aria, dripping with sweat, also climbed to the top: "The magic circle has been arranged. As long as the magic dragon reaches the entrance of the canyon, it will trigger the barrier. At that time, their range of activities will be restricted to the narrow canyon. !”

"Approximately how long can it last?"

"At three o'clock!" Aaliya predicted.

"Almost!" Chen Gan nodded.

In three minutes, even with Xiao Hei's full cooperation, it is unlikely to kill fifteen black dragons, but killing eight or nine is not a big problem. Even if the remaining few run away, Chen Gan can catch up.

He now only has more than fifty years left to live, and he still has several bottles of high-level and intermediate-level life potions in his hand, but they are reserved for critical moments to save lives.

Therefore, he would not easily activate "sacrifice" again unless absolutely necessary.

This time, he wanted to try if he could kill fifteen level four black dragons without turning on "Sacrifice".

"Here they come!" Xue Na looked into the distance. She had the "Eagle Eye" talent bonus. Even without using the telescope of the sniper rifle, her vision was dozens of times better than that of an ordinary person.

The five black dragons were in the lead, and there were five more black dragons at the end of the team. The rest were responsible for supervising the marching team.

All the captives were sitting in the transport vehicles. There were more than a dozen transport vehicles, at least four or five hundred people.

"Xiao Hei, you will deal with the five black dragons behind. Leave the remaining ten to me. When they enter the canyon, you will attack them directly!"

"No problem!"

The team escorted by the black dragons walked into the canyon in a mighty manner.


The leading black dragon paused, as if he had hit a barrier, but there was no barrier in front of him.


When the black dragon was looking around vigilantly, a black shadow flashed behind him, followed by a flash of a knife.

Xiao Hei's Tiangang sword dance became more and more proficient, and he could deal with five black dragons at the same time with ease.

Chen took a deep breath, waved his hand, and showed his fire knife.

The fierce dragon slash requires sufficient jumping ability, jumping into the air, and then diving with all his strength to cause enough damage.

Chen is not proficient yet, and the height of his jump is not enough.

But if he jumps from the top of the sky, the height is enough, but when he lands, he may die together.

Chen has mechanical wings, so there is no need to worry.

"I'll use you to practice!"

Chen jumped up and jumped directly.

"Ah? Brother Dong!" Seeing Chen jump down, Su Xixi wanted to rush up and grab Chen, and even Alia didn't care about her own safety and went forward to grab a handful, but she grabbed nothing.

"Woo woo woo!" Xiaobai was also anxious.

Only Xue Na aimed her sniper rifle at the black dragon below, waiting for Chen to break their defense first.

She had an almost blind trust in Chen's strength.


Like a cannonball, Chen landed on a black dragon, and the sharp fire knife directly cut off the black dragon's spine.

"This fierce dragon slash is so strong!"

Chen was somewhat surprised. This was the most perfect performance he had ever performed since he learned it, but he only exerted one tenth or two tenths of the strength of this skill.

Without using "sacrifice", Chen spent three or four minutes to kill seven black dragons. If the effect of the black plague suit was activated four or five times, his efficiency would have doubled.

Xiao Hei was at the back of the team and killed three black dragons.

Of the remaining five black dragons, two were injured and three flapped their wings and flew away.

"My dear, leave the other three to me!" Xiao Hei volunteered for the first time, so actively.

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