In the conference room, everyone looked at Wang Donglai.

Wang Donglai knocked on the table and then continued.

“This oolong, we didn’t figure out the details of Han Tang’s person, of course, this problem is mine.”

“I don’t shirk responsibility for this.”

“But in the past, some things cannot be relaxed.”

“In the eyes of our police officers, we can’t blame a good person, let alone spare a bad person.”

“Through today’s interrogation, and the video you just saw.”

“I think it is necessary to conduct a detailed study of Han Tang.”

After speaking, Wang Dong glanced at everyone.

Seeing that everyone did not express an opinion, he continued.

“Of course, our next step is to investigate Han Tang, but there is one thing everyone should remember.”

“Our investigation must not interfere with Han Tang’s life.”

“That is, undercover investigation.”

“And we can’t let Han Tang find out, we are investigating him.”

“So now I absolutely, by the city bureau and the Baiqiao District Police Station.”

“Set up an investigation team to observe Han Tang’s every move.”

“You don’t need to listen, you just need to know where he goes and what he does every day.”

“I want to make an important point here.”

Female police officer Shen Nianyun was slightly moved.

Originally, she did not disdain to keep an eye on this kind of work.

But after meeting Han Tang, especially after Han Tang showed the two sides of a murderer and a swinger in front of her, he was even more curious about Han Tang.

Wang Dong glanced at the police officer below and continued.

“What we want to focus on investigating is not the trivial matters of him eating and eating and eating toilets.”

“Instead, it is to observe whether he has really intersected with all the forces of the black and evil organizations such as the black boss.”

“Next, the name of the team will be sent separately to the investigation team.”

“This operation is kept secret externally, but it is still kept secret internally.”

After all, Han Tang has not yet designed any particularly serious cases.

So this task can still be said in advance.

The so-called internal secrecy means that anything that happens after that must be kept secret.

I can only report to Director Li or Wang Donglai.

After talking about Han Tang, there was nothing worth paying attention to at the meeting.

Ten minutes later, all the officers returned to their offices.

Shen Nianyun dragged his tired body, walked to his office, and just took off his hat, he heard a surprised cry behind him.


“Ugh!” Shen Nianyun was frightened by the shouts behind him, and after gasping sharply, he turned to look.


“You’re scared me to death!”

Standing opposite Shen Nianyun at this time was his classmate Qiao An’an in college.

However, one of the two came to the Baiqiao District Police Station, and the other went to work as a reporter on a legal program.

At this time, Qiao An’an looked at Shen Nianyun’s lack of qi and blood, and couldn’t help but ridicule.

“I said my comrade police flower, what’s going on with your soulless face?”

“Could it be that after coming here, there are too many suitors and you can’t be busy, right?”

“I heard just now that you were confessed in public today!”

Confess in public?

Shen Nianyun frowned suspiciously, strangely remembering Han Tang’s cynical smile.

Is it him that Qiao An’an said?

Thinking of what Han Tang said in the police station, Shen Nianyun’s face turned red, and then he said angrily.

“Which guy with a big mouth told you?”

“Besides, is that a confession?”

“That’s naked teasing!”

“I really don’t understand, how can this guy’s face become so fast, one second he looks like a murderer, the next second…”

Shen Nianyun said so, and the appearance of Han Tang when he was three centimeters away from him appeared in his mind again, and he couldn’t help but blush.

“Him?” Qiao An’an looked at Shen Nianyun with a puzzled expression, especially when he saw that Shen Nianyun’s white face was as rosy as an apple, he couldn’t help but laugh badly.

“Hey, hey!”

“Sister, I said you must not be really in love, right?”

As soon as the words fell, Qiao An’an saw Shen Nianyun’s rosy face turn black at a speed visible to the naked eye.


“Fancy that pervert?”

“Got it?”

“You don’t know how perverted that guy is!”

“Today I played the whole bureau aside, and the director of the city bureau, Wang Donglai, was all troubled by him.”

“Now is ….. Oh, by the way, this matter is kept secret and cannot be said. ”

Qiao An’an looked at Shen Nianyun sitting on the chair, looking tired and paralyzed.



Qiao An’an rolled her eyes slyly, and then activated the reporter’s instinct, Bapo said.

“Is anyone really so bold now?”

“Don’t talk about molesting female police officers, you can also play the king bureau of the city police station.”

“This person is quite powerful!”

“Hey, is there any information about this person, show me!”

Shen Nianyun only felt that his nerves were too tense and a little tired this morning, so he closed his eyes and touched his pocket, and then took out a USB flash drive and threw it on the table.

Because Han Tang was acquitted, this video will not become any evidence.

It can be said that it is a useless video, and it is not a secret, so there is nothing to show Qiao An’an.


“Look at it, it’s all here.”

“But I’m kind enough to remind you.”

“Don’t blame me if you can’t eat after watching!”

Qiao An’an watched Shen Nianyun sit on the chair and close her eyes, then looked at the USB flash drive on the table and blinked.

Half a second later, he hurriedly inserted the USB flash drive into the computer, and then said with a smile.

“Okay, then you rest, I’ll see who the guy who can tease us Yunyun is!”

Just as Shen Nianyun was about to take a small rest, suddenly there was a knock at the door.

Then a police officer stood at the door and looked at Shen Nianyun and said.

“Shen Nianyun!”

“You go to Director Li’s office, Director Li and Wang Bureau are looking for you.”

When Shen Nianyun heard Wang Bureau’s search, he immediately widened his eyes, sat up straight and looked at the door, and couldn’t help but whisper.

“Wang Bureau and Director Li are looking for me?”

“Could it be…”

“Want me to stare at him?”

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