Saving Uchiha starts by flipping the table

Chapter 375 Avoid becoming the second rope tree

Moreover, they are a village that likes to cause trouble and war.

This big event is an excellent opportunity for Yun Ninja Village.

Therefore, the village can rely on war to obtain more benefits.

Yunren Village is desperately trying to develop its military strength. Why?

Isn't it just to make yourself powerful enough to seek more benefits?

It's just that the ninja world has entered a relatively stable period of development, so there aren't many opportunities.

And now the opportunity has come.

The war that will break out at any time between the Mist Ninja Village and the Sand Ninja Village is the best opportunity.

Ai nodded slightly and agreed with this sentence.

A real fight between the Mist Ninja Village and the Sand Ninja Village would be an opportunity for the Cloud Ninja Village.

Not to mention the distance, Yun Ninja Village can take the opportunity to do something on the sea at this time and annex some of the commercial waterways of Mist Ninja Village.

In the past, there were many conflicts between Yun Ninja Village and Mist Ninja Village over the commercial waterway.

Now is the opportunity. Once the Mist Ninja Village falls into a war, its control over commercial waterways will continue to decline.

This is an opportunity for the Cloud Ninja Village, and they can even take the opportunity to attack the maritime forces of the Mist Ninja Village.

Fortunately, he agreed and Ai did not lose his mind.

Just because he has a bad temper doesn't mean he has a problem with his IQ.

At this time, taking the opportunity to cause trouble can indeed gain certain benefits.

However, compared to the potential threats from the Akatsuki organization, this benefit is not enough.

Unless the benefits are big enough to make him excited.

"Let's observe the situation first."

Ai did not make a statement.

On the other side, Iwa Ninja Village was also in the same situation, and a high-level meeting was held.

Iwa Ninja Village is still the same as before, showing no signs of participating in the war, and has not lowered its surveillance of the two villages.

No matter it is Ohnoki or Ai, a small war benefit cannot move them.

Unless the benefits are too great for them to refuse, only then will the Iwa Ninja Village and the Cloud Ninja Village consider participating.

A question announcement from the Mist Ninja Village was released.

The Mist Ninja Village directly announced this matter, and the news quickly spread through various channels in the ninja world.

The country and villages that heard the news were shocked.

Everyone couldn't believe that such a big event happened in the Kingdom of Wind.

Is this an intention to provoke a war?

The Sand Ninja Village is crazy.

News from the outside world spread like wildfire, and after the news spread, Konoha also chose to announce the news.

As expected, it was like a depth bomb, directly knocking over many people.

Countless villagers are discussing this matter, and some are even spreading rumors that war is about to break out.

But what usually happens to these people is that they are invited by the police department to have tea and calm down.

What's more serious is that the ANBU personally comes to talk to them.

The atmosphere in the border camps has changed a lot.

Fortunately, Jiraiya is not the kind of person who adds pressure casually. In addition to being more heavily guarded and patrolling more intensively, Jiraiya didn't ask for too much.

After bringing Naruto to the camp, Jiraiya chuckled and threw Naruto to the patrol team, asking the patrol team to take Naruto on patrol and take the opportunity to experience the atmosphere of war.

Although war did not break out, preparations for war made the atmosphere in the camp very tense.

When patrol members perform their tasks, they also pay special attention to any disturbance on the border.

Throwing Naruto to the patrol team will undoubtedly exercise Naruto's discipline and allow him to grow up quickly.

This was what Jiraiya had planned a long time ago, otherwise he wouldn't have thrown himself to the border to sit on the border, and even asked to bring Naruto over.

Naruto, who was accustomed to being lazy, was thrown into the patrol team, and his heart was filled with despair.

This state of strict requirements for even walking a few more steps made it difficult for him to adapt.

"Grandpa Jiraiya, why don't you increase my training? I really don't want to go on patrol. It's so annoying. If I take a few more steps, I'll be scolded. If I look at what's in the grass, I'll be scolded." It’s so annoying to be scolded.”

The captain of Naruto's team is a special Jonin with a strict personality, so he has strict requirements on Naruto's every word, deed, and move.

The result of such harsh conditions was that Naruto was miserable.

He originally had a carefree and curious personality. Before he grew up, anyone with this personality would have a headache.

As a result, he was directly thrust into the patrol team with the most stringent regulations. It was strange that he could adapt to it.

Let alone Naruto, even if Sasuke is thrown over, Sasuke may not be able to adapt in a short time.


Jiraiya forcefully rejected Naruto's request and reminded him:

"Naruto, if you want to grow enough, you have to feel the atmosphere of war. I let you join the patrol team to train you. Your captain is very strict and old-fashioned, but with such strictness and old-fashioned, Only then can I teach you some survival skills on the battlefield."

Regarding this matter, Jiraiya had no intention of giving in.

No matter how much Naruto begged him, it was of no use, even if it was to act mean.

Jiraiya was afraid that he would be soft-hearted, causing Naruto to become the second rope tree.

Orochimaru attaches great importance to Naoki as a disciple, but because of his excessive attention, his personality does not require Naoki to be too strict. The result of this is that Naoki was killed by a detonating talisman on the battlefield in a daze.

If Naoki hadn't been so curious, sat down and did what he was supposed to do, didn't run around, and followed Orochimaru closely, there would have been no incident of being blown up by the detonating talisman.

As a result, Tsunade was heartbroken by Naoki's death, and Orochimaru has been feeling guilty.

Naruto's personality is very similar to that of the rope tree, so Jiraiya has always been worried about him becoming the second rope tree.

Therefore, strict requirements are inevitable.

"But that old guy is clearly targeting me. He will teach me a lesson no matter what I do."

Naruto was anxious.

Who is not curious?

If you look twice more, you will be scolded. If you take more than two steps, you will be scolded. I keep talking about these rules and survival experiences all day long. You can't touch this and you can't touch that. It's really annoying.

"Grandpa Jiraiya, I..."

Naruto was not ready to give up yet, and wanted to continue to persuade Jiraiya, hoping that Jiraiya would change his mind.

Only when he raised his head did he realize that Jiraiya was staring at him with a stern look that was impossible to see at ordinary times, and his face was surprisingly ugly.

"You just said Captain Sambar is an old guy? Are you targeting you?"

Um...I feel a little bad.

This was the first time Naruto saw Jiraiya showing such an expression and eyes when facing him.

You must know that in the village, no matter what mistakes he made, Jiraiya would not pay too much attention to it. He would just laugh it off and then educate him afterwards and tell him not to do it again.

And now Jiraiya looks a bit scary.

Naruto swallowed nervously and carefully shrank his neck:

"Grandpa Jiraiya, are you okay?"

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