Saving Uchiha starts by flipping the table

Chapter 337: Hokage assists in traveling, focusing on a scene!

"Sasuke seems to be more popular than Hiko-kun when he was at school.


If you don't speak, no one will treat you as mute.

It sounds like you are very popular with girls!

If it were anyone else, Yan could still fight back.

But Orochimaru really can't resist him, even though he is a poisonous snake now, a dark poisonous snake.

You must know that when this guy was a child, he was a very popular young lady.

He has good academic performance, strong strength, and good looks... There are a lot of little girls in school who like him.

Otherwise, Jiraiya wouldn't have been targeting Orochimaru since he was a child. It was all caused by envy and jealousy.

Just a little analysis will give you the results.

Apart from poor grades and being easily used as a negative example of Orochimaru, Orochimaru and Jiraiya have no other conflicts at all.

Jiraiya has liked Tsunade since he was a child, but Orochimaru has no idea about women.

There was no competition, so there was no grudge or conflict. It was purely because Orochimaru was too popular as a child, which made Jiraiya very dissatisfied.

Not to mention their childhood, after the three of them grew up, among the three ninjas, apart from Tsunade's natural status bonus, Orochimaru's reputation was better than Jiraiya's, and his prestige was higher than Jiraiya's.

And in the past, Orochimaru would smile and nod in response to everyone he met, and with his own conditions here, it was hard not to be popular.

You can still quarrel with others, but quarreling with Orochimaru is completely embarrassing for yourself.

However, this matter is not unsolvable.

No, Hiko glanced at Orochimaru and said in a neutral tone:

"I'm just like you, being popular is useless."

The smile on Orochimaru's face froze inexplicably.

He felt that Yan was thinking something very rude and offensive, but he had no proof.

"By the way, don't you have a few Kusanagi swords? Give one to Sasuke. As for compensation, just go directly to the clan leader to negotiate."

He would not pay for the weapons for Sasuke out of his own pocket, otherwise Orochimaru might be waiting with some bad intentions.

If you want to find it, go to Uchiha Fugaku!

Sasuke is his son, and his son has received a magical weapon. The father should pay some money or pay a small price. Isn't it too much?


It was just a Kusanagi sword, and Orochimaru didn't care much about it.

He had several of these in his hands, so giving one to Sasuke would have no effect.

Not to mention a few, if Yan likes it, he can just take them all. Orochimaru is not very interested in the use of weapons.

So he agreed immediately.

As for seeking benefits from Fugaku?

Forget it, Fugaku didn't have what he wanted, and asking for money seemed too vulgar. It would be better to give it directly to Sasuke, and it would also make his disciples Sasuke and Fugaku owe a favor.

"Then I leave it to you, Sasuke, and that Xiangren, train her well, and don't bite others easily.

Such a good girl, the scars all over her body from bites are so ugly. "

There are so many ways to treat people, so why do you have to bite others and suck the lives of others to treat yourself?

Simply perverted.

In Yan's eyes, this kind of behavior is simply abnormal.

Orochimaru nodded with a half-smile. He thought that Yan was going to train Xianglin and make her become Sasuke's good partner in the future.

The result was not that, but it was strictly forbidden to attack Xianglin, no, it was to use mouth.

However, he agreed with what Yan said. For a good girl, the scars from the bites are really not good-looking.

After making up his mind, Jiraiya began to teach Naruto how to learn the Rasengan.

With Naruto's talent and learning progress, it is impossible to get rid of the balls in a short time. According to Yan's estimation, the child may have to learn for at least half a year.

Like Jiraiya, Naruto is also a late bloomer. His talent will become exaggerated as he grows older, and he becomes more and more demonic as he grows older.

Unlike Sasuke, who has been amazing since he was a child.

To Hiko's surprise, he actually helped Naruto obtain Senjutsu Chakra!

This is outrageous. You must know that Naruto has not yet entered Miaomu Mountain to practice. Where did this senjutsu chakra come from?

Could it be Miaomu Mountain?

The influence of Asura's chakra on Naruto began to increase again.

Yan doesn't care much about this. For him, the greater the influence of Indra and Asura's chakra on Naruto and Sasuke, the better.

The first is the benefit he can get personally, copying the other party and getting more chakra.

Secondly, Sasuke and Naruto grow up, which is only good for Konoha and has no harm.

The Sasuke in the original book was too rebellious, but now the Sasuke has a harmonious family, and the Uchiha are also fine, and nothing has happened.

Someone is watching, someone is supervising, and with the care and attention of his family, Sasuke just likes to pretend. His character is not as pretentious and rebellious as the original, and he is also very cold-blooded!

Of course, Sasuke's cold-blooded personality is all thanks to Itachi.

Without Itachi's various stimulations and the baptism of various dark experiences, Sasuke's original character would naturally not have deviated. Otherwise, there would be no need for Hiko to take care of it. Fugaku, Mikoto, Itachi and other family members would correct Sasuke immediately.

"Elder, Sasuke already has two Magatama Sharingan."

On the way to the Iwa Ninja Village, Itachi, who followed Hiko as a guard, told the news.

"Really? It seems that Sasuke's talent has been developed, and Orochimaru is worthy of being a Sannin."

Shisui, who was also responsible for guarding, was happy about this.

"Really? It seems that the machine configured by Orochimaru is indeed very suitable for us Uchiha people. In addition, Orochimaru is also a qualified teacher. He is very good at teaching disciples like Sasuke, guiding his talents and realizing them. In comparison, we Uchiha people may not be able to make such fast progress with personal guidance."

He is less than ten years old and has two Magatama Sharingan, which is not bad.

It was obvious that Orochimaru was careful, and Sasuke was tortured a lot because of this.

Hiko originally had no intention of taking Shisui and Itachi, but he couldn't resist the persuasion of Tsunade and Fugaku, so he had to take them with him.

As the Hokage's assistant, on behalf of the village, he visits other ninja villages and handles important matters, so he has to show the cards that the village's top leaders should have.

No, among Yan's accompanying team, there were three ANBU teams following him.

In addition, there are two ninja teams arranged by Uchiha to follow.

In Fugaku's words: Hiko is a high-level person in the village, the person with the greatest power and influence besides the Hokage. His words and deeds will represent the family and the village, so travel safety and cards must be guaranteed.

Fugaku didn't like the escort team arranged by the village, so he sent it from his family.

With Itachi and Shisui as guardians on the left and right, plus two elite jounin teams, the cards are quite good.

Those who know, think that they are going to Iwa Ninja Village to deal with important matters, and those who don't know may even misunderstand that they are going to start a small war there.

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